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World History II:

Unit 1 Project Guideline

Step 4 - Create a proposal according to the given template and rubric.

Group Member(s): Vanessa Rujipatanakul (Van),Wanwarisa Krittiyasrisumet (Pretty)
Product Title: The Glorious Scrapbook
Type of Product: Scrapbook

Your Selected Revolution, Historical Figures, and Ideologies/Movements:

(From the list in Step 2)

- The Glorious Revolution

- Niccolo Machiavelli, Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Machiavellianism, Scientific Methods, New World Uprisings

Research Questions (at least 2-3 questions):

(What do you hope to learn? Make sure it is not straightforward/simple. Look at the rubric.)

- How did the Glorious Revolution affect the New World Uprisings?
- How were Niccolo Machiavelli and Jean Jacques Rousseau who were in different time period
related to one another?
- What can we learn from the Glorious revolution and how can we adapt it to our life?

Product Description:
(Make sure it is clear what the product will look like, what it will include, and how it will be

The scrapbook will contain the information of the topics we chose: the revolution, the figures,
and the ideologies. We planned to make the book digitally, and maybe print it out or just post it on our
e-portfolio. There will be pictures, brief information about each of the topics, and some additional
items that is related to them. There might also be a timeline or a mind map that will show the
connections between the topics. We will start each topic with a paragraph(s) of background
information. There will also be a short description for pictures and other things that we will add into
the scrapbook. We might add some interesting facts about the topics. All the references will be
included on the last page of the book.

How the product demonstrates the connection between your selected topics and the
goals/essential understandings of this unit:
The product will contain information of people in enlightenment period and their
accomplishments and ideas. We will show how the ideas of those people affect our chosen ideologies
and how those ideologies changes over time and over revolution. From answering our research
World History II:
Unit 1 Project Guideline

question about the connection between Machiavelli and Rousseau, we will get to think critically about
the relationship between those two people. We will have to look up the thoughts, ideas and
achievements of those two people separately and compare them together. From this project, we will
also be able to analyze the cause of Glorious revolution and the consequences of it.

(What ESLOs does your project relate to and how?)
1. Strategic Learners:
- recognize what is important to know and understand; we set the research questions, which
will guide us about information that we will need to search for when doing research.
- plan how to learn without wasting time; we will follow the working plane, so that we can
manage and be able to use the time wisely.
- use technology to do research and to work
2. Innovative Thinkers:
- be creative and original; our product is the scrapbook, so we will use our creativity to create
an interesting, unique and catchy scrapbook.
- use technology to create high quality product
3. Articulate Communicators:
- tell what we understand and how we understand to different people
- use technology and media to clarify, explain, and state our ideas
4. Leaders for the future:
- build teamwork and leadership to achieve common goals; we are working in pair, so we will
need to share ideas and to work through our thoughts to find the midways where we are all
- use technology to solve our problem and do our work together

VARK Learning Strategies:

(What is your individual VARK learning style and how do you plan to do your research based on
the style?)
Our scores for each VARK learning styles are quite similar, but the highest one is the read/write
strategy. Therefore, we planned to search for articles and texts. We will take notes for key
information and to keep track of our research. We may as well look for diagrams, pictures and
flowcharts, which are related to visual style. For auditory strategy, we might search for videos which
give information and explain about our topic and questions. We will start looking at articles on BBC
website and videos about political theory of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Niccolo Machiavelli, which
we have provided the links in the starter sources.

Starter sources/references:
World History II:
Unit 1 Project Guideline

(Sources that you will begin with in your research for your project.)

Learning Plan:
(This is a daily plan of what you will do each day for the rest of the quarter.)

What You Plan to Do Things to Due Date


Day 1 Discuss about the topics. - -

Day 2 Choose the topics and come up with - -

questions for the project.

Day 3 Design the product and think about the - -

information that will be included.

Day 4 Identify the ESLOs and the VARK - -

learning strategies.

Day 5 Start finding the sources that will be - -

used throughout the project.

Day 6 Put the finishing touches to the Proposal 18th August

proposal and upload it on the e-

Day 7 Research for the main information - -

about the topics, and make a learning

Day 8 Continue researching, begin making a - -

draft of the product (create the layout
of the product), and make a learning
World History II:
Unit 1 Project Guideline

Day 9 Continue researching, continue making - -

the draft of the product (putting in the
information), and make a learning

Day 10 Finish researching, start making the - -

final product (the event), and make a
learning record.

Day 11 Continue making the final product (the - -

figures), and make a learning record.

Day 12 Continue making the final product (the - -

ideologies), and make a learning

Day 13 Try to finish the final product (the - -

timeline/mind map), and make a
learning record.

Day 14 Finish the final product, and make a - -

learning record.

Day 15 Put the finishing touches to the Product 8th September

product and put it on our e-portfolio. Presentation

Day 16 Gather all the learning records and put Learning Day 1 of that
them on our e-portfolio. Records Week

Day 17 Think about the answer for the given - -

questions, and start writing the
reflection (the first paragraph)

Day 18 Continue writing the reflection (the - -

second paragraph)

Day 19 Continue writing the reflection (the - -

third paragraph)

Day 20 Finish writing the reflection, and put it Reflection 21st September
on e-portfolio.

First Mind Map:

(Here I would like you to brainstorm everything you know about your topic(s) before even
beginning to work on the project. It does not matter if you do not know much but try to add as
much information as possible.)
World History II:
Unit 1 Project Guideline

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