Fatigue Testing: Prediction of Fatigue Life

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Atlas of Fatigue Curves Copyright 1986 ASM International

H.E. Boyer, Author All rights reserved


Fatigue Testing

ence of reversed stresses that exceed the flow

Introduction stress, followed by development of cracks at per-
Fatigue is the progressive, localized, perma- sistent slip bands or at grain boundaries.
nent structural change that occurs in materials
subjected to fluctuating stresses and strains that Prediction of Fatigue life
may result in cracks or fracture after a sufficient
The fatigue life of any specimen or structure is
number of fluctuations. Fatigue fractures are
the number of stress (strain) cycles required to
caused by the simultaneous action of cyclic
cause failure. This number is a function of many
stress, tensile stress and plastic strain. If any one
variables, including stress level, stress state, cy-
of these three is not present, fatigue cracking will
clic wave form, fatigue environment, and the
not initiate and propagate. The cyclic stress
metallurgical condition of the material. Small
starts the crack; the tensile stress produces crack
changes in the specimen or test conditions can
growth (propagation). Although compressive
significantly affect fatigue behavior, making ana-
stress will not cause fatigue, compression load
lytical prediction of fatigue life difficult. There-
may do so.
fore, the designer may rely on experience with
The process of fatigue consists of three stages:
similar components in service rather than on
Initial fatigue damage leading to crack nu- laboratory evaluation of mechanical test speci-
cleation and crack initiation mens. Laboratory tests, however, are essential in
Progressive cyclic growth of a crack (crack understanding fatigue behavior, and current
propagation) until the remaining uncracked studies with fracture mechanics test specimens
cross section of a part becomes too weak to are beginning to provide satisfactory design
sustain the loads imposed criteria.
Final, sudden fracture of the remaining Laboratory fatigue tests can be classified as
cross section crack initiation or crack propagation. In crack
initiation testing, specimens or parts are sub-
Fatigue cracking normally results from cyclic
jected to the number of stress cycles required for
stresses that are well below the static yield
a fatigue crack to initiate and to subsequently
strength of the material. (In low-cycle fatigue,
grow large enough to produce failure.
however, or if the material has an appreciable
In crack propagation testing, fracture mechan-
work-hardening rate, the stresses also may be
ics methods are used to determine the crack
above the static yield strength.)
growth rates of preexisting cracks under cyclic
Fatigue cracks initiate and propagate in re-
loading. Fatigue crack propagation may be
gions where the strain is most severe. Because
caused by cyclic stresses in a benign environ-
most engineering materials contain defects and
ment, or by the combined effects of cyclic stresses
thus regions of stress concentration that intensify
and an aggressive environment (corrosion fa-
strain, most fatigue cracks initiate and grow
from structural defects. Under the action of cy-
clic loading, a plastic zone (or region of deforma-
tion) develops at the defect tip. This zone of high Fatigue Crack Initiation
deformation becomes an initiation site for a fa- Most laboratory fatigue testing is done either
tigue crack. The crack propagates under the ap- with axial loading, or in bending, thus producing
plied stress through the material until complete only tensile and compressive stresses. The stress
fracture results. On the microscopic scale, the usually is cycled either between a maximum and
most important feature of the fatigue process is a minimum tensile stress, or between a maximum
nucleation of one or more cracks under the influ- tensile stress and a maximum compressive stress.
2 Fatigue Testing

The latter is considered a negative tensile stress, 1100

is given an algebraic minus sign, and therefore is 1000 2340 ~teel
known as the minimum stress. o"i:, 48 HAC
The stress ratio is the algebraic ratio of two 900 (unnoto;hed)-
"- 'b.. 125 ~
specified stress values in a stress cycle. Two :;: BOO "Fattgue
---:- - T--:
tmtt s, ""
234~lsteel ~
commonly used stress ratios are the ratio, A, of --'
VJ" 700 100 VJ"
the alternating stress amplitude to the mean
stress (A= S"/ S ml and the ratio, R, of the min-
"C 600 '\.. 48 HAC _ ID

imum stress to the maximum stress (R = Smin/ ~c. 500 ~- . ,__ .."' '),. (notched)
75 -~
Smax). E
Fattgue It mit, s, t- E
If the stresses are fully reversed, the stress ratio "'
00 1
50 "'

