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Computers & Operations Research 40 (2013) 21672177

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Computational enhancements to uence map optimization for total

marrow irradiation using IMRT
D.M. Aleman a,, V.V. Misic a, M.B. Sharpe b
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, 5 Kings College Road, Toronto, Ont., Canada M5S 3G8
Princess Margaret Hospital, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto, 610 University of Avenue, Toronto, Ont., Canada M5G 2M9

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Available online 15 June 2011 The uence map optimization (FMO) problem is a core problem in intensity modulated radiation
Keywords: therapy (IMRT) treatment planning. Although it has been studied extensively for site-specic treatment
Total marrow irradiation planning, few studies have examined efcient computational methods for solving it for intensity
Intensity modulated radiation therapy modulated total marrow irradiation (IM-TMI) planning; few studies have also looked at exploiting prior
Fluence map optimization beamlet information to solve the FMO problem in a beam orientation optimization context. In this
Parallel computing study, we consider different types of line search strategies and different types of warm-start techniques
Projected gradient to improve the speed with which the FMO problem for IM-TMI is solved and the quality of the end
Line search solution. We also consider a parallelism-enhanced algorithm to solve the FMO problem for IM-TMI
Warm start
treatment planning with a large number of beams (36 equispaced beams at each of 11 isocenters, for a
total of 396 beams). We show that the backtracking line search strategy with step reduction exhibits
the best performance and that using either of the two types of warm-start techniques which we
consider leads to signicant improvements in both solution time and quality. We also provide results
for the aforementioned 396-beam plan and show that 30-beam solutions obtained using beam
orientation optimization attain a comparable level of quality as this larger solution.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction IMRT for TMI, there are two basic problems that must be solved.
The rst problem, known as the uence map optimization (FMO)
Bone marrow transplantation, or hematopoietic stem cell problem, is concerned with how the beamlet intensities, or
transplantation, is one method of treatment for a number of uences, should be set for a given ensemble of beams to deliver
diseases of the blood and bone marrow. These include certain a certain dose to the bone marrow while minimizing the dose
forms of cancer (such as leukemia and lymphoma) as well as delivered to healthy tissue.
other diseases (such as aplastic anemia and sickle cell disease). To The second problem is the beam orientation optimization (BOO)
prepare a patient for a bone marrow transplant, the patients problem, which is concerned with determining how a set of
existing diseased bone marrow must be completely eliminated. beams should be oriented for the dose to be delivered optimally.
This is typically done through a procedure known as total body The FMO problem plays a substantial role in our formulation of
irradiation (TBI). In TBI, the patients entire body is irradiated the BOO problem, because the optimal objective function value
with a single, wide-angle beam to a single prescribed level of dose of the FMO problem for a set of beams quanties the quality of
(e.g., 12 Gy). This, however, leads to unnecessary irradiation of that set of beamsthat is, how capable the beams are of deli-
healthy tissue, which can lead to many complications and severely vering the prescribed dose to the bone marrow while minimizing
affect the patients quality of life post-treatment. the dose delivered to healthy tissue. We have already studied the
An alternative to TBI is total marrow irradiation (TMI), which BOO problem for TMI previously in [1]; although we will not
specically targets the bone marrow of the patient and avoids directly be dealing with the BOO problem, part of this study is
healthy tissue. In our previous work [1], we examined the use concerned with uence map optimization in the context of BOO.
of a high accuracy form of radiotherapy known as intensity The FMO problem is the primary problem we will be considering
modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) to perform TMI. In order to use in this study; in particular, we will be studying techniques for
improving both the speed with which the FMO problem is solved,
 Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 416 978 6780; fax: 1 416 978 7753. and improving the quality of the nal beamlet intensities returned.
E-mail addresses: (D.M. Aleman),
These objectives are motivated by clinical requirements, as there is (V.V. Misic), typically a limited time frame available for treatment plan optimiza- (M.B. Sharpe). tion. Projected gradient methods are commonly used to solve FMO

0305-0548/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2168 D.M. Aleman et al. / Computers & Operations Research 40 (2013) 21672177

