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Material Factors

H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia, University of Cambridge

RESIDUAL STRESSES are a consequence of tions that follow; others such as elastic modulus tion C1 corrects C LV{TD /T} to a specific heat at
interactions among time, temperature, deforma- and thermal conductivity still have to be mea- constant pressure. Ce is the electronic specific
tion, and microstructure (Fig. 1). Material or sured for individual alloys. heat coefficient, and C lP is the component of the
material-related characteristics that influence the specific heat capacity due to magnetism. Figure
development of residual stress include thermal 2 illustrates the data for ferrite and austenite in
conductivity, heat capacity, thermal expansivity, Heat Capacity pure iron. Whereas it is well known that ferrite
elastic modulus and Poissons ratio, plasticity, undergoes a paramagnetic to ferromagnetic tran-
thermodynamics and kinetics of transformations, The dominant contribution to specific heat ca- sition on cooling below 1042.15 K, the magnetic
mechanisms of transformations, and transfor- pacity comes from lattice vibrations (phonons), properties of austenite are seen from Fig. 2 to be
mation plasticity. since the majority of free electrons are prevented of some consequence in determining the heat ca-
Many general statements can be made about from participation in heat absorption by the Pauli pacity. There are two coexisting electron states
the role of material factors in the evolution of exclusion principle. However, for iron and its of austenite, one of which is ferromagnetic with
residual stress. Spatial variations in temperature alloys, a further important contribution comes a Curie temperature of 1800 K and the other of
give rise to nonuniform thermal strains, the ef- from magnetic changes. The net specific heat ca- which is antiferromagnetic with a Neel tempera-
fect of which becomes exaggerated when the pacity can therefore be factorized into three com- ture of 55 to 80 K (Ref 4). The balance between
material is elastically stiff and has a high yield ponents: these states changes with temperature, giving
strength. A large thermal conductivity helps re- rise to corresponding changes in heat capacity.
duce residual stress by reducing temperature gra- TD The data in Fig. 2 are for pure iron, but there
dients (Ref 2). The dissipation or absorption of CP{T } C LV 1 CeT C lP{T } (Eq 1)
is now sufficient understanding of the compo-
heat depends not only on the external environ- nents of heat capacity to enable similar estimates
ment of the component but also on internally where C LV{TD /T} is the Debye specific heat func- for iron alloys, using internationally available
generated heatfor example, during adiabatic tion and TD is the Debye temperature. The func- computer programs and thermodynamic data-
deformation or due to the latent heat of transfor-
mation. Similarly, the plastic strain distribution
in the component depends both on the constitu- Table 1 Physical properties that affect the development of residual stress in steels
tive properties and on how the shape deforma-
tions due to phase transformations compensate Temperature, C (F)

for the development of stress. Property Phase(a) 0 (32) 300 (570) 600 (1110) 800 (1470)
The fundamental material properties are, of Elastic modulus, GPa c 200 175 150 124
course, temperature dependent. Table 1 illus- P 210 193 165 120
b 210 193 165 120
trates how several key properties might vary 200 185 168 ...
with temperature (Ref 3). Some of these prop-
Poisson ratio c 0.291 0.309 0.327 0.345
erties, which can to some extent be estimated P 0.280 0.296 0.310 0.325
quantitatively, are discussed in detail in the sec- b 0.280 0.296 0.310 0.325
0.280 0.296 0.310 ...
Thermal expansivity, K1 c 2.1 105
P 1.4 105
b 1.4 105
1. Thermal stress 1.3 105
Time, Stress,
temperature strain Thermal conductivity, W/m K c 15.0 18.0 21.7 25.1
4. Heat of P 49.0 41.7 34.3 27.0
6. Latent deformation b 49.0 41.7 34.3 27.0
heat 5. Stress- 43.1 36.7 30.1 ...
induced Specific heat capacity, 106 J/m3 K c 4.15 4.40 4.67 4.90
transformation P 3.78 4.46 5.09 5.74
2. Temperature- b 3.78 4.46 5.09 5.74
dependent phase 3. Transformation 3.76 4.45 5.07 ...
transformations strain Yield strength, MPa c 190 110 30 20
P 360 230 140 30
Microstructure b 440 330 140 30
1600 1480 1260 ...

