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Winfried Huser1,2, Jacob Ablin3, Mary-Ann Fitzcharles4, Geoffrey Littlejohn5,
JuanV.Luciano6, Chie Usui7 and Brian Walitt8
Abstract | Fibromyalgia is a common illness characterized by chronic widespread pain, sleep problems
(including unrefreshing sleep), physical exhaustion and cognitive difficulties. The definition, pathogenesis
and treatment are controversial, and some even contest the existence of this disorder. In 1990, the
American College of Rheumatology (ACR) defined classification criteria that required multiple tender
points (areas of tenderness occurring in muscles and muscletendon junctions) and chronic widespread
pain. In 2010, the ACR preliminary diagnostic criteria excluded tender points, allowed less extensive pain
and placed reliance on patient-reported somatic symptoms and cognitive difficulties. Fibromyalgia occurs
in all populations worldwide, and symptom prevalence ranges between 2% and 4% in the general
population. The prevalence of people who are actually diagnosed with fibromyalgia (administrative
prevalence) is much lower. A model of fibromyalgia pathogenesis has been suggested in which biological
and psychosocial variables interact to influence the predisposition, triggering and aggravation of a chronic
disease, but the details are unclear. Diagnosis requires the history of a typical cluster of symptoms and the
exclusion of a somatic disease that sufficiently explains the symptoms by medical examination. Current
evidence-based guidelines emphasize the value of multimodal treatments, which encompass both
nonpharmacological and selected pharmacological treatments tailored to individual symptoms, including
pain, fatigue, sleep problems and mood problems. For an illustrated summary of this Primer, visit:

Fibromyalgia is a common but contested illness1. Its defi differentiated, either by clinical criteria10 or by scores of
nition has changed over the years2. In 1990, fibromyalgia symptom questionnaires11,12.
was defined by the American College of Rheumatology The diagnostic label fibromyalgia is contested by
(ACR) classification criteria as requiring multiple tender many clinicians. Psychiatrists and psychologists pre
points (assessed during physical examination) and fer to diagnose patients who exhibit fibromyalgia-like
chronic widespread pain3. In 1994, the tenth revision symptoms with somatoform disorders (somatoform
of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD10) pain disorder or somatization disorder)13 (BOX1). As
listed fibromyalgia under diseases of the musculo many consider fibromyalgia to be a rheumatic disease,
skeletal system and connective tissue (REF.4). The intent they argue that there is a risk of neglecting psychosocial
of the 2010 ACR preliminary diagnostic criteria was factors that contribute to the onset and course of symp
toeliminate the tender point examination (TPE) andto toms13,14. Primary care physicians use the diagnostic
address important symptoms through which fibro label chronic widespread pain (REF.15). Those who use
myalgia was identified and characterized in clinical the diagnostic label fibromyalgia such as some rep
settings, such as patient-reported somatic symptoms resentatives of rheumatology, psychosomatic medicine
and cognitive difficulties5. Chronic widespread pain, and pain medicine classify fibromyalgia as a central
Correspondence to W.H.
sleep problems or unrefreshing sleep, physical exhaus sensitization syndrome16,17, a psychosomatic disorder 14
e-mail: whaeuser@
tion and cognitive difficulties are the key symptoms of or a neuropathic pain syndrome18. Some authors view
Department of Internal fibromyalgia. Most patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia fibromyalgia as a continuation of mass psychocultural
Medicine 1, report a wide range of additional somatic and psycho movements (for example, neurasthenia)1.
KlinikumSaarbrcken, logical symptoms6. Co-morbid illnesses such as func In the past 30years, the number of publications
Winterberg 1,
tional somatic syndromes (for example, irritable bowel on fibromyalgia has grown considerably. This surge
Germany. syndrome (IBS))7, anxiety and depressive disorders8 of studies might be explained by a shared interest of
and rheumatic diseases9 are often noted in people with patient self-help organizations, clinicians, researchers
Article number: 15022
fibromyalgia. Depending on the number and sever and the pharmaceutical industry to promote awareness
Published online ity of symptoms and the degree of dysfunction, mild, of fibromyalgia, to understand its pathophysiology
13 August 2015 moderate and severe forms of fibromyalgia can be and to improve therapy 2. Indeed, social forces such as


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Author addresses
Identification of the true incidence of fibromyalgia
is problematic. A study interrogated a USbased large
Department of Internal Medicine 1, Klinikum Saarbrcken, Winterberg 1, insurance claims database for new fibromyalgia cases
D-66119Saarbrcken, Germany. and found that the age-adjusted (to the US population)
Department Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Technische Universitt rate for new fibromyalgia was 6.88 cases per 1,000
Mnchen, Ismaninger Street 22, 81675 Mnchen, Germany.
person years for men and 11.28 cases per 1,000 person
Institute of Rheumatology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and Sackler School
ofMedicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
years for women21.
McGill University Health Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The prevalence of people diagnosed with fibro
Departments of Rheumatology and Medicine, Monash Health and Monash University, myalgia (administrative prevalence) is probably lower
Clayton, Australia. than the 24% prevalence reported in epidemiologi
Teaching, Research and Innovation Unit, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Du, cal population studies. In a Japanese study, only 2.5%
SantBoideLlobregat, Barcelona, Spain. of the individuals meeting the diagnostic criteria were
Department of Psychiatry, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. reported to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia22. A US
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, and National Institute study found an age-adjusted and sex-adjusted preva
ofNursing Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. lence of people diagnosed with fibromyalgia by clinical
criteria to be 1.1%23 and of potential fibromyalgia, diag
patient and professional organizations, pharmaceutical nosed by the modified 2010 ACR diagnostic criteria19,
companies, and legal and academic communities have to be 6.4%24. The 1year prevalence of people with fibro
a role in defining the context of fibromyalgia2. The goals myalgia defined by at least one billing case with the code
of such forces might be legitimation of symptoms and for fibromyalgia of a German health insurance company
sickness for patients, influence for academics, economic with 7 million insured individuals was 0.3%25. The same
gain for pharmaceutical companies and legalinterests2. study showed the prevalence ratio of women to men was
In this Primer, we review the current understanding 12:1; most insured individuals were between 50years
including controversies regarding the diagnosis, and 60years of age25. When the 1990 ACR criteria are
pathogenesis and management of fibromyalgia. used for clinical surveys, women are more frequently
diagnosed with the disorder. Using these criteria, the
Epidemiology women to men ratio has ranged from 8:1 to 30:1 in
Chronic widespread pain is difficult to accurately measure patients who were studied in clinical institutions and
and study. It often has a poorly defined onset and can surveys2628. However, with criteria that do not use TPE,
be episodic1,10. Most epidemiological studies have used the sex ratio can be close to equal. The sex ratio has
either the 1990 ACR classification2 or the modified 2010 ranged from 4:1 to 1:1 in studies that were conducted
ACR diagnostic criteria (the socalled survey or research in the general population using the research criteria
criteria)4,19, or slightly different approaches (TABLE1). forfibromyalgia22,24,29,30.
Fibromyalgia is a common disorder, which occurs in Most patients studied in clinical institutions and sur
all populations worldwide. In general, the prevalence of veys are middle aged (4060years)2628. In general popu
patients with symptoms that meet diagnostic criteria has lation studies, the prevalence of people with fibromyalgia
been between 2% and 4% in moststudies20. increases with age30,31.

