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( )Value
)Value improvement Practices
Optimization Value, Learned, Constructability, .
Project Optimization, Best Practice,
//2 2//
Benchmarking, Lesson


( )Value Analysis

( )

- -


( )Effectiveness ( )Function

(Requirements, Desires goals, Objectives,
( )Life Cycle Cost, Lcc
// 2//2 .


2- 2.

//2 2//2
/ (

( : -

- - -

. .


( )

: .




Information Phase
Function Analysis Phase
Creativity & Idea Generation Phase
Evaluation & Selection Phase
Research & Development Phase
Presentation Phase
Implementation & Follow up Phase

( OCE - CVS PE )







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International :


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2 - 1 - 1436 20 - 19 2015




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AVS-Associate Value specialist

CVS-Certified Value specialist

SAVE International


Ali M. Al-Khuwaiter, CE, CVS-Life
Value Engineering Chapter President


Capital investment or Software projects such as

construction projects are all administrative systems, office
recommended to be value- procedures are recommended
studied; benefits are certain. for-VE study if some of the
If one or more of the following following problems are exists:
criteria is applicable, the project Long delays in decision
is a good candidate for urgent making.
VE: Too many people or channels
High standards of design have involved in paper work before
been used. a final decision can be taken.
Uses high/special quality of A general feeling among many
equipment and finishing. people in the organization
Are there many components that something out to be done
and items? about the existing procedures.
Very old design? More than 7 The present procedure several
years? years old and has not been
Too many problems and changed yet.
deficiencies in design. There is too much of
Developed in an emergency unproductive paper work
or in rush time. involved.
Feeling that considerable There is too much of waste
improvement is possible. time during daily work.
The overall cost does not A general feeling that the
meet the available budget. work load not fair or not
High annual running cost well distributed within the

Value Engineering
The success of Value Analysis / reduction and Value analysis Now how to get that function?
Value Engineering (VA/VE) study or product improvement
The experience show that
and the real value improvement and function improvement
best results can be achieved
depends upon how function approaches.
only when the team defines
analysis part of the study has
Understanding the complexities understands and utilizes the
been conducted.
of value analysis is a difficult functions. A Value Analysis /
So it is of outmost importance process and so is persuading Value Engineering study without
for any idea or thought to be others that VA/VE is a powerful functions is like a building
armed with the required level technique. The long spent without foundation. Value
of knowledge and information hours research and experience can be improved to a certain
to make it workable and show that the core of VA/VE is extent by any good analysis
acceptable for its intended function analysis, a powerful method. However, a step by step
use or purpose. Furthermore to technique, which when properly approach of defining functions,
apply a source of knowledge or used would assure best value. allocating cost to functions,
information in the right track This definitely requires how to comparing functions to user
for its intended use it is required determine customer / user attitudes and evaluating them
to have some techniques, attitudes and then allocate yields the best value.
approaches, tools or a process them to functions.
So it becomes the top priority
of logical understanding where
Strictly speaking the customer of the value practitioners
when the information is treated,
/ client is mainly concerned to properly and effectively
should produce the required
with the Use, Aesthetic and introduce the concept of value
results. Function Analysis is
Cost of a product or service. He analysis, its uniqueness through
one such function based
wants a product that would do function analysis (not just
logical approach or a process
the job and make him pleased modifying or improving the
of logical understanding where
at an appropriate cost. Actually product), and assurance of
one can rely upon to put his /
he wants a function which will benefits whether monetary,
her information into the right
serve the purpose or meet performance, comfort,
track and achieve the required
requirement at the appropriate aesthetic or quality before
goals and objectives. Function
cost (the lowest possible cost). boarding on value studies.
analysis is a deliberate thinking
process forcing switching
over form the traditional way
of product improvement to
a radical change of function
Human beings are normally
reluctant to change and
would not go the way you are
suggesting unless motivated,
influenced and convinced of the
positive results and impacts of
the change. Strong, dominant
and vocal personalities show
resistance to a new way of looking
at things, prior to understanding
the new approach. It is very
much essential to enable
the decision makers clearly
understand the message
of function approach and
differentiate between the cost

Vol. 8th, No.1 - Jumada I 1436, March 2015



Mohammad Amin PE. CVS, Todays world is a market of period with the minimum
Value Program Manager competition and not only the possible cost.
Otaishan Consulting Engineers
efficiency but also the continued
This is not an easy task to
innovations are essential to
satisfy the customer needs at
meet todays highly advanced
his desire level. However the
customers demands. In order
best possible approach to such
to meet these demands and
complex problems is to analyze
keep pace with the modern
and understand in depth the
technological developments it
essence of problem / issue
is essentially required to have a
or need. This requires many
very effective tool to accomplish
things such as meaningful
these competitive demands.
communication, knowing the
Right from the small need like
problem scope, collection and
a tea cup or screw driver to the
analysis of precise data, creative
complex projects the objective
search for alternative solutions
is to achieve a better quality
and justifying the proposed
and value improved product
sustainable over a desired life