Fig. 1 The coupling of temperature, stress, and micro- (a) , P, b, and represent allotriomorphic ferrite, pearlite, bainite, and martensite, respectively. Source: Ref 3
structure. Source: Ref 1
4 / Effect of Materials and Processing

bases (Ref 6). After all, changes in fundamental a reflection of the two coexisting electronic deal with higher levels of complexity, are not yet
thermodynamic quantities such as enthalpy and states of austenite (c0 and c1), each with a ther- applicable to practical alloys.
entropy are derived from heat capacity data. It is mal expansion coefficient that is identical to that
surprising that this capability has not yet been of ferrite. The c0 component has the lower molar
exploited in any calculation of residual stress, volume and is the antiferromagnetic form, Plastic Deformation
even though the methodology is widely avail- whereas the denser c1 form is ferromagnetic. The
able. relative proportion of atoms in the c0 and c1
The familiar mechanisms of plastic deforma-
states changes with temperature, so that the ap-
tion are slip, mechanical twinning, and creep.
parent expansion coefficient of austenite as a
Phase transformations also cause permanent de-
Expansion Coefficient and Density whole, as detected experimentally, is much
formation (Ref 811). In steels, austenite can de-
larger than that of ferrite (Fig. 3).
compose into a large variety of microstructures
Table 1 shows that the expansion coefficient The molar volumes (in cm3 /mol) of c0, c1, c,
that are distinguished by the atomic mechanism
of austenite is larger than that of ferrite; this and over the temperature range of 300 to 1775
of transformation (Fig. 4). In a displacive trans-
might be considered surprising given the lower K are:
formation, the change in crystal structure is
density of ferrite. However, the behavior is again achieved by a deformation of the parent struc-
V cm0 6.695(1 2.043 105T 1.52 108T 2) ture. A reconstructive transformation is one in
which the change in structure is achieved by a
V cm1 7.216(1 2.043 105T 1.52 108T 2) flow of matter, which occurs in such a way that
strains are minimized.
30 c
Vm {T } (1 y)V m
{T } y V cm1{T } All the transformations cause changes in
shape (Fig. 5a), which for reconstructive trans-
Heat capacity, CP, J mol 1K1

V am{T } formations simply reflects the change in density.
10 7.061(1 2.043 105T 1.52 108T 2) For displacive transformations, the shape change
is an invariant-plane strain (IPS), that is, a com-
0 where y is the fraction of atoms of austenite in bination of a shear on the invariant plane and a
the c1 state, the details of which can be found dilatation normal to that plane. The strain energy
75 elsewhere (Ref 4, 5). associated with a constrained IPS is minimized
These data are for pure iron, but thermody- when the product phase has a thin-plate shape.
50 namic data can be used to assess how the expan- This is why Widmanstatten ferrite, bainite, acic-
sion coefficients would change with alloying, ular ferrite, and martensite in steels grow in the
since there are quite sophisticated treatments of form of plates. The distinguishing features of a
the effect of solute elements on the magnetic and variety of deformation modes are compared in
other components of the free energies of iron. Table 2, and Table 3 describes the shape defor-
0 Note that the two electronic states picture of mations.
0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800
austenite is a simplification of the real scenario, The permanent strain caused by any transfor-
Temperature, K
but first-principles calculations (Ref 7), which mation is called transformation plasticity. A
Fig. 2 Specific heat capacities of ferrite and austenite in
pure iron, as a function of temperature. The thin
lines represent the combined contributions of the phonons
and electrons, whereas the thicker lines also include the
magnetic terms. The dashed vertical lines represent the Cu-
rie, c, and c d transitions. d-ferrite is simply an Displacive
alternative historical name for high temperature . Source: Reconstructive Invariant-plane strain shape
Ref 5 Diffusion of all atoms during deformation with large shear
nucleation and growth. component. No iron or
Sluggish below about 850 K substitutional solute diffusion.
Thin plate shape

