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A Supplement Publication of the Chinas president seeks more control over religion Borongan diocese protests mining permit renewal Invitation to start the healing
Order of the Knights of Columbus

Church urges repentance over killings

By Roy Lagarde

THE head of the Catholic

Bishops Conference of
the Philippines (CBCP)
called for repentance
amid the rising death
toll of criminals and
drug suspects, including
Archbishop Socrates Villegas,
CBCP President, said Filipinos,
especially political and church
leaders, are called to repent as he
warned of curse awaiting a country
that kills its own people.
We need to repent as a nation,
Villegas said in his homily during
the Lord Heal Our Land Sunday
Mass at the historic EDSA Shrine in
Quezon City on November 5.
Repent now. Time is not ours.
Start the healing by repenting
now. We cannot heal as a nation
by blaming others. We have only
ourselves to blame first. Let the
healing begin here in each one
here, he said.
The archbishop, however,
pointed out that while stopping the
killing is a big step, the journey of
healing for the nations values that
turned upside down will be a long
journey still.
He said many Filipinos are
misguided and chose the path People raise candles as they welcome the image of Our Lady of Fatima after a kilometer-long procession for national healing from Edsa Shrine to the People Power Monument in Quezon, November 5, 2017.
Repentance / A6 ROY LAGARDE

NYD Zamboanga, part of Marawi crisis healing CBCP to police, military: Stop
OFFICIALLY opening on
Nov. 6 with thousands of
violence, uphold rule of law
delegates from all over the THE Catholic prelate in war- the crisis now even without
Philippines, the National torn Marawi sum up in just martial law extension, he
Youth Day being held in one word his thought about said.
this city could be part of the mar-tial law extension in The government previously
Mindanaos healing process Mindanao: sad. assured to end the clashes last
after the Marawi siege. Marawi Bishop Edwin de June 2 but it failed to meet its
[Now] locals will feel that la Pea was opposing the self-imposed the deadline.
this will be a part of the extension, saying that the The prelate claimed that
continuing healing from two-month mili-tary rule an army rule is already
the 2013 Zamoboanga in the region was already causing discomfort to many
siege. The coming of NYD enough. people and affect-ed business
delegations is a big boost He said martial law operations in Mindanao
to help raise the confidence extension is no longer particularly in Iligan City
and trust of the people necessary since the and nearby areas.
of Zamboanga, said Fr. government forces can They made Marawi as
Conegundo Garganta, CBCP- already deal with the justification for martial law
Episcopal Commission on situation in Marawi. but the government could
Zamboanga Archbishop Romulo Dela Cruz opens the National Youth Day 2017 with a Mass at the Zamboanga Cathedral, Nov. 6,
Youth executive secretary in 2017. RON RAMOS I am against martial law not finish the war in 60 days.
an interview. extension, de la Pea earlier That sends a bad signal, de
The priest also emphasized Youth Day 2017 executive The Dioceses of Malolos diocese can accommdate said. The first martial law la Pea said.
the importance of the secretary, Mark Anthony and Iba, Zambales bought while Iba Zambales can still declaration was fine but if The Congress on July
considerable number of Saavedra, announced in a tickets [through] a certain send 11 out of the 23, added they are going to use Marawi 23 has granted President
attendees because it shows press conference. third party agent. Malolos Saavedra. again to justify its extension, Rodrigo Dutertes request
solidarity despite the had around 58 [delegates] I dont think its right. to extend martial law in
apprehensions to send young Scammed and Iba Zambales had Days highlights As the military continue Mindanao until the end of
people to Zamboanga. Saavedra further explained 23 and all of them were Signaling the start of the conducting airstrikes in the year.
We have a total of 2,052 some factors that led to fewer scammed by this travel National Youth Day program, areas where the remaining With an overwhelming
delegates [who]are in attendees than expected, agent, he explained. Zamboanga Archbishop bandits are posi-tioned, he vote, majority of the
Zamboanga as we speak, such as inclement weather, Fortunately, both dioceses Romulo Dela Cruz celebrated said that it is apparent that lawmakers are convinced
these are all delegations local disputes or issues and would still send some a holy Mass, which was the enemys forces have that a five-month ex-tension
from different diocese and unique reasons, specifically delegates, unfortunately attended by pilgrims, public weakened. is necessary to quell the
members of the Federation the scamming of an entire like for Malolos it would officials, and locals. With all the resources Maute terrorist group and
of National Youth delegation that involved now decrease to 22, because In his homily, the prelate at their command, the restore peace in Marawi.
Organizations, National airline tickets. thats the only number their NYD / A6 government can address (CBCPNews)