problems (see, e.g., [1,2]) due to their speed and ease of implementa- 2. BOO and FMO background
tion. We consider three different classes of computational enhance-
ments to improve both the effectiveness and speed of projected We employ the BOO and FMO approaches presented by [1],
gradient methods applied to FMO (and therefore BOO): and provide a brief overview of each here. Although the BOO
problem is not the focus of this study and we do not explicitly
1. We consider different line search strategiesthat is, different dene any new algorithms to solve it, we will need to make
methods of selecting the nal step length in each iteration of reference to some variables from BOO (and Add/Drop) when we
the projected gradient algorithm. We test the performance of discuss warm-start methods in Section 4.
projected gradient with each of these line search strategies on
a set of randomly generated 30-beam solutions. 2.1. BOO problem
2. We consider different warm-start approaches for speeding
up the execution of projected gradient when it is used within We use h to represent a single beam orientation and B to
a neighborhood search algorithm for BOO (the Add/Drop represent the set of all possible beam orientations for a single beam.
algorithm, previously studied for TMI in [1]). Each warm-start We use Y to represent a set of beams, Y h1 , . . . , hn A Bn , where n
method involves using bixels for the current set of beams as is the number of beams. We use F Y to represent the quality of the
the initial bixels of each of the neighboring sets of beams, beam set Y (where smaller values correspond to better treatments),
whose optimal FMO objective values are unknown and are to which is the optimal FMO objective function value for that set of
be calculated. We test the performance of the Add/Drop beams. The BOO problem for n beams can then be stated as
algorithm with each type of warm-start approach on a set of
minimize F Y
randomly generated 30-beam solutions.
subject to Y A Bn :
3. We consider a method for parallelizing FMO objective function
and gradient evaluation for large-scale treatments. We provide Due to the nonlinearity and nonconvexity of the function F with
computational results for the performance of projected gradient respect to Y, the BOO problem is difcult to solve [5]. We therefore
with this type of enhancement on a very large set of beams. use the Add/Drop algorithm, a neighborhood search heuristic for
BOO in TMI described in [1] (see Algorithm 1). We give a brief
With regard to parallel and distributed computing in the context overview of the algorithm here.
of IMRT, there have been few prior studies, and there has not yet Let D represent the set of degrees of freedom of each beam; in
been any previous research into using parallel computation for FMO this study, D fG,zg, where G corresponds to the gantry angle and z
for large-scale (in both the number of beams and the size of the to the couch-z translation. In iteration i, we have a current iterate,
geometry) IMRT treatment planning. In [3], the authors describe an Yi . We establish a neighborhood N bd Yi around Yi , determined
implementation of projected gradient which uses graphics processing by beam b A Yi and degree of freedom d A D (see [1] for full details
units (GPU) for parallel computation; our work differs from this work regarding the construction of N bd Yi ). We evaluate F for every
in that the dose calculation in our work is parallelized with respect to neighbor in N bd Yi and identify the solution Y A N bd Yi which
the beams and not with respect to the voxels. This is an important minimizes F on N bd Yi . If the new point improves the objective
consideration because by splitting the calculations up into several function, the algorithm moves to the new point. Otherwise, we
smaller calculations corresponding to subsets of the beams, commu- consider a different pair b0 ,d0 A f1, . . . ,ng  D and repeat this
nication overhead can be reduced. In [4], distributed computing is process with N b0 d0 Yi around Yi . The algorithm terminates when
used to simultaneously sample several potential beam sets for the every neighborhood of the current solution Yi has been examined
purpose of BOO. In this paper, parallelization is studied in Section 5, without improvement.
where it is employed in the evaluation of the objective function of the
FMO problem and its gradient in order to increase the speed with Algorithm 1. BASIC ADD/DROP.
which the FMO problem is solved when the number of beams is large. 1: Generate initial starting point Y0 .
Parallelization is also used in the implementations of the warm-start 2: Set Yn : Y0 and i : 0.
approaches in Section 4, where multiple FMO evaluations are 3: while Stopping criterion is not met do
performed in parallel in the context of BOO; this form of paralleliza- 4: Select d A D and b A f1, . . . ,jYjg.
tion is not the same as the form used in Section 4 and is not the 5: Set Y A arg min F N bd Yi .
primary focus of this class of computational enhancements.
6: if F Y oF Yn then
In addition to the computational gains of parallel computing,
another motivation is to be able to solve the FMO problem with all 7: Set Yn : Y and Yi 1 : Y .
possible beam orientations. Such a treatment plan will allow us to 8: Set i : i 1.
learn about the absolute quality of our solutions in [1]. Another 9: end if
10: S S
reason for considering the FMO problem with a large number of if All points in kb 1 d A D N bd Yi have been sampled
beams is that the resulting beamlet intensities could be used as a without improvement then
potential starting point for an algorithm to perform intensity 11: Yn is a local minimum; go to Step 16.
modulated arc therapy (IMAT) treatment planning, which may be 12: else
a more appropriate method of performing TMI than IMRT. 13: Go to Step 4.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we 14: end if
provide a brief overview of the BOO and FMO problems, and the 15: end while
Add/Drop and projected gradient algorithms for solving them, 16: return Yn .
respectively. We describe the different types of line search methods
in Section 3, the different types of warm-start techniques in Section
4 and a single parallelism-enhanced algorithm for objective function 2.2. FMO problem
and gradient evaluation in the context of FMO in Section 5. In
Section 6 we provide computational and treatment quality results Let BY represent the set of beamlet indices corresponding to
for our methods. In Section 7, we provide some concluding remarks the set of beams Y, and let xi represent the intensity of beamlet
and some possible directions for future work. iA BY . Let S and T represent the set of critical structures and target
D.M. Aleman et al. / Computers & Operations Research 40 (2013) 21672177 2169

structures, respectively. The number of voxels of structure s A S [ projected gradient. Although the projected gradient algorithm
T is given by vs. Dene zjs as the total dose received by voxel j in has been widely used in radiotherapy treatment planning (e.g.,
structure s, where Dijs is the dose deposition coefcient of beamlet [3,69]), line search strategies for projected gradient in the
i in voxel j of structure s. context of IMRT have not been previously studied as extensively
The objective function of the FMO problem is a weighted sum as in our study.
of penalty functions for each structure. We use w s and w s to For our line search strategies, the step length l must satisfy the
represent the weights for overdose and underdose in voxels of sufcient decrease (also known as Armijo) condition,
structure s, with Ts dening the point at which under- or overdose s
is penalized. We use p s and p s to represent the powers for Fpxk lrFxk rFxk  Jxk pxk lrFxk J2 , 4
overdose and underdose in voxels of structure s. The objective
where s A 0,1 to ensure that the sequence of iterates obtained
function of the FMO problem is
from Algorithm 2 converges to the global minimum of the FMO
X X problem at a reasonable rate. Details on this condition in the
Fx Fjs zjs , 1
s A S[T j 1
context of projected gradient can be found in [10,11] for uncon-
strained problems.
where zjs is given by
zjs Dijs xi 2 3.1. Backtracking line search
i A BY
The backtracking line search [10] determines a step length in
and the penalty function Fjs is dened as
each projected gradient iteration by starting with a step length R0,
1 p checking whether the resulting solution x~ satises the sufcient
Fjs zjs w Ts zjs  s w s zjs Ts p s , 3
vs s decrease, and scaling it by a factor b (where b A 0,1) until it
where  maxf0,g. The FMO problem can then be stated as satises the condition.
minimize Fx
3.2. Reduced step line search
subject to xi Z 0 8i A BY :
By choosing w s ,w s Z 0 and p s ,p s Z1 for each structure s A S [ T, The reduced step line search is identical to the backtracking
the FMO objective function F is a convex function, and the FMO line search, with the slight difference that after m iterations of the
problem is a convex optimization problem. To solve this problem, outer loop, the initial step length is changed from R0 to a new
we employ the projected gradient algorithm (Algorithm 2), a value R. This algorithm grew out of observations that the back-
general algorithm commonly used in large convex optimization tracking projected gradient algorithm in general takes steps as
problems. Given an initial solution, the algorithm iteratively large as R0 in the early iterations and in later iterations, takes
moves an appropriate step length in the direction of the negative steps that are generally of length bR0 or smaller. By reducing the
gradient. If the solution is infeasible at any time, the solution is initial step length after a few outer loop iterations, we eliminate
projected onto the feasible set using the function p. The algorithm step lengths that are not likely to satisfy the sufcient decrease
repeats until the relative improvement between consecutive condition and thus reduce the overall number of line search
iterations falls below a given threshold e. iterations (without severely affecting the quality of the end
Algorithm 2. Generalized Projected Gradient.