Box 1 | Alternative diagnostic labels
Fibromyalgia is a complex syndrome, which incorpor
Somatoform pain disorder according to International Classification of ates a wide range of symptoms and functional alterations
Diseases (10th revision)* in many systems, but the involvement of the central
Severe, excruciating pain for >6months; nervous system (CNS) is a key element. Thus, it is a
No sufficient evidence obtained from adequately conducted somatic testing to major challenge to clarify which of the many described
explain the symptoms; alterations are pathogenetic and which simply represent
Occurs in conjunction with emotional conflicts or psychosocial problems that are epiphenomena. This mission is further complicated by
important causal factors owing to their severity; and the many potential triggering factors and co-morbidities
Exclusion of: for fibromyalgia, such as stressors, infection, depression,
Psychogenic pain during the course of a depressive disorder or schizophrenia anxiety, trauma, inactivity and obesity (see below).
Pain due to known or psychophysiological mechanisms, such as muscle tension pain In the current literature, pain centralization repre
ormigraine. sents the most prominent pathophysiological hypoth
Somatization disorder according to International Classification of Diseases esis; here, we focus on this scientific idea, but also
(10th revision)* briefly explore alternative hypotheses and highlight
At least 2years of multiple and variable physical symptoms for which no adequate controversies about the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia.
physical explanation has been found;
Persistent refusal to accept the advice or reassurance of several doctors that there Genetics
isno physical explanation for the symptoms; and Current research strongly supports genetic under
Some degree of impairment of social and family functioning that is attributable pinnings in the development of fibromyalgia, as in most
to the nature of the symptoms and resulting behaviour. other chronic pain conditions32. First-degree relatives of
patients with fibromyalgia show an eightfold greater risk
*See REF. 4.
of developing the syndrome33, and family members have

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more tender points than controls and are at increased The genetic basis for these functional disorders has
risk of having other functional disorders (disorders been underscored by twin studies, which have dem
that affect body function but not structure), including onstrated that different functional somatic syndromes
IBS, temporomandibular disorder, headache and other coaggregate and genetic factors contribute up to half the
regional pain syndromes34. This familial coaggregation risk of developing them35,36. Several polymorphisms have
is assumed to represent an overlap between clinical been identified as specific markers of this genetic risk.
syndromes that are characterized by pain centraliza Many of these specific markers are related to metabolism
tion and shared features such as pain, fatigue, cognitive and breakdown of neurotransmitters that are involved
difficulties and affective symptoms. in pain modulation: polymorphisms in the genes

Table 1 | Prevalence of fibromyalgia in the general population (modified and expanded)

Country Case definition n Age Overall Female Male Refs
(years) prevalence prevalence prevalence
(%) (%) (%)
Tunisia LFESSQ 1,000 15 9.3 N.R. N.R. 161
Brazil COPCORD 3,038 16 2.5 3.9 0.1 162
Canada 1990 ACR criteria 3,395 16 3.3 4.9 1.6 163
Canada Self-reported 131,535 12 1.1 1.8 0.3 164
United States 1990 ACR criteria 3,006 18 2.2 3.4 0.5 30
United States Modified 2010 ACR criteria 830 21 6.4 7.7 4.9 24
Bangladesh COPCORD 5,211 15 3.6 6.2 0.9 165
China 1990 ACR criteria 1,467 N.R. 0.8 N.R. N.R. 166
Israel LFESSQ and 1990 ACR criteria 1,019 18 2 2.8 1.1 167
Japan Modified 2010 ACR criteria 20,407 20 2.1 N.R. N.R. 22
Malaysia COPCORD 2,594 15 0.9 1.5 0.2 168
Pakistan COPCORD 1,997 15 2.1 N.R. N.R. 169
Thailand Modified 2010 ACR criteria 1,000 N.R. 0.6 N.R. N.R. 170
Turkey 1990 ACR criteria 600 N.R. 8.8 12.5 5.1 171
Denmark 1990 ACR criteria 1,219 18 0.7 N.R. N.R. 172
France LFESSQ and 1990 ACR criteria 1,014 15 1.4 2 0.7 173
France LFESSQ and 1990 ACR criteria 3,081 18 1.6 N.R. N.R. 174
Finland Yunus 7,217 30 0.8 1 0.5 175
Germany LFESSQ and 1990 ACR criteria 1,002 15 3.2 3.9 2.5 176
Germany Modified 2010 ACR criteria 2,445 14 2.1 2.4 1.8 29
Greece 1990 ACR criteria 8,740 19 0.4 N.R. N.R. 177
Italy 1990 ACR criteria 2,155 18 2.2 N.R. N.R. 178
Italy LFESSQ and 1990 ACR criteria 1,002 15 3.7 5.5 1.6 176
Portugal LFESSQ and 1990 ACR criteria 500 15 3.6 5.2 1.8 176
Scotland 1990 ACR criteria 1,604 18 1.7 N.R.* N.R.* 31
2010 ACR preliminary criteria 1.2 N.R.* N.R.*
Modified 2010 ACR criteria 5.4 N.R.* N.R.*
Spain LFESSQ and 1990 ACR criteria 1,001 15 2.3 3.3 1.3 176
Spain 1990 ACR criteria 2,192 20 2.4 4.2 0.2 179
Sweden 1990 ACR criteria 2,425 20 1.3 2.4 0 180
ACR, American College of Rheumatology; COPCORD, Community Oriented Program for Control of Rheumatic Diseases;
LFESSQ,London Fibromyalgia Epidemiology Study Screening Questionnaire; N.R., not reported. *Women to men ratio of 13.7, 4.8
and 2.3 for the 1990 ACR, the 2010 ACR preliminary and the modified 2010 ACR criteria, respectively. Adapted with permission
from REF.20, Springer.