Pope on PH Church drug rehab program: Way to go Prelate has mixed feelings as Marawi siege ends
A CHURCH-BASED drug his homily during Mass to mark the A CATHOLIC prelate
rehabilitation program got a pat programs first anniversary at the has expressed mixed
on the back from no other than San Sebastian Church on Oct. 21. feelings after the
Pope Francis. Amid the governments violent government declared
Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of crackdown on illegal drugs, the an end to five months of
Manila said the pope wants parish- initiative has been providing fighting in the southern
based drug rehabilitation centers to counseling, spiritual and values Philippine city of
continue in the Philippines. formation and even livelihood Marawi.
Recalling his recent meeting opportunities for former drug Bishop Edwin dela
with the pontiff at the Vatican, addicts. Pea of the Marawi
the cardinal said he shared with It is also a faith-based approach prelature said he is
Francis his archdioceses Sanlakbay geared towards the healing and happy that the siege
program for drug surrenders and restoration of drug dependents. is over, while hoping
recovering addicts. Earlier, on January 8, Tagle that the rehabilitation
And when he heard about it, with partnered with an international of the city can proceed
Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila hugs a Tears fell as local officials and some residents who have returned
Sanlakbay graduate at the San Sebastian Church, eyes twinkled, he said, thats the drug rehabilitation farm to boost the at dizzying pace to their homes gathered in front of Marawi City Hall for Peoples
October 21, 2017. MARIA TAN way to go, Cardinal Tagle said in Rehab / A7 Mixed / A6 Day, October 30, 2017. ROY LAGARDE
A2 WORLD NEWS October 30 - November 12, 2017, Vol 21, No. 22 CBCP Monitor

60 Vincentians martyred during Vatican Briefing

Spanish Civil War to be beatified Pope names 2 laywomen to key posts in
Vaticans family office
The Vatican announced Pope Francis appointment
of two lay women experts in bioethics and canon
law as the first two under-secretaries of the mega-
dicastery for Laity, Family and Life. The appointment
of Dr. Gabriella Gambino for the section on life
and Dr. Linda Ghisoni for the section on laity was
announced in a Nov. 7 Vatican communique,
bringing the leadership of the dicastery more clearly
into shape after its establishment in 2016. The
Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life officially
began its work Sept. 1, 2016, replacing the former
Pontifical Council for the Laity and Pontifical Council
for the Family, which were dissolved. (Hannah

New book reveals details of John Paul Is

A new book discloses details about the death of Pope
John Paul I who died in 1978 after just 33 days in
office and conclusive evidence that his death was
the result of a heart attack, as previously thought.

