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So as students, we probably had that moment where were just completely worn out from

studying, and you have 5 papers dude tomorrow. You just cant afford to fall asleep, even
though its wayyyyyy past your bedtime. So you decide to pop open an energy drink and
boom youre hit by this familiar rush of ebergy. It Is precisely this feelignthat gave rise to the
massive 64.7 billion dollar industry

Good morning everybody, My team and I will bring you along this journey of how Redbull,
one of the leading ebergy drinks in the market, played a massive role in shaping this

Can anyone guess, where did redbull originate from? ----- Thailand.

Back in those days Thailand was extremely poor. 70% of the people lived in rural areas, and
the average person got by with just 2 dollars a day. It was in this context that Chaleo
Yooviehya, founder of red bull, realized thatmost energy drinks were foreign imports
targeted at the wealthy, who werent the people that needed energy drinks. It was the blue
collar working class citizens. With this in mind, he went on to formulate this energy drink
that were all so familiar with, and pushed it out to the masses.

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