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8.46 Humid air at 500 C and 1.0 atm with 20 C of superheat is fed to a condensor.

Gas and
liquid streams leaves the condensor in equilibrium at 200 C and 1 atm.

(a). Assume a basis of calculation of 100 mol inlet air. Draw and label a flowchart
(including Q and labeling) and carry out and degree-of freedom analisys to verify that
all labeled variabels can be determined.

(b). Write in order the equation you would solve to calculate the mass of water
condensor. Circle the unknown variabel for which you would solve each equation do
not do any of the calculation.

(c). Prepare an inlet-outlet enthalpy table, inserting labels for unknown specific
enthalpies (H1, H2,.....) write expression for the labeled specific enthalpies.
Substitusing values of formula for heat capacities and latent heats but not calculating
the values of the specific enthalpies. Then write an expression for the rate at which
heat must be transfered from the unit (kJ)/m3 air fed to the condensor.

(d). Solve your equation by hand to calculate kg H2O condensed/m3 air fed and kJ
transfered/m3 air fed.

(e). Use an equation-solving program to perform the calculation of part(d).

(f). What cooling rate (kW) would be required to process 250 m3 air fed/h?


a. Basis yang digunakan = 100 mol humid air

b. n2 mol, 20o C, 1 atm
y2 (mol

100 mol 1-y2 (dry air/mol)

y1 (mol H2O/mol)
1-y1 (dry air/mol) n3 (mol H2O(l))
500 C, 1 atm,20 C superheat

Degree of freedom

5 Variable yang tidak diketahui (n2,n3,y1,y2 dan Q)

-2 independent material balan
-1 Enthalpi 2'C superheat
-1 Enthalpi saturated at outlet
-1 Energy Balan
DOF = 0, problem dapat diselesaikan
((48 )
c. 2o superheat y1 =
((20 )
Saturation pada outlet y2=
Dry air balance: 100 (1-y1)= n2(1-y2)
H2O balance: 100(y1)= (n2) (y2) + n3

d. References: Air (25), H2O (l) (20 oC)

Substance nin Hin nout Hout

Air 100(1-y1) H1 n2(1-y2) H3 nin mol
H2O 100(y1) H2 N2(y2) H4 Hin kJ/mol
H2O - - N3 0 -

From appendix B:
Substance A B C D
Air 0,02894 0,000004147 3,191E-09 -1,965E-12
H2O (l) 0,0754
H2O (v) 0,03346 0,00000688 7,604E-09 -3,593E-12


50 50
H1= 25 () airdT= 25 { 0,02894 (50 25) + (( 0,000004147/2)X(502-252)+((3,191E-09/3)X(503-
253))+(( -1,965E-12/4)X(504-254))} =0.000728 Kj/ mol K

100 100
H2 =20 () H2O(l) dt + Hv (100 )+ 50 () H2O (v)

100 100
H2 = 20 (0,0754) dt + (40,656 )+ 50 {0,03346 (100 50) + ((0,00000688 /2)X(1002-
502)+(( 7,604E-09/3)X(1003-503))+(( -3,593E-12/4)X(1004-504))} =45.01 Kj/mol K

20 20
H3= 25 () airdT= 25 { 0,02894 (50 25) + (( 0,000004147/2)X(502-252)+((3,191E-09/3)X(503-
253))+(( -1,965E-12/4)X(504-254))}= 0.000145 kJ/mol K

100 20
H4 =20 () H2O(l) dt + Hv (100 )+ 100() H2O (v)

100 20
H4 = 20 (0,0754) dt + (40,656 )+ 100{0,03346 (100 20) + ((0,00000688 /2)X(1002-
202)+(( 7,604E-09/3)X(1003-203))+(( -3,593E-12/4)X(1004-204))} = 44.00 kJ/mol K
Komponen nin Hin nout Hout Unit
Air 88,98594 0,000728 88,98594 -0,00015 n in mol
H2O(v) 11,01406 45,01 2,101605 44,00 H in kJ/mol
H2O(l) 8,912458 0
495,7776 92,45316 403,324415

8,314 .3 323
Q= H= Vair = 100

= 8,314 . 3 323
1,01325 10^5

((48 ) 83,71
e. 2o superheat y1 = = = 0,110 mol H2O/mol
((20 ) 17,535
Saturation pada outlet y2= = = 0,023 mol H2O/mol
Dry air balance: 100 (1-y1)= n2(1-y2) (100) (1 0,110) = n2 (1-0,023)
n2 =91,10 mol

H2O balance: 100(y1)= (n2) (y2) + n3 (100) (0,110) = (91,10) (0,023) + n3

n3 = 8,90 mol H2O = 0,160 kg H2O condensed

Q= H=

Komponen nin Hin nout Hout Unit

Air 88,98594 0,000727603 88,98594 0,00015 n in mol
H in
H2O(v) 11,01406 45,01 2,101605 44,00 kJ/mol
H2O(l) 8,912458 0
niHi niHi
Out 495,78 Out 92,45