Allotriomorphic Widmansttten ferrite
ferrite Carbon diffusion during
paraequilibrium nucleation
Volume, cm3 mol1

V1 and growth
7.4 Idiomorphic
Bainite and acicular
Massive ferrite Carbon diffusion during
7.0 No change in paraequilibrium nucleation.
bulk composition No diffusion during growth
Pearlite Martensite
6.6 Cooperative growth Diffusionless
0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800
of ferrite and nucleation and
Temperature, K cementite growth

Fig. 3 Molar volumes of the various forms of iron.

Source: Ref 5
Fig. 4 Transformation products of austenite. Source: Ref 12
Material Factors / 5

phase change in a stress-free material is usually Phase transformation can also compensate for Deformation System
triggered by heat treatment, when the parent stress. Greenwood and Johnson (Ref 13, 14)
phase passes through an equilibrium transfor- showed that when a phase change is accompa- Displacive transformations can be regarded as
mation temperature. Alternatively, the applica- nied by a change in volume, the tensile strain modes of plastic deformation. Just as a combi-
tion of a stress in isothermal conditions can trig- expected when transformation occurs under the nation of a plane and a direction constitutes a
ger transformation in circumstances where it influence of a tensile stress r is given by: deformation system for slip or twinning, the
would not otherwise occur. Unusual effects can habit plane and displacement vector of the
occur when stress and temperature work to- 5 DV r invariant-plane strain accompanying displacive
gether. The transformation may occur at remark- e (Eq 2)
6 V rY transformation completely describe the defor-
ably low stresses or at very small deviations mation system responsible for transformation
from the equilibrium temperature. This is why where rY is the yield stress of the weaker phase plasticity. The displacement vector describes the
even minute stresses can greatly influence the and DV/V is the transformation volume strain. sense of the macroscopic displacements accom-
development of microstructure, and vice versa. The role of shear strains associated with trans- panying transformation and, along with the habit
It is not surprising that transformation plasticity formation has been emphasized in later work by plane indices, also contains information about
can be obtained at stresses that are much smaller Magee and Paxton (Ref 15, 16), and subse- the magnitude of the shear component and dil-
than the conventional yield stress of the parent quently by Fischer (Ref 17), Leblond et al. (Ref atational component of the displacements. Typ-
phase. 1822), Olson (Ref 23), and Bhadeshia et al. ical data for the deformation systems associated
(Ref 24). Not only does transformation affect with transformations are listed in Table 4. Note
Transformations, Residual Stresses, stress, but the latter modifies the development of that reconstructive transformations involve only
microstructure. The microstructure tends to be a volume change together with diffusional mass
and Related Phenomena more organized when transformation occurs in a flow, so it is not appropriate to regard them as
stresss parent phase, because the stress favors deformation systems in the present context.
The strains due to phase transformations can the formation of certain orientations relative to Given the cubic crystal structure, and the fact
alter the state of residual stress or strain. It is well others. This is illustrated schematically in Fig. that habit planes tend to be irrational, there will
known that the martensitic transformation of the 5(b) to (d). These aspects will now be discussed in general be 24 of these systems per austenite
carburized surface of a steel component puts the in more detail, because transformation plasticity grain, and they may operate simultaneously to
surface under compression. It is argued that this can radically alter the state of residual stress. varying extents. Of course, unlike ordinary slip,
is because of the expansion at the surface due to
formation of the lower-density martensite from
Table 2 Characteristics of different modes of deformation
Slip Mechanical Displacive Reconstructive
Characteristic deformation twinning transformation transformation
Causes permanent change in shape Yes Yes Yes Yes
Reconstructive Invariant-plane strain shape changewith a large shear component Yes Yes Yes No
Changes crystallographic orientation No Yes Yes Yes