R becomes -I; if the stresses are partially re- 00 Aluminum alloy 00
~ 300 1?.
versed, Rbecomes a negative number less than 1. --,; ~7075-TS
iii 200
If the stress is cycled between a maximum stress 25
and no load, the stress ratio R becomes zero. If ~
the stress is cycled between two tensile stresses, Stress ratio (R) = - 1
0 0
the stress ratio R becomes a positive number less 10 6 10 7 10'
than 1. A stress ratio R of 1indicates no variation
Number of cycles to fracture, N
in stress, making the test a sustained-load creep
test rather than a fatigue test. Fig. 2 Typical S-N curves for constant
Applied stresses are described by three pa- amplitude and sinusoidal loading
rameters. The mean stress, S m is the algebraic
average of the maximum and minimum stresses ing plot of the data is an S-N curve. Three typical
in one cycle, Sm= (Smax+ Smin)/2. In the com- S- N curves are shown in Fig. 2.
pletely reversed cycle test, the mean stress is zero. The number of cycles of stress that a metal can
The range of stress, S, is the algebraic difference endure before failure increases with decreasing
between the maximum and minimum stresses in stress. For some engineering materials such as
one cycle, Sr = S max- S min The stress amplitude, steel (see Fig. 2) and titanium, the S-N curve be-
S" is one half the range of stress, S" = S ,/ 2 = comes horizontal at a certain limiting stress.
(Sm.,- Sm;.)/2. Below this limiting stress, known as the fatigue
During a fatigue test, the stress cycle usually is limit or endurance limit, the material can endure
maintained constant so that the applied stress an infinite number of cycles without failure.
conditions can be written Sm S a where Sm is the Fatigue Limit and Fatigue Strength. The hor-
static or mean stress, and Sa is the alternating izontal portion of an S- N curve represents the
stress, which is equal to half the stress range. maximum stress that the metal can withstand for
Nomenclature to describe test parameters in- an infinitely large number of cycles with 50%
volved in cyclic stress testing are shown in Fig. 1. probability of failure and is known as the fatigue
(endurance) limit, Sp Most nonferrous metals do
not exhibit a fatigue limit. Instead, their S-N
curves continue to drop at a slow rate at high
numbers of cycles, as shown by the curve for
aluminum alloy 7075-T6 in Fig. 2.
For these types of metals, fatigue strength
rather than fatigue limit is reported, which is the
stress to which the metal can be subjected for a
specified number of cycles. Because there is no
Fig. 1 Nomenclature to describe test standard number of cycles, each table offatigue
parameters involved in cyclic stress
strengths must specify the number of cycles for
which the strengths are reported. The fatigue
S-N Curves. The results of fatigue crack initia- strength of nonferrous metals at I 00 million ( 10 8)
tion tests usually are plotted as maximum stress, or 500 million (5 X 108) cycles is erroneously
minimum stress, or stress amplitude to number called the fatigue limit.
of cycles, N, to failure using a logarithmic scale Low-Cycle Fatigue. For the low-cycle fatigue
for the number of cycles. Stress is plotted on region (N < 104 cycles) tests are conducted with
either a linear or a logarithmic scale. The result- controlled cycles of elastic plus plastic strain,
Introduction 3

rather than with controlled load or stress cycles.