Require Percentage change tolerance e 3.3. Forward line search

1: Generate an initial solution x0
2: Set p 1. The forward line search is similar to the backtracking line
3: while p 4 e do search, with the exception that the step lengths move forward
4: Generate a step length l rather than backward. In the forward line search, we start from an
5: Set xi 1 pxi lrFxi initial step length R0 and scale the step length l up by a factor of g
6: Set p Fxi Fxi 1 =Fxi (where g A 1,1) to just before the point where l no longer
7: end while satises the sufcient decrease condition.
The reasoning behind scaling the step length up to just before
the point where it no longer yields a sufcient decrease in F can
3. Line search strategies be explained as follows. To ensure that the algorithm nds a
satisfactory step length using a forward line search method, the
In Algorithm 2, the procedure which is used to generate a step initial step length should be sufciently small so that the line
length l in each iteration is known as a line search. The line search search loop can examine a larger range of step lengths. However,
step of projected gradient methods is known to be computation- small step lengths typically always meet the sufcient decrease
ally intensive, and thus we rst examine several line search condition, so if the initial length is very small, the algorithm will
strategies as computational enhancements to FMO in the context almost always accept the rst step, leading to a very slow rate of
of total marrow irradiation. In particular, we study the standard change in the iterate x and consequently a slow change in the
backtracking line search, a backtracking line search with step objective function value F(x). By increasing the step length until it
length reduction; a forward line search; a golden section line no longer yields a sufcient decrease in F, we are able to force
search; a dichotomous line search; and a quadratic interpolation the algorithm to take larger steps and increase the rate at which
line search. the sequence of iterates converges to the minimizer of F. (In the
The type of line search strategy is of direct interest to us case that the rst step length l R=JrFxi J does not satisfy the
because the line search strategy determines both the quality initial step length, it is also scaled down by g. Although we do not
of the step (which affects the nal FMO value obtained) and check whether the new step length g  l satises the sufcient
how many different step lengths are tested (and thus how decrease condition, the initial step length of R can be chosen to be
many objective function evaluations occur) in each iteration of small enough that this is never an issue in practice.)
2170 D.M. Aleman et al. / Computers & Operations Research 40 (2013) 21672177

3.4. Golden section and dichotomous line searches By warm-starting the FMO evaluation of a neighboring solution Y ~
that is, using the bixels of the current solution Yi to determine
The golden section and dichotomous line search (similar to the starting bixels of the neighboring solution the time required
bisection) methods are well known methods for minimizing a for FMO evaluation can be greatly reduced. By reducing the time
univariate function when a minimum is known to exist in an required for FMO evaluation, the Add/Drop algorithm can explore
interval a0 ,b0  (the region of uncertainty). For this application, the the solution space Bn more rapidly and locate good solutions
function that is to be minimized in each projected gradient earlier in the search process. This is important from a clinical
iteration k is standpoint because the amount of time available for beam
orientation optimization is limited and it is not possible to run
f~ l Fpxk lrFxk ,
the Add/Drop algorithm until it naturally terminates by nding a
and the interval of uncertainty is of the form 0,R0 =JrFxk J, local minimum.
where R0 is an initial length that must be specied. Let mk be the We will study three different modes of FMO initialization:
midpoint of the interval ak ,bk .The dichotomous search operates cold-start, warm-start using averaging and warm-start using
by calculating f~ mk d and f~ mk d, and comparing them to see least-squares. There have not been any prior studies into warm-
whether the minimum lies in ak ,mk d or mk d,bk . Therefore, start procedures in the context of BOO to facilitate FMO evalua-
for the dichotomous search, we also need to specify d, which is a tions. In [13], the authors use warm-starting for the purpose of
distinguishability constant. aperture weight optimization and not in the context of BOO. In
Our implementations of these methods follow closely the [14], the authors also perform warm-starting in a different way,
descriptions given in [12], with the following modication: when with a set of beams identied from an integer programming
the objective function is evaluated at multiple step lengths, it is model being used as the starting set of beams for a heuristic
evaluated from largest length to smallest, and the rst step length algorithm.
which passes the Armijo condition accepted. In the warm-start approaches, we use Yi to represent the
~ to represent a neighboring solution of
current set of beams; Y
3.5. Quadratic interpolation Yi , whose FMO value we are interested in evaluating; hk to
represent the single beam in Yi which is altered; h~ k to represent
The quadratic interpolation line search [11] is described as
the beam in Y ~ which corresponds to h in Yi ; B ~ to represent
follows. Given the univariate function f~ , k hj