In the book, called Papa Luciani: Chronicle of a
Death, Vatican journalist Stefania Falasca presents
thoroughly-researched evidence, including previously
undisclosed medical reports, witness testimonies and
MADRID, Spain Next of Beatification at the died loving and forgiving, Thats why its good to Vatican documents, confirming original reports that
Saturday 60 members of Palacio Vistalegre will be a demonstrating a wisdom remember people like these, the late pontiff died of a heart attack. Albino Luciani,
the Vincentian Order who celebration of hope because which comes from above, not people who dont destroy who was born on Oct. 17, 1912 in Italys northern
were martyred during the these martyrs believed in taking sides in the conflict but forgive instead, who give Veneto region, was elected Bishop of Rome at the age
of 65. He took the name Pope John Paul to honor both
Spanish Civil War will be the beatitudes and their or getting involved in the their lives not for an idea, but
of his immediate predecessors, St. John XXIII and Bl.
beatified at a Mass in Madrid, martyrdom summed them civil unrest, but having a for a person: Jesus Christ.
Paul VI. (Hannah Brockhaus/CNA)
a celebration of hope, faith all up. wisdom which came from Those being beatified are
and forgiveness. It s not a violent death Jesus Christ. Vicente Queralt Lloret and
Pope: Those in authority cant live double
The grace experienced by that makes you a martyr, but A human beings weapons 20 companions, and Jos life, must lead by example
these martyrs is impossible the cause you die for, which are not hatred or rancor but Maria Fernndez Sanchez Pope Francis offered some punchy advice to both
to understand without faith, is Christ. They gave their those of Jesus Christ: the and 38 companions. They average faithful and people in positions of authority,
said Sister Angeles Infante, lives for God, embodying the love which engenders life were killed in 1936 and 1937 saying true power is expressed through service and
a Daughter of Charity who faith through their witness, and not death. by Republican forces. a good example, which Christians must always show
is postulator of the cause for forgiving and asking their He also emphasized that Thousands of priests and to others in humility. Speaking during his Nov. 5
beatification. She praised families to forgive, the these 60 martyrs are a religious, accompanied by Angelus address, Pope Francis told pilgrims that a
the martyrs faithfulness postulator said. model more timely than laity, were martyred during frequent defect in those who have authority, whether
to the Vincentian charism, Cardinal Carlos Osoro ever because they led the Spains civil war. More it is civil or ecclesiastical authority, is to demand from
giving their lives, the Sierra of Madrid, who will life of God which is always than 1,800 have already others things, even justly, but which they do not put
greatest treasure they had, celebrate the Mass, said relevant, especially during been beatified, and several into practice firsthand. They lead a double life. He
for Christ. that these 60 martyrs gave times in history when it have been canonized. (ACI noted how in days Gospel reading from Matthew,
The Nov. 11 Mass their lives out of love. They seems hard for us to forgive. Prensa) Jesus, whose death is drawing nearer, offers serious
critiques of the scribes, and at the same time leaves