Changes lattice type No No Yes Yes
Single Can lead to a density change No No Yes Yes

Table 3 Shape change due to transformation
Transformation Shape change (a) s(b) d(b) Morphology

(a) Allotriomorphic ferrite Volume change 0.00 0.02 Irregular

Idiomorphic ferrite Volume change 0.00 0.02 Equiaxed, faceted
Pearlite Volume change 0.00 0.03 Spherical colonies
Widmanstatten ferrite Invariant-plane strain 0.36 0.03 Thin plates
Bainite Invariant-plane strain 0.22 0.03 Thin plates
Acicular ferrite Invariant-plane strain 0.22 0.03 Thin plates
Martensite Invariant-plane strain 0.24 0.03 Thin plates
 Cementite plates Invariant-plane strain? 0.21? 0.16? Thin plates
Mechanical twins () Invariant-plane strain 1/2 0.00 Thin plates
Annealing twins (c) 0.00 0.00 Faceted

(a) An invariant-plane strain here implies a large shear component as well as a dilatational strain normal to the habit plane. (b) s and d refer to the
shear and dilatational strains, respectively. The values stated are approximate and will vary slightly as a function of lattice parameters and the details
of crystallography.

(b) (c) (d)

Table 4 Deformation systems associated with transformations
Fig. 5 Shape changes accompanying unconstrained
transformations. Note that the horizontal scale Phase Habit plane indices Displacement vector m
bars are all the same length. (a) The two kinds of shape
Martensite (0.363 0.854 0.373) [0.195 0.607 0.771] 0.185
changes that occur when a single crystal of austenite trans-
forms to a single crystal of ferrite, as a function of the mech- Bainite (0.325 0.778 0.537) [0.159 0.510 0.845] 0.27
anism of transformation. (b) Polycrystalline sample of aus- Widmanstatten ferrite (0.506 0.452 0.735) [0.867 0.414 0.277] 0.36
tenite. (c) Polycrystalline sample of austenite that has
partially transformed by a displacive transformation mech-
Note: Typical habit plane and displacement directions for low-alloy steels. The indices all refer to the austenite phase. Note that the indices stated are
anism into a random set of ferrite plates. (d) Polycrystalline
approximate, since the habit plane and displacement direction are usually irrational. The displacement vector does not quite lie in the habit plane
sample of austenite that has partially transformed by a dis- because the dilatational strain is directed normal to the habit plane. The magnitude of the displacement is given by m, which is the total displacement
placive transformation mechanism into an organized set of including the shear and the dilatational components.
ferrite plates.
6 / Effect of Materials and Processing

