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International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 2008; 10(1 2): 27 37

The ICF Contextual Factors related to speech-language pathology


The University of Queensland, Australia

The World Health Organizations International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) conceptualizes
functioning and disability as a dynamic interaction between a persons health condition and their contextual factors.
Contextual factors represent the complete background of an individuals life and living and comprise two components:
Environmental Factors and Personal Factors. This review aims to: (1) discuss why contextual factors are important for
speech-language pathologists to address in their clinical practice, (2) describe how environmental factors are coded in the
ICF, (3) identify environmental factors that are relevant for people with communication disorders, and (4) identify personal
factors that are relevant for people with communication disorders. Research on environmental factors that can influence the
functioning of individuals with various communication disorders is presented, in addition to studies on personal factors that
are important for speech-language pathologists to consider. The paper concludes that speech-language pathologists need to
address contextual factors routinely, in order to provide a holistic approach to intervention for their clients. Furthermore,
although a number of contextual factors that are relevant for people with communication disorders have been reported in the
literature, more research is needed in this area.

Keywords: ICF, World Health Organization, speech-language pathology, Contextual Factors, Environmental Factors,
Personal Factors.

Factors that are relevant for people with commu-

nication disorders.
The World Health Organizations (WHO) Interna-
tional Classification of Functioning, Disability and
Why are Contextual Factors important
Health (ICF) conceptualizes functioning and dis-
for speech-language pathologists?
ability as a dynamic interaction between a persons
health condition and their Contextual Factors The inclusion of Contextual Factors in the ICF
(WHO, 2001). The Contextual Factors part of the highlights the integral role that Environmental and
ICF is, therefore, a key feature of the classification. Personal Factors play in influencing the functioning
Contextual factors represent the complete back- of people with health conditions such as commu-
ground of an individuals life and living (WHO, nication disorders. Therefore, a holistic approach to
2001, p. 16) and comprise two components: maximizing a clients communication functioning
Environmental Factors and Personal Factors. While requires that speech-language pathologists routinely
Environmental Factors refer to all aspects of the address these factors as part of their clinical practice.
external world of an individuals life that may have an In addition, there are a number of specific reasons
impact on his or her functioning, Personal Factors why it is particularly important for speech-language
involve features of the individual that are not part of pathologists to focus on Environmental and Personal
the health condition such as gender, age, and Factors. First, speech-language therapy aims to
coping styles (WHO, 2001, p. 17). This review aims improve clients communication in their everyday
to: (1) discuss why Contextual Factors are important environments, not just within the clinic (Owens,
for speech-language pathologists to address in their Metz, & Haas, 2007). Ensuring that an individuals
clinical practice, (2) describe how Environmental communication skills are generalized to settings
Factors are coded in the ICF, (3) identify Environ- outside the clinic, however, can be difficult (Finn,
mental Factors that are relevant for people with 2003; Hughes, 1985; van den Broek, 2005). One
communication disorders, and (4) identify Personal reason for this difficulty may be that some clinicians

Correspondence: Tami Howe, Communication Disability Centre, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Queensland, 4072, Australia. Tel: 617 3346 7494. Fax: 617 3365 1877. E-mail:
ISSN 1754-9507 print/ISSN 1754-9515 online The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited
Published by Informa UK Ltd.
DOI: 10.1080/14417040701774824
28 T. J. Howe