Under controlled strain testing, fatigue life be-
havior is represented by a log-log plot of the total
strain range, .6.e 1 versus the number of cycles to
~ 10 - l 1-----l-~"
fiihue (Fig. 3). c
The total strain range is separated into elastic ~
and plastic components. For many metals and
alloys, the elastic strain range, A<, is equal to the
stress range divided by the modulus of elasticity.
The plastic strain range, A< P' is the difference be-
tween the total strain range and the elastic strain
Stress-Concentration Factor. Stress is concen-
trated in a metal by structural discontinuities, Cycles to failure
such as notches, holes, or scratches, which act as
stress raisers. The stress-concentration factor, Fig. 3 Typical plot of strain range versus
cycles-to-failure for low-cycle fatigue
K 1, is the ratio of the area test stress in the region
oft he notch (or other stress concentrators) to the cling of notched specimens that have been pre-
corresponding nominal stress. For determina- cracked in fatigue. Crack length is measured as a
tion of K 1, the greatest stress in the region of the function of elapsed cycles, and these data are
notch is calculated from the theory of elasticity, subjected to numerical analysis to establish the
or equivalent values are derived experimentally. rate of crack growth, da/ dN
The fatigue notch factor, Kp is the ratio of the Crack growth rates are expressed as a function
fatigue strength of a smooth (unnotched) speci- of the crack tip stress-intensity factor range, AK.
men to the fatigue strength of a notched speci- The stress-intensity factor is calculated from ex-
men at the same number of cycles. pressions based on linear elastic stress analysis
Fatigue notch sensitivity, q, for a material is and is a function of crack size, load range, and
determined by comparing the fatigue notch fac- cracked specimen geometry. Fatigue crack growth
tor, K 1, and the stress-concentration factor, K 1, data are typically presented in a log-log plot of
for a specimen of a given size containing a stress da/dNversus AK(Fig. 4).
concentrator of a given shape and size. A com-
mon definition of fatigue notch sensitivity is q = ~K. ksiVlii.
(K1 - 1)/(K,- 1), in which q may vary between 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
zero (where K 1 = 1) and I (where K 1 = K,). This
0 0
value may be stated as percentage. 10-2
o c9o
o oo
Fatigue Crack Propagation 0

In large structural components, the existence ~

u ~
of a crack does not necessarily imply imminent
failure of the part. Significant structural life may
~ 10-2
f------'l----:; .,
remain in the cyclic growth of the crack to a size E 10-4
at which a critical failure occurs. The objective of iB"
fatigue crack propagation testing is to determine ;g 10- 3 J---ill
the rates at which subcritical cracks grow under
cyclic loadings prior to reaching a size critical for
The growth or extension of a fatigue crack
under cyclic loading is principally controlled by 0~
maximum load and stress ratio. However, as in 10- 5 L.__ _L..,_ _.j_ ___J,_ __ j 10-6
crack initiation, there are a number of additional 0 10 20 30 40
factors that may exert a strong influence, includ-
~K. MPa\ m
ing environment, frequency, temperature, and
grain direction. Fatigue crack propagation test- fig. 4 Fatigue crack propagation rate
ing usually involves constant-load-amplitude cy- data in 7075-TS aluminum alloy (R <O)
4 Fatigue Testing