the different deformation systems within an aus- nary notion of work hardening does not apply. the volume change. The corresponding interac-
tenite grain cannot intersect, except in special Work hardening nevertheless manifests itself via tion with displacive transformations is much
circumstances where intervariant transforma- a different mechanism, in which the stability of larger because of the shear component of the
tions are possible, as is the case with some the austenite increases as it becomes ever more IPS.
shape-memory alloys. It follows that the ordi- finely divided. For displacive transformations, the influence
The Taylor/von Mises criterion (Ref 25, 26) of stress on the transformation can be expressed
states that in any given crystal, a minimum of as a mechanical driving force (DGmech), which is
N five independent slip systems is necessary to the work done by the external stress in producing
A (applied tensile stress) produce an arbitrary shape change. A crystal in the macroscopic shape deformation (Ref 30, 31):
a polycrystalline aggregate has to accommodate
the arbitrary deformations of neighboring grains.
DGmech rNd ss (Eq 3)
Therefore, a polycrystalline material is brittle
max unless each grain contains at least five indepen-
dent slip systems. Similar logic can be applied where rN is the normal stress on the habit plane
d to the crystallographic variants of a phase gen- and s is the component of the shear stress on the
erated by displacive transformation. The habit habit plane that is parallel to the direction along
plane is predicted theoretically (Ref 27, 28) and which the shear displacements of the shape de-
Resolution of the applied stress, rA. The normal found experimentally (Ref 29) to have irrational formation occur (Fig. 6). The strains d and s are
Fig. 6
stress, rN, and the shear stress, s, both act on the indices. This means that there exist, in principle, the dilatational and shear components, respec-
habit plane. The vector d is the direction along which lie 24 possible variants of the habit plane per grain
the shear displacements of the shape deformation. smax is
tively, of the shape deformation. Some typical
the maximum shear stress on the habit plane, but s is given
of austenite (that is, 24 independent deformation values of the mechanical driving force terms are
by resolving smax along d. Note that d differs slightly from systems). Given this large number of transfor- given in Table 5. Given a free choice of some
the displacement vector of the IPS, which includes a dila- mation variants available per grain, the Taylor 12 to 24 crystallographic variants of the trans-
tational component in addition to the shear. criterion leads to the conclusion that transfor- formation product in each grain of austenite, the
mation plasticity can cause, or accommodate, work done by the shear stress is always expected
any externally imposed, arbitrary shape to be positive, whereas that due to the dilata-
Table 5 Typical values of the mechanical changeassuming that a sufficient quantity of tional component depends on the sign of rN. For
driving force coefficients parent phase is available. It follows that poly- steels, this latter component is relatively small.
Nature of stress DG/r, J/(mol MPa)
crystalline samples can remain intact at grain Any observed consequences of stress must there-
boundaries when transformation plasticity is the fore reflect the dominant role of the shear com-
Uniaxial tension 0.86
Uniaxial compression 0.58 sole mode of deformation. ponent unless the stress is purely hydrostatic.
Elastic crack tip (a) 1.42 Since the shear stress remains positive irre-
spective of whether the sample is pulled in ten-
(a) The stress state for the crack tip is multiaxial, but the coefficient is Mechanical Driving Force sion or uniaxially compressed, and since the
calculated by expressing the stress in terms of the von Mises equivalent
tensile stress. Source: Ref 32 shear component of the shape change is large, a
The interaction of an applied elastic stress uniaxial stress will always cause a temperature
with a phase change can occur in two ways: increase for displacive transformations in steels.
1. The stress can alter the driving force for the Hydrostatic stress, on the other hand, has no de-
transformation. viatoric components and consequently interacts
Change in bainite-start temperature

2. The stress can change the appearance of the only with the dilatational component of the
microstructure by favoring the formation of shape change. Thus, hydrostatic compression is
+ expected and found to lead to a decrease in the
those variants which best comply with the ap-
Compression transformation temperature (Fig. 7); some data
plied stress.
0 (Ref 32) on the sensitivity of the transformation
For reconstructive transformations, only the temperature to applied stress are presented in Ta-
hydrostatic component of stress can interact with ble 6.

compression 1000
Limits to Stress-Assisted
Free energy, J mol1

Stress (below austenite yield strength)

Indication of how the transformation-start tem- 0 Mechanical
Fig. 7
perature (for Widmanstatten ferrite, bainite, acic-
ular ferrite, or martensite) should vary as a function of the At temperatures close to that at which the
nature and magnitude of an applied stress whose magni-
1000 equilibrium transformation occurs, an applied
tude is less than that of the yield stress.
Total stress can assist reaction when the chemical driv-
ing force is insufficient to achieve the change on
2000 its own. There must exist a point, however, when
Table 6 Sensitivity of transformation-start 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
the applied stress simply cannot provide enough
temperatures in steels to applied stress Temperature, C mechanical driving force to complement the
Phase Nature of stress Sensitivity, K/MPa
Typical magnitudes of the chemical and me-
chemical term to give a driving force large
Martensite Pressure 0.06
Fig. 8 enough to induce transformation. After all, the
chanical driving forces for stress-affected trans-
Bainite Pressure 0.09 formation. The mechanical driving force is estimated for an magnitude of the stress that can be applied is
Eutectoid Pressure 0.011 applied stress that is equal to the yield stress of austenite. limited by the yield point of the parent phase.
Martensite Tensile 0.06 Since this yield stress becomes small at high temperatures,
the contribution of the mechanical driving force also de-
Thus, there are limits to what can be achieved
Source: Ref 32 creases. Therefore, transformation becomes impossible as by the application of stress as a stimulus to trans-
the temperature exceeds about 700 C (1290 F). formation (Fig. 8).
Material Factors / 7