fail to address Contextual Factors adequately in miscommunication. The ICF, in contrast, offers a
therapy, hoping rather that the communication skills standard set of terms that are recognized interna-
will magically transfer to use outside the clinic tionally and that have been translated into a number
(Threats & Worrall, 2004). Secondly, communica- of languages. Although the categories within the
tion is a collaborative process and generally one current version of the ICF do not provide enough
cannot communicate without a communication detail in some areas that are particularly important
partner (Eadie, 2003), in other words an environ- for people with communication disorders such as
mental factor. Since Environmental Factors are an aphasia (Howe, 2006), the classification provides a
integral part of communication (Threats, 2000), it is foundation for the development of more relevant
important that speech-language pathologists address terms in the future. In addition, the various specific
them. Thirdly, the speech-language pathologist has classifications could be used clinically; they could be
specialist knowledge about communication and translated into the standard terms used by ICF terms
communication disorders that can be used to address in communication with organizations such as gov-
Environmental Factors that influence the function- ernments and third party payers.
ing of people with speech and language difficulties. In addition, the inclusion of Environmental Factors
As Simmons-Mackie (2000, p. 180) states, The in the ICF provides speech-language pathologists with
speech-language pathologist is uniquely qualified to a social policy tool that they can use to help them
analyse the communication requirements of activ- advocate for greater community access for their clients
ities, identify potential communication adaptations, (Hurst, 2003; Threats, 2000). The availability of an
and collaborate with involved parties to enhance Environmental Factor classification system makes it
participation. The speech-language pathology easier to identify the specific barriers that need to be
scope of practice in countries such as the United considered. For example, speech-language patholo-
States (American Speech-Language-Hearing Asso- gists can use the classification to help them identify
ciation, 2001) and Australia (Speech Pathology and reduce negative Environmental Factors or bar-
Australia, 2002) now includes focusing on Environ- riers to communication (e.g., poor communication
mental Factors as part of the clinicians role. strategies used by the communication partner of an
The inclusion of Environmental Factors in the individual with dementia). The classification also
ICF can also help speech-language pathologists to provides clinicians with a framework for advocating
document and/or be reimbursed for activities that for positive Environmental Factors or facilitators (e.g.,
they may have undertaken in the past, but that were modified written information for an individual with
outside the traditional therapy model (Threats & aphasia) for their clients. A barrier-free environment is
Worrall, 2004). An example is a speech-language not necessarily enough to support the participation of
pathologist who focuses on the Environmental people with communication disorders (Threats,
Factor of training family members to communicate 2007). Facilitators must also be addressed.
better with an individual who has severe chronic Systematic consideration of the Personal Factors
aphasia. The clinician can use the ICF framework to component for each client is also important in
demonstrate that the training is a worthwhile use of speech-language therapy. Client-centredness or per-
time because it has a greater impact on the clients son-centredness is increasingly becoming a priority
everyday communication functioning than if the in health and rehabilitation service delivery (Cott,
same amount of time was spent working only directly 2004) and includes demonstrating respect for clients
with the client (Threats & Worrall, 2004). and involving them in decision making (Townsend
Furthermore, the ICF Environmental Factors et al., 2002). Another aspect of person-centredness
component provides speech-language pathologists involves therapists focusing on the Personal Factors
with standard terminology to use within the disci- of clients by developing individualized rehabilitation
pline, as well as across disciplines and countries. For programs (Cott, 2004). For example, by considering
example, there are currently at least four non-ICF unchangeable Personal Factors such as ethnic back-
classifications for Environmental Factors that are ground, gender, and previous experiences, clinicians
relevant for people with aphasia. Each of these can better understand their clients and adapt services
classifications uses different labels to refer to similar to meet their clients needs (Threats, 2007).
types of factors. For example, while Parr, Byng, Furthermore, the identification of potentially
Gilpin, and Ireland (1997) included factors involving changeable Personal Factors such as coping styles
the attitudes of others in a broad category labelled, and other health conditions can help speech-
Attitudinal, Garcia, Barrette, and Laroche (2000) language pathologists to advocate for other services
included these factors in a higher level classification that their clients may require (Threats, 2003).
called, Societal. In contrast, Howe, Worrall, and
Hickson (in press a) classified attitudes of other
How are Environmental Factors coded
people within a broader category labelled, Related
within the ICF?
to other people, while Brown et al. (2006)
categorized them as People environmental factors. Environmental Factors are defined as the physical,
This inconsistency is confusing and could result in social, and attitudinal environment in which people
ICF Contextual Factors 29

