Electrical Power and Energy Systems: Kusum Verma, K.R. Niazi

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Electrical Power and Energy Systems 38 (2012) 97104

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Electrical Power and Energy Systems

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Supervised learning approach to online contingency screening and ranking

in power systems
Kusum Verma , K.R. Niazi
Department of Electrical Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302 017, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper proposes a supervised learning approach to fast and accurate power system security assess-
Received 16 May 2011 ment and contingency analysis. The severity of the contingency is measured by two scalar performance
Received in revised form 15 December 2011 indices (PIs): Voltage-reactive power performance index, PIVQ and line MVA performance index, PIMVA. In
Accepted 18 December 2011
this paper, Feed-Forward Articial Neural Network (FFNN) is employed that uses pattern recognition
Available online 26 January 2012
methodology for security assessment and contingency analysis. A feature selection technique based on
the correlation coefcient has been employed to identify the inputs for the FFNN. The effectiveness of
the proposed methodology is demonstrated on IEEE 39-bus New England system at different loading con-
Articial neural network
Contingency analysis
ditions corresponding to single line outage. The overall accuracy of the test results for unknown patterns
Performance index highlights the suitability of the approach for online applications at Energy Management Center.
Power system security assessment 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Supervised learning

1. Introduction contingencies in approximate order of severity, based on the value

of a scalar performance index, which is the measure of system
The study of contingency analysis is an important aspect of stress expressed in terms of network variables and are directly eval-
power system security. The major task in power system planning uated [4]. Many PI based analytical methods suffer from the prob-
is to examine the performance of a power system and the need lem of misclassication or/and false alarm. The conventional
for new transmission expansion due to load growth or generation methods are found to be unsuitable for on-line applications because
expansion [1,2]. Security assessment provides information to the of high computational time requirement. Hence there is a pressing
system operators about the secure and insecure nature of the need to develop fast, reliable and accurate on-line security assess-
operating states in the event of an unforeseen contingency, so that ment tools to ensure secure operation of the power system.
proper control/corrective action can be initiated within the safe Various applications of Articial Intelligence (AI) to security
time limit. Static security analysis identies violations of the oper- assessment and contingency analysis indicate that this is a very
ational constraints by solving an AC load ow, described by a set of promising research eld [132]. A three layer perceptron network
nonlinear equations for each post-contingency case. Therefore, with back propagation learning technique has been used for line
contingency analysis plays an important role in real-time power ow and voltage contingency screening [1]. In [2], authors investi-
system security evaluation. Contingency analysis comprises the gated Articial Neural Network (ANN)-based method for on-line
simulation of a set of contingencies in which the system behavior security evaluation of power systems utilizing divergence-based
is observed. Each post-contingent scenario is evaluated in order feature selection algorithm. A hybrid Decision Tree (DT) based
to detect operational problems and the severity of violations. approach for fast voltage contingency screening and ranking for
A lot of research has been carried out in this area in the last few on-line applications in energy management systems is proposed
years, which consists of the selection of the worst contingency cases in [3]. A Cascade Neural Network (CNN) based approach was
by using ranking methods or screening methods. The network proposed for fast line ow contingency screening and ranking.
monitored quantities are rst calculated for all the contingencies The lter module and ranking module are composed of feed-
and ranking is done based on the results of the approximate solu- forward neural network [46]. Transient stability assessment of
tions. The majority of methods are based on the evaluation by power system using Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) and Least
means of some Performance Index (PI). Ranking methods rank the Squares Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) was investigated in [7].
The approach proposed by the authors in [810] uses Radial Basis
Corresponding author. Function (RBF) network to predict the system severity level for a
E-mail addresses: kusum_dangi@yahoo.com (K. Verma), krn152001@yahoo.co.in given set of contingencies. A three-layer perceptron ANN with back
(K.R. Niazi). propagation learning technique was designed for line ow