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encoding catechol-Omethyltransferase, the dopamine trauma, particularly affecting the spine, has also
type 4 receptor, the serotonin 5hydroxytryptamine 2A frequently been described to trigger fibromyalgia43.
receptor and the serotonin transporters have been impli However, in many patients, no specific trigger can be
cated37. Data from both genome-wide association studies identified and the importance of particular infections
and copy number variant analyses have recently been and physical traumas in the aetiology of fibromyalgia
incorporated into our understanding of fibromyalgia has been contested44,45.
genetics38,39. Nonetheless, the risk attributable to these Fibromyalgia is much more common in individuals
genetic markers seems modest, with odds ratios (ORs) who have chronic pain that is attributable to peripheral
ranging between 1.5 and 5.4 (REF.32). pain generators. Thus, patients with inflammatory joint
To date, replicable genes of large effect size have not diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing
been found40. Similar to other complex conditions, a spondyloarthritis46 as well as joint hyperlaxity 47, often
large element of missing heritability remains to be develop typical fibromyalgia symptoms. Clinicians treat
explained through other pathways41. It is likely that the ing these patients must differentiate between peripheral
final CNS set point for pain processing is determined by and central aspects of pain, and treat both accordingly.
a large number of separate genetic markers that interact Fibromyalgia has also been associated with a variety
with lifetime events and behaviours. of psychological stressors, including childhood trauma
and abuse48, daily life hassles49, exposure to war, cata
Stressors and environmental factors strophic events and persecution50. These links have led
Various infections have been linked to fibromyalgia. to extensive research into the human stress system,
Infections with EpsteinBarr virus or parvovirus, which has revealed alterations in the hypothalamic
brucellosis and Lyme disease are often cited, although any pituitaryadrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous
prolonged febrile disorder, particularly if accompanied system in patients with fibromyalgia and related condi
by protracted bed rest, might act as a trigger 42. Physical tions51. A recent review has reported decreased heart rate
variability, sympathetic overactivity and a blunted auto
nomic response to stress in patients with fibromyalgia52.
Nociception- However, these findings are only noted in a subset of
Hypothalamus inhibiting
neurons patients and are partly related to comorbidities, such as
Pain Transmission of the deconditioning and early-life trauma52. The causal direc
pain signal to the brain tion of the relationship between fibromyalgia andauto
facilitating nomic dysfunction and whether treatment and
neurons improvement of any of these abnormalities is associated
Cortex Thalamus with amelioration of symptoms is notknown.

Hypothalamus Understanding pain centralization

Input Modulation
Activation of peripheral pain receptors (nociceptors;
FIG.1) by noxious stimuli generates signals that travel
to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord via the dorsal root
Ascending Descending
Dorsal root input modulation ganglion. From the dorsal horn, the signals are carried
ganglion along the ascending pain pathway or the spinothalamic
Dorsal horn Activation of the CNS tract to the thalamus and the cortex. Pain can be con
at the spinal cord trolled by pain-inhibiting and pain-facilitating neurons.
Descending signals originating in supraspinal centres
can modulate activity in the dorsal horn by controlling
Spinothalamic tract
spinal pain transmission.
Pain centralization has emerged as a prominent
nerve hypothesis for the pathogenesis of fibromyalgia. This
term simply means that the CNS has the leading role
Joint in the augmentation or amplification of pain, and in
Trauma the development of other comorbid symptoms (such
as disturbed sleep, fatigue, memory and depressed
Skin mood). There are two broad groups of individuals with
nociceptors Activation of the centralized pain53. The first (which has previously been
peripheral nervous system referred to as primary fibromyalgia) are individuals
with no identifiable ongoing nociceptive input that
Figure 1 | Pain processing and its modulation. Activation of peripheral pain
Nature Reviews | Disease Primers could account for pain, such as damage or inflammation.
receptors (also called nociceptors) by noxious stimuli generates signals that travel
These individuals often develop regional pain conditions
tothedorsal horn of the spinal cord via the dorsal root ganglion. From the dorsal horn,
thesignals are carried along the ascending pain pathway or the spinothalamic tract (including headache, temporomandibular disorder, IBS,
tothe thalamus and the cortex. Pain can be controlled by nociception-inhibiting and dysmenorrhea and interstitial cystitis) as well as other
nociception-facilitating neurons. Descending signals originating in the supraspinal somatic and psychological symptoms (including fatigue,
centres can modulate activity in the dorsal horn by controlling spinal pain transmission. anxiety and depression) early in life. Over time, pain
CNS, central nervous system. Figure from REF.160, Nature Publishing Group. becomes widespread and recognized as fibromyalgia.

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CNS hyper-responsiveness and dysregulation

for pain and sensory

Genetic set point

Diuse hyperalgesia, allodynia and
sensory hyper-responsiveness
Altered functional
CNS neuroplasticity
Modications by and reorganization
the environment

Neurotransmitter Altered HPA axis

imbalance and autonomic function
Stressors, trauma and infection
Cognitive and behavioural Hypo-
responses to pain thalamus
Psychological co-morbidities
substance P Pituitary
and NGF gland
Contributory peripheral factors
Ongoing peripheral nociceptive input
from co-morbidities Adrenal
Inactivity and deconditioning gland
Obesity (causing slight Serotonin,
increase in the levels of noradrenaline
pro-inammatory cytokines)? and GABA

Figure 2 | Potential pathophysiological processes in fibromyalgia. Sensitization of the central

Nature nervous| Disease
Reviews system (CNS)
has been suggested as one of the main pathophysiological changes underlying fibromyalgia16. The genetic set point for
sensory (including pain) regulation can be modified by psychological factors, such as anxiety, depression and
catastrophizing and biopsychosocial stress (for example, trauma, childhood adversities, major life events or infections).
Peripheral factors, such as ongoing nociceptive input produced by co-morbidities, can also affect pathogenesis. In the
CNS, several changes can be noted, including neurotransmitter imbalances, altered functional connectivity and changes
in the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis, which influence the autonomic system. Red arrows represent stressors.
GABA, aminobutyric acid; NGF, nerve growth factor.