Transformation under Constraint: sated for any thermal contraction strains that The residual stress at ambient temperature is
Residual Stress arose during cooling. Significant residual larger when the austenite finishes transformation
stresses were therefore found to build up only at a high temperature. This is because thermal
after transformation was completed and the spec- contraction strains can no longer be compen-
Residual stresses are often introduced unin- imens approached ambient temperature (Fig. 9). sated by transformation plasticity once the aus-
tentionally during fabricationfor example, The experiments contain other revealing fea- tenite has decomposed. Low transformation tem-
during welding or heat treatment. A few elegant tures. The thermal expansion coefficient of aus- peratures help minimize residual stresses.
experiments illustrate how phase transforma- tenite (1.8 106 /K) is much larger than that High-strength welding alloys used for making
tions interact with the buildup of residual stress. of ferrite (1.18 106 /K), and yet the slope of submarine hulls therefore have transformation
Using bainitic, martensitic, and stable austen- the line prior to transformation is smaller when temperatures of less than about 250 C (480 F).
itic steels, Jones and Alberry (Ref 33, 34) de- compared with that after transformation is com- Figure 10 illustrates one kind of distortion
mostrated that transformation plasticity during plete (Fig. 9). This is because the austenite yields found in welds, measured in terms of the angle
the cooling of a uniaxially constrained sample to accommodate the thermal contraction, which h through which the unconstrained plates rotate
from the austenite phase field acts to relieve the is possible because the yield strength of the aus- as they cool. Table 7 shows how the distortion
buildup of thermal stress as the sample cools. By tenite is reduced at elevated temperatures. Ferrite depends on the temperature at which the major-
contrast, the nontransforming austenitic steel ex- is strong at low temperatures, so the slope of the ity of the transformation is completed, for two
hibited a continuous increase in residual stress stress/temperature curve (after transformation is manual metal arc welds deposited with a 60 V-
with decreasing temperature, as might be ex- complete) is steeper and consistent with the mag- joint preparation in a multipass fabrication in-
pected from the thermal contraction of a con- nitude of thermal contraction strains. volving about 11 layers, with two beads per layer
strained sample. Interpretation of experimental data of the kind to complete the joint. The distortion is clearly
When the steels were transformed to bainite illustrated in Fig. 9 is difficult in the region of larger for the case where the transformation is
or martensite, the transformation strain compen- the stress/temperature curve where transforma- exhausted at the higher temperature.
tion occurs. The popular view that the volume
change due to transformation is the major com-
500 ponent of transformation plasticity is probably Anisotropic Strain and
AISI 316 incorrect for displacive transformations such as Transformation Plasticity
400 9CrMo bainite or martensite. The shape change due to
300 transformation has a shear component that is When an unstressed polycrystalline sample of
Stress, MPa

Austenite YS
much larger than the dilatational term (Table 3). austenite is transformed to plates of ferrite, the
200 Admittedly, this shear component should, on av- shear caused as each randomly oriented plate
100 erage, cancel out in a fine-grained polycrystal- forms is canceled on a macroscopic scale; only
line sample containing plates in many orienta- the volume expansion is observed experimen-
0 tions (Fig. 5c). However, the very nature of the tally. However, if the plates do not form at ran-
100 stress effect is to favor the formation of selected domfor example, when certain variants are fa-
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 variants, in which case the shear component rap- vored because they comply better with the
Temperature, C idly begins to dominate the transformation plas- external stressthe shear strains are no longer
(a) ticity (Fig. 5d). canceled out. Transformation will then lead to
highly anisotropic strains, as illustrated in Fig.
Plastic Stress due to
11. Naturally, any anisotropy will be greatest for
Bulk transformation strain, %

thermal 3
strain in
austenite contraction
75 MPa compressive stress displacive rather than reconstructive transfor-
of austenite R mations, given that the former involve large
finished 1 shear strains.

