IRC-21 - (Road Bridges sec-III Code and Practice) PDF

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snc 21-2000 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND CODE OF PRACTICE FOR ROAD BRIDGES SECTION: IIL CEMENT CONCRETE (PLAIN AND REINFORCED) (Third Revision) ‘THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS 2000 sc: 21-2000 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND CODE OF PRACTICE FOR ROAD BRIDGES SECTION: III (CEMENT CONCRETE (PLAIN AND REINFORCED) (Third Revision) Published by ‘THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS TTamwogar Howe, Shabjahan Road, "New Debs 110011 "100 (es Faking & Posage Chae) IRC: 21-2000 Ft ped Fit Revision ein Rept Rete Saad Rein epi, ep end arin ‘Thr Revs Reprinted Reprised Reprited Much 972—oxerprtes Ament No N97) btn ‘Anema No? Dee 972, NOS Rov and Net api 998) ‘p97 eons Anennet No Ap, 1976) Jive, 1980 (leone Ament No My, 1977) Mack 583 (cores Amends No? Sumber TSE td Na ecb 38, wot Ce 30 5 canes Nate eds per RCT) a, 1987 ‘ge 988 Stn 198 acuprtes Amendment Cie 37.1 ‘Eso Aeron Ron, Sc Reno) November, 196 Daseber, 1997 March, 2002 November, 200(Incorportes Amendment No. ‘o Tied Revision) December, 2004 (ighe of Prblication and of Tranlation are reseed) Print at Sagar Prise & Publisher, New Deli 110 003 (00 Copies) smc 21-2000 (CEMENT CONCRETE (PLAIN AND REINFORCED) ‘CONTENTS. composition of Bide Specifeations & Standards (Commitee Notations Case No, Introdction 300. Seope 301 Terminology a2 Motels 33 Basic Feminible Suess 304 Gener Design Requirements 205 Beams and Subs 506 Columns and Comreson Members 307 Footing oF Biss 308 Balanced Canlover snd Continous Costin 109 Box Giders 310 Worknansip Arsenic 1: Design Suice Cnck Width Page No ore GeO 1 0 a ss “ 2 Rc: 21-2000 (MEMBERS OF THE BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE, 1K tinge SOc Mae 2 VR (hs on 71298) {htop Tana han, New Oe (Mapai ean saute rer (on gr Bone 14 Mite evento en Enya Pheriem'tion Dey 8A Sn eh Sind re, SoFiseer 0, Miia o sce Tmo aoe Son Sat Cr Rea Recah a PO. Teen Sei Hr Fost Mot Se owen (eiwscitee Mumeeat0023 7 SE nun om ‘Conon 2/136 ahr Nag Spal 2016 ee a es Onpniztion, Lukao-226001 2 See image ttt oor Stee son Sees gS cm oe Sie ene (aad Development and Ad Sect, Minny f Sure Tame o 1c: 21-2000 8 es eRE BOR PR Sm let ge, FO ah A, 0, Cn, an tok, Sy, Maha PD Bl) 72, Pan tar Mg ‘Spo Wore ans These tte ame Ra tne ls 1, Greate” New Saletya tu Pee ong 10 hectare Hana ary iol hye rs Mak, Satna oa) ‘Recht nen) (Bay Pe Nee epee Wie ig Bk Tetgninchkt (RR Shey Heya PVD, BAR, See Sagecisohs ‘eer Gn! Coal Ma Dp Nmi Shan New De wo SRecaettnjcer Mii out ant ae Wang New Dei “Retin tng 2) (CE Bt) ayo See To Ei ‘Sahn mp shew De Me Diee Ma a an, Pst Rn ‘Me Diese ead Ba of it So Ma 9, Baad ‘Me cit ah) tar Pe Wot Deen ga 4006 ‘Ree! age) UF PD. tae ‘he Git ner Pa PD, BAK Boch Poi ExOtticio Members ee Rapa [ara omen Beirne Dh PD ‘ond Devcon) BORD) A. Sera wth Govt of al ES) Serpe i ‘nope no ataRiecmeme Shee ‘emer ew ec Corresponding Members Nv Mew ipl seer held) AAD, di Nae, oars ‘ere nari a samen ce hese eRe smc: 21-2000, NOTATIONS modus of Elsi of el ‘modal of Esty of coast Base anchorage length ctr fr bare anchorage Fength dnmeter of rnercing bss Design schoage length fio for eduction fn archorage length Factor fer edt nner eng or exces infra fren of brs shally provide {fos of burs regard at ll permissible sess Shit of curalment ie Shi of eraiment eat nd supports ap length Ssppon reaction Depth of Secon cal spacing ofthe ba for clung the ap length (er 304683) rte dtnce of conte of gravity ofthe eoncentd oad from te sere suppor (cl 308162) ge isu of bar or aclaton of ap egth cl. 308.663) tthe reafth ofthe etangular team of slab ote breadth af ‘heb ease of fanged eam (€. 3047.11.1) the design rear ars the section five depts of the section, bem o ab ‘The angle tween te top and botiom edges of the beam oF Slab of varying depth a he mton considered for hes’ (et 3087113) te coef fr reduton a maxima permis sess in Tang esl (20843) or Ratio of the fog ie to te short side of the foting 30724) {al comresve fre in Newtons, (pow are of he coer seton mn? Design Shar Stes stay cos section atin pemissie tea Ses tol erosesectonal a of mp les Bet up bars within isis wi smc: 2.2000 AoRESs 4 4 * & Spacing ofthe sips oe Bestup tae slong the length of the rember ‘seomisble ese sues in shear reinforcement fle beeen the inclined sip or Beat up bar and the ais ‘ofthe member, not less ha 4" (307.18) omit for ésleulion of eee width (61305162) or modular rio (eros) uve! sear ‘orion moment bending momenta he crosssction equivalent Bendig Moment due to torsion the ove depth f the eam roueectonal ate of bar frig the closed hoop Gente w cnt distance etwen comer bay in te dition of the wit cot o cea distance between comer bs inte dcton of the depth quintet shear sess Sear nrength of th concrete tfleive span (3054) oF the unsupported Jngth of the fompreson Mange (308), othe dance etnen pois of ero moments cL 305.152) Aistance betwee cent of suppers Cause 305.15. or effective Tenth af column c 306:3) ler spn effective depth of beam o sab Effective wih for compresian ge thickness of the web for beams (Gr T-beam and eb) or thickness ofthe webs + with of te sab fetneen webs (Gr Ballw box sexton) the effective with of seb an which the oad ats the breath of concenbaton ae of the led for enlcltion of fective wath ‘he peice sess in det compression fr he longi feet he crous-sctoal are of concrete else of any fishing mater applied after the carting of he clunn w RC: 21-2000, the coueecona nen of the longi te! in clams Sect en A ae the equivalent are of bela rinfoconet {Fens i ell renecenent the eat ris of getion the penile si fad on te cot the cared eompresive bending sts the pemirble Neral compessive ress Aired eonceatic es which is eomevialy slr wth icoue we 4, tenet set see wat the pependclar distinc frm the pot considered he Suft ofthe nest longi bar ‘She overage san tthe level where cracking isting Cosiered stl allowing forthe stilling eft of he {Sine width of he cto ste coi ofthe tension sel i the dance one comprenion fc he oa at which the cack width beng calculned ibthe avenge stn a te level where cracking is being ‘onnidere cacao gnong the sfening elect of the ‘Sie depth of te neva ais fund fom the anche Saas suengh of wetness Ni! o ec: 21-2000 CEMENT CONCRETE (PLAIN AND REINFORCED) mTRoDUCTION “The Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road ‘Bridges, Section III - Cement Conerete (Plain and Reinforced) ‘vas frst published in October, 1966. To caer forthe technological developments which were taking place in course of time, the ‘Code was examined by the Technical Committees of the TRC fand revised in 1972 and in 1987 in the light of their recommendations. In the light of further developments in the field of plain and reinforced conerte, the provisions of the Code were Teviewed by the Committe for Reinforced, Prestressed and ‘Composite Concrete (B-6) consisting of the following personnel ings Kai Convenor ‘AN. Dbodapar Member Secretary MEMBERS NK Siabe Tose Kaien 6. Jogletar BY. Manze De TN Sutba Rao AS. Pada Rao DK. Make RA. Chauary Den, Tebenkar GR Hard Sine Stara DD. Sharma Mabesh Tandon Director & Head, Gil Bn, SA Reals urea of Indian Stndg, ‘Ato K Basa (id Kuma) | 1. Viwaoatan| EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS President IRC 'BG(RD) (EB. Raja) (@eafula Kom) Secretary, IRC (SC Shims) ‘CORRESPONDING MEMBER PS.Tragt Rc 21-2000 ‘The amendments as finalised by this Committee were considered and approved by the Bridge Specifications and Standards Committe in their meeting held at New Delhi on 7th December, 1999 and later approved by the Executive Committe in their meeting held at New Delhi on 14th December, 1999, ‘The draft amendments were discussed and approved by the Council of the Indian Roads Congress at the 157th Councit Meeting held at Madurai on 4th Jasuary, 2000. It was also decided that the document would be published 15a fully revised Code after incorporating all the amendments, ‘The object of issuing the Standard Specifications and Code ‘of Practice for Road Bridges Section IU-Cement Conerete (Plain and Reinforeed) is to establish a common procedure for the Maintaining moisture condition to promote continued hydration of cement in the ‘concrete Ime :21-2000 3014. Effective Depth of a Beam : The distance berween the centroid of the area of tension reinforcement and the fibre at which the compressive stress is maximum. 3015, Mortar: A mixture of cement, fine egsrezate and water and any admixture that may be permitted by the competent authority 3016. Cover The thickness from the outer surface of the concrete to the nearest surface of the reinforcement. ‘M2. MATERIALS, 3021. Cement [Any ofthe following types of cement may be used with prior approval of competent authority Tablet ae Contorning © Orinay Pond Comsat 33 Gade 15° 269 (1) OxdinayPoriand Cement 43 Gade 18: 112 (G8) CednaryPontand Cement 33 Gade 1S: 12269 (jv) ‘Rapid Hardening Poland Cemest 18: 808 (©) Slphite Resistant Porland Cement 1: 1230 (9) Porand Pozslana Cemest 1S: a9. (i) Porand Blast Furace Sag Cement 18: 488, (i)_Low Hest Pera Covent 1. 