0142-0615/$ - see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
98 K. Verma, K.R. Niazi / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 38 (2012) 97104

contingency ranking in [11]. In [12], Model Tree (MT) based ap- making tool for online applications at the energy management
proach has been used for fast voltage contingency ranking, of most systems.
severe contingencies for online applications in energy management
systems. In [13], the application of an Inductive Inference method
2. Contingency analysis
to on-line steady state security assessment of a power system
was proposed. For each contingency a number of decision rules in
Contingency analysis is performed to assess the effect of speci-
the form of a Decision Tree (DT) were built off-line from a pre-
ed contingencies on the system security and to alert the system
classied learning set consisting of operating points of the system.
operators about the critical contingencies that violate the equip-
Hopeld model for power system contingency classication is
ment operating limits and/or drive the system to voltage and angle
proposed in [14].The application of multi-layer perceptron neural
instability or excessive frequency deviations. The most common
network to dynamic security contingency screening and ranking
limit violations include transmission line and/or transformer ther-
has been explored in [1519]. The information on the prevailing
mal overloads and inadequate voltage levels at system buses. Gi-
operating condition was used to provide contingency screening
ven this information, a system operator can judge the relative
and ranking from a trained neural network. A back propagation
severity of each contingency and decide if preventive actions
trained multiperceptron for power system contingency screening
should be initiated to mitigate the potential problems [1].
and static-security assessment has been used in [2024]. A real
power contingency ranking using counter propagation network is
investigated in [25,26]. Contingency screening for steady-state 2.1. Contingency selection
security analysis by using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and ANN
is employed by authors in [27]. In [28,29] voltage contingency rank- As various probable outages compose a contingency set, some
ing using parallel self-organizing hierarchical neural network is cases in the contingency set may lead to transmission line over
proposed. Fuzzied multilayer perceptron network is developed loads or bus voltage limit violations during power system opera-
in [30,31] for voltage contingency screening and ranking. Contin- tions. Such critical contingencies should be quickly identied for
gency evaluation and monitorization using multilayer perceptron further detailed evaluation for corrective measures. The process
and radial basis function networks and Kohonens self-organizing of identifying these critical contingencies is referred to as contin-
maps is proposed in [32]. gency Selection. Contingency selection identies the critical contin-
Recently, ANNs have shown great promise in power system gencies among them and ranks them in order of their severity. Two
engineering due to their ability to synthesize complex mappings popularly used methods for contingency selection are screening
accurately and rapidly. The ANN based methods can learn off-line methods and ranking methods. Screening methods are based on
from training data and is used for on-line classication of new data the use of an approximate network solution to identify cases caus-
much faster than it would be possible by solving the model analyt- ing limit violations. The ranking of insecure contingencies in terms
ically. The choice of the number of hidden layers and hidden neu- of their severity is known as contingency Ranking [134].
rons are important in deciding the accuracy of neural networks. In
this paper, a model based on supervised learning approach is pro- 2.2. Voltage-Reactive Performance Index (PIVQ)