0 0
Modeling Anisotropic
Transformation 1 Transformation Strains
Stress due to begins
thermal contraction 2 Consider a distribution of bainite variants
of ferrite 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
along all radial directions in a circle with the
Transformation time, s
Temperature compression axis as its diameter (Ref 35, 36).
Development of anisotropic transformation The circle is divided into 18 equal segments (i
Fig. 11 1 18), each segment representing a partic-
(a) Plot of residual stress versus temperature for strain when bainite forms under the influence
Fig. 9 of a constant, elastic applied compressive stress. Note that ular orientation of bainite habit plane. The
a martensitic (9CrMo), bainitic (2CrMo), and aus-
tenitic steel (AISI 316). Adapted from Ref 33, 34. (b) Inter- the shear strain associated with the formation of one plate
is about 26%, with a volume change of about 3%. The
choice of 18 segments is convenient and arbi-
pretation of the Jones and Alberry experiments. The thermal trary. The compression axis of the sample is
expansion coefficient of austenite is much larger than that potential for anisotropy is therefore much greater than il-
of ferrite. lustrated here. taken to be the z direction, the x and y directions

Table 7 Chemical composition, calculated transformation temperature range (DT ), and

measured distortion (h) for two manual metal arc, multipass weld deposits
Composition, wt%
C Si Mn Ni Mo Cr DT, C(F) h
0.06 0.5 0.9 ... ... ... 802400 (1476750) 14.5
0.06 0.3 1.6 1.7 0.4 0.35 422350 (792660) 8

Fig. 10 Distortion caused by welding two plates that Source: H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia and L.-E. Svensson, unpublished data, 1994
were originally flat
8 / Effect of Materials and Processing

being radially orientated; the unit vectors x, y, where hi represents the orientation of the habit can be scaled according to the value of Ui
and z define the orthonormal basis X of the sam- plane of variant i and fi is the volume fraction of DG ac.
ple, giving a corresponding reciprocal basis X *. bainite located in segment i. Note that for the model calculations, the trans-
The shear and dilatational components of the IPS A unit vector along the z direction changes to formation occurs with the most favored variants
accompanying the growth of bainite are approx- a new vector z given by: growing first (Fig. 12). The model thus exagger-
imately s 0.22 and d 0.03. Thus, the 3 ates the effect of stress, since in reality, for the
3 deformation matrix describing the shape de- sort of stress levels considered experimentally,
formation is given by: [X; z] (X Pi X ) [0 0 1]
no variant is likely to be entirely suppressed. In
addition, the grains in a polycrystalline sample

1 fse1 p1 f dp1 p1 whereas a unit vector along x changes to are randomly oriented, so that perfect compli-
P fse2 p1 f dp2 p1 ance with the applied stress is impossible. Nev-
fse3 p1 f dp3 p1 18 ertheless, the trends revealed by the model are
fse1 p2 f dp1 p2 [X; x] (X Pi X ) [1 0 0]
expected to be correct.
1 fse2 p2 f dp2 p2 The experimental data that need explaining,
fse3 p2 f dp3 p2 and their interpretation in terms of the model are
where (x 1) and (z 1) give the strains

fse1 p3 f dp1 p3 summarized in Fig. 13 and may be stated as fol-
along the x and z directions. These are assumed lows:
fse2 p3 f dp2 p3 to be equal to radial and longitudinal strains eR
1 fse3 p3 f dp3 p3 and eL, respectively. Without any stress, in a random polycrystal-
It is expected that those segments that comply line sample, the transformation strains are
where p is the unit normal to the habit plane and
best with the applied stress transform most rap- isotropic. This is easily understood since the
e is the unit direction along which the shear oc-
idly, whereas the others do so at a lower rate, or shear components of randomly oriented
curs. This can be written more succinctly as:
not at all. This can to some extent be incorpo- plates tend to cancel out (Fig. 13a).
rated into the model by calculating the energy The application of the small stress at a high