Australias former prime minister: Redefining marriage important signs for Christians not just of that time,
but of all times, including us today. (Elise Harris/
has big consequences In latest prayer video, Pope shines light on
challenges in Asia
NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. If the people
In his prayer video for November Pope Francis
of Australia vote to redefine marriage
prays for the Church in Asia, that despite challenges
in the country, the consequences will
it may continue to be a source of peace and dialogue
be dire, warned former Prime Minister between religions. On this continent, where the
Tony Abbott. Church is a minority, the challenges are intense, the
The idea that you can just change the Pope says in the video. Let us pray that Christians
definition of marriage and nothing else in Asia may promote dialogue, peace, and mutual
follows is intellectual fraud, he said. understanding especially with those of other
Abbott spoke to CNA before a Nov. 1 religions. Released Nov. 3, the video shows people
panel discussion on Australias ongoing of different religions and countries from throughout
marriage vote. The panel, held in Asia. It also shows scenes of life in Asia, including
New York City, was hosted by ADF the celebration of Mass. The Popes prayer for Asia
International, an alliance-building comes just a few weeks ahead of his Nov. 27 Dec. 2
human rights group that promotes pastoral visit to Burma and Bangladesh. (Hannah
religious freedom and the sanctity of Brockhaus/CNA)
life, marriage, and family.
Australia is currently in the final Philosophy professor launches intl pro-life
days of a plebiscite on marriage. The academy
plebisciteor voluntary poll to measure A former member of the Pontifical Academy for Life
public feedbackasks voters to return has launched an independent organization he claims
mail-in ballots on whether to redefine will work to unfold the splendor of truth about
marriage in the country. life and family. Josef Seifert, president of the new
The mail-in vote itself is not legally lay-run John Paul II Academy for Human Life and
binding. But Prime Minister Malcolm Tony Abbott, former Prime Minister of Australia. PHOTO FROM TONY ABBOTT FACEBOOK PAGE Family, announced the academy Oct. 18 in Rome at a
Turnbulls government has promised conference on the topic of Blessed Paul VIs encyclical
to introduce legislation in Parliament No matter how the plebiscite turns out, additional challenges to Christian values Humanae Vitae. The academys aim is to clarify,
to redefine marriage if the majority of he said, freedom of religion, conscience, will continue to arise. to teach and to spread that part of the truth about
voters favor it. and speech need to be reaffirmed, Michael Farris, president of ADF, man and about God that serves human life and the
Abbott has been vocally opposed to because the current debate has shown agreed, warning that a broader process natural family, and, through serving these, serves and
the redefinition of marriage, warning how fragile they are in the country today. of religious freedom erosion is at work. glorifies God, said Seifert. (Kevin Jones/CNA)
that it will weaken the institution which Despite opposition, Abbott said he In the two years since the Supreme
serves as the foundation of society. is encouraged by the strong show of Court unilaterally redefined marriage The tradition of sacred choral music needs
He also voiced concerns that if support for marriage, especially in for the United States, Farris said, we to be reviewed
marriage is redefined, those who oppose large groups of young people. The effort have seen individuals and institutions For one member of the Popes Choir, the Catholic
it will find themselves marginalized and to defend marriage in Australia, he increasingly come under fire simply
Church, while appreciating sacred music, has in some
penalized, since even now, just voicing respects lost the art of singing it in her parishes,
said, has raised millions of dollars and for trying to live their lives, run their
support for the longstanding view of
prompting the need for a revival of traditional style
mobilized tens of thousands of donors businesses, and operate their ministries
across the world. Coming from the UK, Im used to
marriage as the union of one man and and volunteers. consistent with the millennia-old
a choral tradition, its a great Anglican tradition,
one woman attracts an instant social Win, lose, or draw, he said, starting belief, shared by millions of people Mark Spyropoulos told CNA, noting that much of the
media storm and reputational death. from scratch two months ago, the around the world, that marriage is a sacred music they sing is written for great Catholic
Especially if unaccompanied by campaign for marriage in my country sacred union between one man and choirs, but generally, across Europe at least, weve
any wider charter of freedoms, we can has mobilized thousands of new one woman. lost touch with that. The cathedrals are mostly
expect same-sex marriage in Australia activists; and created a network that These individuals are not bigots, silent, he said, and while the Vatican is an exception,
to have much the same consequences could be deployed to defend Western but people of sincerely-held religious from a personal stance, as a choral singer, I would
as in other countries, Abbott said at civilization more broadly and the Judeo- belief attempting to find their way as like to see that tradition revived in Catholic choirs
the panel. People will take offense at Christian ethic against all thats been entrepreneurs and artists in a new legal because its absolutely wonderful. (Elise Harris/
the traditional teaching and the anti- undermining it. landscape, he continued. CNA)
discrimination laws can be relied upon These newly activated citizens will be Leading up to the redefinition of
to do the rest. crucial in fighting other challenges to marriage in the U.S., proponents of Catholics, Lutherans look toward Christian
This is already starting to happen, Australian society, such as an effort to same-sex marriage quelled fears that unity
he said, pointing to Archbishop legalize assisted suicide in Victoria and redefining marriage would threaten The Reformation anniversary gives us a renewed
Julian Porteous of Hobart, who faced a push for gender ideology in schools, rights of conscience by repeatedly impetus to work for reconciliation, said a statement
prosecution under anti-discrimination he said. promising that same-sex marriage released jointly by the Pontifical Council for
laws for a booklet outlining Christian We need more standard bearers, at would not infringe on these fundamental Promoting Christian Unity and the Lutheran World
teaching on marriage. every level, because a majority that stays rights, Farris said. Federation. We recognize that while the past
People arent being argued silent soon becomes a minority. Now, Australians are being told the cannot be changed, its influence upon us today can
into changing their minds; theyre Ultimately, Abbott sees the push to same falsehood. be transformed to become a stimulus for growing
being bullied into abandoning their redefine marriage as part of a broader In the final days of voting, Abbott communion, and a sign of hope for the world to
convictions, Abbott warned. ailment affecting much of Western warned his fellow Australians to carefully overcome division and fragmentation, it said Oct.
And these pressures will only increase society. consider the broad consequences of 31. Again, it has become clear that what we have
if marriage is redefined, he told CNA. Campaigns for same-sex marriage redefining an age-old institution that is in common is far more than that which still divides
The anti-discrimination laws will be and the like are a consequence of so foundational for society. us. The statement was released to mark the end
deployed, I think oppressively, against our civilizational self-doubt and the This is a decisive vote, he told of the year of common commemoration of the
peopleparticularly educatorswho collapse of cultural self-confidence, he CNA, and it is, one way or another, a 500th anniversary of the Reformation. (Hannah
put forward the traditional definitions said, adding that until Western nations watershed moment in the life of our Brockhaus/CNA)
and teachings. address this underlying question, country. (CNA/EWTN News)
CBCP Monitor October 30 - November 12, 2017, Vol 21, No. 22 NEWS FEATURES A3