Value Engineering
projects with at least two or more best practices Rating Index (PDRI) which is conducted at 60%
significantly outperformed those projects without conceptual, Project Planning Team Alignment
VIPs or with only one. My personnel experience (PPTA) which is conducted at the beginning of
today after many years of the application of VIPs every phase specially conceptual phase, Schedule
on projects I would say how you can have projects Optimization (SO) which is conducted at 60%
without them. of conceptual stage, Scope Control and Change
Management (SC & CM) which is conducted after
VIPs that are developed by CII are so many so I
the approval of scope at 60%, Lesson Learned (LL)
would limit my discussion to those are approved
and is conducted at the end of every phase or at
and being used by SARAMCO. The space allocated
project completion to update the data base (LLC)
for this paper is one page. So I will start here with
and at the beginning of every phase to review
the listing of the VIPs namely; Value engineering
established data base particularly the conceptual
(although it is part of the CII practices the reference
phase (LLI), planning for start up (PFSU) and is
for this practice is SAVE International) the rest
conducted at 30% conceptual and repeated at
of the practices used on projects are CII such
20% Detail design and Bench marking (BM) which
as; Constructability which is conducted at 30%
is conducted at 90% of the conceptual stage.
conceptual & 20% Detail Design, Project Definition

Design Bases Conceptual Stage Detail Design/ Construction Start Up


VE, Const.
LLI. 30%
VE 90% Const,
PFSU 20%
C&CM 0%

SO 60%

LLI, 0%

BM, 90%
LLI. 30%

LLC, 100% PPTA, LLI,

LLI. 30% SC&CM 0%

Vol. 8th, No.1 - Jumada I 1436, March 2015

Khaled Almedallah,

Value Improvement Practices

(Best Practices in Project management)
And SARAMCO Experience
Value Improvement Practices market and internationally. I
(VIPs) in project management have attended international
are a list of practices use meetings where consultants
to improve project value in from other parts of the world
particular cost and time but also discuss how they have learned
scope and quality. The practices from Saudi Aramco experience
mostly developed by a group of with respect to projects and
companies under one umbrella project management (PM). To be
called Construction Industrial specific of the local experience
Institute (CII). This organization with VIPs and the role of
is a US based and is owned by a SARAMCO in the applications
group of companies that work of those practices require a
together to share knowledge person with over forty years of
on how to improve project experience with SARAMCO as a
performance. Interesting contractor.
enough is to know that one of
In 1993 SARAMCO conducted
these companies are Aramco
a study reviewed projects
with respect to best practices.
Saudi Aramco has contributed A comparison was made for
to the development of those projects with best practices
practices both in the local and without and found that

Value Engineering
Certification in Value Engineering

SAVE International www. gives the following certificates.

First level S
Associated Value Specialist AV
(AVS) Attend the basic 40-houre VE
Do not teach VE alone, but can Training Workshop (Module 1)
participate as secondary with and pass the AVS Exam. No VE
a CVS Experience needed.

Second level P
Value Methodology Practitioner VM
(VMP) After getting the AVS.
Do not teach VE alone, but can Accumulate 44 certification points
participate as secondary with Conduct at least 6 VE studies.
a CVS Pass the VMP Exam.

Third level S
Certified Value Specialist CV
After getting the VMP.
(CVS) Accumulate 88 certification points
Fully authorized to teach VE, Conduct at least 12 VE studies.
upon approval by SAVE Pass the CVS Exam.

Fourth level L ife

CVS for life CV
Fully authorized to teach VE, After recertifying as CVS three
upon approval by SAVE times. Meaning after 12 years of
International getting the CVS.

Fifth and highest level I

Fellow of SAVE International FSA
(FSAVEI) It is giving to those CVSs who
Fully authorized to teach VE, accomplished something unique
upon approval by SAVE and special in Value Engineering
International worldwide.

Please visit our website to get more detailed about VE Certification and Certification points

Value Engineering and Risk Analysis

For the given study value on the project (very low , low , happened, and accompanied
engineering inclusiveness moderate , high , very high) by a report of risk. Within the
and integration needs. To be study of value engineering ,
Then, use the attached table
addressed on an analysis of during the course of work on the
to determine each element
the risks that may occur in project is updated risk register
type of risk ( critical , major ,
the processes related to the on a regular basis until the end
significant , minor , routine )
project and identify, analyze of the project. It is resulting
.These are developing plans
and clarify what is its impact from the review and study of the
and recommendations in the
on the workflow, and how to risks to improve the quality and
risk register by the study team,
address these risks. And what performance and reduce the
( to avoid the occurrence , or
can be done during the study total cost of the project .This is
transfer the risks or mitigate
value of the project is studying ensuring workflow the project
the impact of the risk , or
the risks by teammates, Also smoothly.
acceptance ) in the event that
work record of all possible risks
that occur from the beginning
of the project until the end of
the project depending on the
experience of the study team
and of similar projects for the
project. These are evaluated
every element of risk in terms of
incidence, as well as its impact
on the project as follows:
1- Determine the percentage
of probability of occurrence
of each risk to the project (0 %
-10% , 11%-30% 31%-50%, 51%
-70% 71%-99% )
2 - Determine the impact of risk