12600 ‘Rams (1) Use of Porod pozzoan cme may Be permite say Pina coprele members, (2) Under svee conan of spat content in sbsail water, syck erate on precautions to be taken With repute ‘he of serial spe of coment wth law C,A contest may be ‘efered to. Darby ceria ike mitimum cement comet fad wrier cement fo, ee, shoud ao be ten due ‘reiertin, (2) Mixing of blast france sg with OPC cement at ste shoul nt bepermite, However, neteptional cass for projec eqiing ighe eves of dub using eed cement, which mot ‘vale fom the mantatrer, leng maybe penited ‘bjt 1 enmting dest fcliy and complete mechanied proves control a achiwe reid Gay sme: 21-2000 3022, Admixtures ‘To improve workability of concrete, admixtures, conforming to 1S:9103 may be used 3023. Aggregates 3023.1, General : All coarse and fine aggregates shall conform to IS:383 and shall be tested to conform to 1S:2386 Pars Ito VI 3023.2. Coarse aggregate 302.3.2.1. Coarse aggregates shall consist of clean, hard, srong, dense, non-porous and durable picces of erushed stone, ‘rushed gravel, natural gravel ora suitable combination thereof or other approved inert material. 302.322, The maximum sizeof the coarse aggregate may bbe as large as possible within the limits specified, but in no case treater than one quarter ofthe minimum thickness of member or 10 mm less than the minimum lateral clear distance between {individual reinforcement or 10 mm less than the minimum clear cover to any reinforcement. 3023.23. The prefered nominal size of aggregate is 20 1mm for reinforced conerete and prestressed concrete. However, larger sizes upto 40 mm may be permitted in special cases when there is no restriction to flow of concrete in a section, For plain concrete, prefered nomin between 20 mm and 40'mm, However, larger sizes may be permitted only in special cases, subject to. supplemental specifications and precautions 302,33. Fine aggregates : Fine aggregates shall consist ‘of hatd, strong, durable clean particles of natural sand, crushed 5 RC: 21-2000 stone oF gravel or suitable combination of natural sand and crushed stone or gravel. They shall not contain dust, lamps, soft oF flaky particles, mica and other deleterious materials in such ‘quantities as would reduce the strength or durability of concrete or attack the reinforcement. 30234. Grading of aggregates shall be such a5 t0 produce a dense concrete ofthe specified stength, which can be ‘worked readily into position without segregation snd without the se of excessive water content 3024, Water Water used for mixing and curing stall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, sugar, ‘organic materials or other substances that may be deleterious to ‘concrete of stel 3024.1. In case of doubt regarding development of strength, the suitability of water for making concrete shall be ascertained by the compressive strength and iil setting time tests specified in 302-4.1.2. and 3024.13, 3024.1.1. The sample of water taken for testing shall represent the water proposed to be used for concreting, due account being paid to seasonal variation, The sample shall not receive any treatment before testing other than that envisaged in the regular supply of water proposed for use in concrete, The sample shall be stored ina clean container previously rinsed out with similar water 3024.12. Average 28 days compressive strength of at Jeast three 150 mm conerete cubes. prepared with water proposed to be used shall not be less than 90 per cent of the average of strength of thee similar concrete cubes prepared ‘with distilled water, The cubes shall be prepared, cured and 6 1c 21-2000 tested in seeordance with the requirements of 18:56. 3024.13. The intial setting time of test block made with the appropriate cement and the water proposed to be used shal not be less than 30 minutes and shall not be more than 30 ‘minutes from the initial setting time of contol test block prepared with the same cement and distilled water, The test blocks shall be prepared and tested in accordance with the requirements of IS4031 (Pari 5) 30242, ‘The pH value of water shall not be less than 6 Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing ‘concrete, AS a guide the following concentrations represent the maximum permissible values (@) Toews 100i sample of wae, sing phentpiaein ingen sold ot rears more thn 5 ml of 0.02 armal NOH! The etal of ox ace pen 8.1 96153025 an 2) (0) Tosetuaoe 100ml spl of water, wig ied intr i ould nt rege more tan 25 lof 02 normal HDSDS. The ‘tis fe sal ba given Clave of 13025 (Pa). (©) Permissible ins fr sls tll bea given in Table 2 Same S30 200 met Inoriie 302s 18) 00 met Scpbas (ws SO) AUIS 28) ADD ag (hotness Ch 153025 (32) 2000 mat for corte work not coining embedded Stel and 00 git fo estesedlcintced ‘rete work Suspend mater 183005 (7.17) 2000 mgt 302.43. Mixing or curing of concrete with sea water is ‘ot permitted because of presence of harmful salts in sea wate. 3024.4, Water found satisfactory for mixing is also suitable for curing concrete. However, water used for curing should not produce any objectionable stain or unsightly deposit fon the conerete surfice. The presence of tannic acid of iron compounds is objectionable 3025, Reinforcement Reinforcement shall consist of the following grades of reinforcing bars, designated by their characteristic strength, ‘where characteristic strength fsall be taken as that specified in governing IS Specifications listed in Table 3 as the minimum value of 0.2 per cent proof stressor yield stress. Gre Bir ope confoming Conciente hate modal ‘signation to goveming IS stengh {MPa GPa ‘pesiieatons Feta isa Pen T oO i Mid test Fels ISA786Deormed 41s 200 Fe sto 15:1786 Deformed 00 200 tr i= Wie rs confoming wo TSSG6 and TMT bats conan TS:786 can ao be ed rc: 21-2000 3026. Concrete 02.6.1, Conerete grade : The conerete shall be in erades designated in Table 4, where the characteristic strength is defined asthe strength of material below which not more than 5 per cont of test results are expected to fall Tables Grade Ggaion ‘Speed arscenaie campresivesength of 150 mm utes a 8 days roy ws 1 M20 20 was 2 M30 30 Mas 3s wa ” Mas 4% M0 ° Mss ss Moo ea ‘302,62. Minimum concrete grade, minimum cement content and maximum water cement ratio for structural members under different conditions of exposure are given in Table 5. 3026.3. The cement content shall not exceed 540 kg/m? of concrete 302.64, Total water soluble sulphate (SO,) content ofthe ‘concrete mix expressed as (SO,) shall not exceed 4 per cent by mass of cement used in the mix. 302.6.5. Total chloride content in concrete expressed 36, clloride-ion shall not exceed the following values by mass of| NOoERATE SEVERE CONDIDENG aun) MODULATE SEVERE oder tabearisit rs : gan h ggexxezexs| | age Eessigeces| & Hoe i eagd eae acni | “gts J ou tue tee gPE Hote ge eee? oR fi GREG got aa 3 a coge-t2 om Rc: 2.2000 ‘This initial current margin, given in Table 6, shall be used only until sufficient data are available to determine the current margin as per sub-clause (1) above 302.72. Suitability of proposed mix proportions Following information shall be furnished for deciding suitability of proposed mix proportions (@) Nae and source ofeach mati the quanities of each material per ebie move of fly competed concee (©) citer ofthe folowing (0) sppropente exiting dam as evidence of sutstacory Pevouspeforance for wget meas stengh event rag workability and watercement rio nd any oer ‘onl ruirement as specie (0) fl deals of tes on tal mixes cared ot in tecordance with sbvlase 302.73 08 (Gi) for oxcinay seta! covets, 2 statement tht, for intl production the appropri mix proportions given in Tble 7 wil be ed, ie 7. Proporton for Nomina Goneree Tol quant of dey Proportion of Maxima quntiy (asa gargae by vase per fle ggrgale of weer por 80 kg Sd'ig of comes! be loco of coment taken asthe som of agaresle (Lites) {advil eee of fine and couse oy mas) arog (Ke) PoC RCC as 350 Groealy 1228 subject o upper sd lower Timi 25 a0 250 son re: 21.2000 302.73, ‘Trial mixes : Trial mixes shall be prepared using samples of approved materials forall grades of concrete, ‘Sampling and testing procedures shall be in accordance with Clauses 302,10 and 302.11 “The concreting plant and means of transportation employed {fo make the trial mites and to transport them to representative distances shall be similar to the corresponding plant and transport to be used in the works. A clean dry mixer shall be ‘sed and the frst batches shal be discarded. Test cubes shall be taken for trial mixes as follows. For each mix, set of six cubes shall be made fiom each of three consecutive batches, Three fiom cach set of six shall be tested at an age of 28 days and tivee at an earlier age approved by the engineer-in-change, The tubes shall be made, cured, sored, transported and tested in ‘ompression in accordance with the specification. ‘The average strength of the nine cubes at 28 days shall exceed the specified characteristic stength by the current ‘margin minus 3.5 MPa, 302.74, Additional rial mixes : Additional tial mixes and tests, shal be caried out during production before substantial ‘changes are made in the material or in the proportions of the materials to be used, except when adjustments to the mix proportions are carried out in accordance with 302.921 302.8. Requirement for Nominal Mix Concrete Unless otherwise specified, the nominal mix concrete shall bbe as detailed in Table 7 3029, Production of Conerete 3029.1. Batching and mixing : The quantities of ‘cement, fine aggregate and the various sizes of eoarse aggreyate b Rc: 2.2000 shall be measured by weight, unless otherwise authorised by the engineer-in-charge, ‘A separate weighing machine shall be provided for weighing the cement. Different types of cement shall not be mixed, ‘The quantity of water shall be measured. Any admixture to bbe added shall be measured and, if soli, sall be measuted by ‘weight The batch weight of aggregate shall be adjusted to allow for moisture content ypical of the aggregate being used, All measuring equipment shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable condition. Its accuracy shall be checked aver the "ange in use when setup at each site, and maintained thereafter. The accuracy of equipment shal fall within the following limits Mensa of cement 5 per cent ofthe guntiy of eomeat intach teh Messrement of wer £3 percent of th quay of water in cach bah Measurement of wares +3 percent he quanto pzepte Ineach fc Measurement of admistre Sper cet ofthe quantity of aire ‘The conerete mixer shal eomply with the equirement of [BIS where applicable, The mixing time shall be not less than ‘hat recommended by the manufacturer, subject to the approval ofthe trial mixes by the engineer in-charge Concrete mixers that have been out of use for more than 30 minutes. shall be thoroughly cleaned before any fresh 1c: 21-2000 concrete is mixed. Unless otherwise agreed the frst batch of ‘concrete through the mixer shall then contain only two-thirds of the nocmal quantity of coarse aggregate. Mixing plant shall be ‘thoroughly cleaned before changing, from one type of cement 0 another. 