fatigue Crack Initiation of these phenomena have a significant influence

on the crack nucleation process. In general, al-
loying that (I) enhances cross slip, (2) enhances
Crack initiation tests are procedures in which twinning, or (3) increases the rate of work hard-
a specimen or part is subjected to cyclic loading ening will stimulate crack nucleation. On the
to failure. A large portion of the total number of other hand, alloying usually raises the flow stress
cycles in these tests is spent initiating the crack. of a metal, thus offsetting its potentially detri-
Although crack initiation tests conducted on mental effect on fatigue crack nucleation.
small specimens do not precisely establish the fa- Crack Initiation. Fatigue cracks initiate at
tigue life of a large part, such tests do provide points of maximum local stress and minimum
data on the intrinsic fatigue crack initiation be- local strength. The local stress pattern is deter-
havior of a metal or alloy. As a result, such data mined by the shape of the part and by the type
can be utilized to develop criteria to prevent fa- and magnitude of the loading. In addition to the
tigue failures in engineering design. Examples of geometric features of a part, features such as sur-
the use of small-specimen fatigue test data can be face and metallurgical imperfections can act to
found in the basis of the fatigue design codes for concentrate stress locally. Surface imperfections
boilers and pressure vessels, complex welded, riv- such as scratches, dents, burrs, cuts, and other
eted, or bolted structures, and automotive and manufacturing flaws are the most obvious sites
aerospace components. at which fatigue cracks initiate. Except for in-
stances where internal defects or special surface-
Fatigue Cracking hardening treatments are involved, fatigue cracks
initiate at the surface.
Fatigue cracks normally result from cyclic Relation to Environment. Corrosion fatigue
stresses that are below the yield strength of the describes the degradation of the fatigue strength
metal. In low-cycle fatigue, however, the cyclic of a metal by the initiation and growth of cracks
stress may be above the static yield strength, es- under the combined action of cyclic loading and
pecially in a material with an appreciable work- a corrosive environment. Because it is a synergis-
hardening rate. Generally, a fatigue crack is in- tic effect of fatigue and corrosion, corrosion fa-
itiated at a highly stressed region of a component tigue can produce a far greater degradation in
subjected to cyclic loading of sufficient magni- strength than either effect acting alone or by su-
tude. The crack then propagates in progressive perposition of the singular effects. An unlimited
cyclic growth through the cross section of the number of gaseous and liquid mediums may af-
part until the maximum load cannot be carried, fect fatigue crack initiation in a given material.
and complete fracture results. Fretting corrosion, which occurs from relative
Crack Nucleation. A variety of crystallo- motion between joints, may also accelerate fa-
graphic features have been observed to nucleate tigue crack initiation.
fatigue cracks. In pure metals, tubular holes that
develop in persistent slip bands, slip band extru- Fatigue Testing Regimes
sion-intrusion pairs at free surfaces, and twin
boundaries are common nucleation sites. Grain The magnitude of the nominal stress on a cy-
boundaries in polycrystalline metals, even in the clically loaded component frequently is mea-
absence of inherent grain boundary weakness, sured by the amount of overstress-that is, the
are crack nucleation sites. At high strain rates, amount by which the nominal stress exceeds the
this appears to be the preferred site. Nucleation fatigue limit or the long-life fatigue strength of
at grain boundaries appears to be a geometrical the material used in the component. The number
effect, whereas nucleation at twin boundaries is of load cycles that a component under low over-
associated with active slip on crystallographic stress can endure is high; thus, the term high-
planes immediately adjacent and parallel to the cycle fatigue is often applied.
twin boundary. As the magnitude of the nominal stress in-
The foregoing processes also occur in alloys creases, initiation of multiple cracks is more
and heterogeneous materials. However, alloying likely. Also, spacing between fatigue striations,
and commercial production practices introduce which indicate the progressive growth of the
segregation, inclusions, second-phase particles, crack front, is increased, and the region of final
and other features that disturb the structure. All fast fracture is increased in size.
Fatigue Crack Initiation 5

