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Clinical Nutrition (2006) 25, 177179


Evidence supports nutritional support

Introduction However, since most of the chapters of the
guideline deal with very specific questions of
Nutritional support has long been one of the most timing, route of application and a composition of
controversially discussed therapeutic interventions enteral nutrition solutions, it appears necessary to
in modern medicine. In fact more than 20 years discuss some basic issues in this editorial.
ago, Koretz wrote a noteworthy article: What What are relevant questions? It is still not clear
supports nutritional support?,1 outlining that we for all clinical conditions if nutritional support can
do not have enough information to make evidence counteract the negative effects of undernutrition
based decisions about indications of nutritional and starvation, or if disease inherent catabolism
support. However, since then the situation has renders subtrate supplementation inefficient.
considerably changed. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the effect
There is excellent evidence that undernutrition of nutritional support specifically in different
is an independent risk factor for higher morbidity, disease states. Similarly the amount and composi-
increased length of hospital stay, higher read- tion of substrates needed, the route of application
mission rates, delayed recovery, lower quality of and the appropriate study design for nutritional
life as well as higher hospital costs and higher intervention studies are still in debate. Fortunately
mortality.2 these problems have also been extensively studied.
Similarly the evidence about the effectiveness of Within the last 6 years, e.g. 91 Cochrane reviews on
nutritional support has grown considerably within enteral nutrition have been published. Therefore
the last decades. Therefore, the European Society the guidelines can provide clear responses to most
for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) has of these questions.
decided to publish evidence-based guidelines on
enteral nutrition to evaluate benefits and risks of
enteral nutrition in a predefined reproducible way. Study design
These guidelines represent the most comprehen-
sive evaluation of enteral nutrition yet. In 10 It is important do distinguish between the approach
chapters the role of enteral nutrition in different to evaluate some pharmacological innovation and
indications has been evaluated. Furthermore, that to study physiological issues which are so
ethical and methodological aspects of enteral obvious that no trials are necessary. Nobody ever
nutrition are dealt with in separate chapters. would doubt that a patient on complete starvation
These guidelines form a consensus among a group will die eventually. This may be termed a parachute
of experts in clinical nutrition but also in their issue on the basis that no trial on the use of
individual specialties to which nutritional support is parachutes is necessary to prove that jumping out
applied. In establishing the guidelines the consen- of an aeroplane without one is likely to be fatal. In
sus group followed the internationally accepted the same sense acute and worsening respiratory
recommendations of the Scottish Intercollegiate failure is likely to be fatal in minutes without
Guidelines Network (SIGN)3 for guideline develop- artificial ventilation, cessation of fluid intake is
ment. These regulate composition of consensus fatal in days, acute renal failure without dialysis
groups, systematic evaluation of the literature and may be fatal in weeks and complete starvation
the process of finding a consensus as described in without nutritional support leads to impaired
the methods section. function within days or weeks and death in 23

0261-5614/$ - see front matter & 2006 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.