30292. Control of strength of designed mixes 30292.1, Adjustment to mix proportions » Agjustment to mix proportions may be made in order to minimise the variability of strength subject approval of enginecr-in-charge and to maintain the target mean strength subject to approval of cenginer-in-charge, Such adjustments shall not be taken to imply any change in the curtent margin 302.922. Change of current margin : When required by the engincerin-charge, the current margin shall be recalculated in accordance with Clause 302.71, The recalculated value shall bbe adopted as directed by the engincerin-charg, and it shall ‘become the current margin of concrete produced Subsequently 302,10, Sampling and Testing 302,101. General : Samples from fresh concrete shall be taken as per IS:1199 and cubes shall be made, cured and tested at 28 days in accordance with 18516. 302.10.2. Sampling procedure : A random sampling procedure shall be adopted to ensure that each concrete batch Shall have a reasonable chance of being tested, that is, the sampling should be spread over the entre period of concreting tnd cover all mixing units. The point and time of sampling shall be at delivery into the construction, unless otherwise agreed to 302.103, Frequency : The minimum fequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall bein accordance with Table & IRC: 21-2000 Table aay of Cosas Work w) Naber of Sap Ts T es 2 51 and sve 4 pl one abot Sample foe each ation, 50 mo part thecal Atleast one sample shall be caken from each shift of work 302.104, Test specimen and sample strength : Three test specimens shall be made from each sample for testing at 28 ays. Additional cubes may be required for various purposes such as to determine the strength of concrete at 7 days for any other purpose ‘The test strength of the sample shall be the average ofthe strength of three specimens. The individual variation should not bbe more than + 15 per cent of the average 30211, Acceptance Criteria 30211.1, Compressive strength ; When both the following conditions are met, the concrete complies with the specified compressive strength: (0) The rem strength determined from any group of four setae samples shoul exceed the specie cree ompressive seength by 3 MPa (6) Seng fay stp et ethan the specified characteristic ompresve seth minus 3 Pa 302112. Workability : The concrete mix proportions chosen should be such that the concrete i oF adequate 6 IRC: 21-2000 workability for placing condition of the concrete to ensure proper compaction. Suggested ranges of workability of concrete ‘measured in accordance with 1S:1195 are given below Degree of Worksbity Stump (nm) tow 25.50 High to0.1s0 302.11.3, Chloride content : Unless otherwise specified and agreed, the method of calulation and test shall be based ‘upon the chloridevion contents of all constituents and the ‘composition of the concrete. The chlorde-ion content of each of | the constituent used in the calculation shall be one of the allowing: (9) he eased value (the value desired by the manta (© te maxinum value where specifi ia the BIS for te ‘consent a apps. ‘The caleulated chloride content of the concrete expressed 5 the percentage of chlorde-ion by mass of cement shall not exceed the value specified in Clause 302.65, 302.114. Density of fresh concrete + Where minimum density of fresh concrete is specified, the mean of any four ‘conseeutive samples shall not be less than the specified value and any individual sample result shall not be less than 97.5 per ‘cent of the specified vale. 302.11.5, Density of hardened eonerete: Where minimum ensity of hardened concrete is specified, the mean of any four consecutive samples shall not less than the specified value ard 1c: 2.2000 any individual sample result shall not be less than 97.5 per cent of the specified value 302.12, Storage of Materials All efforts shall be made to store the materials in proper IRC: 21-2000 303.2. Permissible Tensile and Compressive Stresses In Steel Reinforcement 3032.1, Permissible tensile and compressive stresses in steel reinforcement shall not exceed those given in Table 10 pico prevent hr detrann orn Fee Sai aetna eee fase nd eth sf uty an les oe a meet = ST wrge pce sal abo por et) spon, = =a ‘comal nde Str a he tale Al sch ter ee — : though sd in aproved som, al be bjt To cao] — ta ecponce cx peo ewe | Rat] cokadtodae Es fesot Teemer 0 asic ans rmESHS Sood 303.1. ‘The permissible stresses for concrete of different ‘Tension a shear 200 ree be ln Table 9 go ts Tit pre nd ae ere St as 3 = a ° a ee kag] Senet % oe Beueh S35 SS rei a 1 Masia of iy Podge vie (GP) 26 275 29 30S 315 525335 35 36 37 2 Peis dent (bay our wwe 375 $625 75 875 10 1125 125 1975 15 or eauating aries in seston a molar ai (E/E, of 10 may be adopted (2) For devin spcifestions of sea, bodlnchorage se Clause 5046 and 3087 3033. The basie permissible tensile stresses in plain ‘concrete elements shall not exceed those given in Table (Cone ge MIS M20_M25_M30 and above ermine ele sree wey ao oso oe In case of concrete members cast in one lift with no construction joints or when special precautions are taken for surface preparation of joints like use of wet sand blasting or surface retarders, the basic values given in Table 11 can be permitted to be increased but in no case shall these exceed 1.25 times the basic value given in Table UI smc: 21-2000 303.4, Control of Cracking in Concrete 3024.1. The requirement of erack contol atthe tensile face of reinforced concrete components under sustained loads shall be deemed to have been satisfied, provided the following etaling enteria are met (i) Forsh,te dnmetr and pacing of reinfring bar sal nt ‘reed 25mm and 150 mn renee, (G For beams, inlaing tp and btm Manges i rectangular ‘led sab and bor bes al for sold slabs in oid sab Talend cantilever biges the camel and spacing. of Fencing br shal tence 32mm an 50 mm respecte (i) Forsoamne the dimeter and spacing of rearing bar shall, ‘ot exceed 32mm a 300 mm venpectively 3034.2. In special cases, where the detailing criteria stated {in Clause 303.41 are not possible to be achieved, the designs shall be checked for crack width limitations as specified in Appendix-1 3035. Permissible Stresses under various Combinations of Loads and Forces 3035.1. ‘The permissible stresses given in Clause 303 shall not be exceeded for combination T of Clause 2023 of IRC:6, The permissible increase for other combinations shall ‘conform to Clause 203 of IRC. 104, GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 304.1. General 304.1. Various stresses that are likely to occur in any plain’ and reinforeed concrete structure, under the worst ‘combination of loads and forces, specified in TRC:6 shall be provided for in aocordance with accepted design and constuction 20 sc: 21-2000 procedure and in conformity withthe fundamental principles of ‘mechanics without exceeding the limits of stresses specified in Clause 303. 304.12. ‘The detailing of enforcement in all components shall be such as to ensure satisfactory placement and good ‘compaction of concrete all‘around in the components with due ‘consideration being given to the construction techniques adopted, 3082, Basis of Design 3042.1. The strength of a reinforced conerete structural member may be assessed by commonly employed elastic theory and it may be assumed that () he mots of laity of ste is 200 GF, ule oherise demise Wy ws (0) ‘header ratio haste values given in Table 9 (note 1) ant Gi) unless eterise pete, the tense strength of concrete is ‘anored 3042.2, In plain concrete strectures, tension upto limits specified in Table IT may be permited. 3083. Cover 3043.1. ‘The minimum clear cover to any reinforcement bar, closest to the concrete surfce, shall be 40 mm, 308,32. Increased minimum cover thickness of $O mm shall be provided when concrete members are exposed to severe conditions of exposure as mentioned in note (1) of Table 5 except that forthe condition of altemate wetting and drying and in cae of foundations where the minimum clear cover shall be 75 eum 3043.3, The above cover may be reduced by $ mm for products with higher level of quality 3084, Bar Slzes 3044.1. ‘The maximum siz of reinforcement shall be 40, 1mm diameter or a section of equivalent area, unless a bigger size is permitted by the competent authority. 