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SAP Workflow Tcode List

Work Flow Tcodes

OOAW Evaluation aths
PFAC Create and Maintain Rules
PFOM Maintain assignment to SAP organizational objects
PFOS Display assignment to SAP organizational objects
PFSO Organizational environment of a user
PFTC Create and maintain tasks
PPOCW Create organizational plan
PPOMW Maintain organizational plan
PPOSW Display organizational plan
SWDA Workflow Builder in alphanumeric mode
SWDD Workflow Builder
SWDS Workflow Builder (Selection)
SWDD_CONFIG Workflow configuration
SBWP Business Workplace
SWDC_DEFINITION Workflow Builder administration data
SWDC_RUNTIME Workflow runtime administration data
SWNCONFIG Extended notifications for business workflow
SWDM Business Workflow Explorer
SWEINST Evaluation and maintenance of instance linkages
SWE2 Evaluation and maintenance of type linkages
SWE3 Evaluation and maintenance of instance linkages
SWE4 Switch event trace on/off
SWI2_DIAG Troubleshoot workflows in error, restart
SWEL Display event trace
RSWELOGD Delete event trace
SWEC Link change documents to events
SWED Assign change document objects to object types
SWEQADM_1 Event queue administration
SWEQBROWSER Administration of event queue browser
SWETYPV Evaluation and maintenance of type linkages
SWI1 Selection report for work items
SWI2_FREQ Work items per task
SWI2_DEAD Work items with monitored deadlines
SWI2_DURA Work items by processing duration
SWI11 Tasks in workflows
SWI13 Task profile
SWI5 Workload analysis
SWL1 Settings for dynamic columns
SWLV Maintain work item views
SWFVISU Parameters for Work Item Visualization in the UWL
SWO1 Business Object Builder
SWO6 Customizing object types
SWR_WEBSERVER Customizing Web server
SWU_EWCD Wizard for event creation using change documents
Wizard for event creation using the Logistics Information
SWU_BTE Wizard for event creation using Business Transaction Events
SWU0 Event simulation
SWU2 RFC monitor
SWU3 Automatic Workflow Customizing
SWU4 Consistency check for standard tasks
SWU5 Consistency check for customer tasks
SWU6 Consistency check for workflow tasks
SWU7 Consistency check for workflow templates
SWU8 Switch workflow trace on/off
SWU9 Display workflow trace
SWU10 Delete workflow trace
SWUD Diagnostic tools
SWUE Trigger event
SWUI Start workflows/tasks
SWUS Testing workflows/tasks
SWXML Display XML documents
SWUY Wizard for linking messages to workflows
SWWCOND_INSERT Schedule background job for work item deadline monitoring
SWWCLEAR_INSERT Schedule background job for clearing tasks
Execute single background job for work item deadline
RSWWCLEAR Execute work item clearing work once
WF_HANDCUST WebFlow service handler maintenance
WF_EXTSRV Maintain Web Service Repository
WFWS Import WSDL files
SWIA WI Administration Report
SWB_COND maintain workflow start condition
SWNCONFIG General Settings

Workflow Settings & WF-BATCH user

Workflow settings created in Tx- SWU3.

The first settings under Maintain Runtime environment is Configure RFC destination. SAP
Documentation states that we need a logical RFC destination with name as
WORKFLOW_LOCAL_XXX (XXX client number) and which uses WF-BATCH (system
user).Here we have already RFC destination is configured. Select & Execute.

It displays the logocal rfc destination as -WORKFLOW_LOCAL_208 ( 208 is the client ).

Go to Tx- SU01 & cehck the user WF-BATCH & USER Type as- B System user.
Go to Tx- SM59 and check the logical destination .

It uses WF_BATCH workflow user.

Reserve Prefix Number for Workflow

Tx- OOW4

Click edit button then click on the Create Icon. Here you can reserve a prefix number for a package.
Same can be done from Tx- SWU3.

Select Maintain prefix Numbers and Execute.

First Workflow

A simple workflow with send mail step.

Step1. Go to Tx- SWDD

Step2. Click on Create button.

Step3. Go to the header by selecting the highlighted button.

Step4. Provide the work flow name and description. Save and back.

Step5. We want to send an email. So double click on the step.

Step6. From the step selection choose Send Mail step.

Step7. Provide the mail subject and the mail body and then Click on Continue button.
Step8. As send mail is a step in the workflow, provide the step name and description and
save in the related package.

Step9. Activate the workflow.

Step10. Now we have to test the workflow to see if it is sending an email or not.

Step11. Usually the email would be sent to the user Tx- SBWP.

Go to the Tx- SBWP and see in the inbox.

Step12. Now execute the test of the workflow.

Step13. Once executed it shows the below message. To see the log click on the Workflow
Log button.
Step14. Here is the workflow log. Click on the Graphic button to see graphical view.

Step15. The green line indicates that, the wf stared and the EMAIL STEP STATUS UPDATE
has been executed and wf has been completed.

Step16. Go the user Tx- SBWP and in the inbox we can see there is one document. Double
click on that to see its body.