The second category of fibromyalgia or centralized windup)58. Patients with fibromyalgia have demonstrated
pain occurs as a co-morbidity in individuals with a increased windup and temporal summation59, although
disease that has identifiable ongoing nociceptive input conflicting results have been reported recently 60 (FIG.2).
(such as osteoarthritis, autoimmune disorders and sickle Another closely related mechanism involves reduc
cell disease)53. We do not yet know if these are the same tion in the capacity of the CNS to achieve descending
or different conditions. It is possible that primary fibro pain modulation. This effect termed conditioned pain
myalgia is a top-down process, whereas the second cat modulation (CPM) is attenuated in many patients with
egory is a bottomup process. Centralization of pain can fibromyalgia61. Interestingly, positive expectations of pain
be driven by ongoing peripheral nociceptive input, as relief can achieve effective analgesia, despite not altering
evidenced by total knee replacements in osteoarthritis54; spinal hyperexcitability and impairing the recruitment of
however, this evidence seems to be less-robust in the set CPM62. This finding implies that higher cortical areas can
ting of osteoarthritis with concomitant fibromyalgia55. compensate for deficient inhibitorycontrol62.
Although interventions to reduce nociceptive input CPM is mediated by both descending opioidergic and
have not been shown to dramatically alter the long-term serotonergicnoradrenergic pathways. Although both
course of fibromyalgia56, physicians should identify and inhibitory systems could theoretically be involved in the
treat peripheral pain generators when possible. attenuation of CPM in fibromyalgia, decreased activity of
Several mechanisms have been described and serotonergicnoradrenergic pathways is probably at fault.
incorporated into the concept of centralized pain, For example, in the cerebrospinal fluid, the levels of the
including mechanisms acting at the spinal level as well main noradrenaline metabolites63, such as 3methoxy
as interactions and altered connectivity between pain 4hydroxyphenethylene, and the serum levels of sero
and non-pain-related brain areas. At the spinal level, tonin, tryptophan and 5hydroxyindoleacetic acid
central sensitization encompasses active amplification (5HIAA)64 are lower in patients with fibromyalgia than
of sensory stimulation, which enhances pain response to in healthy controls. Serotoninnoradrenaline reuptake
noxious stimuli, and recruitment of normally sublimi inhibitors (SNRIs) have been shown to reach a mini
nal low-threshold sensory inputs, which can then acti mal clinically important difference in trials for treating
vate the pain circuit57. One such mechanism is temporal chronic pain and fibromyalgia65. It is unclear whether
summation of second pain, which results from repetitive this effect is the direct result of restoring CPM by increas
stimulation of peripheral Cfibres and reflects a dorsal ing the concentrations of these two neurotransmitters in
horn neuron summation mechanism (also known as the cerebrospinal fluid, but the finding that patients with


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chronic neuropathic pain and decreased CPM preferen between pain-inhibitory areas81. Thus, fibromyalgia is
tially respond to duloxetine (an SNRI) compared with associated with objective signs of altered connectivity,
patients with a normal modulation pattern of efficient which might serve as both a biomarker and a tool to
CPM strongly supports this mechanism66. Many cen direct rational treatment development.
trally acting drugs show favourable responses in more Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy has shown
than one domain; patients with reduced pain are likely increased glutamate activity and decreased insular
to have improvements in other symptoms that are driven levels of aminobutyric acid (GABA)82. The assump
by the same neurotransmitter abnormalities. tion that GABA plays a pathophysiological part is sup
In fibromyalgia, there is decreased opioid receptor ported by the fact that GABA agonists, for example,
binding in the pain-processing areas of the brain67, which hydroxybutyrate and even low amounts of alcohol83,
implies increased baseline endogenous opioidergic activ can lead to symptomatic improvements in some patients
ity 68. This finding might be related to the induction of with fibromyalgia.
socalled opioid-induced hyperalgesia, a clinical phenom
enon attributed to the opioid-induced Toll-like receptor 4 Emerging pathophysiological abnormalities
(TLR4)-mediated activation of glial cells69. Such activa Although fibromyalgia has historically evolved from
tion concurs with the clinical experience, which shows being considered an inflammatory to a non-inflamma
that exogenous opiates are generally ineffective (and tory syndrome, recent intriguing evidence points to the
overused) for managing chronic pain associated with possibility that subtle immunological and inflammatory
fibromyalgia, whereas low-dose naltrexone, an opioid factors might have a role. Glial cells have been implicated
antagonist, has shown modestbenefit70. in maintaining central sensitization and seem to partici
Glutamate levels in the cerebrospinal fluid are pate in causing chronic pain, through the production of
increased in fibromyalgia71, and proton magnetic reso various chemokines and cytokines84, such as IL6 and
nance spectroscopy has demonstrated increased insu IL8, which have increased levels in the sera of patients
lar glutamate levels, which change in correlation with with fibromyalgia85.
clinical and experimental pain72. In addition, treating Interesting findings have recently been reported
fibromyalgia pharmacologically with pregabalin, an regarding peripheral nervous system abnormalities.
anticonvulsant drug that reduces the release of several Quantitative sensory testing, pain-related evoked poten
neurotransmitters, was associated with decreased insu tials and punch biopsy of the skin have demonstrated
lar glutamatergic activity, which correlated with both impaired small nerve fibre function and reduced small
neuroimaging and clinical responses73. These results, as fibre density in patients with fibromyalgia86. Thus,
well as a recent study suggesting efficacy of memantine, central and peripheral factors might interact in the
which acts on the glutamatergic system as an Nmethyl- development of chronicpain.
daspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist 74, indicate
that glutamate might be an important agent of pain Alternative hypotheses
centralization in fibromyalgia. Understanding the pathogenesis of fibromyalgia is
Nerve growth factor and substance P are additional an ongoing project 87. As classification and diagnostic
pro-nociceptive neurotransmitters that are increased criteria continue to evolve, technological advances in
in fibromyalgia75,76. Cerebrospinal fluid levels of nerve neuroimaging, genetics and immunology provide novel
growth factor, in particular, have been shown to be tools for understanding the neurological basis of pain
increased in primary but not in secondary fibro centralization. Determining cause and effect regarding
myalgia75, which supports the distinction between the association between diverse clinical symptoms and
topdown and bottomup mechanisms (FIG.2). neurophysiological imaging data remains challenging.
Furthermore, the pathophysiological mechanisms dis
Neuroimaging abnormalities cussed above are disputed considered unproven or
In a functional MRI (fMRI) study, a lower pressure stim are over-interpreted by some researchers.
ulus was required to produce similar central somato Proponents of pain centralization describe the pri
sensory cortical activation in people with fibromyalgia mary pathophysiological issue of fibromyalgia as the pain
than was required for the same level of activation in the volume control system being set too high87. However,
brains of healthy controls77. This and subsequent stud considerable current research suggests that periph
ies78 have provided objective evidence of an increased eral pain generators play a small part and that the CNS
CNS set point for experimental pain in fibromyalgia. component is largely independent of peripheralinput.
Comorbid psychological factors, such as catastro If peripheral signalling is not essential to the experi
phizing or depression, which are present in a subset of ence of fibromyalgia pain, it is unclear how the patho
patients, can amplify these abnormalities, and this can be physiology can be best described as pain augmentation
seen in neuroimaging studies with increases in activity in or pain amplification. Thus, findings of CNS alterations
limbic regions in individuals with these co-morbidities78. that are used to support the idea of pain centralization
Resting-state connectivity analysis is a more-recent also support other CNS-based hypotheses, including
advance that has been helpful in studying CNS activ the consequences of personality traits (such as pain
ity in fibromyalgia. Increased connectivity between the catastrophizing), sympathetic nervous system dysfunc
default mode network and insula was related to sponta tion88, theevolutionary stress response89, pain memory 90
neous pain intensity 79,80 as well as decreased connectivity andthe activation of homeostatic neural programmes.