3044.2. The diameter of any reinforcing bar, including transverse ties, helcals strups and all secondary reinforcement, shall generally be not less than 8 mm. 3044.3, The diameter of longitudinal reinforcing bars in columns shall not be less than 12 mam, 304.44, The diameter of reinforcement in slabs shall be limited to one-tenth the depth of slab; and the diameter of shear reinforcement in beam-webs, including cranked bars, if any, shall be limited to one-ighth the thickness of the web. 3045, Distance Between Bars 3045.1. The horizontal distance between two parallel reinforcing bars shall not be less than the greatest of the following three dimensions (Be dametr ofthe bar «fhe diameter ae eu (i) te diameter ofthe arget bar = Fhe diters ae nega a (i) 10mm more tha he nominal sizeof he oars gare wed Note: In ede ocamly wit he povisos ofthis stlase, te see of the couse aggeyue for the coniele around congested ‘enforcement may be fluced Thi det aot poled the we of [Sige sce agra whee the reinforcement tno compet. Rc 21-2000 3045.2. Sufficient space shal be lft between groups of bars to enable the vibrator to be inserted. 3045.3, The minimum vertical distance between wo Dorizontal main reinforcing bars shall be 12 mm or the ‘maximum diameter ofthe coarse aggregate or the maximum size of the bar, whichever is greater 3045.4. When contact of bars along the lap length cannot be avoided, such bars shall preferably be grouped in the vertical plane. In no ease, however, shall there be more than ttyee bars in contact. The vertical and horizontal distances specified in the Clauses 308.5.1, 3045.2 and 3045.3 shall be maintained between any such group and an adjacent group or bar 304.55. Subject to satisfying crack control criteria a5, sven in Clause 303.4 the pitch of bars of wires of main tensile Feinforcement in slabs shall not exceed 300 mim or twice the effective depth of the slab whichever is smaller. 3085.6. All mesh reinforcement shall be of such simensions as will enable the coarsest material in the conerete to pass easily through the meshes of such reinforcement. 3046. Bond, Anchorage, Spice 3046.1. To prevent bond ‘filure, design tension or compression in any reinforcing ba at any section of an element shall be developed on each side of the section by an appropriate anchorage length conforming to provisions given in Clause 304.62 or by a special anchoring device or by a combination of | both Provided this is done, local bond stresses may be ignored a Rc: 21-2000 30462. Anchorage length 304.6.2.1, Permissible basic value-o: The length required for developing full suength of bar with straight ends in tension at anchorage to keep the average bond stresses within allowable limits is termed as the basic permissible value of anchorage length fo = n 8. ‘The values of » are given in Table 12 varying with ade of renfrcemest 2 Bulb of exaee 2 ted ondig tne “Table 12, Values of fo a4 Mullis of Tena gies iSO I nd shove Bar ge Bonding tone [ Fe S00 [ee So (ious [reas [ss a 03535 remo | 6 5500 ‘Bonding ane Fe 300 (watavorbley | Fe 415. [1.6 times the value give for bonding 208 1 Bonding zone TI (unfavourable) shall apply to horizontal or ‘barbent less than 45+and so located that more than 300 mm of | fresh concrete is east below the ba, Fig. 1. Bonding zone I (favourable) shall apply to bar not located {in bonding zone M 3046.22. Design value J, for bars in tension (1) Basten sal be develope ier by 8 sgn achorage Jeng with reign ender wih end hooks ofthe shape 1c: 21-2000 — specified in Fig 2 Foe bus of grade Fe 240 anchorage with ight ends isnot permite, 2) Bus developing for fall tente strength stall fave dein anchorage leagh Ieheob el = 1 foe bars wih sight ends 07" forbs with end hooks ‘aplies when cover in he pane of curvature and warevere tii ot es than 3. With ess cver, = 1 apie (3) At sections where enforcement ae in exces of design ‘euremeat 4,2 4.) tas bee provide» redised length Wha ela shal be povided, whee 2 Af, with 8 1 (fee foe exces reinforcer) = A/A, A> re of bas aculy provided Ago 90 of bars rogue at fl pein sess (4) oped shal at atte el I, in, in all eases IRC: 21-2000 bh 4 26 @ FOR Fe 4151500 BARS {FOR Fe 240 BARS he 622 2069 FOR Fe 41500 BARS. 2 15 FOR Fe 240 BARS ent up (down) bars Fig. 2 end diameter (oF books 2 Re: 21-2000 for bcs with saat fo bare with end books once ymin. =12 4 0300 mm Jp min = 6 4 oF 150 mm Whichever i reste Whichever is rate. 304,62.3. Design value/ for bars in compression : Bars in compression shall be developed by an anchorage length with straight ends, end hooks being deemed not effective and value ‘of shall be same as that specified for bars in tension in Clause 3086.22. 304.63, Anchorage of flexural reinforcement in beams and slabs! The provisions of the clause shall illustrate, supplement and modify the general requirements given in Clause 304.62. 3046.31. Anchorage of bars over bearings : Anchorage Tength of botiom bars may be reduced to 2/3 at end or at imermediat simple suppor to cater forthe favourable effects of| transverse compression. Anchorage length shall be measured {rom the inner (span) face ofthe support, Fig 3 Tar ‘mscrgmct oven eating | wonscr sumone Fig 3 Anchorage aver bearings sonorous oot Rc: 21-2000 For indirect support fll J, shall be provided 304.632, Anchorage of bars in tension zone : Bars may bbe curtailed and anchored inthe tension zone of a beam of sab ‘when the following conditions ae satisfied (1) The curtalment and sncrage dane scoring Fig. 4 (@) Curent tai optimaly staggered and he area of brs urtaled sais the Hut on conning bars i down in ‘Guse 3057, (2) The end of cued bar ae bon up at a ery Oa angle ove Abe oncborae lrg fyi bigger over at shown In Fig 304.633, Anchorage of bars bent up (down) : Bars not required for shear resistance shall have an anchorage length ld ‘measured from the point of bending. Bars required for shear resistance will be continued to the “opposite face of the beanvslab and anchored witha length of 0.6 2» Rc 21-2000 Fig. S: Anchorage af bars ent up (down) 1d, in compression zone and 1.3 I in tension zone parallel to face of the bear, see Fig. 5. 304.64, The shear stirups shall be deemed adequately anchored when the requtements illustrated in Fig. 6 are met with 3046.5. Special anchoring device : When the ends of a secondary reinforcement, such as stirrups or binders, are anchored in the compression zone; complete anchorage shall be notwithstanding. any of the other provisions of this Code, deemed to have been provided when the end is bent round a bar of atleast its own diameter through an angle of atleast 90° and » Rc: 2.2000 Fl. 6 Shae of sieups continued beyond the end of the curve frat least eight times the iameter or atematvely through an angle of at least 180° and continued beyond the end ofthe curve for atleast four times the diameter of the bar. 30466. Splices 3046.61, Splices of reinforcement shall he formed by (1) laps of bars with straight ends or bars with end hooks 2) welded joints (@) joints with mechanical devices 0 snc 21-2000 3046.62. Lap splices of bars in tension (1) Lap splices of bars in tension shall be Tongitudinally saggered as far as practicable. The longitudinal and transverse spacing shall conform to Fig. 7 foe i age dance ig 1 Langa sgprng ad tomer dane of lrg Me erin the ‘region of lap splices (dimensions in mim) te 2) Area of bats spliced at any section shall not exceed the following proportions in relation to the total area of bars provided at the section: tar rade ° Fe soos 50 per ent Feo 25 pe cot {In exceptional cases, 100 percent lapping sta section may be permite for deformed bars ony, subject to special precautions and supplemental specifications Rc: 21-2000 Fig. 6 Shae of straps continued beyond the end of the curve frat least eight times the diameter or alternatively through an angle of at least 180° and continued beyond the end ofthe curve for atleast four times the diameter of the bar. 308.66. _Splices 304.6.6.1. Splices of reinforcement shall be formed by (1) laps of bars with stright ends or bars with end hooks 2) welded joints ©) joints with mechanical devices 0 RC: 21-2000 304.662, Lap spies of bars in tension (1) Lap splices of bars in tension shal be longitudinally staggered as far as practicable. The longitudinal and transverse spacing shall conform to Fig. 7. priate 4 (2) Area of bars spliced at any section shall not exceed the following proportions p in relation to the total area of bars provided at the section: bar grade ° fe sons Sb percent Fe 200 25 per ent {In exceptional cases, 100 percent lapping ata section may be permite for deformed bars ony, subject to special precautions and supplemental specifications a 1c: 21-2000 304.66. Lap length la (2) the length of lap of bar in tension with sit endo wih nd hooks sabe fa Kl where he ral of vars with sien below! 