Barbarian Archetype: Path of The Jötunn Lord: Nature's Blessing

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Barbarian archetype: Path of the Jtunn


he Jtunn (often written as either jotunn or
jotun) are the giant lords of nature from norse Nature's blessing
pantheon. These giants can cause blizzards, At 6th level, you gain a magical benefit based on the Jotun you
cause rivers to spill its banks and winds that praise.
can uproot trees. Most fear the giants, though Wind jotun. The jotun of the wind grants you knowledge of
some through runes and markings have a magical ritual. You can perform the ritual over the course of
managed to harness their power. 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. The melee
The barbarians who follow this path mark their bodies weapon which must be not have the heavy property and must
with rune tattoos, that call the names of the Jotunn they be within your reach throughout the ritual, as you carve
embody or the element of nature they command. When magical runes on the weapon. At the end of which the
raging these barbarians can use these runes to become a weapon is enchanted. Whilst raging and you are wielding this
force of nature that know no mercy. weapon has the thrown property with a normal range of 20
feet and a long range of 60 feet, immediately after the attack
Nature's warrior the weapon flies back to your hand. You can only have one
weapon enchanted at a time.
At 3rd level, when you adopt this path you choose an Raven jotun. You and up to 6 creatures within 30ft of you
elemental Jotun and gain its feature. You must create a tattoo can now ignore difficult non-magical terrain. Additionally as a
that symbolises this Jotun, these are often written in Giant, bonus action you can move up to half your movement speed
and place it onto your body. When you invoke its ability the (rounded up) towards a hostile creature that you can see.
tattoo will often glow, also at your option strange things may Cave jotun. Whilst raging you have advantage on grapple
happen when you make your tattoo. For example if you take checks and to escape grapples, additionally you have
the Frost Jotun you skin might appear cold and small pieces advantage on checks against being shoved or knocked prone.
of snow might appear in your hair or beard despite the
Frost Jotun. Whilst raging you gain resistance to cold Knowledge of the
damage, in addition when you hit a creature with a weapon
attack you can cause the damage it takes to be cold damage Ancients
instead of regular weapon damage, if a creature takes any of At 10th level you can cast the commune spell, but only as a
this damage then their movement speed is halved until the ritual. When you do so, 2 ravens appear on your shoulders
start of your next turn. and give you the information.
Nature Jotun. Whilst you are raging, as an action you you
slam your weapon into the ground and cause vines and roots
to spread in a 15 foot radius centered on you. This effect lasts Nature's Wrath
for 1 minute, for the duration this area counts as magical At 14th level, you gain a magical benefit based on the Jotun
difficult terrain for hostile creatures. In addition each you praise.
creature of your choice when the plants appear must succeed Storm jotun. Whilst you are raging, you can use the
on a Strength saving throw or become restrained for the lightning of your Jotun to teleport towards at those who dare
duration of the effect, the DC for this is 8 + Your Proficiency strike you. When a creature lands a successful ranged attack
Bonus + your Constitution Modifier. A creature can use is against you, you can use your reaction to magically teleport to
action to remake the saving throw to free itself or another a space you can see within 5 feet of the creature. To do so,
creature within its reach restrained in this manner. You can you must be able to see the creature and must be within 60
only use this effect once per rage. feet of you.
Fire jotun. When raging you are wrapped in flames. Any Mountain Jotun. Whilst raging, when you land a
enemy that ends its turn within 10 feet of you takes fire successful melee weapon or unarmed attack against a
damage equal to 2 + your barbarian level divided by 4. creature you are grappling you score a critical hit on a roll of
19 or 20 on the d20.
Volcano Jotun. Whilst raging once per turn when you
successful strike a creature with a melee weapon attack, you
can cause the creature to ignite. The creature must make a
Constitution saving throw or become ignited the DC is 8 +
Your Proficiency Bonus + Your Wisdom Modifier. An ignited
creature takes 1d10 fire damage at the start of each of their
turns. A creature can use their action douse the flames.

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