Chinas president seeks more control over religion

BEIJING, China President of bishops. The most current
Xi Jinping of China proposal would allow the
announced this week that government to select possible
he wants to tighten Beijings episcopal candidates and
strict government controls send the names to the Pope
on religion in the communist for approval or denial.
country. In May, Chinese Cardinal
In a speech, this week Joseph Zen said that the
during the 19th National danger of this proposal is that
Congress of the Communist the Pope could be forced to
Party of China, Xi said that approve a bad bishop, or
religions not sufficiently see decisions ignored by the
conformed to Communist Chinese government.
ideals pose a threat to the Currently, the Vatican sends
countrys government, and a list of potential candidates to
therefore must become more Beijing for approval or denial
Chinese-oriented. before appointing bishops. At
While these comments issue is that that Beijing also
were reportedly intended independently nominates
particularly for Tibetan bishops for leadership
Buddhists, who have lobbied positions in the PA.
for independence from China, Cardinal Zen said he hoped
it could also mean a cooling the Church throughout the
of the already-rocky relations world would intensify their
between the Vatican and China. prayers for the Church in
Diplomatic ties between China, which continues to be
the Church and China were persecuted in the officially-
all but cut in 1951, when the atheist country even as
communist party took control relations thaw.
over Beijing. Members of the Young Chinese Catholics attend the 2016 World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland. CBCPNews According to a report
Communist Party in China earlier this year by US-based
are technically not allowed arduous process. appointed by the Vatican, (PA), which is a sort of it recognizes both legitimately NGO Freedom House, violent
to hold any religious views. While the Chinese driving many among the alternative ecclesiastical and illegitimately appointed and non-violent religious
Recently, Benedict XVI and government technically Catholic Church leadership hierarchy officially recognized bishops. persecution has seen an
Pope Francis have worked recognizes Catholicism as and laity underground. by the Chinese authorities. The Vatican and the overall increase in China
to re-establish diplomatic one of five religions in the The Chinese government Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Chinese government are since President Jinping came
relations with the country, country, it does not recognize established the Chinese has called the PA incompatible in ongoing talks about the to power in 2012. (CNA/
though it has been a slow and many Church leaders Catholic Patriotic Association with Catholic doctrine, since recognition and appointment EWTN News)

