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Yoga for Stress


Uniquely Ordinary
Session 1-Introduction and Breathing
Discussion/Journal Making (30 minutes)

Ice Breaker: Name, If you could by any type of food, what would you buy?
Myths and Facts about Yoga
Perceived Stress Scale
Journaling: Stressors
What causes you stress?
What does this stress keep you from doing?
Everyone experiences stress differently. How can you tell when youre experiencing stress?
What do you do to relieve stress?
What do you want out of this class?

Discussion: Stress and the bodys reaction

1. The Stressor.
2. The Informational Processing & Perception of the Stressor.
3. The Stress Response & Its Effect on Our System.
Postures (25 minutes)

Start with belly breathing, guided meditation/becoming mindful

Begin breathing with movement:

1. Neck/Shoulder Rolls
2. Extended childs pose
3. Childs pose with crescent to each side
4. Forward fold/mountain
5. Downward Dog
6. Warrior II
7. Peaceful Warrior
8. Downward Dog
9. Childs Pose
10. Savasana
Recognizing when you fidget or your mind starts to wonder, acknowledge and come back

Closing Discussion (5 minutes)

Moving forward: What is one thing you could take from today and use this week?

Participant Questions?

Explain what namaste means and its relation to mental health.


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