live and conduct their lives (WHO, 2001, p. 10). present or because it is absent. For example, back-
These factors can be negative, positive, or have no ground noise for an individual with a voice problem
effect. An individuals functioning may be hindered may be barrier because of its presence, while
and disability created, if society creates negative specialized workplace training for people with trau-
Environmental Factors (barriers) or fails to provide matic brain injury may be a barrier because of its
positive Environmental Factors (facilitators). In absence.
contrast, a persons functioning may be supported, Facilitators are coded by placing a sign after the
if society removes barriers and provides facilitators. factor, followed by a number qualifier that identifies
Within the ICF, Environmental Factors target two the extent of the facilitator (i.e., 0 for no facilitator,
different levels: the individual and the societal level. 1 for a mild facilitator, 2 for a moderate
While the individual level involves a persons facilitator, 3 for a substantial facilitator, and 4
immediate environment such as a home, workplace, for a complete facilitator). A communication board
or school, the societal level refers to overarching that is a moderate facilitator would, therefore, be
systems such as services and formal and informal coded by using the neutral category of Assistive
rules. Furthermore, the Environmental Factors products and technology for communication
component is divided into five chapters or domains: (e1251), followed by a sign and a 2 to indicate
(1) Products and technology; (2) Natural environ- that its effects are moderate (i.e., e1251 2). A
ment and human-made changes to environment; (3) second qualifier for Environmental Factors is to be
Support and relationships; (4) Attitudes; and (5) developed in the future.
Services, systems, and policies. Each chapter con- Environmental Factors may be coded in one of
tains a detailed list of Environmental Factors three ways. First, they can be coded overall for the
organized hierarchically into second- or third-level person, without relating them specifically to the Body
categories. In addition to a heading, every category Functions and Structures component or the Activ-
has an alphanumeric code, beginning with the letter ities and Participation component. The second
e to denote Environmental Factors, followed by option is to code Environmental Factors in relation
a one-digit number to represent the chapter number, to the Body Functions and Structures component
and a two-digit number to represent the second-level and the Activities and Participation component. The
category. For example, Chapter Two Natural en- final option is to code Environmental Factors for
vironment and human-made changes to environ- capacity and performance qualifiers in the Activities
ment includes the second-level category Light and Participation component for each item (see
(e240). Third-level categories have an additional one OHalloran & Larkin (2008) for more information
digit number (e.g., Light quality (e2401)). To about the capacity and performance qualifiers). The
help the rater to select an appropriate Environmental selection of one of these three coding options will
Factor, categories also include an operational defini- depend on the users requirements. For example,
tion and, where applicable, category inclusions and rather than identifying that a family member of
exclusions. someone with a traumatic brain injury is generally a
Environmental Factors are coded with respect to barrier or facilitator, it may be important to highlight
the perspective of the person with the communication that the family member is a facilitator in relation to
disorder. Because it is recognized that an Environ- helping the individual return to work, but a barrier in
mental Factor such as kerb cuts may be a facilitator relation to the person developing a romantic relation-
for one individual (e.g., a person who uses a wheel- ship. Environmental Factors are intended to be
chair), yet a barrier for another person (e.g., a person coded in relation to a certain point in time; however,
who is blind), the factors are written in neutral terms. a longer timeframe may be used, if specified.
A specific Environmental Factor such as support
from another person may even be a barrier or a
What Environmental Factors are relevant for
facilitator for individuals with the same communica-
individuals with communication disorders?
tion disorder (Howe, Worrall, & Hickson, in press b).
The impact of a particular Environmental Factor Each of the five chapters or domains in the
on a specific persons life is indicated by the inclusion Environmental Factors component is described
of qualifiers. Barriers are coded by placing a point (.) below. Specific examples of Environmental Factors
after the factor, followed by a number qualifier that that are relevant for individuals with various com-
indicates the extent of the barrier (i.e., .0 for no munication disorders within each chapter are also
barrier, .1 for a mild barrier, .2 for a moderate bar- provided.
rier, .3 for a severe barrier, or .4 for a complete
barrier). Background noise that is a mild barrier for
Chapter One: Products and Technology
an individual with dysarthria in a specific situation,
for example, would be coded using the neutral The products and technology chapter comprises
category of Sound quality (e2501) followed by a natural or human-made products or systems of
point and a 1 to indicate that its effects are mild (i.e., products, equipment, and technology (WHO,
e2501.1). A factor can be a barrier because it is 2001, p. 173). The chapter includes items designed
30 T. J. Howe