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These alternative ideas might also provide impor By the late 1980s, different criteria sets for fibromyalgia
tant insights into why painful experiences are largely had emerged94. However, no clear agreement was made
independent from peripheral input in fibromyalgia91. between clinicians on which tender point sites should be
Although there is much evidence of physiological examined, how they should be examined or how many
differences between people with fibromyalgia and those sites had to be tender for a positive examination. Similarly,
without, the physical phenomena themselves poorly no rules were established on how to assess the symptoms.
correlate with symptom severity and are neither nec Both in the clinic and in the research setting, the reliability
essary nor sufficient to cause or sustain fibromyalgia60. and validity of the available criteria was not tested95.
Multiple neurological mechanisms regulate pain, but
there is no evidence that any of these processes, or The 1990 ACR criteria. A group of rheumatologists of the
their interdependent coordination, cause fibromyalgia. ACR with expertise in fibromyalgia compared patients
These altered mechanisms found in patients with fibro with fibromyalgia diagnosed by their individual cri
myalgia are not unique to fibromyalgia and may reflect teria with age-matched and sex-matched controls (who
predisposing factors, contributing endophenotypes had local pain syndromes or (potential) inflammatory
orepiphenomena. rheumatic diseases). The ACR committee found that the
presence of widespread pain combined with atleast 11
Diagnosis, screening and prevention out of 18 tender points best separated patients with fibro
No confirmatory blood tests (biomarkers), imaging myalgia from controls3. Some combinations of symptoms
or histological analysis are available for fibromyalgia. (for example, fatigue and cognitive problems) were not
However, for the initial assessment of a patient with evaluated because the committee did not recognize the
chronic widespread pain, national (Canadian, German importance of these symptoms at the time of the study.
and Israeli) guidelines have proposed diagnostic work- The panel suggested that the presence of 11 out of 18
ups, including obtaining a history of pharmacological tender points and the simultaneous presence of chronic
drug use, complete medical assessment and some labora widespread pain for at 3months should be the classi
tory tests (including complete blood count, Creactive fication criteria for fibromyalgia (TABLE2). Patients with
protein levels, serum calcium levels, creatine phospho primary and secondary (that is, concomitant to an inflam
kinase levels and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels10,92) matory rheumatic disease) did not significantly differ in
to screen for medical conditions that can mimic fibro any studyvariable3.
myalgia symptoms. Particular concerns are widespread Although initially intended for research purposes,
metastatic cancer and statin-induced muscle pain10,92. these criteria were soon widely used for clinical diagno
In addition, the diagnosis of other medical conditions sis, particularly among rheumatologists, as well as in basic
that contribute to widespread pain is important for the science and in clinical studies95. Indeed, numerous con
management of the patient, because for example cerns were raised on the reliability and validity of the TPE
severe osteoarthritis of the knee as a cause of knee pain when used for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia in the clinical
would require treatment strategies other than those setting, which eventually led to the recommendation to
forfibromyalgia. stop their use in the clinic96. In support of this recom
A diagnosis of fibromyalgia is currently made based mendation, a standardized TPE protocol was developed97.
on the history of fibromyalgia-like symptoms and the However, this protocol was almost never used by rheuma
exclusion of another somatic condition that sufficiently tologists in clinical practice, and was used only in a few
explains the symptoms10. However, the criteria for clinical and basic science studies. Furthermore, the TPE
fibromyalgia have undergone numerous revisions since was shown to be influenced by the interaction between
firstreported. the patient and examiner and was highly correlated
with distress98. The TPE was a poor marker ofchange in
Diagnostic criteria clinical studies and the reliability and validity of the TPE
Pre-ACR diagnostic criteria. Illnesses characterized outside the context of fibromyalgia-specialized rheuma
by chronic widespread pain and chronic fatigue were tology settings was never tested. Moreover, fibromyal
identified as early as the nineteenth century. Sporadic gia is not a disorder that is exclusively diagnosed and
descriptions of fibromyalgia-like symptoms were avail treated by rheumatologists. Patients are also diagnosed
able throughout the literature in the 1960s2. The mod and treated by general practitioners, pain specialists or
ern construct of fibromyalgia arose in 1977 from an mental health specialists the TPE is largely ignored
article by Smythe and Moldofsky 93 with contributions in these settings. Indeed, increased tenderness, or hyper
to the understanding of fibrositis syndrome. They algesia or allodynia, to pressure stimuli in patients with
proposed clinical criteria based on what they saw as fibromyalgia had been replicated by standardized experi
key features of fibrositis syndrome: unrefreshing sleep mental procedures; its relevance and specificity for the
and tender points. Tender points were defined as pre- diagnosis of fibromyalgia had been questioned99.
specifiedpoints on the body that were particularly sensi
tive to pressure in individuals with the syndrome. The 2010 ACR preliminary diagnostic criteria. The 2010
presence of widespread aching for longer than 3months ACR preliminary diagnostic criteria5 (TABLE2) addressed
and disturbed sleep with morning fatigue and stiffness numerous problems with the 1990 ACR criteria. First, the
were also required in these criteria. Decreased pain 2010 ACR preliminary criteria eliminated the TPE, which
threshold was measured by a count of tenderpoints. was replaced by the Widespread Pain Index (WPI). The