the set of indices of the beamlets which belong to beam h~ j in Y

f~ l Fpxk lrFxk ,
Bhj to represent the set of bixel indices of beam hj in Yi ; xi to
we check an initial step length l0 . If l0 satises the Armijo
represent the optimal intensity value of beamlet iA BYi ; and x~ i to
condition (4), then l0 is chosen as the step length. Otherwise, we
represent the starting intensity value of beamlet i A BY~ .
form a quadratic approximation to f~ :
0 !
f~ l0 f~ 0 f~ 0l0 2 0 4.1. Cold-start
f~ l
q l f~ 0l f~ 0:
The most basic form of FMO initialization that we will consider
We then calculate the minimizer of this quadratic, l1 : is cold-started FMO evaluation. When an FMO evaluation is
f~ 0l0
2 cold-started, the bixels of each beam are initialized to a pre-dened
l1  0 : constant, and these bixels are fed into the projected gradient
2f l0 f 0f~ 0
~ ~
algorithm which calculates the FMO value for the beam. This mode
If l1 satises the Armijo condition (4), we accept it. Otherwise, we of FMO evaluation does not make use of the bixels of the current
repeat this process, with l1 taking the place of l0 , until we nd an solution: whenever an FMO is evaluated in this way, it is essentially
acceptable step length. calculated from scratch.
Mathematically, if we let k represent this pre-dened con-
stant, we would set x~ i k for all i A BY~ . We would then use the
4. Warm-start techniques resulting set of bixels x~ as our initial solution for FMO evaluation.

The Add/Drop algorithm, as explained in Section 2.1, is an 4.2. Warm-start using averaging
iterative algorithm which improves a solution (a set of beams) by
modifying a single beam in a single degree of freedom in each The rst warm-start method we consider is warm-started FMO
iteration. As a result, when we compare the set of beams Yi in evaluation using averaging. Given a neighboring solution whose
iteration i to a neighboring set of beams Y ~ A N Yi (where FMO we are trying to calculate, we initialize the bixels of its
b,d A f1, . . . ,ng  fG,zg), we nd that the two solutions differ by beams in the following way: for each beam that the neighboring
only one beam, and the two non-matching beams differ in only ~ has in common with the current solution Yi , set the
solution Y
one degree of freedom. Since the two solutions share all but one initial bixels of the beam to the optimal bixel values of the same
beam, the two solutions are very similar to one another, and our
beam in Yi . For beam number k where the neighboring solution
intuition suggests that the optimal beamlet intensities of the
~ should also be very close to one Y~ and the current solution Yi differ, calculate x, the average of
common beams of Yi and Y
another. the bixels of the altered beam hk in the current solution Yi , and
This observation about how the beamlet intensities should initialize all of the bixels of the corresponding beam h~ in Y
~ to x.
change within Add/Drop gives rise to a computational enhance- As mentioned earlier, the neighboring solution and the current
ment to FMO evaluation in the context of Add/Drop: specically, solution differ by only one degree of freedom of one beam, so we
the idea of warm-starting the FMO evaluation of a neighboring set intuitively expect the optimal bixel values of the common beams
of beams Y ~ by using the bixels of the current set of beams Yi . of the neighboring solution and the current solution to be very
The benet of this enhancement is that it reduces the time close to one another. By allowing FMO evaluation to begin from a
required by the Add/Drop algorithm to nd high quality solutions. set of bixels that should be quite close to the actual optimal set of
D.M. Aleman et al. / Computers & Operations Research 40 (2013) 21672177 2171