specifically for individuals with communication General products and technology. Products used by the
disorders, products used by the general public, general public may also hinder or facilitate the
signage, and drugs. participation of individuals with communication
disorders. Telephones, for example, have been
Assistive products and technology for communication. reported to be a barrier for people with aphasia
There is a wide range of products designed speci- (Howe et al., in press b; Murphy, 2006), dysarthria
fically for people with communication disorders that (Ball, Beukelman, & Pattee, 2004), and spasmodic
support participation. Facilitators include products dysphonia (Baylor, Yorkston, & Eadie, 2005), while
that improve speech such as palatal lifts for indivi- intercoms have been identified as a hindrance
duals with dysarthria (Roth, Poburka, & Workinger, for individuals with laryngectomies (Sullivan,
2000), altered auditory feedback devices for indivi- Beukelman, & Mathy-Laikko, 1993). In addition,
duals who stutter (Zimmerman, Kalinowski, Stuart, communicating in cars has been reported to be
& Rastatter, 1997), voice amplifiers for individuals difficult for people with laryngectomies (Sullivan
with voice disorders (Roy et al., 2002), and electro- et al., 1993), spasmodic dysphonia (Baylor et al.,
larynxes and tracheosophageal voice prostheses for 2005), and dysarthria (Ball et al., 2004). In contrast,
individuals who have had a laryngectomy or phar- general products such as bus passes, video monitors
yngolaryngectomy (Ward, Koh, Frisby, & Hodge, at train stations, and computerized scoring systems
2003). Electronic augmentative and alternative at bowling alleys have been identified as facilitators
communication systems such as synthesized speech for people with aphasia (Howe et al., in press b).
devices used by people with dysarthria (Drager, Specific features of general products can also hinder
Hustad, & Gable, 2004) and the TalksBac computer participation. For example, telephone voice record-
system used by people with aphasia (Waller, Dennis, ings, telephone voice recognition systems, and non-
Brodie, & Cairns, 1998) would also be classified as standardized automated teller banking machines
facilitators within this chapter. In addition, this have been identified as barriers by individuals with
domain includes low technology aids that support aphasia (Howe, 2006; Howe et al., in press b).
verbal expression such as remnant books (Ho, Weiss,
Garrett, & Lloyd, 2005) and Talking Mats for Signage. Features of signs such as unclear pictures
individuals with aphasia (Murphy, 2000), and can be barriers for some individuals with aphasia,
memory wallets for individuals with dementia while colour coded and clear signage have been
(Bourgeois, 1992). Finally, assistive products for reported to be facilitative (Howe, 2006; Howe et al.,
people with hearing disorders such as hearing aids in press b). Furthermore, labels with photographs
(Vuorialho, Karinen, & Sorri, 2006), cochlear and names can help individuals with dementia to
implants (Lassaletta, Castro, Bastarrica, de Sarria, identify their belongings (Gross et al., 2004).
& Gavilan, 2005), and telephone amplifiers
(Stephens, Gianopolous, & Kerr, 2001) are also Products and substances for personal consumption.
examples of facilitators that would be categorized Substances that are consumed such as drugs and
within this chapter. liquids are also included in the Products and
Assistive products and technology facilitators Technology chapter. An example of a drug that is a
include modifications to written materials that are facilitator for some individuals with communication
specifically for people with reading difficulties. For disorders is Botulinum Toxin A (Botox). Injection of
example, the use of simple words, short sentences, Botox into specific laryngeal muscles has been used to
and increased white space around the text can improve the voice of individuals with spasmodic
facilitate reading comprehension in individuals with dysphonia (Zwirner, Murry, Swenson, & Woodson,
aphasia (Rose, Worrall, & McKenna, 2003). 1991). A Cochrane systematic review (Greener,
Furthermore, modifications such as using supportive Enderby, & Whurr, 2001) found that another drug,
graphic information and dot points can help people piracetam, may be effective in the treatment of
with complex communication needs to understand aphasia after stroke; however, larger research trials
written information (Owens, 2006). are needed to provide further evidence of the drugs
Although several assistive products are facilitative effectiveness. Although many studies have investi-
for people with communication disorders, some gated the effect of drugs on reducing stuttering, a
specific features of these devices hinder participation. recent systematic review concluded that none of the
For example, battery problems when using electro- pharmacological agents tested to date can be recom-
larynxes (Carr, Schmidbauer, Majaess, & Smith, mended to improve fluency in people who stutter
2000) and augmentative communication devices that (Bothe, Davidow, Bramlett, Franic, & Ingram, 2006).
are not reliable (Bailey, Parette Jr., Stoner, Angell, & Drugs may also be barriers, negatively influencing the
Carroll, 2006) have been identified as barriers. In functioning of people with communication disorders.
addition, if the device is especially cumbersome for Some anticonvulsant medications, for example, may
the person to use, then it could potentially be more negatively affect speech production, while other
of a barrier to communication participation than a medications can produce drowsiness, anxiety, confu-
facilitator. sion, or depression (Vogel & Carter, 1995).
ICF Contextual Factors 31