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Table 2 | The 1990, 2010 preliminary and modified 2010 ACR criteria for fibromyalgia
Criteria Diagnostic items Comments Refs
1990 ACR Widespread pain (bilateral, above Tender points can be found at the spine, shoulders, ribs, 3
criteria and below the waist and axial) hips and knees and often at the sites of insertions of
Pain in 11 out of 18 tender points ligaments, muscles and tendons
(on palpation with a force of ~4kg)
2010 ACR Widespread pain and substantial Pain is scored by the physician according to the number 5
preliminary somatic symptoms of affected areas (total score: 019), andsymptom
criteria Symptoms present for 3months severity ranges from no problem (0) to severe
No other disorder that could symptoms(3) in four domains (fatigue, unrefreshing
explain the pain sleep, cognitive and somatic symptoms; total score:
012). Total score: 031
Modified 2010 Modified version of the 2010 Widespread Pain Index is scored by the patient 19
ACR criteria ACR preliminary criteria according to the number of affected areas (total score:
(research (entirelyself-reported assessment 019). The symptom severity score is modified to include
or survey of symptoms) headaches, pain or cramps in the lower abdomen and
criteria) depression (total score: 012). Total score: 031
ACR, American College of Rheumatology.

WPI is a 019 count of the number of body regions that the validity of the questionnaire must be determined
are reported as painful or sensitive to pressure (tender) bythephysician. Self-diagnosis of fibromyalgia based
by the patient. Second, the criteria assessed on a 03 only on the FSQ is strongly discouraged95,100. The combi
severity scale a series of symptoms that were defined nation of the continuous scale WPI and SS score (that is,
as additional key symptoms of fibromyalgia: fatigue, the Fibromyalgia Symptom Scale) enables the assessment
unrefreshing sleep, cognitive problems and the extent of the symptom burden in patients instead of classifying
of somatic symptom reporting. The items were com patients as fibromyalgia positive or negative100.
bined into a 012point Symptom Severity (SS) Scale.
Last, theWPI and SS Scale could be combined5. In addi Clinical implications of different criteria
tion,the diagnostic criteria require that the patient has The concordance rates of the 1990 ACR, 2010 ACR
had symptoms present at a similar level for 3months preliminary and modified 2010 ACR diagnostic criteria
and the patient does not have another disorder that in validation studies conducted in clinical samples in
would otherwise sufficiently explain thepain5. Canada101, Germany 102, Japan103 and Spain104 were high.
The use of the 2010 ACR preliminary and modified 2010
Modified 2010 ACR diagnostic criteria (research or ACR criteria will probably lead to a higher prevalence
survey criteria). The assessment of the modified 2010 in men, because the bias towards diagnosis in women
ACR diagnostic criteria in the clinical setting was at bythe 1990 ACR classification criteria was eliminated by
least as time consuming as the 1990 ACR classifica the new diagnostic criteria in the general population,
tion criteria. The WPI and SS Scale items require a more positive tender points can be detected in women
detailed and thoughtful interview of the patient. than inmen95.
Symptom assessment by physicians is inherently sub
jective. The Fibromyalgia Survey Questionnaire (FSQ; Challenges of the diagnosis
also known as the Fibromyalgia Symptom Scale andthe Many patients report a long delay of the first diagnosis
Polysymptomatic Distress Scale) was developed for of fibromyalgia105. Potential reasons are as follows: some
theself-reported (that is, by the patients) assessment physicians might not recognize that some people with
ofthe key symptoms of fibromyalgia in survey research chronic pain would satisfy fibromyalgia criteria; other
and in settings where the use of interviews to evaluate doctors do not use the diagnostic label of fibromyal
the number of pain sites and extent of somatic symptom gia because they disagree with the concept of fibro
intensity would bedifficult. myalgia;and some physicians think that the diagnosis
The FSQ substituted the assessment of the extent of will be harmful to the patient and/or health care sys
somatic symptom intensity completed by physicians tem. However, making a valid diagnosis of fibromyal
with a questionnaire assessing the number of pain sites gia and properly explaining it to the patient can often
and somatic symptom severity completed by the patient. decrease the patients anxiety, reduce unnecessary fur
Patients who satisfy the research criteria (a diagnosis of ther investigations of symptoms and provide a rational
fibromyalgia in a research context) meet the following framework to apply interventions such as exercise, which
conditions: the patient has a WPI of 7 out of 19 pain is knownto be useful for this disorder 10.
sites and an SS score of 5 out of 12, or a WPI of between Inaccuracy, mostly observed to be overdiagnosis,
3 and 6 pain sites and an SS score of 9. The symptoms by referring physicians has been reported by rheuma
should be present for at least 3months19. tology centres106,107. Data from the US National Health
Given that the WPI and SS Scale comprise the FSQ, Interview Survey has shown that 75% of individuals who
this questionnaire can be used to assist medical diag reported a physicians diagnosis of fibromyalgia did not
nosis. However, the interpretation and assessment of satisfy fibromyalgia research criteria108.

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CNS neurostimulation Decreased descending challenges in the management of fibromyalgia are due to
serotonin and noradrenaline heterogeneity in clinical presentation and multiplicity of
activity (for example, tricyclic core symptoms, which makes fibromyalgia a prototypic
antidepressants, SNRIs
(duloxetine and milnacipran) example of the dictum one size does not fit all. Targeting
and tramadol) core symptoms (including pain, fatigue, unrefreshing
sleep and mood disorders) is a good starting point, but
it needs to be understood that individual treatments sel
therapy, stress reduction dom address all symptoms. Particularly challenging to
and meditative movement Decreased -hydroxybutyrate treat are fatigue and difficulties with cognition, which are
treatment (for example, GABA, commonly aggravated by adverse effects of pharmacologi
gabapentinoids, memantine
and low amounts of alcohol*) cal treatments but do not have any specific medical inter
vention. Treatment recommendations should be guided
by the evidence-based literature while still being aware of
clinical experience and patient preferences. This creates
a tension between the published evidence and clini
Exercise and rehabilitation Identify and treat peripheral cal practice. Although the medical community tends to
nociceptive input look to pharmaceutical preparations, drug treatments for
symptom relief in fibromyalgia tend to only offer a modest
Non-pharmacological treatments effect on average114. As only three drugs (duloxetine and
Pharmacological treatments milnacipran (SNRIs), and pregabalin (an anticonvulsant))
Both pharmocological and are approved for fibromyalgia in various countries world
non-pharmacological treatments
wide, but none in Europe, most pharmacological treat
ments remain off-label114. In addition, the drug doses that
Figure 3 | Potential therapies for fibromyalgia. Both non-pharmacological (such
Nature Reviews | Disease Primers
are actually taken by patients are often considerably lower
ascognitivebehavioural therapy and exercise) and pharmacological treatment (such as
gabapentinoid anticonvulsants and antidepressants) options are available for than those reported in clinical trials, attrition in medica
fibromyalgia16. CNS, central nervous system; GABA, aminobutyric acid; SNRI, tion use is common and some medications that are pre
serotoninnoradrenaline reuptake inhibitor. *Plausible treatment. Could be treated ferred by patients27,28 are untested or not recommended
both ways depending on the co-morbidity. by current guidelines92.