96:5 29% > 29% > 40% > 50% 2096 250% The values of K’can be reduced by 20 per cent when a, > 10 6 andlor b> 5 6, Whee a = avi pacing ofthe Bar 1 = edge dite of bar show in Fig 7. (2) eg flap in compression shal be ett, Hooks shall ot be comidre effective, 304.64. Transverse reinforcement at lap splices ‘Minimum einforcement in the form of stirrups. sh provided over the length conforming tothe requirements shown in Fig. 8 nc:212000 3046.6. Welded joints may be used subject to the following (@) Welding f Fe 240 gre brs confoming 10 1:432 shal be permite. Welding f other grades of bar inloing Fe SOO Zs grade bars ctafrmingf IS: 1786 callin genera be [robbie excep in sper eaes mestoned in (h) bein, (©) Weng stat conform to 152751 except a provide herein, (©) Weg maybe aie out by metal are weing pees. Oxy- tetene welding sal tot be pemisble. Any eter process may be wed subject to the approval of the cagioer and rcewury aac! soirenent 10 ensue susctony jit Peformance restore on over eating, choice of ecco, Feleion of coneet cament im fe weg ey should be ely observe (All bars tll be but welded excep fr sale inmete ars rth doce ls than 20 mam which many be lip welded Sule or Double bat ois may gee be wed. For eval be singe bevel o double bevel bust Joints may be (©) Weled joints shal be load well may om bends aed not les than tie the bar diameter away fom «ben (0 Geerly, shop welding in contled coon is to be prefered, wre feasible. Se welding whee necessary shal rowever,be permite when the facies, equipment procs, Consumables opr, weig procure are adequate To ‘oder and atti afm quali pr ith tha taal In thop woking the saison of he engineer: (ont welding procedirer wich ae 10 be employed stall invari be esblbed by a procedure Secifation and shal 1 galled prot use by tea peste in 182731. All tele and elcing operon Tobe eplyed shall have To be (old by toss precbed in 162751, Inpeton of welds Sat conform to IS:22 and desivtve or nan-destuctve fetng may be ndsthen when Gere necxary Jolt with » Re 21-2000 weld dees detted by visual inspection oF dimensions inspection shall at be actos. (0) Asexcepin tthe provision of 2) above as of rads ober tan Fe 240 grade icing special welding grade of Fe $007 415 grade baer conforming # 1-176, for which neessey ‘hemes aayris be ren svied andthe carbon eqalent {lel fom the eemical compotion wing the formula Ms CreMoV NCH cect 1504, or ess, may be pete 1 be weed. The meth of ‘eling shall conform to siplementl specifications tothe ‘Sistacton of the eniecr and tal Be mab sible 308.666. At the welded joints complying with Clause 304.665, while 100 per cent ofthe cross sectional area may be taken into account as effective for Fe 240 grade ars conforming to IS:432, only 80 per cent of such area in respect of bars other than mild ste including Fe 500/415 grade bars conforming to 18:1786 shall be considered as effective. 304,66: Bars may be joined with mechanical devices ‘eg, by special grade steel sleeves swaged on to bars in end t0 fend contactor by serewed couplers. Thi effectiveness of such joints shall invariably be proved by static and fatigue strength tests. Patented systems with proven use shall only be permitted to be used on production of| {est results showing the adequacy of the device tothe satisfaction of the competent authority. ‘A mechanical joint including its connecting elements shall develop in tension or compression af least 125 per cent of the characteristic strength f, Rc 21-2000 304.7. Shear and Torsion 3087.1, Shear 3047.11, Shear stress 3047.11. The design shear stress « at any cross section ‘of beams or slabs of uniform depth shall be calculated by the ‘equation Where 7 = the design sear aos the ston = teat of temember which or flanged sectons shal be taken the ead of the cb, td 4 = effective depth ofthe sexton Note: For bing the maximum sear sess, the section a dance equal to effecve depth from te face ofthe suport sal be ‘ecko andthe shar renee: cle wth seton al be conte upto te suppor. 304, In ease of beams or slabs of varying depth, the equation shall be modified as pe Pt Ma va Where V, band de te se in 3047... Mending moment atthe seston, due 0 oad ntoncomerponding wo shew 7 B= ingle betwen the op andthe bot edges of (Ge beam a tat ton ‘The negative sign inthe formula applies when the bending moment M increases numerically in the same direction as the effective depth d increases, and the positive sign when the ‘moment decreases numerically in this direction. as IRC: 21-2000 3047.1.2. Maximum permissible shear stress s,,, ‘When shear reinforcement is provided the sheat + in beams shall ot exceed stress, given in Table 12A, For slabs, shall not exceed half the value of +, given in Table 124. = ‘Table 124. Masimum Shear Stes Nia? Conic Gade M2025 NOD MBS Mad and stove sie a sae 3047.13. Design shear strength of concrete 3047.13.1. The permissible shear stres , in concrete in ‘beams without shear reinfocement is given in Table 128. 3047.13. For solid slabs the permissible shear in concrete shall be Kx, where Khas the values given in Table 12C, 3087.1.33. Shear strength of members under axial compression : For members subjected to axial compression P, the permissible shear stress in concrete ¢, given in Table 128, shall be multiplied by the following factor: ° ante bur ot exceeding 15 Where P= axl comprensive fein Newtons, ‘A, = oss ares of the copret sexton in anand (2 = Shans compressive reg of emcee smc: 21.2000 “Table 128, Permiebe Shear Stren in Concrete WA | Powis Sia Sten i Conc, 5, Wa? ae (Gade of Cone [sid 5 0 one a ais [oir 019 039939039 aa | om oom asso as | 030 031 oar on ors | as 0x8 agro aa 1m | os 04 oat oa? Om is | om oa ods as ae ts | oss ose oat Ou) is | a 0 08 oon ao | om ost os os ss gas | as 05) 058 06st aso | as 055s? ask om ais | ast 036 Ost amt sovsedaboe| 051 057 040 0a? 06 Fete Ags wen of gil on tienen ihn Be ed ices often ren wth erties ect oe Tite {ph bed tesco bg Cnc cast pe see 7 ae of tc atbcnmen may be ted fed te {alngctorms a Cue 308 “able 126. Vaso or oi lab Seat] sooo] a7s [a9 [2s [2m [us [om cnet | are ie Piney E Tas [os PP Pre ae | 3047.14. Members with shear reinforcement : When + exceeds ¢, given in Table 12B, shear reinforcement shall be provided in any of the following forms ” 5) Vera sires, 1) Bent-up bars alg with serps, and ©) clined sips Where bent up bars. are provided, their coatribution towards shear resistance shall not be more than half that ofthe total shear reinforcement. ‘Shear reinforcement shall be provided to carry a shear Ve= V~ stutter ess speci 308,723, an > ear sven of he once pec in Table ne ies 304.72. Distribution of torsion reinforcement : When ‘members designed for torsion torsion reinforcement shal be provided 28 below . (©) Tetavene fren sl beet ed mips ced een te ta be member The peng a he sirup hl ot exceed he ale of 9 300. Wht na respectively he shor nd ong dnesians tie meer (©) nal cass ther shal b a leas one pa a in corer oft tras. The tamer af he lng at shal oe be les th the ice of the stipe 12 Whichever is restr 2 RC: 21.2000 304.8, Moment of Inertia 3048.1. Moment of inertia for calculating relative stiftuess : To determine the relative sifiness of members of statically indeterminate structures, the moment of inertia may be caleulated by considering (©) the emis coorete seston, loin he rnfrcement (the ete concrete set, acladng the reinforcement on the ‘ai of he naar t,o Gi) the compression ae ofthe oar ectn, combined wih he refocement on fhe bss of he mda ato. Whichever method is adopted for the beams, the same method should be used for the columns 3048.2. Moment of inertia for caleulating deflection: Appropriate values of moment of inertia may be used. 3049. ‘Temperature and Shrinkage Effects 3049.1. ‘The values of coefficients of thermal expansion and shrinkage of concrete shall be taken as follows (Theva expson For rafal conere 117 x 10° por dese cele For plain coacrete 108 x 10" per degree cls (shrinkage 210 304.92. Every simply supported span shall be provided ‘with means to permit both rotation and longitudinal expansion caused by the design loads and forces. 25, BEAMS AND SLABS. 305.1. For bridges having beam and slab type of -stucture the numberof longitudinals shall not be less than o Ie: 21-2000 three, except for single-lane bridges and pedestian bridges. 3052. The minimum thickness of the deck slab including that at the tip of the cantilever shall be 200 mm. However, reduction inthe thickness of the slab upto a maximum of 50 mm may be penmtted at the cantilever tip subject to satisfactory detailing. The thickness ofthe webs shall nat be less than 250 mm, 305.3. Cross girder monolithic withthe deck slab shall be provided atthe bearings. Intermediate cross-pirders shall be provided depending on design requirements. The thickness of fie cross girders shall not be fess than the minimmurn web thickness ofthe main longitudinal girder. The depth of the cross sitders at bearings shall be suitably adjusted to allow access for Droper inspection of bearings and to facilitate positioning of Jacks for future iting up ofthe superstructure. 305.4, Effetive Span 3054.1. Inthe case of fee supports online bearings, the effective span Jo shall be the distance fom the ceuze to centre ofthe bearings. 3054.2. In the case of a free support, not on line bearings the effective span lo shall be /, + dor ! whichever is smaller, Whee 1 = diane between cent of spp 1 = clearapan 4 = eteive depth of beam ost. 305.4.3 In the ease of restraint atthe support, the effective span may be taken as equal tothe clear distance between the faces of the suppors. Rc: 21-2000 305.5. Effective Depth 3055.1. ‘The effective depth of @ beam or slab stall be the depth from edge of the compression section to the centroid of the tension reinforcement. 305.52. Where haunehes are provided, no portion ofthe Ihmunch lying below a plane which makes a slope of 1:3, as shown in Fig, 9 shall be considered as adding tothe effective sept be Agnored for effective depth However, for calculating the moments in a haunched slab ‘or beam, the actual variation of moment of inertia in the span shall be considered. 