Burmas cardinal: The Pope will come How do we help trafficking

to heal the wounds of the country victims re-enter society?
YANGON, Burma Pope Francis Vatican conference takes a look
trip to Burma will help heal the
wounds of his country, especially ROME A Vatican workshop
for minorities under attack, the this past weekend drew attention
nations sole cardinal maintains. to the vast challenges faced by
Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of victims of human trafficking
Yangon is the first Burmese cardinal when reintegrating into society,
in the history of the Church. He was suggesting concrete steps for
made a cardinal by Pope Francis helping victims.
in 2015. One of the first challenges faced
Speaking with CNA about the by trafficking victims upon being
upcoming papal trip to the country, freed is recourse to legal aid and
Cardinal Bo stressed that the restitution, attorney Jami Solli told Pope Francis passes immigrants as he arrives
Vatican and others need to work CNA Nov. 6. for his general audience in St. Peters Square at
toward healing the wounds of our Founder of the Global Alliance for the Vatican Sept. 27, 2017. Immigrants were in
attendance as Caritas Internationalis launched
nation, by showing a future that Legal Aid, an association of jurists its Share the Journey campaign in support of
can bring positive results for all who provide legal aid in developing immigrants. PAUL HARING/CNS
communities. countries, Solli participated in the
Burma, also known as Myanmar, Vatican workshop. the Pontifical Academy of Social
has garnered increased international She said that when it comes Sciences, in a press conference
attention in recent years because of to legal aid, the challenges are Monday.
an escalating persecution of the complex. If we can turn passive parishes
Rohingya, a predominantly Muslim If theyre coming from overseas, into active parishes for this cause,
ethnic group within the Buddhist Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of Yangon they dont speak the language, they well have made a giant step
majority state. dont know the law, she said. In forward, she said.
Pope Francis has made a number nothing is a far fetched theory. Kachin, and Shan. Anti-Christian addition to this, many countries do Dr. John F. McEldowney, a
of appeals for the protection of the The cardinal recalled that Aung persecutions in Myanmar were not offer any financial compensation law professor at the University of
Rohingya, since at least May 2015. San Suu Kyi formed the Kofi highlighted in a 2016 report of to trafficking victims, and it can be Warwick and a newly appointed
Since late August, the United Annan Commission, an advisory the United States Commission on hard to find quality lawyers who are member of the Academy of Social
Nations estimates that 582,000 commission on the Rakhine International Religious Freedom. willing to help them. Sciences, agreed with Archer. He
Rohingya have fled Burmas State chaired by the former UN The report said that in three Unfortunately, Solli said, told journalists that he thinks
Rakhine state for Bangladesh. General Secretary Kofi Annan and Burmeses states, Christians are prosecution rates for human the next step is very much a
Cardinal Bo told CNA he hopes composed by six Burmese and three subjected to forced relocation, trafficking crimes are very low. collaborative effort throughout the
that the Pope will address the international members. attacks on their places of worship, According to U.S. reports, there world.
burning questions of Rohingya The commission issued a final and an ongoing campaign of forced are about 10,000 prosecutions of The hope is to bring together not
persecution in a meeting scheduled report in August, requesting that conversion and brainwashing in trafficking perpetrators globally just government entities and NGOs,
with the countrys de facto leader Burmas 1982 citizenship law schools funded by the government. each year, while the number of but also the smallest communities,
Aung San Suu Kyi during the that classifies Rohingya as illegal According to the 2016 Report trafficked people is estimated to be in the smallest parts of the world,
November trip. immigrants be reviewed. As a on Religious Freedom by Aid to around 40 million. such as parishes and small villages.
He also said that the Pope will short term recommendation, the the Church in Need, minorities are What does prosecution of One of the big projects to come
likely encourage good steps, commission requested that Burma often targeted in Burma in a sort of perpetrators actually achieve for out of the weekend, still a work in
and said that as a Church, we clarify the rights of people who continuous conflict that takes place victims? It can bring significant progress, is a document to define the
want to affirm the intensity of are not granted full citizenship, in ethnic states. peace of mind, Solli said, allowing rights of victims and the resources
human suffering experienced by including the Rohingya. The report refers in particular to victims to know that the person who available to them.
