Water Management

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1. Introduction: Water is the source of life. There is no life without water. All
living things are created out of water. Had there been no water, life could never have
existed. We know that planets without water are devoid of any life. According to Quran,
Verily in the creation of heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day,
and the ships which sail through the sea with that which is of use to mankind, and the
water (rain) which Allah sends down from the sky and makes the earth alive therewith
after its death and moving (living) creatures of all kinds that He has scattered therein,
and in the veering of winds and clouds which are held between the sky and the earth,
are indeed Ayahs (proofs, evidences, signs) for people of understanding."
"So We opened the gates of the heaven with water pouring forth."
2. The overgrowth of population and industrialization with the growing urbanization
are the main factors that have given birth to water crisis in countries like Pakistan.
Water crisis means that the available of souses of water fell short of the requirements.
This does not include the sea water as that is unusable and can be used after
desalination and proper purification from salt. The sweet water is available in the shape
of glaciers, rivers, lakes, aquifers and water in the atmosphere in the shape of clouds
and rain water. The scarcity of water or water crisis can cause both economical disaster
as well as elimination of life from the earth. Similarly having no sufficient storage for rain
and river waters, it causes floods as happened in Pakistan in the past and in Aug 2010.
These floods caused colossal economical and infrastructural losses in the shape of
destroyed crops, damaged houses and killed animals and humans. So water effects
human life in both cases whether access or scarcity of water. If we construct dams and
sufficient reservoirs for the storage of rain water, we can transform this genie into a
source of life and energy. According to UN survey, half of the hospitalized patients are
having water born diseases, out which 88 % are victims of diseases due to unclean
drinking water.
3. To safeguard our future generation and save the mother earth, we need to save
water from unnecessary wastage and increase the storage of water by constructing
more reservoirs and dams to cater for the requirements of all humans, animals and
plants. It is due to our unnatural and artificial life style that we are suffering from the
water shortage and drought. According to UN, water crisis are manmade that occurs
due to poor governance, mismanagement, corruption and lack of proper check and
balance on the regulation of water resources and flows. Pakistan is specifically having
more potential threats of water crisis as our rivers are flowing from the east north that is
controlled by our enemy India. We need to put international pressure on India to keep
the flow of water open and give us our due share of water. We also need to construct
more dams and reservoirs to create sufficient storage for rain water. This will protect us
from floods that incur on us every monsoon heavy economic and life losses. Through
this way we can keep our country a promising country for our future generations.

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