3055.3, Where member thickness varies, no portion ofthe member Iying below of above a plane which makes a slope of| 1:3 with the horizontal shall be considered as adding (0 the effective depth 4s 3056 Compression Relnforcement in Beams and Slabs () Beams : When ina beam, par or all of the main reinforcement is required t0 resist compression, lis oF ties atleast one quarter of the sizeof the largest compression bar should be provided at « maximum spacing of 12-times the size ‘of the smallest compression bar. Links should be so arranged that every comer and alterate bar in an outer layer of reinforcement is supported by a link passing round the bar having an included angle of not more than 135%. All other bars within a compression zone shall be within 150 mm of restrained bar (i) Slabs: When the designed percentage of reinforcement in the compression face ofa slab exceeds 1 per cent, links of atleast 6 mm or one quarter the size ofthe largest compression bar should be provided for a depth of 200 mm through the thickness of the slab. Ifthe thickness of the slab is insufficient to accommodate then it should be tied with the tension bar. The spacing ofthese links should not exceed tice the memiber thickness in ether ofthe two principal directions of the member or 400 mm and in the direction ofthe compression force not greater than 16 times the bar size 305.7, Curtailment of Bars 3057.1. To prevent large changes in the moment of resistance the points at which the bars are curtailed shall be suitably spread, 305.72, In simply supported spans at least 33 per cent of the stel requited to resist the maximum bending moment shall be caried over the supports along the tension side of the ‘beam and in the case of slab this shall not be less than 50 per 1c: 21-2000 at least 25 per ‘ent, For a span continuous beyond a support at least ent ofthe see! required to resist the maximum positive bending foment sll be similarly carried over the support both incase fof beam or slab, 3058, Curved o Sloped Reinforcement ‘Where the alignment of the reinforcement deviates from the normal tothe plane of bending, a5 inthe ease of beam with feurved or sloped soffit, only the area of the reinforcement ‘effective in the direction normal tothe plane of bending shall be considered 3059, Lateral Support in Beams In flanged beams with length between adequate lateral restraints greater than thirty times the width of the compression ‘ange, the permissible compressive stress in concrete shall be bo reduced by a factor equal to 1S~Zoy where J, is the unsupported length and is the width of the compression flange of the beam. 305.10. Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement All fet of reinforced conte member iter ily exposed or bing within a dopo 00 mm below the level of Pema submergence under wae, soil or soi-soi-watr et all be enforced or srinkage ad temperate. This ‘Benen shal be provide in two directions aight anges {Seaetoar ina plane plo he surfce under consideron ‘Baal be poced a $00 nm maxi with 280 mmo el ste por mec nach Geto forall rds of rence ener in each Reinforcing brs paced near the sure of a menb Titcon to cary ether fonds may be comidered as filly RC 21-2000 effective in providing reinforcement for shrinkage and tempersture 8, main longitadinal reinforcement, distibution reinforcement in slabs, web reinforcement in beams and ties or helicals in columns, 305.11. Dispersion of Live Loads on Longitudinal Beams ‘The dispersion of the live load along the span length ‘through the wearing coat, deck slab and filling shall not be considered 305.12. Distribution of Live Loads on Longitudinal Beams 305.12.1, When longitudinal beams are connected together by tansverse members like deck slab, cross girders, diaphragms soffit slab, et, the distribution of bending moments between Tongitudinals shall be calculated by one of the following methods (0) Fain the eto nh nga sting he the ek sia ar nyclng is method pple whe thre re ony to longi ih 0s a, ()Didting the lade bewcen loti by Couto Ito cy within Hinton, wen te efeve sith of the deck er than Ps the sp ad when Be Se of os vey ch thn Bt of (i) Dsiting the lnds betwen agian by ay ion Ito of gr anise the med of re at Swen by Henry tod ler or More and Lite's version 6 te sopiepate hayof Gaye and Masson ee 305.122. In calculating the shear force on sections of Jongitudinal beams, wheel loads or track loads shall be allocated IC: 21-2000 to respective longitudinal beams by any rational method. Altematively, the following method shall be followed (@) Fer tads ator within 5. metres of ether supperts “The reaction on the lng beams hal be he get of the reread by (Gq) sssuming he deck sab sinply supported cr coninuous {Ebr cavetny be wi the spor bing assumed as ‘ayllding and (following ove of the tree metods given in Clase 305 2k forthe iinaton of bending moments, (Gi) For tnds more than SS metres sey fom eter supports Disibation of he fone Between the lenge forthe purpose offing shearing forces sal be assumed o be the ime fr bending moments given im Chase 305.121 305.13, Dispersion of Live Loads on Transverse Beams Dispersion of live loads along the span length through the ‘wearing coat, deck slab and filling shall not be considered” 305.14, Distribution of Live Loads on Intermediate ‘Transverse Floor Beams Distribution of loads between longitudinal beams for the purpose of finding bending moments and shears in intermediate transverse floor beams shall be made by one of the methods siven in Clause 305.121 305.15, ‘T-Beams and L-Beams 305.15.1, For Tbeams or L-beams, the slab shall be considered as an integral pat of the beam if adequate bond and Shear resistance are provided atthe junction of the slab and the ‘web of the beam, ° Rc 21-2000 305.152. Inthe absence of a more accurate determination, the effective width for compression flanges of beams with sold webs and hollow box sections shall be taken asthe following, ‘bat not exceeding the actual flange with, bob, $151 Creams) 2, + 110, beams) Where 6, = effective width for compesion Mange 4, = Wickes ofthe web or beams fr Tbe and sa) or thicknes ofthe webs + wh ofthe seb Hence ‘Web (Cr hllw box eto), 41, = he diane sewce sin of 2 mame a ‘Sree of eaten, ens ‘pam maybe ens 07 Heh ene The effective width shall be taken as constant over the cnt span. In general, the efetive width Tor tension Nange may be taken as actual vale. 305.153. 170m a Lf suse ony forthe purpose of roving ational compression re, Sach stn congo beams over supports the lange thickness stall not be Tess than ‘one-half the width of the web and a total Mange width not more than four times the width of the web, For effective stress ‘tansfe, it is desirable to splay the junction of the web and the flange so a to form an angle of not less than 110", as shown in Fig. 10. 305.154. Where the principal reinforcement in slab Which is considered as the flange of a T-beam or L-beam is parallel to the beam, transverse reinforcement shall be provided atthe top of the Mange. This reinforcement shall be equal to sity per cent ofthe main reinforcement of the slab at its mid- span unless it is specially calculated, The length of such reinforcing bars shall be as indicated in Fig, 11 Ren st Rc 21-2000 305.16. Effect of Live Loads on Deck Slabs 305.16.1. The effect of concentrated loads on slabs spanning in one of two ditections or on cantilever slabs may be calculated from the influence fields of such loads or by any ‘other rational method, A value of 0.15 may be assumed for Poisson's rato. 305.162. The bending moment per unit width of slab ‘eaused by concentrated loads on solid slabs spanning in one ‘direction or on cantilever slabs, may also be calculated by assessing the width of slab that may be taken as effective in resisting the bending moment due tothe concentrated loads. For precast slabs, the term ‘actual width of slab" used inthis Cause Shall indicate the actual width of each individual precast unit (0) Sof ss sparing i oe dieton (For s single concerted toa, he eetive with may be ‘allies in sevarance with the allowing equation reels} Wee hy = eetiive wtf wh el 10 tects ym ned Cae 56 Gedung ote cna lead fom th newer suppor =the breadth of conetation arn ofthe fad ete ‘dimension of be fe or tek conc area over be {oud nuac ofthe dab ina crecton a ht anges o the spun plu tie the thickness of he wearing coat ‘ors sh above the sacar ss, and = canstnt having the follwing valves depending ’ pon testo? where bis the width ofthe sab 2 1c 21-2000 Provided that the effective width shall not exceed the ‘actual width of the slab, And provided further that in case of a Toad near the unsupported edge of a slab, the effective width shall not exceed the above value nor half the above value plus the distance ofthe load ffom the unsupported edge. Ta heamey ae a fata 7. ‘ppones couinaoas oppor continous tbh nab sab or apes ree cea 02 oso = ogo 236 03 he M6 322A oa ia ae at amo ee os ee iets aa 06 hase (as) = 0) = asa a7 2266 os, 2220818286280 09 2362619300 2.60 10 foi im te a 2a shove (i) Fortwo or more conceited loadsa ie in the rection of the span, te bodlag rent pr unt wih of slab sal be ‘cult’ sept french ond according tts appropriate ‘ective wih of heli 8 () above (Gi) For wo rae fonds ot ine in te diestion fhe san Trike effective width of slab fr one load overlaps the ftecive with of Sb foram adaceat loo the renltant ‘Ftetine with for the two Tnds equals the sum of the especie effertve wie fr each load minus the widdh of ‘Svelap provided the sb 0 desigoed is ested fr he 0 Tous ting sept 2 Rc 21-2000 (2) Soli sab exnevr (©) For single concenated lad, the effective with may be canted in accordance with he following egaton ben 2a b, Whee By = the effective with, 4 = heditanc othe cate of gravity ofthe concenated load fom the