bixels, the projected gradient algorithm we employ to solve the FMO solution is already sufciently good, or will yield a signicantly
problem should be able to converge more quickly to the optimal set better solution.
of bixels. This improvement in the speed of FMO evaluation should On the other hand, if the beamlets of the h~ k are unable to
result in a higher quality solution being found by Add/Drop, as the attain a contribution in dose that is at all similar to the beamlets
algorithm will be able to go through a higher number of iterations. of the old beam, then that could mean two things. One scenario is
The step which involves averaging the bixels of the beam that that it may still be possible for the beam to improve the solution
is altered in the current solution and uniformly setting the bixels (e.g., by delivering dose to target voxels that are already covered
of the corresponding beam in the neighboring solution to this by other beams, but doing so at a lower penalty to the objective).
average can be justied as follows. The sum of the bixels of In this case, the projected gradient algorithm still has to iterate as
the beam can be thought of as a measure of the total energy of the usual, and we do not gain any improvement in the time needed to
beam; the higher the sum of the bixels, the more radiation is calculate the FMO. In contrast, if the beam is bad (i.e., taking out
being delivered, and the greater the effect the beam has on the the old beam prevents the solution from hitting a lot of target
patient. (If the sum of the bixels is zero, all of the bixels are zero, voxels and forces overdosing in critical structure voxels), then
and the beam is essentially not delivering any radiation in once again, the projected gradient algorithm still has to iterate
the treatment.) By setting the bixels of the corresponding beam normally.
in the neighboring solution to the average of the altered beam in
the current solution, the individual bixel sums of the two beams
will be very close to one another, and so the effects of the two 5. Parallel computations for FMO evaluation
beams on the patient should be somewhat similar.
Mathematically, we set x~ i xi for every i A Bhj and all The process of uence map optimization for TMI is a highly
hj A Yi \fhk g. For those i A Bh~ k , we rst calculate computationally intensive process because the objective function
1 X and gradient evaluations require the summation of the dose
x x0 5 delivered from  75,000 beamlets (for 30 beams) to  650,000
jBhk j i0 A B i
hk voxels. These doses are then penalized accordingly.
Despite the number of computations, there is a need for the
and then set x~ i x for all i A Bh~ k . The vector of bixels x~ is then our
ability to generate IM-TMI plans using a large number of beams.
initial solution when the projected gradient algorithm is executed
~. One reason is that it allows us to validate our earlier plans: by
for Y
solving the FMO problem with all possible beams, we can deter-
mine the best possible treatment plan for TMI to use as a bench-
4.3. Warm-start using least-squares
mark. Another reason is that a transition to arc-based treatments
will require dose calculations at a far larger number of beams
In the method of warm-starting FMO evaluation using aver-
than step-and-shoot treatments.
aging, the motivation behind averaging the bixels of the altered Parallelization of the objective function and gradient evalua-
beam hk in the current solution Yi and setting the bixels of the
tion allows us to counteract the increase in computation time
corresponding beam h~ k in the neighboring solution Y ~ to this
associated with large numbers of beams. Suppose that we wish to
average was to attempt to get h~ k to have a similar effect to hk . In
calculate the objective function for a set of bixels corresponding
this second warm-start method, we take this notion further by to n beams. Suppose also that Q processors are available to us,
selecting the bixels of h~ k so that the dose contributed by h~ k is as
where Q divides evenly into n. Then to calculate the total dose
close as possible to the contribution of hk in a least-squares sense. delivered, we can divide up the set of n beams into Q subsets, each
To make this notion rigorous, we dene zk to be the dose
js consisting of n=Q beams. We can then, in parallel, calculate the
contributed to voxel j in structure s by the bixels of hk ; it is given by contribution of each subset to the total dose, collect the contribu-
zk Dijs xi : 6 tions and add them up to obtain the overall dose to each voxel. To
i A Bh
calculate the actual objective function, we penalize the overall
voxel dose in a serial manner. The gradient can be similarly
To obtain the initial bixel values of h~ k , that is, the values of x,
~ calculated. The advantage of splitting up the beams into Q subsets
we solve the following optimization problem: is that each subset consists of n=Q beams, so we only need to
vs transfer n=Q dose deposition matrices to each worker node. If we
minimize Z z~ js zk
js were to split the dose calculation by voxel, or subsets of voxels as
sAS j 1
X in [3], we would need to transfer matrices for all n beams.
subject to z~ js Dijs x~ i 8s A S, j A f1, . . . ,vs g, In addition to the notation dened earlier, let z represent the
i A Bh~
vector of zjs values for all s A S,j A f1, . . . ,vs g; Dk represent the matrix
x~ i Z 0 8i A Bh~ k : Warm  LS of Dijs values corresponding to a single beam and all voxels; xk
represent the part of the x vector associated with beam hk A Y; Q
represent the total number of processors available for use; q refer to
For the other beams in Y ~ , we set the bixels to the correspond- a particular processor in f1, . . . ,Q g, and to the subset of beams of Y
ing bixels in Y ; i.e., x i xi for every i A Bhj and all hj A Yi \fhk g.
~ assigned to processor q; zq represent the voxel dose contribution
To see why initializing the bixels of h~ k in this manner might be of the qth beam subset; gq represent the piece of the gradient
desirable, consider the following example. Suppose that the associated with the qth beam subset; h represent the piece of the
beamlets of h~ k are able to attain a dose contribution that is very gradient associated with beam hk A Y; yjs represent an auxiliary
close to (or the same as) the dose contribution of the beamlets of scalar associated with voxel j in structure s; and y represent the
the old beam hk . The two solutions Y ~ and Yi will then result in column vector of yjs values for all s A S, j A f1, . . . ,vs g.
very similar doses in the patient. This in turn means that the Suppose that Y h1 , h2 , . . . , hn , and subset number q of Y
objective function value associated with x~ will be very similar to, consists of beams hLq , hLq 1 , . . . , hUq 1 , hUq . We can then dene the
if not the same as, the objective function value associated with x. voxel contribution of the qth beam subset as zq k q Lq Dk xk . If
If we begin evaluating the FMO value of Y ~ starting from x, ~ the subsets numbered 1 to Q comprise the entire set of beams Y, we
the projected gradient phase will either be short if the starting can calculate the overall voxel dose as z Qq 1 zq , i.e., summing
2172 D.M. Aleman et al. / Computers & Operations Research 40 (2013) 21672177

up the voxel dose contributions of each beam subset to obtain the 12: end for
overall voxel doses associated with Y. 13: Set L nq1=Q 1, U nq=Q
We can express the gradient calculation similarly. We let gq 14: Initialize giq 0 for all i A U
k L Bhk
be the part of rF corresponding to beam subset number q, so that 15: for kL to U do
we can express the gradient as rF g1 g2 . . . gQ . To dene 16: Load Dk from hard disk
gq , we rst let y be an auxiliary column vector, dened as
17: k
Set h yT Dk
y yjs s A S,j A f1,...,vs g , with
18: end for
1h p 1 p 1
19: L L 1 U1 U
yjs w s p s Ts zjs s w s p s zjs Ts s , 7 Set gq h h ... h h 
where  indicates maxf,0g.
Algorithm 6. Calculate complete gradient rF (parallel).
If subset number q of Y consists beams hLq , hLq 1 , . . . , hUq 1 , hUq ,
we can then dene gq h
Lq Lq 1
h  h
Uq 1 Uq
h , where Require Parameter Q (total number of processors), parameter
k n (total number of beams)
h yT Dk .
1: for all q 1 to Q
We now formally dene the algorithms used to execute these
2: Execute Algorithm 5 with parameters q, n on processor q
parallel operations. Algorithm 3 describes how to calculate the
3: end for
voxel dose of the qth beam subset (zq ), which is then used by
4: Wait for Algorithm 5 to nish on processors 1,2, . . . ,Q
Algorithm 4 to calculate the complete voxel dose z. Similarly,
5: Set rF g1 g2    gQ 1 gQ 
Algorithm 5 describes how to calculate the piece of the gradient
associated with the qth beam subset (gq ), which is used by
Algorithm 6 to obtain the complete gradient rF.
6. Results
Algorithm 3. Calculate voxel dose z of beam subset q on
All of the algorithms presented were implemented in MATLAB
processor q.
and tested on a 64-bit, 32-node CentOS cluster, with each node
Require Parameter Q (total number of processors), parameter having 8 GB of memory and eight AMD Opteron 2354 2.2 GHz
n (total number of beams), processor number q processors. All parallelizations were performed using the MATLAB
1: Initialize zq 0 for all s A S, j A f1, . . . vs g Parallel Computing Toolbox, with each task to be performed in
parallel specied using the createTask function and all of the tasks
2: Set L nq1=Q 1, U nq=Q
assigned to a specic job created using the createJob function.
3: for kL to U do
A single patient case provided by The Princess Margaret
4: Load Dk from hard disk Hospital (Toronto, ON, Canada) under research ethical clearance
5: Set zq zq Dk xk was used to demonstrate the performance of the algorithms.
6: end for Table 1 displays the number of voxels in each structure that was
considered for this patient case. Only the bone marrow from the
Algorithm 4. Calculate complete voxel dose z (parallel). pelvis up was considered, as the legs do not contain any critical
structures and can be irradiated separately. The total set of beams
Require Parameter Q (total number of processors), parameter B consisted of 396 beams. These beams were obtained by
n (total number of beams) allowing the gantry angle to range from 01 to 3501 in 101 incre-
1: Initialize zjs 0 for all s A S, j A f1, . . . ,vs g ments and consider 11 equispaced couch-z translations from just
2: for q 1 to Q do below the patients pelvis to the top of the patients head. The
3: Execute Algorithm 3 on processor q with parameters Q, n number of bixels in each beam ranged from 1759 to 3146, with a
4: end for
5: Wait for Algorithm 3 to nish on processors 1,2, . . . ,Q
6: for q 1 to Q do
7: Table 1
Set z z zq
Number of voxels in each structure. The bone
8: end for marrow is the planning target volume (PTV).

