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Pathrik Mikell Bergonio


1. Global warming is not only the number 1 environmental challenge we face today, but
one of the most important issues facing all of humanity We all have to do our part to
raise awareness about global warming and the problems we as a people face in
promoting a sustainable environmental future for our planet.

2. The oceans temperature and currents dictate global climate, and climate change, in
turn, affects the ocean by altering the chemical composition and temperature of the
water. Ocean habitats and wildlife are directly impacted by the absorption of carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere, for instance, which is making ocean water more acidic,
turning the water corrosive and resulting in oxygen loss. The ocean is also warming, and
ocean life has responded by moving poleward. This change in behavior results in
negative economic impacts for communities that lose sources of fishing and other
ocean-related income. Warmer water is also exacerbating coral reef bleaching in places
where productive ecosystems once thrived around living reefs.
3. essentially implies that we can't maintain a strategic distance from the consistent
changing of a basic way of life and development but at the same time how about we
feel that advancement can be an assistance to our life and furthermore in are condition
whether it's great or awful.
4. some coal here, a touch of oil there. Gradually, between these stores and the spread of
the farming insurgency, the Earth's populace crawled up until the point that we hit our
initial 1 billion individuals. It didn't take us a hundred thousand years to go from 1 billion
to 2 billion. Our second billion just took us 130 years. We hit 2 billion individuals in 1930.
Our third billion took just 30 years, 1960. At the point when John Kennedy was
introduced, there were half the same number of individuals on the planet as there are
5. The Earth can reestablish itself with nature. When we we're gone in this world, all that is
left in this planet is nature and nature can carry on a lifetime and can become back.
While us people, when we bite the dust, there's no backpedaling
6. The feelings I felt amid the film is outrage and misery since people don't effectively deal
with earth, the planet we're living in. The perspectives that has an awesome effect for
me is "Earth has all the time on the planet and we don't"
7. Science has given us profitable new materials; we have to move to shut cycle and
support to-support generation, rather than support to grave, with vitality originating
from sustainable assets. Outline itself can change our method for mass usage of things
that are inalienably resources rather than liabilities.
8. The part "We people have dependably had material wants. It isn't so much that
utilization is terrible, it's that it's gotten thoroughly out of adjust." The more material
wants we need, the more nature will be influenced by it.
9. The more youthful eras and millennials on the grounds that the adolescent is the
expectation of the world. They're the ones who will live longer in this nation and we
have only a little measure of time.

10. The issue that is noteworthy to me while viewing is the an unnatural weather change
and the genuine results we will get because of us people dismissing the things occurring
in our surroundings in light of the fact that here in our nation, that is the thing that the
vast majority do, they simply disregard the things they're doing in our condition despite
the fact that they know it's off-base.

11. As a bedan understudy the activity I can do is figure first on the off chance that it
can help do great or awful in our condition or in our surroundings by doing this, I can
likewise help impact different bedans to do likewise.

As an individual from the group I can help by planting trees all around and
furthermore monitoring my environment and the things occurring in it.

As a worldwide native, I can help by giving the general population a chance to know
about what's happening, not simply in our nation but rather in the entire earth too.

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