Value Engineering
features differentiating the on the top requirements for The conclusion, value
value engineering concept projects from owners and engineering and Risk
between other techniques users and the main reasons are management are very useful
are: use of specific creative Integration methodology and techniques in identifying and
effort to develop many design flexible knowledge more than assessing risks by considering
alternatives, function analysis, other studies. the highest performance and
diverse & multidiscipline lowest cost. These two tools were
Therefore the creativity solution
team(s), organized approach been used separately in each
to protect the projects from
(Job Plan), the principle of project for many years, and due
any types of risks was the basic
maintaining the quality needed to the dependence of the target
logic in value engineering and
by the user and to provide it is better to use a combination
the main guide of its Integration
required functions at lowest of them. Renewable energy
and strong relation with Risk
overall cost consistent with project, without exception,
management is the experts in
achieving required acceptance should contain integrated with
these techniques had united
or performance. those techniques to reach best
those concepts in one course
These key features had put in construction management
value engineering studies studies at famous universities.

Vol. 8th, No.1 - Jumada I 1436, March 2015

Eng. Abdullah Hassan Mohammed
Qurashi Al-Musharraf Co.Ltd
Jeddah K.S.A

Value Engineering &

Risk Management
Risks can come from uncertainty that projects not only financial
in financial markets, project risks but also risks of social,
Risk management technique failures (at any phase in design, political and the technical
from the top required Stud- development, production, or concept. Knowledge of risk
ies of construction projects sustainment life-cycles), legal management as a technique
because it is the identifica- liabilities, credit risk, accidents, that is now in every step of the
tion, assessment, and prior-
natural causes and disasters as planning principles, as well as all
itization of risks followed by
coordinated and economical well as deliberate attack from an the risks that exist in all stages
application of resources to adversary, or events of uncertain of project life, qualitative and
minimize, monitor, and con- or unpredictable root-cause quantitative methods to identify
trol the probability and/or im- and respond. Knowledge of risk
pact of unfortunate events or Construction projects in a long
management has been many
to maximize the realization of period of investment are at
changes and now from the
opportunities. risk. And at first its possible
beginning until now.
that only investment risk will
be considered. But the reality is From other side the key

Value Engineering
Mustafa Baghdadi, PMP, AVS, LEED GA
Dar Al Riyadh, Project Manager

A word about Quality

In the field of construction, the The design, communicated by Afterwards and as a control
word Quality has a different the drawings and specifications, measure to the above Quality
meaning than it has in general. establishes the relative quality of control process is meant to
In general usage, quality has the materials and workmanship. monitor and record results of
come to mean better quality; The level of quality, however, is executing the quality activities
and better quality means richer, established by the requirements to assess performance and
finer, more costly materials, of the owner in the planning recommend necessary changes
better methods or better stage and here where the to all.
appearance. Quality Plan gets tailored. Now
quality means adherence to Do not confuse quality with
As a matter of fact quality is the standards established by grade. A grade is a category or
defined with many definitions the design and we must only rank given to entities having
depending on roles: interpret the intended quality the same functional use but
and judge how closely the work different requirements for
For an owner, quality means
conforms to that standard. quality.
fitness for the intended purpose;
Qualities enter goes through Quality is not strictly an aesthetic
For a designer, conformance to
3 main processes: Quality issue; it is also an economic
Planning, Quality Assurance, issue. It is widely accepted
For a contractor, reliance and Quality Control by experienced professionals
and strict adherence to the that approximately 30% of the
Quality Assurance must begin
Contract Documents; and For total construction cost can be
at the start of the project at the
an operational and facility attributed to quality. About
first moment of any new task
management people, the 80% of that can be attributed
and continue through to the
ability to have acceptable and to poor quality resulting in the
end. It requires being on top
predictable performance. cost of replacing and repairing
of things; preparing for a new
For the inspector, meeting the activity; being there when the substandard work. Therefore,
established requirements that activity first begins; and assuring doing the job right the first time
are established by the design. that it is being done correctly saves approximately 24% of the
from the start. total cost of construction.