Structure Number of
Algorithm 5. Calculate partial gradient gq associated with beam voxels
subset q on processor q.
Left lung 29,274
Require Parameter Q (total number of processors), parameter Right lung 40,248
Spinal cord 1856
n (total number of beams), parameter z (total voxel dose),
Heart 18,746
processor number q Left kidney 5638
1: Initialize yjs 0 for all s A S, j A f1, . . . ,vs g Right kidney 5263
2: for k 1 to n do Liver 74,986
Stomach 12,195
3: for all sA S do
PTV 331,715
4: for j 1 to vs do Parotid and submandibular 959
5: if zjs oTs then glands
6: p 1 Esophagus 1138
Set yjs  1 w p Ts zjs s
vs s s Bowel 119,557
7: else Bladder 4662
8: Oral cavity 4926
Set yjs 1
vs w s p s zjs Ts p s 1
Left eye 130
9: end if Right eye 117
10: end for
Total 651,410
11: end for
D.M. Aleman et al. / Computers & Operations Research 40 (2013) 21672177 2173

mean of 2469 and a median of 2464. The only bixels allowed in each other and can all be performed at the same time. We empha-
each beam were those which were able to deliver positive dose to size that this problem-based parallelization is not the focus of
at least one target voxel; as the target is essentially the entire this particular computational experiment. No parallelizations were
skeletal structure, each beam contains a large number of usable applied at the FMO level.
bixels. The neighborhood sizes used for each warm-started Add/Drop
implementation were the same as those used in [1]. For the cold-
6.1. Computational results start mode of FMO initialization, k was set to 0.3 (the same value
used for the line search procedures). The optimization problem
Each type of line search procedure was tested on 50 different WARM-LS for the warm-start using least-squares mode was
randomly generated 30-beam solutions. The initial bixels of all of solved using the MATLAB command lsqlin using the default
the beams were set to 0.3. The percentage change tolerance was parameters. These three implementations were then executed on
0.01 and s was set to 0.0001. These values were chosen as our 50 randomly chosen 30-beam starting points and were allowed
preliminary testing indicated that they provided the best perfor- to run for 12 h, as this is typically how much time would be
mance for all of the line search procedures. For the reduced step available in a clinical environment. Table 3 presents computa-
projected gradient implementation, the step length is reduced after tional results. For each starting point, the projected gradient run
m3 iterations to a new step length of R 12:5. For the back- times of all of the sets of beams sampled over the course of
tracking, reduced step, golden section, dichotomous and quadratic the Add/Drop execution were averaged to obtain an average
interpolation implementations, the initial step length was R0 50. projected gradient time; the average projected gradient time
For the backtracking and reduced step implementations, the scale statistics are obtained from these (50) average projected gradient
factor applied in each line search iteration was b 0:25. For the
dichotomous search, the distinguishability constant d was set to
0:5=JrFxi J in each iteration. For the forward line search imple-
Table 3
mentation, the initial step length was R0 3 and the scale factor
Add/Drop iteration number, projected gradient (P.G.) time, average total FMO time
applied in each line search iteration was g 8. These procedure- and nal FMO value statistics for the three types of warm-start techniques.
specic parameter values were selected as our preliminary testing
indicated that they provided the best balance between computa- Statistic Cold-start Warm-start Warm-start
tional time and FMO value for their respective procedures. No (averaging) (least-squares)

parallelization was employed in the implementations of these line Add/Drop iterations

search methods. Mean 11.8 37.8 41.7
Table 2 shows statistics related to the number of projected St. dev. 2.5 3.4 2.5
gradient outer loop iterations, the total execution time and nal Minimum 7 28 36
Maximum 17 49 48
objective function value for all six implementations over all 50
starting points. On average, the reduced step projected gradient PG time (min)
yields the lowest nal objective function values while the golden Mean 58.9 16.5 8.7
St. dev. 12.5 1.4 0.5
section projected gradient yields the highest values. The golden Minimum 37.5 12.4 7.4
section and dichotomous strategies both have the highest execu- Maximum 92.4 19.4 10.0
tion times, likely because these algorithms decrease the step
AT FMO time (min)
length relatively slowly compared to the other methods. Mean 58.9 16.5 13.7
Each warm-start procedure was tested on the sequential cycling St. dev. 12.5 1.4 0.6
Add/Drop (SCAD) algorithm, described in [1]. In the resulting Add/ Minimum 37.5 12.4 12.4
Drop implementations, the neighborhood search was parallelized Maximum 92.4 19.4 15.0

by assigning each FMO evaluation to a separate processor/node. F Y n

We note that this form of parallelization is different from the type of Mean 13,571.9 11,139.8 10,799.7
parallelization described in Section 5; it was done to speed up the St. dev. 2684.6 1001.1 971.2
Minimum 11,216.0 10,169.4 9992.9
execution of the Add/Drop method, because the FMO calculations Maximum 21,628.5 16,378.4 15,994.9
for solutions which neighbor the current solution are independent of

Table 2
Projected gradient (PG) iteration numbers, execution times and nal objective function value statistics for the six types of line search techniques.