Low-cycle fatigue is the regime characterized the Bauschinger effect. In reloading in tension, a
by high overstress. The arbitrary, but commonly hysteresis loop develops. The dimensions of this
accepted, dividing line between high-cycle and loop are described by its width Ll< (the total
low-cycle fatigue is considered to be about 10 4 to strain range) and its height Lla (the stress range).
10 5 cycles. In practice, this distinction is made by The total strain range Llt: consists of an elastic
determining whether the dominant component strain component 6.E~' = 6.a IE and a plastic strain
of the strain imposed during cyclic loading is component 6.E p
elastic (high cycle) or plastic (low cycle), which in The width of the hysteresis loop depends on
turn depends on the properties of the metal as the level of cyclic strain. When the level of cyclic
well as the magnitude of the nominal stress. strain is small, the hysteresis loop becomes very
Presentation of Fatigue Data. High-cycle fa- narrow. For tests conducted under constant .6.t:,
tigue data are presented graphically as stress (S) the stress range Lla usually changes with an in-
versus cycles-to-failure (N) in S-N diagrams or creasing number of cycles.
S- N curves. These are described in the Introduc- The common method of presenting low-cycle
tion to this Section along with the symbols and fatigue data is to plot either the plastic strain
nomenclature commonly applied in fatigue test- range, .6.t: P' or the total strain range, .6.t:, versus N.
ing. Because the stress in high-cycle fatigue tests When plotted using log-log coordinates, a straight
is usually within the elastic range, the calculation line can be fit to the f>,"-N plot. The slope of this
of stress amplitude, stress range, or maximum line in the region where plastic strain dominates
stress on the S-axis is made using simple equa- has shown little variation for the large number of
tions from mechanics of materials; i.e., stress cal- metals and alloys tested in low-cycle fatigue, the
culated using the specimen dimensions and the average value being Y,. This power-law relation-
controlled load or deflection applied axially, in ship between Ll< P and N is known as the Coffin-
flexure, or in torsion. Manson relationship. Figure 6 is an example of
Figure 5 illustrates a stress-strain loop under the typical presentation of low-cycle fatigue test
controlled constant-strain cycling in a low-cycle results.
fatigue test. During initial loading, the stress-
strain curve is 0-A-B. Upon unloading, yielding Classification of Fatigue
begins in compression at a lower stress C due to Testing Machines
Fatigue test specimens are primarily described
by the mode of loading:
Direct (axial) stress
Plane bending
Rotating beam
Alternating torsion
Combined stress
Testing machines, however, may be universal-
type machines that are capable of conducting all
of the above modes of loading, depending on the
fixturing used.
Fatigue Testing Machine Components
Whether simple or complex, all fatigue testing
machines consist of the same basic components:
a load train, controllers, and monitors. The load
train consists of the load frame, gripping devices,
test specimen, and drive (loading) system. Typi-
cal load train components in an electrohydraulic
axial fatigue machine are shown in Fig. 7.
The load frame is the structure of the machine
Fig. 5 Stress-strain loop for constant- that reacts to the forces applied to the specimen
strain cycling by the drive system.
6 Fatigue Testing

........ .....
1'-.... n
I ..........

....., i'o..o
1'-.... 0

10-3 ....
w-' 10 10 2
10 4
10 5
Cycles to failure, N

Fig. 6 Low-cycle fatigue curve (.0.~ p versus N) for type 347 stainless steel

Control Systems. The controls and controllers

manually or automatically initiate power and
test, adjust, and maintain the controlled test pa-
rameter(s). Controllers also terminate the test at
a predefined status (failure; load drop, exten-
sion, or deflection limit). The control of time-
frame. varying deflection or displacement can be ob-
tained in mechanical systems by cam-operated
deflection levels, a rotating eccentric mass, or
hydraulically through a piston limited by stops.
Control in most simple machines and drive
systems is obtained via the open-loop mode. In
such systems, the magnitude of force and dis-
placement initially set by the control system re-
mains constant throughout the test.
Sensors are required to measure the load,
strain, displacement, deflection, and cycle count.
Some devices provide an output signal to the
controller, or to a readout device in the case of
Fig. 7 Schematic of the load train in an uncontrolled parameters. Common sensors are
electrohydraulic axial fatigue machine load cells (resistance strain gage bridges cali-
brated to load) inserted in the load train. Pres-
The drive system is the most significant feature sure transducers are used in hydraulic or pneu-
of a fatigue testing system and usually is electri- matic actuator devices.
cally powered. The simplest systems use electric Loading fixtures to alter the mode of loading
motors to act on test specimens via cams, levers, provide versatility. Fixtures can be designed to
or rotating grips. In electrohydraulic machines, convert the axial force provided by a hydraulic
the motors drive hydraulic pumps to provide actuator to perform four-point bending or tor-
service pressure for cohtrol of the motion and sion testing. Similarly, fixtures attached to an
force of a hydraulic piston actuator. Electro- oscillating platen of a rotating-eccentric-mass-
magnetic excitation can be used to excite a mass type machine can facilitate axial, bending, and
or inertia system to load a specimen. torsion fatigue testing of specimens.
Fatigue Crack Initiation 7