posed for fast contingency analysis. The method determines the
appropriate PI to measure the system deviation from the normal Voltage-reactive power performance index evaluates the sever-
or steady state by identifying the transmission lines that violate ity of a contingency derived from the voltage limit violation of a
the operational limits. Since power system is dynamic in nature, bus or node and the reactive power generation limit violation of
the ranking for both PIs is obtained separately to understand the the generator at a node. Bus voltage magnitudes play a critical role
affect of each for a particular contingent case. The main advantage in the ow of reactive power. System loading conditions greatly
of the proposed method over the other Articial-Intelligence (AI) inuence the voltage magnitudes and reactive powers at different
methods reported in the literature is that the approach used in this buses. Therefore, reactive power production of the generating units
paper determines power system security status, contingency can provide a good measure of the severity of abnormal voltages as
screening and ranking at the same time with very less computation long as the generating units remain within their reactive power
time and very high accuracy considering wide range of operating limits. PIVQ [1] corresponding to each load pattern and for each sin-
scenarios using only two neural networks for all the contingencies. gle line outage indicating voltage deviation from the scheduled
The proposed model consists of two four-layered FFNNs for obtain- voltage at the load buses and reactive power violations at the gen-
ing PI values and performing contingency screening and ranking erator buses, consisting of two summing terms, dened by
with pre-contingent variables only. The neural networks are " #
trained with Resilient backpropagation algorithm for inputoutput W Vi jV i  V i j WGi Qi
mapping. Multilayer perceptrons using a backpropagation algo-
M DV Lim
i i1
M Q max
rithm are the standard algorithm for any supervised-learning pat-
tern recognition process [33]. The outputs are PIVQ and the PIMVA Where DV Limi V i  V max
i for V i > V max
i is the V min
i  V i for V i < V min
i ,
which classies a contingency as secure or insecure. Results of Vi the post-contingent voltage at the ith bus, V i the specied (base
the contingency analysis by the proposed method are compared case) voltage magnitude at bus i, V max i the maximum limit of voltage
with those obtained by the classical performance index method. at ith bus, V min
i the minimum limit of voltage at ith bus, NB the num-
Once the network is trained and evaluated, this method can pro- ber of buses in the system, WVi the real non-negative weighting fac-
vide a fast contingency screening and requires much less calcula- tor (=1), M(=2n) is the order of the exponent for penalty function.
tions as compared to the traditional method. Results on IEEE-39 The rst summation is a function of only the limit violated
bus New England system are presented to illustrate the effective- buses chosen to quantify system deciency due to out-of limit
ness of the proposed method. The high classication accuracy ob- bus voltages. The second summation, penalizes any violations of
tained for such large number of operating conditions indicates that the reactive power constraints of all the generating units, whereQi
it can be easily applied to even large systems. The proposed super- is the reactive power produced at bus i, Q max i the maximum limit
vised learning approach operates in generalized manner and is able for reactive power production of a generating unit, NG the number
to handle new topologies and operating conditions. The proposed of generating units, WGi is the real non-negative weighting factor
model for contingency analysis is found to be suitable as a decision (=1).
K. Verma, K.R. Niazi / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 38 (2012) 97104 99