Daily hydration treatment involving drinking eight facilitative for people with aphasia (Howe, 2006) and
or more glasses of water, in addition to 2 hours of dementia (Orange, 1995).
exposure to high humidity environments and con-
sumption of a mucolytic medication, was found to
Chapter Three: Support and Relationships
produce significantly greater improvements in voice
and in laryngeal appearance than a placebo condition The support and relationships domain is a key area
in individuals with laryngeal nodules or polyps. for individuals with communication disorders. It
Some benefits, however, were also reported for the includes the relationships of other people and
placebo condition (Verdolini-Marston, Sandage, & animals and the amount of assistance provided by
Titze, 1994). the individuals, but excludes the attitudes of other
people. The categories within this domain are
classified according to the relationship that the
Chapter Two: Natural Environmental and
individual has with the person who has the commu-
Human-made Changes to Environment
nication disorder (e.g., Immediate family (e310),
The domain of natural environment and human- Personal care providers and personal assistant
made changes to environment includes elements of (e340), and Health professionals (e355)). In the
the physical environment that are either natural or ICF, professionals who provide services such as
modified by people. Sound is one factor in this transportation and economic services may be coded
domain that is particularly relevant for people with within Chapter Five: Services, systems, and policies.
communication disorders. For example, a bus driver may be coded under the
services, systems, and policies category of Trans-
Sound. Background noise has been identified as a portation services (e5400). There is overlap, there-
barrier to communication for individuals with spas- fore, between categories within the Support and
modic dysphonia (Baylor et al., 2005), voice disorders relationships domain and the Services, systems, and
(Thomas, de Jong, Kooijman, Donders, & Cremers, policies domain (e.g., a health professional could be
2006), dementia (Orange, 1995), laryngectomies categorized as Health professionals (e355) within
(Carr et al., 2000; Sullivan et al., 1993), aphasia the Support and relationships chapter or as Health
(Garcia et al., 2000; Howe et al., in press b), and services (e5800) within the Services, systems, and
dysarthria caused by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis policies chapter).
(Ball et al., 2004). Conversely, noise in one study was
identified as a facilitator to communication for General support and relationships. The availability of
individuals with reduced vocal loudness due to other people in the environment for support during
Parkinsons disease (Adams, Moon, Dykstra, Abrams, communication has been identified in a number of
Jenkins, & Jog, 2006), with people with Parkinsons studies. Siblings, for example, can facilitate the
disease consistently increasing their loudness level as participation of children with speech impairments
the level of the background noise increased. by protecting and interpreting for their family
member (Barr, McLeod, & Daniel, in press), while
Other Environmental Factors. A variety of other the presence of family members is an important
physical factors are also relevant for people with support for people with dementia (Muo et al., 2005),
communication disorders. For example, temperature aphasia (Howe et al., in press b), and complex
changes, environmental irritants in the air, and communication needs (Hemsley & Balandin, 2004).
humidity have been found to have a negative Furthermore, the level of support provided by family
influence on individuals with voice disorders and friends was identified as an important facilita-
(Thomas et al., 2006). In contrast, as reported tor for individuals who had had a laryngectomy
previously, hydration treatment that included expo- (Richardson, Graham, & Shelton, 1989). Finally,
sure to humid environments resulted in significant the availability of support from other people with
improvements in voice and in laryngeal appearance the same communication disorder has been reported
for individuals with laryngeal nodules or polyps to be facilitative for people with laryngectomies
(Verdolini-Marston et al., 1994). (Richardson et al., 1989), aphasia (Howe et al., in
The presence of visual distractions has also been press b), and fluency disorders (Yaruss et al., 2002).
reported to hinder the participation of individuals The presence of other individuals in the environ-
with aphasia (Howe et al., in press b). In contrast, ment can also be barrier. For example, having other
modifying the physical environment by brightening individuals available to speak for the individual can
the lighting, seating individuals around small tables, be a barrier to participation for individuals with
rather than along the walls of a ward, and setting up aphasia (Howe et al., in press b) and children with
items so individuals could serve themselves resulted speech impairment (Barr et al., in press). Instead of
in significant improvements in the communication of providing the individual with a communication
individuals with dementia during their coffee time disability with the chance to speak for him or herself,
(Melin & Gotestam, 1981). Finally, environments other people may tend to communicate only with the
that are familiar and constant have been identified as person accompanying the individual.
32 T. J. Howe