the Rohingya because this problem Cardinal Bo noted that Aung San Kachin, where at least 66 churches trafficked them is in jail. McEldowney told CNA that this
has been there for last 60 years, and Suu Kyi agreed to implement the have been destroyed in ethnic However, victims are still left victims charter would work as a
most intensely since 1982, when an recommendations of the Annan conflicts ongoing since 2011. with a slew of problems, including sort of map to help people get from
unjust citizenship law passed. Commission. The report also underscored that mental suffering, a lack of skills, point A to point B to point C.
The cardinal also noted that Cardinal Bo noted that, in the prevalent Christian states education and a job. The document would connect
there is a new energy let loose unfortunately the very day the of Chin and Kachin, the Burmese How is this person going to information and resources from all
by the global Islamophobia. Commission report was released, army has promoted a policy that restart their life? Solli reflected, the different areas in which victims
The xenophobic regulations in there was a militant attack and the forces Christians to remove crosses noting that restitution money is likely need assistance including
rich countries against Muslims reprisal started. This, he explained, from the hills and the top of the one way to recognize the immense legal aid, housing assistance,
encourages this. Injustice anywhere prevented implementation of mountains, sometimes forcing harm that victims have suffered, education, and mental and spiritual
is injustice everywhere. Muslims are recommendations. them to build Buddhist pagodas to and while it will not solve all of their guidance. Together, these resources
not suffering only in Burma. But, he said, by attacking Aung replace them. problems, it can help them get a would help trafficking victims
He explained that recent government San Suu Kyi, nobody wins. She is This practice, the Report stressed, fresh start. answer the question, Where do I
persecution of the Rohingya was a still a hope for democracy. has diminished since 2012, but The Nov. 4-6 workshop, Assisting go from here?
response to attacks on police stations Cardinal Bo underscored that never ceased. In the state of Chin, Victims in Human Trafficking Best It is also hoped that the act of
by Rohingya militant groups. Yet, Burma is one of the poorest a Christian was jailed for the crime Practices in Resettlement, Legal Aid compiling the charter will draw
he said, nothing can justify what countries in the world, and Rakhine of building a cross. and Compensation, addressed attention to those areas which are
happened afterwards. State is the poorest: 70 percent of Cardinal Bo stressed that the these challenges and others. lacking adequate, or perhaps any,
Cardinal Bo also addressed its people live in extreme poverty. Rohingya situation is a great The workshops focus was on resources. For example, it can be
controversy surrounding Aung San In the end, Myanmar has so tragedy, but added that the how to better provide legal aid difficult for trafficking victims to
Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, many resources, but these do not country needs healing on various and restitution for trafficking know how to apply to a university
and Burmas State Councillor, the go to the poor. The Pope is a great fronts. victims, not only to try to achieve if they are not a citizen of the
nations head of government. A prophet of economic justice and The Holy Father, he concluded, justice for the crimes committed country or dont have the correct
longtime human rights activist, environmental justice. He should has stood against the winds of against them, but to support their documentation.
she has been criticized for failure to raise his voice against these two criticism and mourned the suffering reintegration into society and Its an ambitious project,
recognize or stop military atrocities injustices. of Muslims and Rohingyas. With help with necessities such as food, McEldowney noted in his comments
against the Rohingya, and for The Archbishop of Yangon also unflinching courage we need to housing and education. to journalists. It requires patience
assigning blame to both sides of emphasized that the Pope needs stand against global Islamophobia. Critical to this reintegration is and dedication. And education,
the conflict. to shed light on other unresolved What happens here is a spill-over the broad cooperation of different knowledge, information is at the
The cardinal said that Aung San conflict and displacements. and to see this tragedy detached entities, including the Churchs heart of this, so that people know
Suu Kyi could have done better, The cardinal mentioned the from other human tragedies would vast network of parishes, said Dr. that slavery has not been abolished.
but to stigmatize her as if she did situations in the states of Karen, be a fragmented truth. Margaret Archer, president of (Hannah Brockhaus/CNA)
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