P 9
The exponent n decided the classication of the PIs. As ob- PGi P D PL >
served by many researchers, the higher the value of n, the less is P 3
the chance for misclassication in the ranking. A low value of n Q Gi Q D Q L >
such as 1 or 2 may fail to avoid the masking effect and a very high
value of n may cause the nal rank ordering to become worse due where PGi and QGi are the real and reactive powers of generator at
to increased non-linearity [23]. The determination of the proper bus i ; PD and QD, are the total real and reactive load demands; PL
value of n is system specic. The optimum integer value n for this and QL, are the real and reactive losses in the transmission network.
paper is taken as 4. Inequality constraints must always be imposed on the system to en-
sure secure operation. All bus voltages must be bounded, all line
2.3. Line MVA Performance Index (PIMVA) currents must not exceed the respective thermal limits, and all gen-
erator power outputs must be limited. These constraints can be ex-
Most of the literature on contingency ranking based on analyt- pressed as
ical methods show that the ranking by PI methods are widely ac- 9
V min < V j < V max for j 1toNB >
cepted. The severity of the contingency is indicated by scalar >
Sl < Slmax for l 1 to NL =
performance indices which measure system stress in terms of load 4
bus voltage violations or transmission line overloads. Contingen- PGi;min < P Gi < PGi;max for i 1 to NG > >
cies are dynamic in nature depending upon the loads at various Q Gi;min < Q Gi < Q Gi;max for i 1 to NG
buses i.e. a critical contingency may be a non-critical one at some
other loading condition. Similarly the ranking of particular contin- where Vj is the voltage at bus j ; Sl is the apparent power of line l ;
gency may be different at different loading conditions. System NB, NL and NG are the number of buses, lines, and generators respec-
loading conditions greatly inuence the power ow in different tively. Eq. (3) corresponds to power balance requirements (power
lines, and hence performance of the system. Line MVA Performance ow equations), while Eq. (4) corresponds to system operational
Index (PIMVA) [11] indicating the extent of line overloads is dened constraints, represented by limits imposed to nodal voltage magni-
by tudes and real and reactive power ows at system branches and
transformers. The system operating state is classied as secure if
X " post #M
W Li S constraints (3) and (4) are satised for a given operating scenario
PIMVA 2 (base case) and also for post-contingency scenarios. If constraints
M Smax
(3) and/or (4) are violated for at least one of the post-contingency
where Spost
i is the post-contingent MVA ow of line i, Smax
i the MVA scenarios, the system operating state is classied as insecure. Con-
rating of line i, NL the number of lines in the system, WLi the real straints (3) and (4), when referred to the post-contingency scenar-
non-negative weighting factor(=1). M(=2n) is the order of the expo- ios, are also known as security constraints [24].
nent for penalty function. The general optimal power ow solution is simply economic
Masking and misranking effects can be avoided to some extent dispatch problem that can be stated as, minimizing the objective
by using higher order performance indices and optimal selection of function,
weights for performance indices. For this study, the value of n is X
F i PGi 5
xed at 4. In order to classify the power system static security sta-
tus in terms of PIs, three different security levels have been consid-
ered for the contingencies as indicated in Table 1; Class I (Most where Fj is the cost function of the ith generating unit subject to
critical contingencies), Class II (Critical contingencies) and Class constraints (3) and (4).
III (Noncritical contingencies). Based on the calculated PIs, the sys-
tem security status and ranking can be determined. Class I contin- 4. Supervised learning approach
gencies indicates that they are never safe under any operating
condition and requires immediate attention, Class II contingencies Supervised learning methods are concerned with the design and
indicates that they are not safe since there is violation of some or development of algorithms that allow computers to evolve behav-
all operating constraints depending upon the operating conditions iors based on empirical data, such as from sensor data or databases.
and these contingencies require proper preventive control mea- A major focus of supervised learning research is to automatically
sures and Class III contingencies indicates that are always safe/se- learn to recognize complex patterns and make intelligent decisions
cure for any operating condition. based on data [33]. The proposed model is based supervised learn-
ing approach uses feedforward neural network for pattern recogni-
3. Static security assessment tion. A feedforward articial neural network is a type of Multilayer
Perceptron (MLP) model that maps sets of input data onto a set of
Static Security Assessment (SSA) of a power system addresses appropriate output. Unlike the perceptron, a MLP can solve linearly
whether, after a disturbance (contingency), the system reaches a inseparable problems. The multi-layered neural network operates
steady state operating condition that does not violate given system in two modes: Training and testing. In the training mode, a set of
operating constraints. These constraints ensure the power in the training data is used to adjust the weights of the network intercon-
network is properly balanced, the magnitude of all bus voltages nections so that the network responds in a specied manner. In the
is within acceptable limits, and the thermal limit of each transmis- testing mode, the trained network is evaluated by the test data.
sion line is not exceeded. In steady state, the static security is eval- Learning occurs in the perceptron by changing connection weights
uated using the load ow equations. The load ow is solved for after each point of data is processed, based on the amount of error
various types of disturbances and the results are compared with in the output compared to the expected result. The backpropaga-
the system constraints. Violations, if any, are then identied and tion learning algorithm is the most frequently used method in
the operating condition is labeled secure or insecure. During power training neural network. This paper uses a four-layer neural net-
systems normal operating conditions the following constraints for work which is trained by using the Resilient backpropagation algo-
generator must be satised: rithm [34]. It is an adaptive weight learning algorithm, which
100 K. Verma, K.R. Niazi / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 38 (2012) 97104