Specific communication behaviours of other people. involve general qualities of individuals that can
Specific behaviours of communication partners can influence the communication of people with various
hinder participation. For example, other people speak- speech and language disorders. For example, a
ing too fast was reported to be a barrier for people with familiar listener can be more facilitative than an
aphasia, young people with developmental language unfamiliar listener with individuals who have spas-
difficulties, and adults with learning difficulties (Howe modic dysphonia (Baylor et al., 2005), laryngec-
et al., in press b; Law, Bunning, Byng, Farelly, & tomies (Carr et al., 2000), aphasia (Howe et al., in
Herman, 2005; Murphy, 2006). Other barriers for press b), dysarthria (DePaul, & Kent, 2000), and
people with a variety of communication disorders dementia (Orange, 1995). Familiar partners may
include conversation partners not providing enough have a shared understanding of some events that
time for the individual to communicate and not facilitates the communication of the individual with
speaking directly to the person with the communica- the communication disorder (Murphy, 2004). Even
tion disorder (Howe et al., in press b; Law, Bunning, brief familiarization with the speech of individuals
Byng, Farelly, & Herman, 2005; Murphy, 2006; with dysarthria has been shown to enhance listeners
Nordehn, Meredith, & Bye, 2006). A study using understanding of the individuals communication
virtual reality technology found that individuals with (Hustad & Cahill, 2003).
fluency disorders stuttered more when the virtual The presence of a foreign accent or a hearing
interviewer interrupted them, spoke fast, had reduced difficulty is an additional characteristic of other
eye contact, and increased the time pressure people that can influence the participation of
(Brundage, Graap, Gibbons, Ferrer, & Brooks, individuals with communication disorders. For ex-
2006). Conversely, communication partners who ample, conversation partners who speak with a
demonstrate patience when communicating have foreign accent can be more difficult for people with
reported to be facilitative for people with aphasia aphasia to understand (Howe et al., in press b; Le
(Howe et al., in press b) and dementia (Orange, 1995). Dorze, Brassard, Larfeuil, & Allaire, 1996), while
Concentrating on the person with the commu- individuals with hearing difficulties have been
nication disorder was also identified as a facilitator identified as being more difficult for people with
for conversation partners to use when listening to spasmodic dysphonia (Baylor et al., 2005) and
individuals with aphasia (Howe, 2006) and with laryngectomies (Carr et al., 2000) to commu-
dysarthria caused by Huntingtons disease and nicate with.
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Klasner & Yorkston,
2005). Other examples of facilitators for people with Number of other people. The number of communica-
communication disorders post-stroke included other tion partners the individual has to communicate with
people asking individuals how best to communicate at one time has also been reported to be an important
with them and health professionals writing down key Environmental Factor for people with a variety of
points during health consultations for individuals to communication disorders. Being required to speak in
take home with them (Nordehn et al., 2006). larger groups is a barrier for individuals with
dysarthria (Ball et al., 2004), dementia (Orange,
Communication partner training for other people. Com- 1995), and aphasia (Howe et al., in press b; Le Dorze
munication partner training has been found to et al., 1996). Conversely, one-to-one conversations
facilitate the participation of people with a variety of or small group conversations have been identified as
communication disorders. Training others to modify a facilitator for people with dementia (Orange, 1995)
their behaviours when interacting with individuals and aphasia (Howe et al., in press b).
with communication difficulties has had a positive
effect on the communication of preschoolers with Animals. Animals can also be facilitators for people
language disorders (Crowe, Norris, & Hoffman, with communication disorders. Hearing dogs can
2004) and autism spectrum disorder (McConachie, support the participation of people with hearing loss
& Diggle, 2007) and adults with aphasia (Kagan, (Guest, Collis, & McNicholas, 2006), while the
Black, Duchan, Simmons-Mackie, & Square, presence of dogs can be facilitative for the commu-
2001), traumatic brain injury (Togher, McDonald, nication of people with aphasia (Howe et al., in press
Code, & Grant, 2004), and verbal apraxia (Florance, b; LaFrance, Garcia, & Labreche, 2007).
Rabidoux, & McCauslin, 1980). Communication
partner instruction has included a variety of conversa-
Chapter Four: Attitudes
tion partners such as family members (Correll, van
Steenbrugge, & Scholten, 2004), medical students The Attitudes chapter focuses on the attitudes of
(Legg, Young, & Bryer, 2005), police officers (Togher other individuals and society in general. Attitudes
et al., 2004), and volunteers (Kagan et al., 2001). refer to the observable consequences of customs,
practices, ideologies, values, norms, factual beliefs,
Characteristics of other people. The characteristics of and religious beliefs . . . [that] . . . influence individual
conversation partners, unlike specific communica- behaviour and social life at all levels (WHO, 2001,
tion behaviours of other people discussed earlier, p. 190). The organization of this chapter is similar to
ICF Contextual Factors 33

