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2 to 6 of November 2011

at the International Academy for Nature Conservation

Isle of Vilm, Germany
organised by
the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
Preliminary Programme

Wednesday, 2nd November


18.30 Dinner

20.00 Welcome & introduction round Facilitators:


Thursday, 3rd November

07.30 Breakfast

1 Introduction: Taking stock of the range of spiritual sites in Europe

09.00 Introductory overview on the spiritual JOSEP-MARIA MALLARACH,

values in the protected areas of Europe Spain

09.45 Spiritual values of Protected Areas of YRJ NOROKORPI, Finland


10.30 Coffee/ tea break

10.50 Golija-Studenica Biosphere Reserve SVETLANA DINDARAC, Ser-

and Gradac Monastery, Serbia. bia

11.30 Abruzzo protected areas: overlapping VITA DE WAAL, Italy

prehistoric, Roman and Christian SNS,

12.20 Lunch

13.30 Guided tour of Vilm island. RALF GRUNEWALD, BFN

15.00 Coffee/ tea break

15.30 Northern Pindos National Park 'ex- KALLIOPI STARA,

comunicated forests', Greece. Greece
16.00 Diversity of monastic protected areas JOSEP-MARIA MALLARACH,
and selected case studies in Europe. SPAIN

16.30 Three working groups followed by a FACILITATED BY JOSEP-

short plenary session. Topics: MARIA MALLARACH WITH AS-

1. Redefining spiritual values for Pro- SISTANCE OF RALF GRUNE-

tected Areas of Europe. Mapping types WALD AND GISELA STOLPE

of spiritual sites in Protected Areas of

Europe (where do which types occur)

2. Ownership patterns of spiritual sites

and main stakeholders in Protected Ar-
eas (who holds management responsi-

3. How well are spiritual sites recog-

nised by PA administrations and in the
public? What is the pertinence and im-
portance of sacred natural sites for
contemporary Europeans? What are the
main trends?

18.30 Dinner

19.30 Cultural evening: Presenting products ALL

and customs related to spiritual values
from Protected Areas from the home
countries of the participants.

Friday, 4th November

07.30 Breakfast

2 Managing spiritual values in PAs: stakeholders and governance,

challenges and conflicts

08.30 Relations between economic and spiri- ANNA HACKIEWICZ,

tual values of Bialowiea Forest in Pod- Poland
lasie, Poland.
09.00 Sacral geography of Bosnia and pro- SAFET HADZIMUHAMEDOVIC,
tected areas conflicts, Bosnia. Bosnia

09.30 The challenge of protecting spiritual AMRA HADZIMUHAMEDOVIC,

values of Bosnian cultural landscapes Bosnia
through Annex 8 of Dayton Peace Ac-
cord, Bosnia.

10.00 Spiritual traditions and values of trees BOJAN RANTASA,

in National Park Galicica, Macedonia. Macedonia

10.30 Coffee/tea break

11.00 Working groups on: FACILITATED BY JOSEP-

What role, do religious or MARIA MALLARACH WITH AS-

spiritual organizations play, or SISTANCE OF RALF GRUNE-

should play in the conservation of WALD AND GISELA STOLPE

natural heritage related to spiri-

tual values?

ow and under which conditions
could spiritual values increase or
enhance social support for
Protected Areas? What conflicts
might arise between nature
conservation and spiritual values
ow can spiritual values be
maintained and enhanced without
being detrimental for the
conservation of Protected Areas of
Europe?Based on the stakeholders
identified: what are challenges
and opportunities in working with
such new stakeholders?

12.30 Lunch

14.00 Working groups continued and presen-

tation of results.

15.15 Coffee break

3 Helping people experiencing spiritual values

15.45 Using folk traditional music to commu- VIRPI SAHI,

nicate the sacredness of nature in Finland

16.15 Holy underground heritage in Germany BRBEL VOGEL,

and Austria. Spiritual use through the Germany
ages and current management chal-

16.45 The experience of the Hutsul Festivals TETIANA GARDASHUK

in the Carpathians, National Nature Ukraine
Park Hutsulshchyna, Ukraine

17.15 Spiritual experiences within Nature / VERONICA SURAU-OTT

Creation in the context of protected ar- Germany

18.30 Dinner

20.00 Introduction into the fieldtrip VERONICA SURAU-OTT AND



20.30 Optional: poster presentations or vari- ALL

ous short presentations from partici-

Saturday, 5th November

07.30 Breakfast

4 Field Trip: Trail of leisure and insight experiencing nature in-

cluding spiritual values in an old beech forest in the Baltic region

08.20 Departure from Isle of Vilm

08.40 Walk from Lauterbach to the Goor Na-

ture Reserve
09.00 Start of the trail. Experiencing nature STEFFI DEICKERT,
and possible ways how to find out more Germany
about its spiritual dimensions

12.20 Ferry to Vilm

12.30 Lunch

14.00 Reflection of the Field Trip similar ex-

amples from participants?

5 Providing guidance to PA managers to include spiritual values

14.40 Existing international legal frame and BAS VERSHUUREN,

Protected Area managers

15.10 Dialectics between protected areas and KONRAD OTT, GERMANY

holy sites. Allowing spiritual values to
improve conservation and managing
protected areas for spiritual experience

15.40 Coffee/ tea break

16.00 The experience of the EUROPARC-Spain JOSEP-MARIA MALLARACH,

working group on the guidelines for in- SPAIN
tegrating intangible heritage into plan-
ning and management of PA.

16.30 National Plan on Natural Sanctuaries in ARVI SEEP,

Estonia: Study and Conservation 2008 ESTONIA
2012: challenges and perspectives.

17.00 Working groups to formulate recom-

mendations to PA managers and other
stakeholders in Europe to include spiri-
tual values into PA management

18.30 Dinner

19.30 Conclusions and way forward

20.30 Evaluation of the seminar

21.30 Farewell party

Sunday, 6 November

07.30 Breakfast

07.30 Departure of the Participants


08.00 Departure of the train from Lauterbach

and Mole

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