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TEST ( Present Simple)

I. Complete the sentences using the Present Simple form of the

verb in brackets:

1. Uncle Joe _________ (wear) glasses.

2. Ducks _________ (love) water.
3. The sun _________ (rise) in the east.
4. The children ____________ (not go) to school by train.
5. Juan _________ (enjoy) singing.
6. Monkeys _________ (like) bananas.
7. Susan ________________ (not collect) stamps.
8. The earth _________ (go) around the sun.
9. It often ________ (snow) in winter.
10. We _________ (wash) our hands.
11. We _________ (eat) three meals a day.
12. _________ he _________ (run) very fast?
13. _________ you _________ (like) my new bike?
14. _________ Jane _________ (walk) to school?
15. Pedro _________ (speak) English very well.
16. My dog _________ (bark) very loudly.
17. _________ Sara _________ (read) in bed?
18. _________ babies _________ (sleep) during the day?
19. Eva _________ (try) not to disturb.
20. Eagles _________ (fly) high in the sky.

20 x 3p = 60p
II. Translate into English:

1. Tom nu colectioneaza timbre.

2. Toamna ploua adesea.

3. Pestilor le place apa.
4. - Tu mergi pe jos la scoala?

5. Nu. Merg intotdeauna cu bicicleta la scoala.
6. Cainele meu mananca trei mese pe
7. Vulturii zboara la inaltimi mari.

8. Pamantul se roteste in jurul soarelui.

9. John incearca sa nu deranjeze.
10. Soarele rasare intotdeauna in est.


10p extra

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