wfbi 1<1 ldl 11 Iff lgl

{a) Standard grip body for wedge-type grips. (b) V-grips for rounds for use in standard grip body. (c) Flat grips for
specimens for use in standard grip body. (d) Universal open-front holders. (e) Adapters for special samples (screws,
bolts, studs, etc.)for use with universal open-front holders. (f) Holders forthreadedsampfes. (g) Snubber-type wire
grips for flexible wire or cable.
Fig. 8 Grip designs used for axial fatigue testing

Grips. Proper gripping is not simply the at- component systems and can be upgraded as re-
tachment of the test specimen in the load train. quired. A hydraulic actuator typically is used to
Grip failure sometimes occurs prior to specimen apply the load in axial fatigue testing.
failure. Frequently, satisfactory gripping evolves Electromagnetic or magnetostrictive excita-
after specimen design development. Care must tion is used for axial fatigue testing machine
be taken in grip design and specimen installation drive systems, particularly when low-load ampli-
in the grips to prevent misalignment. The grips tudes and high-cycle fatigue lives are desired in
shown in Fig. 8 are typical of those used for axial short test durations. The high cyclic frequency of
fatigue tests. operation of these types of machines enables test-
ing to long fatigue lives (> 108 cycles) within
Axial (Direct-Stress) weeks.
Fatigue Testing Machines
The direct-stress fatigue testing machine sub- Bending Fatigue Machines
jects a test specimen to a uniform stress or strain
The most common types of fatigue machines
through its cross section. For the same cross sec-
are small bending fatigue machines. In general,
tion, an axial fatigue testing machine must be
these simple, inexpensive systems allow labora-
able to apply a greater force than a static bending
tories to conduct extensive test programs with a
machine to achieve the same stress.
low equipment investment.
Electromechanical systems have been devel-
Cantilever beam machines, in which the test
oped for axial fatigue studies. Generally, these
specimen has a tapered width, thickness, or di-
are open-loop systems, but often have partial
ameter, result in a portion ofthe test area having
closed-loop features to continuously correct
uniform stress with smaller load requirements
mean load.
than required for uniform bending or axial fa-
In crank and lever machines, a cyclic load is
tigue of the same section size.
applied to one end of the test specimen through a
Rotating Beam Machines. Typical rotating
deflection-calibrated lever that is driven by a
beam machine types are shown in Fig. 9. The
variable-throw crank. The load is transmitted to
R. R. Moore-type machines (Fig. 9a) can operate
the specimen through a flexure system, which
up to 10 000 rpm. In all bending-type tests, only
provides straight-line motion to the specimen.
the material near the surface is subjected to the
The other end of the specimen is connected to a
maximum stress; therefore, in a small-diameter
hydraulic piston that is part of an electrohydraul-
specimen, only a very small volume of material is
ically controlled load-maintaining system that
under test.
senses specimen yielding. This system automati-
cally and steplessly restores the preset load
through the hydraulic piston. Torsional Fatigue Testing Machines
Servohydraulic closed-loop systems offer op- Torsional fatigue tests can be performed on
control, monitoring, and versatility in fa- axial-type machines using the proper fixtures if
testing systems. These can be obtained as the maximum twist required is small. Specially
8 Fatigue Testing


(a) Four-point loading R.R. Moore testing machine. (b) Single-end rotating cantilever testing machine.
Fig. 9 Schematic of rotating beam fatigue testing machines