that of Support and Relationships in that the 1994). Furthermore, negative attitudes of family
categories refer to the relationship of the individual members were found to be a key barrier for
to the person with the communication disorder (e.g., individuals with Alzheimers disease (Muo et al.,
Individual attitudes of immediate family members 2005). Family members, however, were found to
(e410) or Individual attitudes of friends (e420)). have a facilitative influence, if they were informed
about the progress of the disease and how to cope
Attitudes of other people. Negative attitudes of other with it (Muo et al., 2005). Service providers have
people can hinder the participation of individuals also identified lack of awareness of aphasia as a key
with a variety of communication disorders. For barrier to participation in community settings for
example, other peoples negative attitudes have been people with aphasia (Brown et al., 2006). Although
identified as a hindrance for people with aphasia awareness by itself may not necessarily change
(Howe et al., in press b) and as a barrier to workplace peoples attitudes, it may be a key precursor for
participation for people who have dysarthria, laryn- enabling people to develop more positive attitudes
gectomy, hearing loss, fluency disorders, and aphasia toward individuals with various communication
(Garcia, Laroche, & Barrette, 2002). Furthermore, disorders.
children with a specific language impairment (Knox, Furthermore, awareness of communication dis-
& Conti-Ramsden, 2003) and adolescents who orders such as aphasia may underpin some of the
stutter (Blood & Blood, 2004) reported that they other Environmental Factors. Awareness can influ-
were at greater risk of bullying than individuals ence societys provision of appropriate services and
without these disorders. A number of studies have resources for participation (Elman, Ogar, & Elman,
identified negative attitudes of others towards people 2000; Simmons-Mackie, Code, Armstrong, Stiegler,
with various communication disorders such as & Elman, 2002). Furthermore, if other people are
dysarthria (Fox & Pring, 2005) and stuttering (Lass not aware that disorders such as aphasia exist, they
et al., 1992). will not know how to facilitate communication with
In contrast to negative attitudes, positive attitudes people who have the disorder (Simmons-Mackie
towards individuals with communication disorders et al., 2002).
can be facilitative. Positive attitudes of family mem-
bers, for example, are a facilitator for people with
Chapter Five: Services, Systems, and Policies
Alzheimers disease (Muo et al., 2005). Further-
more, health care providers having a respectful Services, systems, and policies refer to the social
attitude was identified as a key facilitator by people structures, services, and overarching systems that
with communication disorders post-stroke (Nordehn have an impact on individuals. While the other
et al., 2005). It is noted that the ICF includes a code chapters focus mainly on the persons immediate
that specifically refers to the individual attitudes of environment, this domain comprises factors in the
health professionals (WHO, 2001). broader environment of society. This domain in-
cludes work, community, government, transporta-
Societal attitudes. In addition to individual attitudes, tion, health, and communication services and
more general attitudes in society can also influence organizations, as well as the administrative systems
the functioning of people with communication that organize, control and monitor services, and laws
disorders. For example, Brown et al. (2006) reported and formal and informal rules.
that an organizational attitude in a bank of dealing
with customers as fast as possible may be a barrier for Services. Services refer to structured programmes,
individuals with aphasia who need more time to operations, and services . . . established . . . by em-
communicate. ployers, associations, organizations, agencies, or
government in order to meet the needs of individuals
Other peoples awareness of the communication disorder. and includes the persons who provide these services
Other peoples awareness of the communication (Schneidert, Hurst, Miller, & Ustun, 2003, p. 591).
disorder is subsumed under the categories of the A number of services have been identified as being
Attitudes chapter as it is assumed that values and particularly important for facilitating the parti-
beliefs are the driving forces behind the attitudes cipation of people with communication disorders,
(WHO, 2001, p. 190). Awareness of aphasia in including the provision of support groups for people
general was identified as a key facilitator, while lack who stutter (Yaruss et al., 2002), and for individuals
of awareness of aphasia was reported to be an with aphasia, the availability of driving instructors
important barrier for people with aphasia (Howe who are specially trained to communicate with
et al., in press b; Parr et al., 1997). In another individuals with aphasia, and the provision of
example, teachers who participated in a course that advocates to support the communication of indivi-
focused on speech and language development had duals with aphasia in the legal system and in
more accurate perceptions of the ability levels of government departments (Howe, 2006; Howe
students with communication disorders than tea- et al., in press b). Furthermore, the provision of
chers who did not receive training (Ebert & Prelock, rehabilitation and vocational support services is
34 T. J. Howe