fae of the catleversopor and 2, = the bendy of concentration ah of lod, ie, the dlmension ofthe tre or tack contact re ove the Fond surice of te stabi» drcon pro the ‘sappriag ege of the satlever plas twice the thikness of wearing coat or rare fis above he suet sah Provided tha te efective width of the cantiever sab shal nt excend ened ike length of he cnver slab measured pre! tthe support And proved fthr tat Wiese conceded i placed nest oe ofthe two exteme eas ofthe eagth of enter fb ia the dsecton plo the soppor the lective with Sl of exceed the shove value or Shaliexcee ha he stove vale pus th ian of the concentrated oad ffm the neter eens cad ‘eure in he crecton pura 0 the fined see, (Fortwo or more concent ss Tite ete width of ab for oe lad overlaps the eetive ‘wih fsb fran ace fon, rene fective wis or the two lois shall be taken at egal fo the sum of the respective effective width foreach lod mints the wih of ‘veto, povided that he dab so designed tested fo the wo Tons acting separately Note ‘labs designed on the sbove bast eed not be sbecked for het (©) For ritbed sb o ugh sb her tan sl abs se mc: 21.2000 ‘The eetiv with shall depend on te rai ofthe tasers td loptatioal xual ger of the sah Whea ths a ‘sone, tis when the tanivene and lnc Meal ‘ities are approximately equal the value of fete with ‘fond fo slid sibs may be wed. Bate the rai decease proportionately smaller ale shal be take, 305.16.3. Dispersion of loads along the span : The cffect of contact of whee! or track load in the direction of span length shall be taken as equal to the dimension of the tye contact area over the wearing surface of the slab inthe direction ‘of the span plus twice the overall depth of the slab inclusive of| the thickness of the wearing surface. 305.164, Dispersion of loads through fills and wearing coat : The dispersion of loads through fils and wearing coat shall be assumed at 45 degrees both along and perpendicular 19 the span. 305.17, Stiffening Unsupported Edges of Slabs 305.171. Unsupported edges ofall slabs shall be suitably stiffened as indicated in the following Clauses, 308.172. Bach unsupported edge of «slab parallel to traffic and beyond the clear road width, shall be so stiffened as to give a resisting moment for any type of flexure equal to or in excess of that of a 300 mm strip of the main roadway slab adjoining the edge. Incase ofa roadway slab of uniform depth, ‘whether the reinforcement is one-way (parallel to or across the trafic) oF two-way, the maximum resisting moment of the roadway slab adjoining the edge and given by a 300 mum strip in any direction shall be taken as the eriterion for the resisting ‘moment or the stiffened edge. When the roadway slab is of ‘varying depth inthe direction parallel to the edge concerned, the stiffening at any particular point along the length of edge shall ss RC: 21-2000 be adjusted according 1 the resisting moment of the 300 mm adjacent strip at that particular point ‘Stiffening of edge may consist of a reinforced kerb section, ‘or an edge stiffening beam. 305.173, Unsupported edge along a line across the traffic of a roadway slab (a5 at the cantilever end of a solid slab cantilever bridge) shall, for strip of at least 300 mm width in tddition to the articulation, if any be suitably stiffened by providing top and bottom reinforcement across the direction of | trafic, The sectional area of such reinforcement for a 300 mm ‘width of this strip, both at the top and bottom shall each be not less than the average area of longitudinal reinforcement for 300 rum width at the end of the cantilever, 305.174, For cantilever slab, minimum reinforcement of 4 nos. of 16 mm dia HYSD bars shall be provide parallel to the free edge at 150 mim spacing the tip divided equally between the top and bottom surfaces, 305.18, Distribution Reinforcement in Slabs 305.18.1. For solid slabs spanning in one direction, istributing bars shall be provided at right angles to the main tensile bars to provide for the lateral distribution of loads. The distribution reinforcement shal be such as to produce a resisting ‘moment inthe direction perpendicular to the span equal to 0.3 times the moment due fo concentrated live loads plus 0.2 times the moment due to other loads such as dead load, shrinkage, temperature, et 305.182. In cantilever slabs and in portions of supported slabs which never experience sagging moment, the total distribution stel shall be distributed half at the top and half at % IRC: 21-2000 ‘the botiom ofthe slab. For cantilever slabs the distribution steel shall be calculated on the basis of 03 times the live load ‘moment plus 0:2 times the dead load moment and for portions ‘of supported slabs on the basis of moments indicated in Clause 305.18.1 305.19. Minimum Reinforcement in Beams and Slabs The area of tension reinforcement in @ beam shall be not less than 0.2 per cet of bt. when using Fe 415/500 grade bars or 03 percent of bt. when using Fe 240 grade where bt is the breadth of section and d isthe effective depth. For a box, T or [section Bt shall be taken as the average width of concrete below the upper lange, In slabs the tension reinforcement shall be not less than 0.12 per cent of the total cross-sectional area when using Fe 413/500 grade bars and not less than 0.15 percent of the total cross-sectional area when using Fe 240 grade bars. 305.20, Bending Moments ‘The bending moments to be provided for ata cross-section ‘of 8 continuous beam or slab should be the maximum positive and negative moments at such cross-sections, allowing, in both ‘cases, if so desired, for the reduced moments due t0 the width ‘of te supports, for the following arrangements of superimposed loadings + (@)semate spans loaded nd al ote spas unloaded (3) any bro adjacent ps lode and lather spas lode, Except where the approximate values of bending moments are used, the negative moments at the supports for any assumed arrangement of loading may each be increased or decreased by ‘ot more than 15 per cent, provided that these modified negative so Rc 21.2000 ‘moments are used for the calculation of the corresponding ‘moments in the span. 36, COLUMNS AND COMPRESSION MEMBERS 306.1. Classification Columns can be classified under the following three categories (©) Pedestal columas : Ratio of tective length es ais of syn less tan 12 (8) Short columns: Rao of effective length to lest radius of stn more an 12 bat estan 5D Gi) Long calamns Rati of effective length to lent ris of tration more tan 30 ot es than 150 306.11. For the purpose of calculating the radius of gyration for this clause, the crosssection of the column for columns with binders and in the case of columns with helical reinforcement, the section ofthe core within the outer surface of| the helical reinforcement shall be considered, 306.1.2. For purpose ofthis Clause the effective column length given in Table 13 should be used, where / i the length cof the column, between adequately restrained supports. The effective column length values given in this Table 13 ae in respect of typical cases only and embody the general principles ‘which should be employed in assessing the appropiate value for any particular column, 3062. Longitudinal Reinforcement 3062.1 In a pedestal column the cross-sectional area of Tongitudinal reinforcement shall be not less than 0.15 per een of| the gross cross-sectional area of the column and in column other * 1c: 21-2000 “Table 13.Eiective Colm Length ‘ype of column ‘tecive column leet Fropeyrereined a bah elk prstion and diction ors Propey reine at oth eden Ava intermedi between Don and impertety resmines 751 and depen opr he In detonate or both end ficiency ofthe decor Properly retained atone end in A value intermedi between tion and ction and imperecty and 2! depending yon he Fesind in both poston ad ciency ofthe imperfect Sirtion ate oer end resin Note ietve length of pies stall be as follows (1) Only per condition (ito supersmucte)-2 1 (2) Supentectreon one side conan» 175 1 @) Service condion with simply suppened spas on both sides td pe ted a base 12 “Whereis the enth of pes betmeen ces of eat. For abutment the eins (1) and (2) will peal apy. ‘than pedestal columns, the cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement shall neither be less than 0.8 per cent nor more ‘than 8 per cent of the gross sectional area ofthe column, 306.22. In any column other than pedestal columns that thas a larger cross-sectional area than the minimum required to resist the loads including the horizontal forces, the minimum percentage of steel shall be based upon the area of concrete required to resist the diet stress and not upon the actual area. In any case the area of stel provided shall be not less than 0.3 per cent of the gross sectional area of concrete sc: 2.2000 306.23. A short or long rectangular column shall have a minimum of four longitudinal bars. In case of columns with other than rectangular sections, thre shall be one longitudinal bar placed near each angle point ofthe columa, ‘Short and Jong columns with helical or circular binders shall have at least six longitudinal bars. 3063. Transverse Relnforcement 3063.1 A reinforced concrete coluran shall have transverse reinforcement in the form of lateral tes, circular rings or @ helical, They shall be so arranged that every comer bar and altemate longitudinal bar near the face ofthe column shall have lateral support provided by the comer of a tie having an included angle of not more than 135 degrees and no bar shall be farther than 150 mm from suck a laterally supported bar. Where the bars are located around the periphery of a citele, a complete circular tie may be used. 306,32. The diameter of tansverse reinforcement of any type shall not ordinarily be less than one-quarter the diameter of the largest longitudinal bar in that region ofthe column and in fo case less than 8 mm. 306.33. The piteh of transverse reinforcement shall not ‘exceed 300 mm or the lesser of the following two dimensions (Toe east later! dimeasoa of te eolima Gi) Twelve times the diameue of the small longudial efrcement nthe eas, 306.34, Where the pitch actually adopted is less than the permissible maximum as per Clause 306.33, the diameter ofthe transverse reinforcement may be reduced from that given in (Clause 306.32 subject to a minimum of 8 mm. But the volume o RC: 21-2000 of lateral reinforcement calculated on the basis of diameter and maximum pitch given by Clauses 306,32 and 3063.3 respectively, shall not be reduced. 