Step17. Here is the mail content that is mentioned in the work flow mail step body.
Triggering wok flow with business object event

Step1. Create a structure with a field which we will use in the creation of key field of a
business object.

Step2. To create business object go to Tx- SWO1.

Provide a new business object name and click on create button.

Step3. provide the details and continue.

Step4. So we have created a business object. Now lets create a key field.

Step5. Put the cursor on the Key Fields and select create button.
Step6. Select no.

Step7. Provide key field name and its text and as technical data type refer to the structure
field that we created in the first step.
Step8. So we are done with the creation of the key field of the BO. Lets create an event in
the business object(BO). Select events and click on create.

Step9. Provide the event name and its text and continue.
Step10. Implement the BO and implement the event and generate the BO.

Step11. Now open the our created work flow in Tx- SWDD. Go to the work flow header.
Step12. Go to the start event tab.

Step13.Select the drop down category .

Step14. Choose BO( business object). CL- class wil be used when we wil trigger the event by
a class event.

Step15. provide the business object name and the event name which will be triggered to
start the work flow. click on the Active button.

Step16. Its turns green. Save and go back.

Step17. When we trigger the work flow it should execute in the marked way.

Step18. Go to USER tx- SBWP. Clear the documents so that we can easily identify the mail
once send by the work flow.
Step19. Here is the program which triggers the BO event programatically by calling the
function module. Execute .

Step20. Report output.

Step21. check the User tx- SBWP. So here once mail is arrived.
Step22. See the mail content.

Step23. Here some additional steps the developer might check about the workflow that has
been executed. Go to Tx- SWI1.

Step24. Execute the report.

Step25. Select the Work flow and click on log button.

Step26. To see the graphical view of the work flow click on the highlighted button.

Step27. So here is the execution path.

Triggering work flow with class event

Step0. We have the structure.

This structure has to be used in the class method.

Step1. Go to Tx- SE24 and create a class.

Step2. Provide the description and save.

Step3. Go to the interfaces.

Step4. To enable a class to trigger work flow, it has to implement interface IF_WORKFLOW.
When it is implemented it also implements INTERFACE : BI_OBJECT and BI_PERSISTENT.

Step5. In the attribute section define two attribute and one choose as key attribute.
Step6. In the Events section, define an event. Now goto methods section.

Step7. Define constructor.

Step8. Define constructor importing parameter.

Step9. Implement constructor method.

Step10. Do some coding.

Step11. Create another method.

Step12. Implement the method.

Call the standard class CL_SWF_EVT_EVENT=>RAISE to raise event.

Step13. Now define the method FIND_BY_LPOR.

Step14. Put below code.

Step15. Now define method LPOR.

Step16. Put below coding.

All other methods of the class should be activated.

Step17. So here Users : Tx- SBWP.

Step18. Go to the workflow header in Tx- SWDD.

Step19. Here initially we triggered by business object event. Now we have to change with
Class event.

Step20. provide the class, event and activate it. Go Back.

Step21. So here we have the final Work Flow.

Step22. Create a report and call the method to raise the Class event.
Step23. So here report output.

Step24. In Tx- SBWP we have received an email. Double click on it.

Step25. So its the mail body send by the work flow.

Step26. Go to Tx- SWI1 to see the work flow log.

Step27. Select the work flow and see the log.

Step28. Click on the graphical view button.

Step29. The successful mail send step is displayed in the log.

User Decision Step

Step1. So here we have the class event that can be used to start the work flow.

Step2. And the class methods.

Step3. Go to Tx- SWDD. Click on Create and then Select the header button.
Step4. Under basic data section provide the description and then click on the START Event.

Step5. So here we are.

Step6. Provide the class name, event and activate it and click on binding.

Step7. Click on continue.

Step8. Save the work flow and go back.

Step9. Double click on the Step to define it and select the user decision step.
Step10. Provide the Step title, decision text and outcome name. At last select Continue.

Step11. Activate the work flow. In this work flow whether the approved or rejected the
work flow completed.
Step12. So here we have the program that triggers the work flow start event. See the link
to see how the class methods are implemented.

Step13. So work flow triggered .

Step14. Go to user transaction Tx- SBWP and under Inbox see the work flow option . Double
click on the Approve/Reject.

Step15. So here we have two options. Dont select any right now.

Step16. Go to Tx- SWI1 and execute it.

Step17. Select the work flow and click on the log button.

Step18. Now the work flow status is in process as we have an work item is pending for
approval or rejection in the user inbox.

Step19. Go back to the Tx- SBWP and approve.

Step20. Once approved/rejected the work item deleted from the user inbox.

Step21. Now go to the Tx- SWI1 and select the work flow. Now the work flow status id
completed. Click on the view graph button.

Step22. As approved by the user the work flow completed in the success path.
Step23. Run the program again.

Step24. Report output.

Step25. Go to Tx- SWI1 and select the work flow and see the log.

Step26. in the user inbox- tx- SBWP . So the decision request has arrived.

Step27. This time reject it.

Step28. The work item is deleted from the inbox.

Step29. In Tx- SWI1 click on the Graph log button.

Step30. So the work flow completed in the failure path.

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