adapt the weight step based on the local gradient information. In network. ANNs can be trained on these selected features and the
this algorithm the sign of partial derivative of performance func- rest are discarded. The input variables chosen are usually available
tion with respect to the weight is used only to determine the direc- as measurements and may be processed in real-time using the
tion of weight update. The magnitude of partial derivative has no state estimator results or even raw measurements. So, pre-contin-
effect on the weight update unlike other common adaptive learn- gent real and reactive power output of generators and real and
ing algorithms. This overcomes the problem of slow convergence reactive demand at all the load buses of the system are considered
due to unforeseeable behavior of the value of partial derivative. as input features. The performance indices of the system PIVQ and
The size of weight update is determined by a separate update va- PIMVA are taken as the output features. An approach based on cor-
lue. Due to its very nature of weight update the Resilient backprop- relation coefcient has been used to select appropriate training
agation algorithm converges much faster than the conventional features for the FFNN. The correlation coefcient [10] between
error back propagation algorithm and is not very sensitive to the the ith and the jth variable is calculated using (6) as
settings of training parameters.
Efxi xj g  Efxi gEfxj g
Cij i; j 1; 2; . . . ; n 6
ri rj
5. Data generation for static security assessment and
The correlation coefcients of all the features are obtained to
contingency analysis
get the most important features. All the low ranked features having
correlation coefcient, Cij greater than 0.95 are discarded. The vari-
The owchart of the proposed method is presented in Fig. 1. The
ables that are less correlated are thus selected as features for
steps followed for data generation for security assessment and
FFNN network as shown in Table2, the number of generators being
contingency analysis is:
10 and the number of buses being 21, where the loads are dis-
patched. Thus, out of 62 features, 11 features are selected for the
(i) A large number of load patterns have been generated by ran-
training set.
domly perturbing the real and reactive loads on all the buses
and real and reactive power generation at the generator
6.2. Data normalization
(ii) During simulation, the system load has been changed from
Normalization of a vector means dividing by a norm of the vec-
1.0 (base case) per unit to 1.6 per unit of base case in steps
tor to make the Euclidean length of the vector equal to one. The in-
of 0.025. Optimal Power Flow (OPF) for each load case is
put/output training and testing set data is scaled in the range of
solved to obtain the operating state dened by the variables
0.10.9 for each load pattern. For some line outages, load ow solu-
PG, QG. Here, m = 1.6
tion failed to converge at some loading condition. Such line outages
(iii) A contingency set consisting of all credible contingencies are
are placed at the top of the ranking list with PI values (>0.8) in
considered. For each operating condition, a contingency is
Class I. In this work, each input or output parameter x is normal-
simulated. N-1 contingency is the most common event in
ized as xn before being applied to the neural network according to
power systems and therefore, only single-line outages are
considered here with n = 46 (number of transmission lines) 0:8  x  xmin
(iv) Single line outages corresponding to each load pattern are xn 0:1 7
xmax  xmin
simulated by full AC load ow (Newton Power Flow) and
the violations of operating limits of various components where xmax and xmin are the maximum and minimum values of data
are checked. Keep the load level constant and simulate each parameter x.
contingency several times to obtain a wide range of operat-
ing scenarios. Here, z = 10. 6.3. Proposed FFNN model for estimation of performance indices
(v) The post-contingency state of the system is noted for each
contingency to calculate the performance indices, PIVQ and The ANN model selected for on-line security evaluation is a
PIMVA. The obtained values are normalized between 0.1 and four-layer feed forward multi-layer perception network trained
0.9 for each contingent case. with Resilient back propagation algorithm as shown in Fig. 2.
(vi) The system state, contingency type, and the corresponding It consists of an output layer with one neuron specifying the per-
security are noted for every operating point and for all the formance indices, PIVQ and PIMVA. The number of inputs to the net-
contingencies of a credible contingency set. work is equal to the number of training features, FSf. The number
(vii) The whole data set is suitably divided into training set and of hidden layers is one or more. The trained network is tested for
test set for performance evaluation purposes. its performance on a test set of unseen patterns. The normalized
values of pre-contingent real and reactive power output of genera-
tors and real and reactive demand at all the load buses are consid-
6. Proposed methodology
ered as input features for training of the FFNN. Single line outage
contingencies are considered in this paper for on-line ranking, as
6.1. Feature selection
they are most frequent in occurrence. Since for the same contin-
gency, some cases may be critical from PIVQ point of view, but
The performance of any neural network mainly depends upon
non-critical if only PIMVA is used to assess security and similarly
the good selection of input features for training. It is essential to
for some other cases security margin is found to critical from PIMVA
reduce the number of inputs to a neural network and to select
point of view and non-critical from index PIVQ. Therefore, separate
the optimum number of inputs, which are able to clearly dene
ranking is obtained for PIVQ and PIMVA employing two FFNNs as
the inputoutput mapping. For large-scale power systems, the
shown in the block diagram of the proposed model in Fig. 2. For each
number of input variables may be extremely large, making the
case, the performance indices are obtained off-line by full AC load
training process infeasible. By selecting only the relevant variables
ow calculations. Each input vector [yi] is of the following form:
as input features and excluding irrelevant ones, higher perfor-
mance is obtained with lesser computational effort ([2,8,10,23]). yi Set of selected features; FSf
Feature selection is performed to identify those features that
contribute most to the discrimination ability of the neural PG10 ; Q G1 ; Q G2 ; Q G3 ; Q G4 ; Q G5 ; Q G7 ; Q G8 ; Q G9 ; Q G10 ; Q D14  8
K. Verma, K.R. Niazi / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 38 (2012) 97104 101