months even in a healthy person.4 No controlled  Does nutritional support improve nutritional
trial of artificial ventilation, dialysis or fluids has status in a specific situation?
been undertaken for obvious reasons in patients  Does nutritional support affect prognosis in a
with respiratory failure or renal failure respectively specific situation?
and it therefore seems rather silly to expect a  Do short periods of starvation (i.e.o7 days)
treatment of prolonged starvation to be tested in matter in terms of outcome?
this way. It is inherently obvious for example, that  What is the preferred feeding method in a given
the alternative to tube feeding in complete situation?
dysphagia or to parenteral nutrition in prolonged  What is the most appropriate enteral or parental
gastrointestinal failure is death within a finite time. formula, composition and amount for each
Besides the fact, that the consequences of condition?
starvation are obvious as outlined above, it is  Does feeding beneficially affect or alternatively
almost impossible to perform blinded studies of exacerbate the underlying pathological process?
nutritional support versus no nutritional support
due to obvious reasons. It is therefore not a
scientific question if nutritional support is neces-
sary in starvation but rather to which degree may a Evidence-based benefits of nutritional
patient be starved without increasing his risk or support
what is an adequate balance between the risks of
artificial nutrition and the risks of starvation. While the authors of each section have examined
the evidence in their respective specialties, the
general evidence concerning the benefits of oral
nutritional supplements (ONS) and enteral tube
Relevant endpoints for nutritional feeding have been comprehensively and system-
support atically reviewed by Stratton, Green, and Elia in a
recent publication.2 In 711 RCTs of ONS reviewed,
The choice of appropriate endpoints by which to they found a reduction in mortality (26% vs. 17%),
judge the efficacy of nutritional support needs to reduced complications (27% vs. 12%), and reduced
be considered carefully and separately for each length of stay (28 vs. 19 days). In patient groups
clinical condition, for example: in a condition with without significant prior undernutrition, i.e. with a
a low mortality, such as colorectal surgery or one BMI420 kg/m2, mortality was not significantly
with a high mortality in which 95% of the mortality reduced (20% vs. 19%), but complications were
risk relates to the disease and other coincident reduced in three trials (27% vs. 12%), and length of
pathology, the use of mortality as the sole endpoint stay was reduced (16 vs. 12 days).
of nutritional support may be unhelpful or mislead- In 12 RCTs (600 patients) of enteral tube
ing. It may be more appropriate to use other feeding, mortality was reduced (23% vs. 11%), in
parameters such as complication rates, use of 17 RCTs (749 patients) total complication rates
antibiotics, time on the ventilator, length of stay were reduced (48% vs. 33%) and in 9 RCTS (442
or time to rehabilitation, in other wordsdoes the patients) infective complications were reduced
patient get better more quickly with less consump- (46% vs. 23%). Improved outcome was correlated
tion of resources. For most therapies this is well with adequate nutritional intake and weight gain.
accepted, e.g. quality of life or reduction of fatigue The general indication and effectiveness of ONS
is an accepted endpoint for chemotherapy and and enteral tube feeding in patients who cannot
lower cost with similar efficacy is an important fullfil their substrate needs adequately is therefore
endpoint for many drug studies. For nutritional well established and the whole consensus group
support the validity of these endpoints was long strongly agreed on this.
dismissed as soft or surrogate endpoints. This may Although, as the authors of the various sections
be due to the fact, that everybody considered it conclude, results may vary according to diagnosis,
logical, that a well-nourished person feels better prior nutritional status, age, the technical ade-
than a starving person. However to achieve this in quacy of treatment, and patient selection.
disease states needs the therapeutic intervention In some areas, evidence for specific questions
of nutritional support. like timing and composition of enteral nutrition is
Relevant question and endpoints are therefore: still lacking upon which to make level A recom-
mendations and much practice, as in other areas of
 How can clinically relevant undernutrition be medicine, is guided by level C evidence. Further
diagnosed? studies are clearly required in these areas.

Integration of nutritional support in the by ESPEN. The dissemination of the guidelines will
therapeutic strategy be opened to sponsoring to facilitate access to the
largest possible audience.
Although nutritional support is therapy in most
cases it is exactly what it sayssupportive rather
than specific treatment of the underlying disease. References
It prevents the deleterious effects of starvation
while the underlying condition resolves naturally or 1. Koretz RL. What supports nutritional support? Dig Dis
in response to treatment. It is therefore, only one 2. Stratton RJ, Green CJ, Elia M. Disease-related malnutrition:
facet of overall management and needs to be an evidence-based approach to treatment. CAB International
integrated properly into it. Shortcomings in other 2003.
aspects of care may negate any benefits of 3. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. SIGN 50: A guide-
nutritional support, similarly inappropriate, unba- line developers handbook. Edinburgh; SIGN: 2004-http:// (last ac-
lanced, unskilled, or excessive feeding may inter- cessed Feb 3rd 2006).
fere with other aspects of treatment and render 4. Keys A, Brozek J, et al. The biology of human starvation
them less effective. Similarly the technical inter- (Minnesota study). Minneapolis: Minnesota Press; 1950.
ventions associated with enteral tube feeding have
their own risks, which must be weighed, in each
H. Lochs, C. Pichard, S.P. Allison
case, against the expected benefits. Such risks are
Steering Committee for the ESPEN Guidelines on
minimised when treatment is carried out by expert
Enteral Nutrition
staff. Conversely other treatments e.g. drugs may
impair appetite, G.I. function and nutritional
status. H. Lochs
Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and
Endocrinology, Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin,
Conclusion Schumannstrae 20/21, D-10117 Berlin, Germany

It should therefore be clear, that nutritional C. Pichard

support is indispensable for patients not fulfilling Clinical Nutrition Unit, Department of Internal
their energy and substrate needs. These guidelines Medicine, Geneva University Hospital, Geneva,
do provide evidence-based information about spe- Switzerland
cific problems like timing, dosing, composition and
route of application. They also show where addi-
tional studies are needed and under which condi- S.P. Allison
tions limitation or withdrawal of nutritional support Department of Diabetes Endocrinology and Nutri-
like other therapies might be adequate. tion, Queens Medical Center, Nottingham, UK
The preparation and publication of ESPEN guide-
lines on enteral nutrition were exclusively funded

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