e1 p1
P I fs e2 ( p1 p2 p3) f d p2 ( p1 p2 p3) change Ui as the stress interacts with the shape transformation temperature (that is, a small
e3 p3 deformation of a particular variant (i). Patel and chemical driving force) causes the develop-
Cohens method (Ref 30) gives: ment of anisotropic strains, the transverse
where I is a 3 3 identity matrix. A further strain first being negative and then positive
reduction of notation is achieved using the r (Fig. 13b). The same effect is observed for a
Ui [s sin 2hI cos i d(1 cos 2hi)]
MacKenzie and Bowles notation (Ref 27): 2 large stress and low temperature (that is, a
large driving force). The model explains this
(XPiX ) I fis[X;ei]( pi ;X *) where is the angle between the shear direction effect when it is assumed that the favored var-
fid[X;pi]( pi; X *) (Eq 4) and the direction of the shear component of the iants form first, but that the stress is not large
applied stress as resolved onto the habit plane. enough to suppress the eventual formation of
where the subscript i identifies a particular seg- To facilitate a two-dimensional analysis, the other variants. The signs of eL and eR are al-
ment of interest and X and X *, respectively, rep- value of i is taken to be zero. A positive value ways opposite for the favored variants, but
resent the real and reciprocal bases of the coor- of Ui adds to the chemical driving force (DG ac are identical for the rest of the variants.
dinate system in which the deformation is G c G a) for transformation; a negative Therefore, the transverse strain is initially
described. The notation due to MacKenzie and value thus opposes transformation. Using these negative but then becomes positive as trans-
Bowles (Ref 27) is discussed in detail in Ref 35. values of interaction energies, the model can be formation progresses. The low-stress/high-
The components of the shear direction and the modified so that the segments transform in an temperature situation is equivalent to the
dilatation direction are given by: order of decreasing Ui. There is, however, a fur- high-stress/low-temperature case because in
ther complication. The effect of stress should be both of these circumstances, variants that are
[X;ei] fi[cos(hi) 0 sin(hi)] largest when the interaction energy is large com- not favored cannot be suppressed. In the for-
pared with the chemical driving force. To allow mer case the stress is too small for suppres-
[X; pi] fi[sin(hi) 0 cos(hi)] for this, the volume fraction fi of each segment sion, whereas in the latter case the chemical
driving force is too large to permit suppres-
When a large stress is applied at a high tem-
90 90 perature, the favored variants dominate.
120 60 120 60 Therefore, the strains are always of opposite
sign (Fig. 13c).
150 30 150 30
The model is thus capable of qualitatively ex-
plaining all the essential features of the forma-
tion of bainite under the influence of a small ten-
180 0 180 0
sile stress. A uniaxial compressive stress (as
used in the experiments described below) simply
210 330 210 330
causes a reversal of the signs of the longitudinal
and transverse stresses; there is also a minor ef-
fect from the unfavorable interaction between
240 300 240 300
270 270
the compressive stress and the dilatational com-
(a) (b) ponent of the IPS shape deformation.
The most interesting conclusion to emerge
Fig. 12 Transformation behavior inherent in the model (Ref 36). The dots illustrate the area fraction of each segment, from comparison of the model with experimental
which in the calculations is scaled according to the value of Ui DG c. (a) Zero stress. All segments have
equal area fraction, and the order in which they transform is irrelevant. (b) Applied stress of 40 MPa and DG c 400 J/
data is that transformation under the influence of
mol. The area fractions of the segments are no longer equal. The segments in which the distance of the dot from the origin a mild stress occurs sequentially. Variants that
is largest transform first. comply with the applied stress grow first, fol-
Material Factors / 9

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