Power System Test Case

(Base Case Data)

Run Optimal Power Flow, Eq.(5)

Set operating state variables PG, QG

Random Load Variation(100% to 160% of Base Case)

p=1 to m

(N-1) Contingency Selection.(q=1to n)

Set count=1

Run Newton Power Flow for each q th contingency

Calculate Performance Indices (PI ) :


Save pattern for qth contingency ( for each pth load case)

count=count+1 Is count=z?


q=q+1 Is q = n ?

p=p+1 Is p = m ?



Fig. 1. Data generation for security assessment and contingency analysis.

Table 1 The output vector [yo] of the proposed model determine PIs, as
Performance index classication for PIVQ and PIMVA.

Class/rank I (Most critical) II (Critical) III (Non-critical) yo1  PIVQ from FFNN-1
PI range >0.8 0.80.2 <0.2
and; yo2  PIMVA from FFNN-2
102 K. Verma, K.R. Niazi / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 38 (2012) 97104

Table 2 the non-critical (secure) contingencies. PIs are thus ranked from I
Features selected for IEEE 39-bus system. to III with decreasing severity in terms of system security. Thus
Feature selection Initial feature set, FSi Final selected feature set, FSf contingency screening and security assessment are performed at
method the same time.
Correlation PG1:10, QG1:10, PD1:21, PG10, QG1, QG2, QG3, QG4, QG5, QG7,
coefcient QD1:21 (Total: 62) QG8, QG9, QG10, QD14 (Total: 11) 6.4. Training and testing patterns

Off-line power ow calculation results corresponding to each

contingent case are used to construct the training patterns. The
Once the training of the neural network is successfully accom- load patterns were generated by randomly changing the load at
plished, the estimation of PI for unknown load patterns is almost each bus and generation at PV buses accordingly. Single line outage
instantaneous. Neural network classication task (screening) using contingencies are considered in this paper for on-line ranking, as
pattern recognition is also obtained here as contingencies (PI) may they are the most frequent in occurrence. The PI values will be used
be classied either as secure or insecure in accordance with Table1 as target values for FFNNs. A total of 11 input features (pre-contin-
that nally gives the ranking for all the contingencies. The output gent variables) are sufcient for contingency analysis. Data con-
determines whether a pattern (contingency) belongs to a particular sists of 8946 patterns for each study that is normalized, shufed
Class: I, II, or III. The PI values in the Class I and Class II indicate the and divided into two groups; one for training and the other for
critical (insecure) contingencies and those in the Class III indicate testing.

yi = FSf = FFNN-1
QG4,QG5,QG7,QG8, [yo1] = PIVQ
QG9,QG10,QD14 ]

Input Hidden Output

layer layer layer

[yo2] = PIMVA

Input Hidden Output

layer layer layer

Fig. 2. Proposed FFNN architecture for contingency screening and ranking.

Fig. 3. IEEE 39-bus New England test system.

K. Verma, K.R. Niazi / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 38 (2012) 97104 103

Table 3
Sample results of PI calculations and contingency analysis.

Case (In % of base case) Outage No. Line No. PIVQ Class (PIVQ) PIMVA Class (PIMVA)
142.5 8036 1213 0.2509 0.2352 II II 0.1430 0.1413 I I
135 6780 2034 0.4696 0.4707 II II 0.1485 0.1467 I I
140 7752 2526 0.2517 0.2695 II II 0.3412 0.3194 II II
140 7774 2627 0.1918 0.1725 I I 0.2054 0.2129 II II
150 9311 67 0.9000 0.8996 III III 0.1029 0.1048 I I
140 7756 2526 0.2524 0.2734 II II 0.3402 0.3007 II II
130 5674 89 0.1411 0.1524 I I 0.2390 0.2419 II II
100 113 67 0.1625 0.1613 I I 0.1624 0.1621 I I
132.5 6141 939 0.6836 0.6412 II II 0.3001 0.2952 II II
142.5 8216 2526 0.8270 0.7347 III III 0.4430 0.4034 II II

Class I and Class II (Insecure); Class III (Secure).