Statistic Backtracking Reduced step Forward Golden section Dichotomous Quad. interp.

PG iterations
Mean 12.2 13.0 13.9 10.3 10.7 9.0
St. dev. 4.1 4.5 5.8 4.7 4.1 2.2
Minimum 3 3 2 2 2 5
Maximum 20 22 23 22 24 15

Time (min)
Mean 54.4 48.5 69.1 55.8 61.1 40.1
St. dev. 19.1 15.8 26.3 29.4 28.9 11.4
Minimum 11.8 12.1 13.9 9.7 10.0 21.3
Maximum 96.5 83.0 115.6 131.5 164.4 72.6

Mean 17,328.0 17,310.0 17,765.5 20,875.0 19,670.5 18,789.2
St. dev. 5763.9 5414.4 6753.9 6363.2 5430.3 2792.5
Minimum 11,663.1 12,009.4 11,662.1 14,301.4 13,360.4 14,872.1
Maximum 35,339.0 35,339.0 42,207.6 42,220.2 36,904.4 25,445.6
2174 D.M. Aleman et al. / Computers & Operations Research 40 (2013) 21672177

times. Similarly, for each starting point, the total FMO time 6.2. Treatment plan quality
(which is the projected gradient run time plus any pre-projected
gradient warm-start procedure) of all of the sets of beams In order to judge treatment quality beyond the simple value
sampled over the course of the Add/Drop execution were aver- of F Y, we use a dose volume histogram (DVH), a graphical
aged to obtain an average total FMO time; the average total representation of the dose delivered to each structure. A DVH is a
FMO time statistics are obtained from these (50) average total graph for a particular structure which indicates, for each level of
FMO times. dose, what percentage of the structures volume receives that
Table 3 shows that the two warm-start techniques lead to both amount of dose or higher. The TMI treatment requirements are
signicantly lower projected gradient (PG) run times, which is a that at least 95% of the bone marrow volume must receive at least
contributing factor to the signicantly lower average total FMO 12 Gy and a maximum of 25 Gy, and at most 20% of the bone
times. The averaging warm-start procedure requires a negligible marrow can receive more than 20 Gy. Further, the majority of
amount of time (less than 0.25 s), while the least-squares warm- each organ volume should receive 8 Gy or less.
start procedure on average takes 5.0 min with a standard devia- Fig. 2 shows the reduced step line search solution for a single
tion of 0.4 min. This is reected in the Average Total FMO Time starting point. The solution achieves fairly high target coverage
section of Table 3, which shows that in terms of average total (95% of the target volume receives at least 11.5 Gy) and meets the
FMO time, the warm-start using least-squares method is only target overdose constraints. Most organs meet the treatment
slightly better than the warm-start using averaging method, criterion. The most overdosed organs are the stomach, bowel,
which explains the similarity in Add/Drop iterations and nal bladder and spinal cord; although it is difcult to control over-
optimal FMO values. dosing in the spinal cord [1], it may be possible to lower the
The parallelism-enhancements described in Section 5 were used overdosing in the stomach, bowel and bladder with more pro-
in an implementation of projected gradient with a backtracking line jected gradient iterations.
search with initial step length R0 50, scale factor of b 0:25, Fig. 3 shows DVHs of representative nal beam solutions
Armijo condition constant s 0:0001 and percentage change toler- obtained using the cold-start and the warm-start using least-
ance e 106 . These parameters are the same as those used for squares methods. The warm-start using averaging solution is not
the line search testing described earlier in this section, with the shown as it is very similar to the warm-start using least-squares
exception of e, which was greatly reduced in order to ensure that the solution. From these DVHs, we can see that the warm-start
algorithm does not terminate too early. This implementation was methods are able to achieve better plan quality than the cold-
used to solve the FMO problem using all 396 beam orientations in B start method. In particular, we can see that the warm-start
to obtain the best treatment possible with our model. Each objective methods lead to lower median doses in the critical organs while
function and gradient evaluation was split among 11 nodes; this achieving slightly higher dose in the bone marrow (indicated as
number was chosen as it divides evenly into 396 beams and from hemiPTV in the DVHs). We can also see that the tails of a
our preliminary testing, this was the minimum number of nodes number of organ DVH curves drop off at a slower rate in the cold-
required to ensure that the 396-beam solution would be very strong start plan. Furthermore, we can see that a larger volume of the
after 6 h of execution. (This is particularly important if the solution bone marrow receives more than 20 Gy in the cold-start plan than
from this algorithm is to be used as a precursor to an algorithm for in both the warm-start plans, which is an important consideration
generating arc therapy treatments, as discussed at the beginning of as extensive overdose to the bone marrow can lead to brosis,
Section 5.) Only one 2.2 GHz processor was used from each node which can detrimentally affect the success of the subsequent
and each node had 8GB of memory available. The total number of bone marrow transplant. Another important difference is that
bixels in the plan was 977,601 while the total number of voxels was both of the warm-start plans achieve satisfactory target dose;
651,410. The projected gradient algorithm was allowed to execute the warm-start using least-squares plans ensures that 95% of the
for just over 24 h. bone marrow receives at 12.7 Gy, while the cold-start plan can
Fig. 1 shows that the greatest amount of change in the only ensure that 95% of the bone marrow receives at least 9.8 Gy.
objective function occurs within the rst 5 h. Similarly, Fig. 1 also Fig. 4 shows the 396-beam solution at 6 h, 12 h and shortly
shows that the greatest amount percentage change in the objec- after 24 h of parallelism-enhanced projected gradient execution.
tive function occurs within the rst 5 h, indicating that the From these DVHs, we gain a number of insights. First, the DVHs of
projected gradient algorithm can obtain a good solution with the 396-beam solution are qualitatively similar to those of the
396 beams in 5 h. least-squares warm-start 30-beam solution. In particular, of all of

x 104
Per. change in obj. fn. value

3.5 0.22
3 0.18
Obj. fn. value

2.5 0.14
2 0.1
1.5 0.08
1 0.04
0.5 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Elapsed time (hours) Elapsed time (hours)