Q= H= = 403,32 kJ
8,314 .3 323
Vair = 100 =2,65 m3

0,160 kg H2O condensed

= 0,0604 H2O condensed/ m3 fed
2,65 m3 fed

2,65 m3 fed = -152,1804 Kj/ m3 fed

152,1804 Kj 250 3 1 1
f. Q= 3600 1 /= -10,57 kW
m3 fed
9.27 Cumene (C6H5C3H7) is produced by reacting benzene with propylene [Hr ( 77 oF)
= -39,520 Btu/lb mole. A liquid feeed containing 75 mole % propylene and 25% -butane
and a second liquid stream containing essentially pure benzene are fed to the reactor.
Fresh benzene and recyled benzene and recycled benzene, both at 77 oF, are mixed in a
1:3 ratio (1 mole fresh feed/ 3 moles recycle) and passed through a heat exchanger, where
they are heated by the reactor effluent before being fed to the reactor. The pressure in the
reactor is sufficient to maintain the effluent stream as a liquid. After being cooled in the
heat exchanger, the reactor effluent is fed to a distilation column (T1). All of butene and
unreacted propylene are removed as overhead product from the column , and the cumene
and unreacted benzene are removed as bottoms product and fed to a second distilation
column (T2) where they are separated. The benzene leaving the top of the second column
is the recycle that is mixed with the fresh benzene feed. Of the propylene fed to the
process, 20 % does not react and leaves in the overhead product from the first distilation
column. The production rate of cumene is 1200 lbm/h.

a. calculate the mass flow rates of the streams fed to the reactor, the molar flow rate and
composition of the reactor effluent, and the molar flow rate and composition of the
overhead product from the first distillation column, T1.

b. Calculate the temperature of benzene stream fed to the reactor and the required rate of
heat addition or removal from the reactor. Use the following approximate heat cappacities
in your calculations. Cp [Btu/(lbm oF)] 0.57 for propylene, 0.55 for butane, 0.45 for
benzene, and 0.40 cumene.

1200 lbm C9 H12 1 lb mole
Basis : = 10
h 120 lbm

Overall process:

n1 (lb-moles/h n3 (lb-moles C3 H6 /h

0.75 C 3H 6 n4 (lb-moles C4 H10 /h

0.25 C 4H 10 10.0 lb-moles C6 H6 c /h

n2 (lb-moles C6 H6 /h
C3H6 (l) + C6H6 (l) C9H12 (l) Hr = -39520 Btu/lb mole
10.0 lb moles C9 H12 produced 1 mole C6 H6 consumed
Benezene balance : n2 = 1 mole C9 H12 produced= 10mole C6H6 cosumed

10.0 lb moles C6 H6 781.lbm C6 H6

1 lb mole
=781 lbm C6H6

10.0 C9 H12 1 C6 H6 cosumed

Propylene Balance : 0.75 n1 = n3 +
1 C6 H6 produced

(input= output+ consumption)

0.75 1 = n3+10
20% C 3H 6 unreacted 0.20 (0.75 n1) n1 = 16.67 lb moles/h
n3 = 2.50 lb moles C 3H 6/h

Mass flow rate C 3H 6 C 4H 10 feed

(0.75)(16.67) C 3H 6 42.08 C 3H 6 (0.25)(16.67) C 4H 10 58.12 C 4H 10
= +
1 1

= 768 lbm/h
Reaktor :
10 (3+1)
Benzene feed rate = = 40 lb moles C6H6/h

16.67 lb-moles/h at 77oF

10.0 lb-molesC9H12/h
0.75 C3H6
2.50 lb-moles C3H6/h
0.25 C4H10
4.17 lb-moles C4H10/h
30.0 lb-moles C6H6/h
40.0 lb-moles C6H6/h

Total product = 46,7 lb mole/h

Kandungan masing-masing komponen:
21,4 % C9H12
5,4 % C3H6
8,9 % C4H10
64,3 % C6H6
Overhead from T1: 2,5 lb moles C3H6/h
4,17 lb moles C4H10/h
Reactor effluent 200
10.0 lb-moles C9H12 /h

2.50 lb-moles C3H6 /h

4.17 lb-moles C4H10 /h

T (
30.0 lb-moles C6H6 /h

40.0 lb-moles C6H6 /h


Energy Balance H= 0 (Hiout Hiin)= Cpi (Tout Tin)i = 0

Asumsi pada proses ini adalah adiabatik.
10 912 120 0,40
[ 1 ] (200 400) + (2.50)(42.08)(0.57)

(200 400) + (30.0)(78.11)(0.45) (200 400) + (40.0)(78.11)(0.45)
( 77) = 0 323

(Refer to flow chart of part B: T= 323

References : C3H6(l), C4H10(l), C6H6(l), C9H12(l) At 77

Hi (Btu/lb mole) = Cpi (Btu/lbm ) Mi (lbm/lb mole) (T-77) ()

Substance nin Hin nout Hout

C3H6 12,5 0,0 2,5 7750,0
C4H10 4,2 0,0 4,2 10330,0
C6H6 40,0 8650,0 30,0 11350,0
C9H12 - - 10,0 15530,0

Energi Balances Reactor:

C9H12 .Hr
Q= H = + out ni Hi-in ni Hi

= + (2.5)(7750) + (4.2)(10330) + (30.0)(11350) + (10.0)(15530)
(40.0)(8650) =-182948.9 Btu/h (heat removal)




RIZKI AGUSTINA (1607166900)






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