3063.5. In case of helical reinforcement intended forthe increased load capacity as per Clause 306.52, the helical reinforcement shall in addition to Clauses 306,32, 306.33 and. 306:3.4 satisfy the following requirements: (Hetil reinforcement sal consist of evenly spiced belle ‘dal hae er nds anchored. The ling ote Beals ‘shall be mae by welding or by aap of one and half as, (i) Toe pitch ofthe bei shall not be more than 78m woe more than one sith he ameter ofthe cre of he clu. 3064. Permissible Load on Axtally Loaded Columns 3064.1. On a shor column, reinforced with longitudinal bars and lateral tes, the permissible axial load N on the column shall not exceed the value obtained from the equation Weg: het tah, Were 7, =the pemistble retin dct compression fr concrete given in caus 303. a = the pemisible see in diet comprstion for the Iemgtatial sel as given ia Clase 3032, A, = the cromectonal sen of eonereteexclsive of a2 finishing material applied afer the esting of te alum an exclave of the ses fgg tl, A, = te rosssectonl ae of the longi tes 306.42. On a short column reinforced with longitudinal bars and helieals complying with Clause 306,3.5, the permissible ‘axial load N on the column shall not exceed that given by the ‘equation in Clause 3064.1 or by the equation given below a RC: 21.2000 whichever is greater Naan At OA #20, A, Where The sum ofthe tem 0 A, and 2, «Ay shall ot exceed 05 (As, where, fe hiactest seth of concrete 4, the equivalent ares of hil tifercement (ey the ‘volume of eal reinforcement pe tenth of the ‘ohana, and 9, Tension n bt! since ‘The sum of the terms o:0.4,0 and 2 o,,Ayy shall not exceed 0.5 f,Ac, where f, is the characteristic strength of concrete 30643. In case of a long column reinforced with longitudinal bars and ties or helical reinforcement, the permisible axial load on the column shall be obtained from the equations given in Clauses 3064.1 and 306.4.2 respectively provided reduced values of permissible stress for steel and for concrete face taken, Such reduced values of the maximum permissible stress. shall be obtained by multiplying the appropiate ‘maximum permissible stresses given in Clauses 306.4. and 3064.2 by the co-efficient & given by the equation: 1s Pee Whee B= thereon neice, 1 = the eevee te couma, and f= the eat ais of eatin [NoteWhen ina column having Relat reinforcement, the permiseile lead is based on the crete, the rau of gyro shal lo be bese one diameter of te cre a 306;5. Design of Sections for Combined Axial Load and Bending 3065.1. When reinforced concrete section under axial compression is subjected to bending in one or more directions, the section shall be designed by any recognised rational method for by the method given in Clauses 3065.2 to 3065.4 3065.2. The maximum direct stress and bending stress in the section stall be calculated by the folowing methods 0) Diet ses (© For columns with baie eifrcement complying with Close 065, Diet ses = Kana (Gor columns with nove eifrcemest oer tan ‘ht (stove @) Bending sess = " Where = the oad on he column in he det fi ai 4, ~ the area of caotete ston perpen to thease W = the section macuos (in cite of tending in two ection, Wis the section modules with efeeace 19 ‘he spprpeinteprmcpl sn for twosy Bening, tal Me = omen smc: 21.2000 In case of rectangular section subjected to bending in two ditections, the exprestion M stn eusion above canbe sbsiated by mM Where Mani, ae the bang moment abou wo pra tis of th econ and, and, tre the corerponding seston med 3065.3. Ifthe direct and the bending stresses, calculated {rom equations given in (1) and (2) of Clause 3065.2 satisfy all, ‘the following condition, the section may be considered safe ctl, 9a) oo ete2et ct Where 0 cal =the cleat diet compresive ses, 30 =the permisible direct compressive ses, coring to Che 303; mulupied by the ‘eduction fcr given in Clase 30643, 9p ca = the eae Mx compresve set and the permisible Neal compresve ses ‘eotding wo Clause 03, mulipid by te Feluctonco-fiet given in Clause 30843 (i) The resutaot kasi due to dist compression and fevore inno grester tan te vale specie ia Table ar he appropriate grade of concrete ai 306.54 Ifthe condition given in Clause 306.53 (iis not satisfied, the section shall be deemed to have cracked in the region of tension and the tensile resistance of concrete is “ RC: 21-2000 ‘ignored altogether. The maximum stesses in concrete and stel shall then be found according to the recognised theory of cracked section. The fibre compressive stress in conerete shall ‘ot exceed the values given for Mlexural compressive stress as given in Table 9 and those for tension in stel shall not exceed the permissible sess in reinforcement given in Table 10. {7 FOOTING OR BASES 307.1, Allowable Pressure on the Loaded Area ‘The allowable bearing pressure with near uniform lstribution on the loaded area of a footing or base under & bearing oF column shall be given by the following equation aff Wes 02" Spent cng cogtriem «Seton nny ni a oicee SoA meter Sotietintad mean Set = Secnra 4 Raa The projet ofthe bse fing Beso the ee of th argo clu spr ons De es ha 150 rin ay econ Adequate eifrement for sping and tasting tein sil be proved with sl Smet eemen tse soci RC: 21.2000 307.2. Design of Footing 3072.1, Bending moment in footing = The bending ‘moments at ny section of base for a reinforeed concrete cohumn ‘or wall shall be taken tobe the moment of the forces over the entre area on one side of the section. The critical section for bending in the bases shall be taken at the fac of the column ot 30722. Shear 307221. The shear stength of the footings - shall be ovemed by the severer of the following two conditions (0) The toting sting esely a8 wide beam, with 9 cite Sesion exening nx plane oes the ee wd te a Secon for his conto sal Be sun avril son Tocted fom the fae afte cok, pede or val at 8 icane ent he effective depth of he fsting (©) Two way acon for slab of fotng with a crite! section pspeniolar plane of ab and vo lose tai pein ‘Sminimam but wed at peach ler hn al he efecve eph tthe pect of cones adoration se 307.23. Bond : The critical section for checking the local bond sizess shall be taken tobe the same section as given in Clause $072.1 and also all other vertial planes where abrupt ‘changes in section occu. 3072.4, Tensile reinforcement : The reinforcement provided to resist the bending moments determined in Clause 3072.1 shall be distributed uniformly across the full width of the section except that in rectangular footings for columns or pedestals, the reinforcement paralel to the short edge shall be more closely spaced near the column or pedestal in a band ‘width, equal to the short side of the footing. The reinforcement in band width shall be at given below a ‘Toul weintncamet in sho deecion (0+) ‘Where Bis the ratio ofthe long side othe short side ofthe footing. 3072.5. Design of pile caps 3072.51. General : The pile caps shall be designed cither by tuss analogy or by bending theory 3072.52, Design by truss analogy : The thickness of pile cap shall be so proportioned to act as stiff member. The ‘minimum thickness of cap stall be 0.5 times the spacing of the pile where thre are two rows of piles ‘The truss should be a triangular form with a node atthe centre of loaded area. The lower node of the trust lie atthe intersection of the centre line of the ples with the tension reinforcement. When the truss method is used with widely spaced piles (spacing exceeding three imes the pile diameter) ‘only the reinforcement with in 1.5 times the pile diameter from the centre of a pile shall be considered to constitute a tension number Bighty per cent of the total reinforcement shall be concentrated in strips linking the pile heads and the remainder uniformly distributed throughout the pile cap. No check for shear is required to be caried out in case pile caps are designed by truss analogy. 307253. Design by bending theory : The bending moment at any section of the cap for a reinforced concrete column or wall shall be taken to be the moment of the forces lover the entire area on one side of the section. The critical sc 2.2000 section for bending in the cap shall be taken atthe face of the column or wall 307.254, Check for shear : The critical section for checking shear shall be taken at a distance of effective depth from the face of the column or wall for caps acting in one direction and ata distance of hal the effective depth for caps ‘acting in two directions. ‘Shear on any section fora pile cap shall be in accordance with the following (0) Entire reaction fom any ple where scene i oe ot 3

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