General treatment principles

Screening In the past decade, guidelines for the management of
Fibromyalgia criteria can highlight the somatic and fibromyalgia have been reported by groups in Europe,
psychological symptom burden in patients with lower North America and the Middle East 92. The essence of
back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, headache and other pain all current guidelines, supported by a recent network
syndromes109. Thus, it is useful to screen patients with meta-analysis115, is to emphasize the value of multimodal
chronic pain for fibromyalgia using theFSQ. treatments that encompass both non-pharmacological
and selected pharmacological treatments tailored to the
Risk factors individual. In line with the heterogeneity of symptoms,
A biopsychosocial model of factors that predispose, trig no single treatment is effective for all patients. In addi
ger and perpetuate fibromyalgia symptoms has been tion, owing to the scant resources available in the pub
suggested44. Potential predisposing factors are genes37, lic health sector worldwide, it is commendable to apply
lifestyle factors (such as obesity and physical inactivity)110, cost-effectiveness evaluations alongside treatment trials
low socioeconomic status111, psychological and physical to inform policy makers about the treatment choices that
stress112 and sleep disturbances113. Physical andsexual generate maximum benefits for patients and society.
abuse in childhood and adolescence48 and somatic dis
eases (such as rheumatoid arthritis111) often precede Non-pharmacological management
the development of fibromyalgia symptoms. However, Recent guidelines strongly recommend patient educa
fibromyalgia is observed among individuals who do not tion to emphasize validity of symptoms, importance of
demonstrate any of these risk factors. self-management techniques, recommendation to remain
working and expectation for normal life expectancy. Non-
Prevention pharmacological strategies that promote self-efficacy,
Most clinically relevant and potentially modifi physical activity and good health-related behaviours
able risk factors for fibromyalgia currently fall into should be recommended for all patients92 (TABLE3).
the psychological and sociocultural areas, such as the There is less evidence for the effect of many non-
promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the reduction of pharmacological strategies than for drug treatments for
childhoodmaltreatment. methodological reasons. Cognitivebehavioural thera
pies show sustained benefit for pain, mood and function,
Management and some third-generation psychological therapies such
As pathogenetic mechanisms in fibromyalgia are as acceptance and commitment therapy and mindfulness-
increasingly understood, treatments begin to move from based stress reduction are promising but need further
empirical to more rational approaches (FIG.3). Current study 116119. Moreover, cognitivebehavioural therapies


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have recently shown evidence of cost effectiveness com Pharmacological management

pared with drugs recommended by the US FDA, but these All drug treatments must balance efficacy and adverse
are often not readily available for patients owing to both effects, especially on those that affect cognition and
accessibility and cost120. Accordingly, non-pharmacological fatigue. Drug treatments must be reevaluated to ensure
treatments have the potential to offer a broader range of the need for continuation and should be prescribed
symptom relief and benefits to generalhealth. inthe lowest effective dose, which is often lower than the
Aerobic exercise, cognitivebehavioural therapies and doses reported for clinical trials, and ideally for a limited
multicomponent therapy, which incorporate at least one time. Patients with fibromyalgia use on average at least
educational or psychological therapy and one exercise two classes of medications, with some even prescribed
therapy, offer an advantage over treatment as usual or five or more classes25,27,28.
waiting list control121. Water-based exercise or meditative Pain is traditionally treated with simple analgesics,
activities that include movement such as Tai Chi can be NSAIDs or opioid medications. However, NSAIDs lack
attractive options for those who begin an exercise routine superiority compared with placebo for fibromyalgia
and for those who are overweight or deconditioned122,123. symptoms, and are associated with considerable adverse
Participation in a regular community-based exercise pro effects124. We can speculate that patients and rheumatolo
gramme is accessible to most people, is affordable and gists assume that fibromyalgia is a rheumatic disease and
promotes contact with others in a social milieu that might that the standard pain relief in rheumatic diseaseis an
deemphasize the sick-person role that contributes to the NSAID. Another explanation is that patients take NSAIDs
medicalization of patients. The choice of physical activ because of co-morbid osteoarthritis28. Tramadol, a weak
ity should be guided by patient preference to maintain -opioid receptor agonist with serotoninnoradrenaline-
compliance. Treatments that entirely depend on inter enhancing activity, has shown a modest effect on pain,
action with a health care professional should be limited but no changes in health-related quality of life (HRQOL),
to discourage the impression of passive dependency and was associated with an adverse effect profile similar
on health care. Some non-pharmacological treatments to other opioid agents124. With increasing concerns related
with large effect sizes, such as balneotherapy (water to adverse effects and negative impact on outcome, the
therapy) and magnetic cerebral stimulation, might not use of strong opioids is discouraged in fibromyalgia124,125.
be available to most patients and require further study Ifused in selected patients, treatment should begin with a
beforerecommendation116,122,123. weakeropioidagonists, such as tramadol, before stronger
opioids, which include morphine, hydromorphone and
oxycodone, are considered92. Nevertheless, 2550% of
Table 3 | Comparison of treatment recommendations of three guidelines all patients with fibromyalgia receive an opioid, with
Intervention Canada Germany Israel tramadol being prescribed for over 25% of patients125.
(level of evidence/ (level of evidence/ (level of evidence/ Antidepressants and anticonvulsants are the best-
strength of strength of strength of studied pharmacological treatment in fibromyalgia,
recommendation) recommendation) recommendation) with fewer studies of other drug classes, such as cannabi
Aerobic exercise Ia/A Ia/A Ia/A noids, dopamine agonists and hypnotics114. The absence
Amitriptyline Ia/A Ia/B Ia/A of studies for many drug categories can be explained by
Anticonvulsants Ia/A Ia/C Ia/A
the requirement for investigator-driven studies ofagents
(gabapentin and that are currently available for the treatment of other con
pregabalin) ditions, often without patent restrictions and, therefore,
Balneotherapy No comment Ia/B Ia/C with less incentive for the involvement of the pharma
ceutical industry. Antidepressant medications have been
Cognitive Ia/A Ia/A* Ia/A
behavioural the cornerstone of recommended pharmacological treat
therapy ments; these drugs increase serotonin and noradrenaline
levels and show effects on pain that are mainly independ
Multicomponent Ia/A Ia/A Ia/A
therapy ent of the effects on mood. A recent systematic review
provides support for the effect of pregabalin126, dulox
SNRIs (duloxetine Ia/A Ia/B or C Ia/A
and milnacipran) etine and milnacipran65. As these drugs have different
modes of action, combination therapy should be investi
SSRIs Ia/A Ia/C Neither positive gated in future research. Antidepressant medications are
nor negative
recommendation believed to act primarily by influencing the descending
pain modulatory system via molecules such as sero
Tramadol IIa/C No comment IIa/B
tonin and noradrenaline65. Cyclobenzaprine, which
The level of evidence according to the Canadian guideline in the order of the strength of is structurally analogous to tricyclic antidepressants,
recommendation93,106,107. Comparison of treatment recommendations of three guidelines from
REF.92. Ia: systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. IIa: one has sleep-promoting effects in low doses127. Low-dose
well-conducted randomized controlled trial. A: strong recommendation the intervention amitriptyline, a tricyclic antidepressant, has shown a
should be offered to most of the patients. B: recommendation the intervention can be offered
to the majority of patients. The intervention cannot be offered to a substantial minority of
favourable effect size for pain relief, sleep disturbance
patients. C: open recommendation the intervention can be offered to a minority of patients. and fatigue, but its use is limited by anticholinergic and
SNRI, serotoninnoradrenaline reuptake inhibitor; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. antihistamine adverse effects, as well as the development
*Ifcombined with exercise. B in cases with a co-morbid depressive or generalized anxiety
disorder and C in cases without co-morbid depressive or generalized anxiety disorder. In cases of tachyphylaxis (adecrease in the effect after repeated
of only one randomized controlled trial with positive results, no recommendation was given. administration)127. Owing to the adverse effect profile of