Angular 1
display feedback rr==~====il~==~~


~J;:;;;J;;;;;;:;;;;~~.. Rotary actuator
Fig. 10 Schematic of a servohydraulic torsional fatigue testing machine

designed torsional fatigue testing machines con- used as the beam and is deflected (buckled) a
sist of electromechanical machines, in which lin- known amount and rotated.
ear motion is changed to rotational motion by Rolling contact fatigue testers usually are
the use of cranks, and servohydraulic machines, constant-load machines in which a Hertziall con-
in which rotary actuators are incorporated in a tact stress between two rotating bearings is ap-
closed-loop testing system (Fig. 10). plied until occurrence of fatigue failure by pitting
or spalling is indicated by a vibration or noise
Special-Purpose Fatigue level in the system. Rolling contact fatigue of ball
Testing Machines and roller bearings under controlled lubrication
To perform fatigue testing of components that conditions is a specialized field of fatigue testing.
are prone to fatigue failure (gears, bearings, wire,
etc.), special devices have been used, sometimes Multiaxial Fatigue Testing Machines
as modifications to an existing fatigue machine. Many special fatigue testing machines have
Wire testers are a modification of rotating beam been designed to apply two or more modes of
machines, in which a length of the test wire is loading, in or out of phase, to specimens to de-
Fatigue Crack Initiation 9

termine the properties of metals under biaxial or D

triaxial stresses.
=( ==1-itt"Tit ===:Jt-$

Fatigue Test Specimens
4.8 mm (3f1a in.)
A typical fatigue test specimen bas three areas:
0, selected on basis of ultimate strength
the test section and the two grip ends. The grip of material R, 12.7 mm (0.50 in.)
ends are designed to transfer load from the test
machine grips to the test section and may be (a)
identical, particularly for axial fatigue tests. The
transition from the grip ends to the test area is
designed with large, smoothly blended radii to
eliminate any stress concentrations in the tran- 30 mm (P/16 in.)} k 50 mm~~
sition. An~ 1 12 in 1
The design and type of specimen used depend '-f.TUILJ.... !~ J...__j---1
on the fatigue testing machine used and the ob-
jective of the fatigue study. The test section in the Tapered 0, 12.7 mm (0.50 in.)
specimen is reduced in cross section to prevent (b)
failure in the grip ends and should be propor-
tioned to use the upper ranges of the load capac-
ity of the fatigue machine; i.e., avoiding very low
load amplitudes where sensitivity and response
I, 90 mm 13:' in~ 19 mml W in.)

of the system are decreased. Several types of fa-

tigue test specimens are illustrated in Fig. II. ~~-@-
::___..; t - \ 1
R 12 mm 10.48 in.)
Effect of Stress Concentration
0, 5 to 10 mm (0.20 to 0.40 in.) selected on
Fatigue strength is reduced significantly by the basis of ultimate strength of material
introduction of a stress raiser such as a notch or R, 90 to 250 mm (3.5 to 10 in.)
hole. Because actual machine elements invari- (c)
ably contain stress raisers such as fillets, key-
ways, screw threads, press fits, and holes, fatigue
cracks in structural parts usually initiate at such
geometrical irregularities.
An optimum way of minimizing fatigue failure
is the reduction of avoidable stress raisers
through careful design and the prevention of ac-
cidental stress raisers by careful machining and
fabrication. Stress concentration can also arise
38 mm (1% in.)
from surface roughness and metallurgical stress
raisers such as porosity, inclusions; local over- (d)
heating in grinding, and decarburization.
The effect of stress raisers on fatigue is gener-
ally studied by testing specimens containing a
notch, usually a V-notch or aU-notch. The pres-
ence of a notch in a specimen under uniaxial load
introduces three effects: (I) there is an increase or
concentration of stress at the root of the notch,
0, selected on basis of ultimate strength of material
(2) a stress gradient is set up from the root of the
R, 75 to 250 mm (3 to 10 in.)
notch toward the center of the specimen, and (3)
a triaxial state of stress is produced at the notch (e)
(a) Torsional specimen. (b) Rotating cantilever beam spec-
The ratio of the maximum stress in the region imen. (c) Rotating beam specimen. (d) Plate specimen for
ofthe notch (or other stress concentration) to the cantilever reverse bending. (e) Axial loading specimen.
corresponding nominal stress is the stress-con- Fig. 11 Typical fatigue test specimens
10 Fatigue Testing

