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PAGE A4 February 16, 2017

Our view
Blast from the Past
Take a close
look at SJ9
In music, poetry, books and speeches we
hear the phrase Children are our future,
but a bill under consideration in the Wyoming
State Legislature seems to imply otherwise.
SJ9 takes our children off the front burn-
er, relegating them to discretionary spend-
ing -- discretionary under the purview of the
state legislature.
Our states constitution placed educational
spending as a priority to ensure every child
in the State of Wyoming would receive an
equitable education. If passed, SJ9 would
remove educational spending as a priority
and would allow the legislature to deter-
mine what enough spending is without de-
fining enough.
We are facing a $350 - $400 million-dollar
deficit in education spending over the next
two years. In other words, we do not have
enough money to educate our children. The
legislature knew this was coming.
In fact, the legislature had a large hand
in bringing us to this point.
In 2006, the legislature diverted $505 mil-
lion from the School Foundation Account to
create the Hathaway Scholarship.
Monies from the School Foundation Ac-
count have also been transferred into the
Wyoming Retirement System.
The legislature, in 2009, moved all funds
in excess of $100 million at the end of the
fiscal year from the School Foundation Ac- From the March 1, 2001, Thermopolis Independent Record.
count to the School Capital Construction
Account, an amount equaling $1.3 billion
since it was enacted. Mark's Musings
Now, even though we are facing what could
be a crippling deficit for our childrens edu- Dont just look at the board
cation, the legislature is considering even by Mark Dykes Even as the seconds tick down to the final ing band and a few fun props and decorations
more Hathaway Scholarhips, this time for Within a few weeks, the high school basket- buzzer, those last moments can quickly turn for good measure.
ball seasons will come to a close. There have into the most action-packed as the Bobcats With only a few games left in the season,
out of state students. That bill, HB191, is certainly been plenty of ups and downs the fight and never back down. I urge everyone players and fans alike
still active. past few months more of the latter, when This past Thursday was Senior Night, and to not let your spirit waiver. The attitude you
it comes to end scores. it was a reminder not only for those seven show at game time make more a difference than
It would allow two Hathaway Scholar- But, as coaches have consistently pointed girls and six boys that their basketball ca- you think. If you cant make it to any of the
ships per year for students in each of our out this season, those final scores do not re- reers with Hot Springs County are coming to upcoming games or tournaments, show your
surrounding states Colorado, Idaho, Mon- flect the spirit shown by the Bobcats when a close, and many left the court that evening support in other ways. Wish the players luck
they hit the court. While I wasnt able to at- with tears in their eyes. if you see them in the hall or honk if you see
tana, South Dakota and Nebraska. Twenty tend the first few games of the season, I have In addition to the spirit shown by our play- their busses along the streets and highways.
scholarships created from our tax dollars since seen what our boys and girls can do with ers, the spirit shown by their fans is just as Dont just pay attention to the scoreboard.
the rock, and seeing them in action is truly a important and Thermopolis certainly excels Im proud our players, putting it all out there
for students who do not reside in Wyoming. spectacle as they come away from a timeout at that with energetic cheers and the occa- when they hit the boards, and I hope you are
Today, if you have a problem with the ed- or halftime with renewed vigor. sional jab at a ref for a bad call an amaz- too.
ucation your child is receiving you have a
number of options with which to make your

Letters to the editor welcome

complaint heard.
You may start with the teacher, the princi-
pal, the superintendent and then the school
board. If you are still not satisfied, you are We appreciate receiving are allowed. Advertising businesses, allow support of or opposition
letters to the editor and regard All letters must be signed, products and services or thank- to election ballot issues.
allowed to consult the courts for a ruling on them as our readers opportu- with a telephone number and ing specific businesses or people We are pleased to print ini-
those educational issues. nity to improve our community, address listed for verification is not allowed, and that portion tial candidacy announcements
If SJ9 were to pass, your argument stops express their beliefs and com- of the source and to assist with is removed. as news, which is always free.
municate through the Ther- clarifications. Criticism of specific indi- Other scheduled news coverage
with the school board. You will not be able to mopolis Independent Record. Unsigned or libelous letters viduals or businesses are also includes stories in the elec-
advocate for your childs education through We want to give the people are discarded. not allowed. tion editions before both the
the court system. of Hot Springs County the op- All letters to the editor are Because of space limitations primary and general elections.
Who is a better advocate for our children portunity to read those views edited for clarity, style, brevity and for fairness to political Letters may be delivered to
as well as voice them. and accuracy. candidates, the Independent 431 Broadway, mailed to P.O.
parents or the legislature? If it is convenient, letters The number of letters which Record does not accept letters Box 31, faxed to 864-5711 or
These are your tax dollars being shifted should be typed and double- one author may write per of endorsement or opposition of e-mailed to news@thermopir.
around by your legislators to the detriment spaced. Handwritten letters month is limited. political candidates nor do we com.
of every childs right to an education.


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