Vol. 8th, No.1 - Jumada I 1436, March 2015

Eng. Salih AL asheash
B.Sc,MSc, CVS life

Value Engineering in
Hospitals Design
Psychic hospital are unique should implement the In Electrical
, they lend special care to followings :
Switches should not be
special patients , with up
In Architecture accessible to patients
normal behavior . so the design
of these hospitals should be Never have sharp angles Switches should resist breakage
different to satisfy these needs No exposed screws
Never have different levels in
and requirements
one space
Psychiatric patient has his In Mechanical
Never have dead end passage
own needs and requirements Toilet seats should be installed
, which area different from Special door hardware ( lockset with flush valves
other patients , so the design ,hinges ,ets )
Mixtures should be smooth
is consided as part in patient Colors should be selected based rounded ,and cant be dismantled
recovery , and these functions on patient study outcome. with normal tools
are, where the design should
be centered around , that is In Civil / Structure Bathrooms should be opened
coincide with valve engineering by staff from outside if needed
No angles columns but round
mythology . These are gleams of what
Design is transforming function should be considered ,and to
Higher ceiling than other shed some lights on the subject
requirements into space,
buildings . More through study should be
coupled with electrical and
mechanical system to satisfy One story buildings if possible carried when design take place .
needed functions . No sharp turns , but smooth
Design of psychiatric hospital curved ones

Value Engineering
The Value Engineering Chapter within the
general framework of the Saudi Council
of Engineers intend to progress the VE Value Engineering Methodology is
profession and to maintain the quality to be part of the engineering work
of the value studies through specialized process and service.
competencies are able to contribute to
this field in accordance with the goals of
the chapter which represent a professional
reference in the application of Value
Engineering in Saudi Arabia. This will
help to achieve the desired goals from VE
applications, and contribute effectively to
the overall development based on the best
Spread the concept of value
engineering in the engineering
use of human and material resources sector in Saudi Arabia and seeking
to develop the capability and skills
of engineers and certify them in the
field of value engineering

Determine bases and standards
Value Engineering for value engineering practices.
Chapter Organizing conferences and
seminars in value engineering.
Approval of training and
certification programs and assist
Board Member of Value Engineering Chapter in obtaining professional degrees
in Saudi Council of Engineers 2013 - 2016 in value engineering.
Eng. Ali Al-Khwaiter President Provide technical advice and
consultation in value engineering.
Eng. Abdulaziz Al-Yousefi VP
Search for sources of learning and
Eng. Ibrahim M. Eisa Member development.
Eng. Nabeel Al-Shehrany Member Establish scientific cooperation
Eng. Awaadh Al-Otaibi Member with professional societies and
Eng. Mostafa Elissawy Member
Value Engineering in
Hospitals Design

A word about

G. Supervisor

Eng. Ali Al-Khwaiter

Value Engineering &
H. Editor
Eng. Ibrahim M. Eisa
Risk Management

Members of the Gulf Chapter

SAVE International Value Engineering and Risk
Abdulaziz Al-Yousefi
Ali Al-Khwaiter
Muhammad Al-Awar VP, UAE
Rana Al-Khalifah VP, Bahrain
Abdullah Al-Baker VP, Qatar
Bader Al-Thaidi VP, Kuwait
Saif Al Kindi VP, Oman
Value Improvement
Editdtorial Design
Walid Siry

Postal Address
(Best Practices in Project management)
Value engineering
Saudi Council for Engineers
P.O.Box 85041 Riyadh 11691
Phone: +966 11 2405777
Fax: +966 11 2405855

Published articles reflect the views of the

owners and do not reflect the viewpoint of
the Division of Value Engineering or Saudi
Council of Engineers
Abdulaziz S. Al Yosfi, CVS-Life, FSAVE
President, Gulf Chapter, SAVE International

Why Value Engineering?

According to recent surveys the most obstacles facing our
made in Saudi Arabia, only projects. That are : (1) lack of
13% of the owners are satisfied defined and accurate goals
with their projects. In another objective of projects and (2) lack
survey, senior managers who are of proper coordination between
considered the projects decision all parties involved.
makers thought they spend 58%
VE is not additional expense
of their working time on quality
to the owners, but rather it is
improvements. But when they
an investment. Successful VE
were followed, the actual time
applications showed a Rate Of
spend on quality was actually
Return (ROR) of 1:100. Meaning
only 5%.
for every one SR spent on VE
These alarming rates are the Consultations, the owner would
part of root causes of many of get at least SR 100 in money
our failed projects. According to saving.
the latest statistics, we had more
As oil prices going down and
than 75% of our projects faced
due to lack of funds and the
failed issues with an estimated
need to improve our project
loss of more than SR 50 Billion,
quality and performance, there
which means wasting about
will be growing demand for
25% of the cost of our annual
VE applications in the coming
years. Number of VE studies in
Based on its successful history, year 2015 will be at least twice
Value Engineering can help. as much as the annual average
It provided solution to two of of the past years.

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