Table 4
Table 6
Results of PI classication obtained by proposed FFNN.
Performance Evaluation of Proposed Model.
Number of cases PIVQ PIMVA
Training results
Class I 1224 1232 0 0
Total operating scenarios 8946
Class II 750 760 163 162
no. of training samples 7000
Class III 6972 6954 8783 8784
no. of features selected 11
Regression (training data) 0.99794
Regression (validation data) 0.99727
7. Simulation results Regression (testing data) 0.99795
MSE (train) 3.624  104
Total time for training (s) 20.0193
The proposed strategy is tested on the IEEE-39 bus New England
system [35]. The system has 10 generators, 12 transformers, 46 Testing results
No. of testing samples 1946
transmission lines shown in Fig. 3. Bus No. 39 is taken as slack Total time for testing (s) 0.9186
bus. For line contingency screening and ranking, 11,500 patterns MSE (Test) 3.925  104
were generated from 25 system topologies by varying the loads Number of misclassication 36/8946
at all the buses and generation randomly in the range of 100 % Of false alarms 0.258 (18/6972)
% Of misses 0.911(18/1974)
160% of their base case values (in steps of 2.5%). For each system
% Classication accuracy 99.59 (8910/8946)
topology, corresponding to 46 single line outages are simulated FFNN-2 for PIMVA
10 times, 460 (46  10) to obtain different operating conditions
Training results
resulting in total 11,500 (460  25) patterns. Contingency analysis Total operating scenarios 8946
has been performed by utilizing the pre-contingency data and the No. of training samples 7000
line performance indices for each load scenario and each outage at No. of features selected 11
a time. Out of 11,500 patterns, 2554 patterns correspond to the Regression (training data) 0.99625
Regression (validation data) 0.99578
cases where Newton Raphson (NR) failed to converge, and, there- Regression (testing data) 0.99208
fore, these cases have been excluded from the training data. A total MSE (train) 2.482  105
of 8946 patterns have been taken to analyze the performance Total time for training (s) 36.6864
(training and testing) of the proposed model. All the simulations Testing results
are carried out using Matlab 7.7 [36], MatPower 4.0 [37]. No. of testing samples 1946
The test results of the proposed FFNN network for contingency Total time for testing (s) 0.6585
MSE (test) 2.938  105
screening and ranking is shown in Table 3. It is observed that nor-
Number of misclassication 02/8946
malized values of PI obtained by the proposed model are close to % Of false alarms 0.011 (01/8783)
desired values of PI obtained from NR method and the contingency % Of misses 0.613 (01/163)
ranking results of proposed model and the NR method are almost % Classication accuracy 99.99 (8944/8946)
the same. It can be concluded from the table that a separate rank-
ing must be done for performance indices, PIVQ and PIMVA. For sam-
ple result for 132.5% of base case, it is found that operational 939 causes bus voltage limit violation, the reactive power gener-
constraints are violated for outage of line 939 in Fig. 3, resulting ation limit violation and the overloading of the transmission lines
in system insecurity as both the PIs are in insecure classes. Such connected to bus No. 9. The outage of line 2526 in Fig. 3 for both
result is expected since bus No. 39 is a generator and line outage 140% and 142.5% of base case makes the system insecure (critical)
as again all the operational constraints are violated. Similar inter-
Table 5
pretations can be drawn for other line outages on the basis of sys-
FFNN Parameters. tem operational limit violations. The number of cases that belong
to the three classes obtained from the proposed model and their
Number of layers 4 (h1h2h30)
Inputs 11
comparison with NR approach is shown in Table 4. Table 5 shows
Outputs 1 the FFNN parameters taken for the proposed model.
Hidden layers 3 Table 6 gives the performance evaluation of proposed cascade
Hidden neurons 8-8-2(FFNN-1); 11-5-1(FFNN-2) neural network. The results show that the ANNs presented
Momentum factor 0.90
excellent performance, with very few occurrences of false alarms
Learning rate 0.07
or contingency misses. False alarms are dened, as the cases in
104 K. Verma, K.R. Niazi / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 38 (2012) 97104

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