centration factor, Klsee the Introduction to this Table 1 Effect of specimen size on the fatigue
Section). In some situations, values of K,can be limit of normalized plain carbon steel in
calculated using the theory of elasticity, or can be reversed bending
measured using photoelastic plastic models. Specimen diameter Fatigue limit
The effect of notches on fatigue strength is de- mm in. MPa ksi
termined by comparing the S- N curves of notched 7.6 0.30 ..................... 248 36
and unnotched specimens. The data for notched 38 1.50 ..................... 200 29
specimens usually are plotted in terms of nomi- 152 6.00 ..................... 144 21
nal stress based on the net cross section of the
specimen. The effectiveness of the notch in de- Surface Effects and Fatigue
creasing the fatigue limit is expressed by the
fatigue-notch factor, K 1. This factor is the ratio Generally, fatigue properties are very sensitive
of the fatigue limit of unnotched specimens to the to surface conditions. Except in special cases
fatigue limit of notched specimens. where internal defects or case hardening is in-
For materials that do not exhibit a fatigue volved, all fatigue cracks initiate at the surface.
limit, the fatigue-notch factor is based on the fa- Factors that affect the surface of a fatigue speci-
tigue strength at a specified number of cycles. men can be divided into three categories: (I) sur-
Values of K1 have been found to vary with (I) face roughness or stress raisers at the surface, (2)
severity of the notch, (2) type of notch, (3) mate- changes in the properties of the surface metal,
rial, (4) type of loading, and (5) stress level. and (3) changes in the residual stress condition of
the surface. Additionally, the surface may be
Effect of Test Specimen Size subjected to oxidation and corrosion.
Surface Roughness. In general, fatigue life in-
It is not possible to predict directly the fatigue creases as the magnitude of surface roughness
performance of large machine members from the decreAses. Decreasing surface roughness mini-
results of laboratory tests on small specimens. In mizes local stress raisers. Therefore, special at-
most cases, a size effect exists; i.e., the fatigue tention must be given to the surface preparation
strength of large members is lower than that of of fatigue test specimens. Typically, a metallo-
small specimens. Precise determination of this graphic finish, free of machining grooves and
phenomenon is difficult. It is extremely difficult grinding scratches, is necessary. Figure 12 illus-
to prepare geometrically similar specimens of in- trates the effects that various surface conditions
creasing diameter that have the same metallurgi- have on the fatigue properties of steel.
cal structure and residual stress distribution
throughout the cross section. The problems in fa- Effect of Mean Stress
tigue testing oflarge specimens are considerable,
and few fatigue machines can accommodate A series of fatigue tests can be conducted at
specimens with a wide range of cross sections. various mean stresses, and the results can be
Changing the size of a fatigue specimen usu- plotted as a series of S- N curves. A description of
ally results in variations of two factors. First, in- applied stresses and S-N curves can be found in
creasing the diameter increases the volume or the Introduction to this Section. For design pur-
surface area of the specimen. The change in poses, it is more useful to know how the mean
amount of surface is significant, because fatigue stress affects the permissible alternating stress
failures usually initiate at the surface. Secondly, amplitude for a given life (number of cycles).
for plain or notched specimens loaded in bending This usually is accomplished by plotting the al-
or torsion, an increase in diameter usually de- lowable stress amplitude for a specific number of
creases the stress gradient across the diameter cycles as a function of the associated mean stress.
and increases the volume of material that is At zero mean stress, the allowable stress am-
highly stressed. plitude is the effective fatigue limit for a specified
Experimental data on the size effect in fatigue number of cycles. As the mean stress increases,
typically show that the fatigue limit decreases the permissible amplitudes steadily decrease. At
with increasing specimen diameter. Horger's a mean stress equal to the ultimate tensile
data for steel shafts tested in reversed bending strength of the material, the permissible ampli-
(Table I) show that the fatigue limit can be ap- tude is zero.
preciably reduced in large section sizes. The two straight lines and the curve shown in

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