associated with positive employment outcome Threats (2007) reports that there has been some
for individuals with traumatic brain injury confusion in the literature regarding the difference
(Ownsworth & McKenna, 2004). Finally, the avail- between Personal Factors and Body Functions
ability of speech therapy services has been identi- components in the ICF, particularly in relation to
fied as a facilitator for people with laryngectomies mental functions such as confidence and optimism.
(Richardson et al., 1989) and individuals with The author suggests that one way to differentiate
aphasia (Howe et al., in press b). between Personal Factors and Body Functions
components in individuals with acquired commu-
Systems and policies. Systems refer to mechanisms nication disorders is to determine if the characteristic
designed to organize, control, and monitor ser- existed premorbidly. For example, if a spouse
vices (WHO, 2001, p. 192). A number of barriers indicates that his wife with aphasia was not confident
to and facilitators for people with aphasia using about communicating prior to her stroke and that
public transport systems have been identified. she continues to lack confidence, this trait may be
Barriers include being required to communicate the considered a personal factor. However, if the
destination and ticket type to obtain a ticket on womans husband reported that his wifes reduced
public transport and having to speak to someone on a confidence is associated with the onset of her
telephone to book a taxi (Ashton et al., in press). In aphasia, this factor may be categorized within the
contrast, facilitators such as being required to use Body Function component.
only one ticket for the whole journey (Ashton et al., Personal Factors can be divided into potentially
in press) or the use of a ticketing system that does not changeable and more difficult to change or un-
require the person to talk to the bus driver (Howe changeable factors. Potentially changeable factors
et al., in press b) have been identified as facilitators. include other health conditions, fitness, lifestyle,
Workplace systems can also influence the func- habits, coping styles, social background, education,
tioning of people with communication disorders. profession, current experiences, overall behaviour
These systems include procedures necessary to pattern and character style, and individual psycho-
participate in a specific job such as being required logical assets. Factors that are unchangeable or
to speak over loud noise when teaching. For difficult to change include age, race, gender,
example, one study found that 38% of teachers ethnicity, nationality, upbringing, and past experi-
indicated that the requirements of teaching had ences. Another way to divide these factors is by
negatively affected their voice (Smith, Lemke, grouping them broadly into demographic infor-
Taylor, Kirchner, & Hoffman, 1998). Environmental mation (e.g., age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic
Factors in workplaces such as the interview process level) and personality traits (e.g., coping styles)
and costs related to adaptations have also been (Threats, 2007).
reported to influence the participation of people Investigations of Personal Factors in relation to
with various communication disorders (Garcia communication disorders are limited relative to
et al., 2002). Environmental Factor research. Some difficult
Policies refer to rules and standards that govern to change or unchangeable factors that have been
and regulate the system. An example of a policy that investigated include age and gender in individuals
is a barrier for people with aphasia is a banking policy with traumatic brain injury, aphasia, and head and
that requires that clients be served within a short time neck cancer. The results of these studies, however,
period (Howe et al., in press b). An example of a are conflicting or inconclusive (Cherney & Robey,
facilitator would include a government policy for 2001; de Graeff et al., 2000; Fleming, Tooth,
providing sufficient funding for people with aphasia Hassell, & Chan, 1999; Grosswasser, Cohen, &
after they have had a stroke (Howe et al., in press b). Keren, 1998; Terrell et al., 2004; Winkler,
Unsworth, & Sloan, 2006). Another unchangeable
personal factor, pre-injury occupational status, is
What Personal Factors are relevant for people
associated with employment outcome for people
with communication disorders?
with traumatic brain injury. Individuals with
Personal factors refer to an individuals features that higher qualifications and higher pretraumatic
are not associated with or caused by the persons brain injury occupational level were more likely to
health condition (Threats, 2007), but that may have return to competitive employment (Ownsworth &
an impact on their experience of the health condition McKenna, 2004).
(Bornman, 2004). These factors include gender, Potentially changeable Personal Factors that have
race, other health conditions, ethnicity, coping styles, been investigated in individuals with communication
profession, and individual psychological assets disorders include the presence of other health
(WHO, 2001). Because of the wide social and conditions, coping styles, and personality traits.
cultural variation associated with Personal Factors, The presence of other health conditions can be a
they are not classified in the ICF. The World Health negative influence on the functioning of people with
Organization, however, has called for development of aphasia (Cherney & Robey, 2001) and on the
this component in the future (WHO, 2001). functioning and quality of life of people with head
ICF Contextual Factors 35

and neck cancer (de Graeff et al., 2000; Terrell et al., Blood, G. W., & Blood, I. M. (2004). Bullying in adolescents who
2004). Coping styles and personality traits are stutter: Communicative competence and self-esteem. Contem-
porary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders, 31, 69
potentially changeable Personal Factors that have 79.
been investigated in relation to people who stutter. Bornman, J. (2004). The World Health Organizations terminol-
Individuals who stutter reported that making the ogy and classification: Application to severe disability. Dis-
transition from unsuccessful to successful manage- ability and Rehabilitation, 26, 182 188.
Bothe, A. K., Davidow, J. H., Bramlett, R. E., Franic, D. M., &
ment of their stuttering was associated with variables
Ingham, R. J. (2006). Stuttering treatment research 1979
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(Plexico, Manning, & DiLollo, 2005). Continued ment of pharmacological approaches. American Journal of
successful management of stuttering was reported to Speech-Language Pathology, 15, 342 252.
be associated with psychological assets such as Bourgeois, M. S. (1992). Evaluating memory wallets in conversa-
optimism and self acceptance, while unsuccessful tions with persons with dementia. Journal of Speech and Hearing
Research, 35, 1344 1357.
management of stuttering was reported to involve Brown, K., McGahan, L., Alkhaledi, M., Seah, D., Howe, T., &
themes such as avoidance (Plexico et al., 2005). Worrall, L. (2006). Environmental factors that influence the
Clinicians also need to consider how Personal community participation of adults with aphasia: The perspec-
Factors interact with Environmental Factors in a tive of service industry workers. Aphasiology, 20, 595 615.
particular individual (Threats, 2007). For example, a Brundage, S. B., Graap, K., Gibbons, K. F., Ferrer, M., &
Brooks, J. (2006). Frequency of stuttering during challenging
personality trait, an example of a personal factor, can and supportive virtual reality job interviews. Journal of Fluency
influence a persons self-perception of the benefit of Disorders, 31, 325 339.
having a hearing aid, an Environmental Factor. In Carr, M. M., Schmidbauer, J. A., Majaess, L., & Smith, R. L.
one study, extroverted individuals reported greater (2000). Communication after laryngectomy: An assessment of
hearing aid benefits than individuals with other quality of life. Otololaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 122,
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tives. Disability and Rehabilitation, 26, 1411 1422.
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