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Dried Spices

What is the difference between a herb and a spice?

o An herb is the leaf part of a plant, while a spice is
any other part of a plant beside the leaf. A spice
could come from the bark, seed, flower, or pod of
a plant.
o Examples of spices include: cumin, cinnamon,
paprika, and peppercorns.

How are spices dried?

o When a spice plant is ready to be harvested, the
desired part of the plant is collected and dried to remove any moisture.
o To remove dust, stones, broken seeds etc. from spices, a machine called a
winnower is used. Next, the spice will finish drying.
o The spice may be left whole or could be ground to make a powder. It is then
packaged and sent to a store near you!

Fun Fact!
If you use dried herbs and spices instead of fresh, you dont have to use as much! You
have to use 3 times more fresh herbs compared to dried.

Grow your own herb or spice plant!

What you need:

o Water bottle or 2 little bottle
o Soil
o Seeds
o Water
o Sunlight

1. Cut your bottle in half.
2. Remove the bottle cap and cut a hole in the
center. Put the cap back on the top half.
3. Fill the top half with potting soil and place a
few seeds of your choice in the soil.
4. Fill the bottom half of the bottle with water
(about half way).
5. Put the top half with the cap facing down into
the water. Make sure the water is covering the
bottle lid.
6. Place the bottle in the sunlight and watch it

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