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Name: Aisha Ali Alowais

Course: EPC 3403 Practicum 3a

Instructor: Antoinette Wiseman

Task Title: The Rainbow Fish Lesson Plan

The Rainbow Fish Lesson Plan

Name: Aisha Ali Alowais

Personal Aims: My personal aims are to ensure that I have good time management, and that the students are


Grade Level: KG2-2 Subject: Learning outcome (ADEC/MOE):

English - understand that print differs from pictures

by using one-to-one correspondence

when reading

- hands-on experiences and opportunities

with a variety of age appropriate literacy


- engaging in active learning experiences.

- identify and compare the external features

of living things that

- count sets of up to 10 objects using one to

one correspondence

- respecting pupils regardless of their

religion, race or social class.

Resources: Preparation

The story sack I set the scene in the classroom by first turning on The Rainbow

The Rainbow Fish Big Book Fish animation and stopping at a scene that has fishes

The Rainbow Fish finger puppet I also hung up a question sheet for the book for after the story.

The Rainbow Fish Puzzle Book I prepared a rainbow fish finger puppet that I will use to describe

The storybooks question sheet for after the the fishs movements along with the teachers wooden stick to

story follow along to the words on the book.

Counting fish worksheet Key Vocabulary

Coloring rainbow fish and tracing the letter What do you see?

f worksheet Where does the Fish Live?

The fish cycle worksheet. How many are there?

Big glue sticks Lets count

Teachers wooden stick What is the name of the most beautiful fish?

Handbell What color is the fish?

Colored pencils

Whole group I will use the hello how are you song to greet the students. Then if I felt that the students were

(15 mins) very energetic I will dance to head shoulders knees and toes with them. I will introduce the

students to the book cover, and ask them all to cross their arms and legs. I will set the story on

the high chair so that all the students can see, I would usually place it on my lap and trace along,

however the book was too big for me to see from over. I will trace the words of the story as I

read on with the teachers stick, whilst also using the rainbow fish finger puppet. I will go over

the story and ask various questions on each page. I will pinpoint the important parts slightly

hinting at what they need to know.

Independent Low: students are to choose a colored pencil and count the number of fishes in each tan to

activity 1 color the answer.

Independent Medium: The students color the fish as they please and then practice writing the letter f for

activity 2 fish by tracing the fs under their Rainbow Fish.

Independent High: The activity is for students to stick the process of grows of the fish, from eggs all the

activity 3 way to a fish.

Extra activity: I had a few students try out The Rainbow Fish Puzzle Book, to test out their skills.

Closing (5 I will ask them questions regarding the story and ask them if they enjoyed the book, I will say

mins) thank you and ask them to line up.


I will assess students by asking them questions during independent activity time and use my

MSTs checklist to ensure that all students understood the lesson.

The activities (minimized)

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