Fig. 1. Plots of objective function value versus time (left) and percentage change in objective function value versus time (right) for projected gradient using parallelized
objective function and gradient evaluation for the 396 beam solution. Each objective function and gradient evaluation was split across 11 processors in the manner
described in Section 5.
D.M. Aleman et al. / Computers & Operations Research 40 (2013) 21672177 2175

100 100
hemiPTV hemiPTV
90 lt lung 90 parotids and smg
rt lung esophagus
80 cord 80 bowel
Percent volume (%)

Heart Bladder

Percent volume (%)

70 70
Kidney_L oral cavity
60 Kidney_R 60 Eye_L
Liver Eye_R
50 stomach 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Dose (Gy) Dose (Gy)

Fig. 2. DVHs of a 30-beam solution, with bixels optimized using the projected gradient algorithm with the reduced step backtracking line search strategy (described in
Section 3).

100 100
hemiPTV hemiPTV
90 lt lung 90 parotids and smg
rt lung esophagus
80 cord 80 bowel
Heart Bladder
Percent volume (%)

Percent volume (%)

70 70
Kidney_L oral cavity
60 Kidney_R 60 Eye_L
Liver Eye_R
50 stomach 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Dose (Gy) Dose (Gy)
100 100
hemiPTV hemiPTV
90 lt lung 90 parotids and smg
rt lung esophagus
80 cord 80 bowel
Heart Bladder
Percent volume (%)

Percent volume (%)

70 70
Kidney_L oral cavity
60 Kidney_R 60 Eye_L
Liver Eye_R
50 stomach 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Dose (Gy) Dose (Gy)

Fig. 3. DVHs of nal beam solutions obtained from two different warm-started Add/Drop methods after 12 h of execution, started from the same initial 30-beam solution.
Top: cold-start solution and bottom: warm-start using least-squares solution.

the critical organs, the spinal cord receives the most dose; after more than 13.5 Gy. There are also slight improvements to the
the spinal cord, the lungs receive the next highest amount of dose, dose received by many critical organs. Comparing the 396-beam
with just under 20% of the volumes of the left and right lungs solutions at the 6-, 12- and 24-h marks, we can see that there
receiving more than 10 Gy. With regard to improvement, there is are very small changes in the dose received by many organs and
an increase in dose to the targetin the 30-beam plan, 95% of the bone marrow (95% of the target volume receives 13.1 Gy or
the target volume receives more than 12.7 Gy, while the same more at 6 h, 13.4 Gy or more at 12 h and 13.5 Gy in the nal plan).
percentage of the target volume in the 396-beam plan receives These small changes match the behaviour shown in the plots
2176 D.M. Aleman et al. / Computers & Operations Research 40 (2013) 21672177

100 100
hemiPTV hemiPTV
90 lt lung 90 parotids and smg
rt lung esophagus
80 cord 80 bowel
Heart Bladder
Percent volume (%)

Percent volume (%)

70 70
Kidney_L oral cavity
60 Kidney_R 60 Eye_L
Liver Eye_R
50 stomach 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Dose (Gy) Dose (Gy)

100 100
hemiPTV hemiPTV
90 lt lung 90 parotids and smg
rt lung esophagus
80 cord 80 bowel
Percent volume (%)

Heart Bladder
Percent volume (%)
70 70
Kidney_L oral cavity
60 Kidney_R 60 Eye_L
Liver Eye_R
50 stomach 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Dose (Gy) Dose (Gy)
100 100
hemiPTV hemiPTV
90 lt lung 90 parotids and smg
rt lung esophagus
80 cord 80 bowel
Percent volume (%)

Heart Bladder
Percent volume (%)

70 70
Kidney_L oral cavity
60 Kidney_R 60 Eye_L
Liver Eye_R
50 stomach 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Dose (Gy) Dose (Gy)

Fig. 4. DVHs of 396-beam solution after 6 h (top), 12 h (middle) and 24 h (bottom) of projected gradient execution time. Each objective function and gradient evaluation
was split across 11 processors in the manner described in Section 5.

of the previous section, which show that most of the change in to develop arc therapy treatment plans in a clinically realistic
the objective function value occurs in the rst 5 h, and that the timeframe.
rate of change in the objective function is greatly reduced
after 6 h. It is interesting to observe that the 396-beam solution
obtained after 6 h is just as good as the warm-start using 7. Conclusion
least-squares 30-beam solution in Fig. 3 with respect to both
target dose and organ sparing. This suggests that this type of Several methods for improving the computational tractability
parallelized projected gradient algorithm has strong potential to of TMI using IMRT have been presented. The reduced step back-
be used to generate xed beam solutions that could then be used tracking line search strategy provides the best results of the six
D.M. Aleman et al. / Computers & Operations Research 40 (2013) 21672177 2177

line search methods, both in terms of computation time and nal are better than others and guide the design of plans using smaller
objective function value. However, the clinical improvement that numbers of beams.
this strategy exhibits over the ordinary backtracking line search Finally, as stated earlier, arc therapy is a promising alternative to
strategy is only modest. conventional IMRT for TMI. The parallelism-enhanced projected
Both warm-start techniques led to a signicant reduction in gradient algorithm could constitute a rst step in designing an arc
computation time over the standard cold-start method, and also therapy plan; the next step would involve designing an algorithm to
led to signicantly lower nal FMO values and improved treat- determine an appropriate route to take through the beams, and to
ment plans. Both of these warm-start methods can be readily ll in the bixels along the path in some optimal way.
implemented in MATLAB and can be applied to FMO for other
treatment planning problems, not just TMI. Also, these methods References
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