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Table 4 | Health-related quality of life in large fibromyalgia studies was superior to placebo for its effect on pain but not
for fatigue and sleep70. Agents that promote sleep in
HRQOL measure Scale range n Score in fibromyalgia (SD) Refs fibromyalgia include zopiclone 133, low-dose cyclo
QALY 01* 2,575 0.56 (0.09) 138 benzaprine127 and quetiapine134. Agents that have been
EuroQol5D 01 2,733 0.61 (0.22) 140 primarily used as anti-emetic drugs (against vomiting
and nausea) are the 5hydroxytryptamine3 recep
SF36 PCS 0100 2,733 31.9 (9.6) 141
tor antagonists, with some preliminary evidence for
8,186 31.8 (8.8) 144 effect in fibromyalgia135. Sodium oxybate, which affects
2,098 34.0 (7.3) 181 hydroxybutyric acid receptors held promise for the
SF36 MCS 0100 2,733 41.9 (12.5) 140 management of symptoms in fibromyalgia, but general
8,186 41.6 (12.2) 144 concerns about public safety have precluded approval by
licensing bodiesworldwide136.
2,098 37.3 (11.2) 181
As the efficacy of monotherapy is limited and most
HAQ 03 1,555 1.3 (0.6) 142 patients use drug combinations, well-designed clinical
8,186 1.1 (0.6) 144 trials that explore drug combinations selected on the
HAQ, Health Assessment Questionnaire; HRQOL, health-related quality of life; MCS, Mental basis of potential additive or synergistic effects should
Component Summary; PCS, Physical Component Summary; QALY, quality-adjusted life year; be performed137.
SF36, Short Form36 Health Survey. *0 represents death, 1 represents perfect health.
Quality of life
tricyclic antidepressants, other antidepressants includ As described above, fibromyalgia is defined as a col
ing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and lection of severe pain and physical and psychological
SNRIs have been studied. In a systematic review of 26 symptoms in the absence of an attributable pathological
studies of amitriptyline, SSRIs and SNRIs, all agents, with cause4. This defines fibromyalgia as a state of diminished
the exception of citalopram, showed a positive effect on HRQOL, which represents an inherent tautology. Unlike
pain, with also some effect on fatigue, depression, sleep with other diseases, inferences about fibromyalgia caus
and improved quality of life128. Subsequent studies have ing reductions in HRQOL must be made cautiously, as
reported that the effect size for pain reduction was most fibromyalgia cannot be both a cause and itseffect.
evident for tricyclic antidepressants, with SSRIs and The amount of diminishment in HRQOL that fibro
SNRIs showing a smaller effect on pain and, in general, myalgia represents is a vigorously studied and debated
a lesser effect on other core symptoms115,124. Overall, topic. Many different scales have been used to estimate
severe adverse events related to antidepressants, espe how much diminishment in HRQOL fibromyalgia
cially SNRIs, are rare, but 20% of patients discontinue represents in the clinical setting (TABLE4).
treatment owing to intolerance65. One way to consider the HRQOL burden of fibro
Anticonvulsant medications dampen neuronal excit myalgia is to compare it to other diseases, using tools such
ability both peripherally and centrally. Gabapentinoids as the quality-adjusted life year (QALY) and the EuroQol
(second-generation anticonvulsants) have shown effi (EQ5D) scores. Both of these instruments score perfect
cacy in the treatment of fibromyalgia, although with health as 1 and death as 0, which enables comparison
small and clinically meaningful effect size126. Pregabalin across diseases. In fibromyalgia, QALY scores have been
has shown to lead to a slight reduction of pain and sleep estimated to be 0.56 (REF.138) and EQ5D scores range
problems but has limited effects on fatigue, depression, between 0.44 and 0.61 (REFS139,140). These scores tend
anxiety and quality of life126. In clinical practice, lower to be lower (more compromising of HRQOL) than the
doses compared with clinical trials are used owing to scores generally seen with other rheumatic, somatic and
adverse effects of drowsiness, weight gain and oedema129. psychological disorders, such as inflammatory arthri
Only a minority of patients report substantial benefits; tis (0.66), lower back pain (0.630.79), gout (0.77),
most will have moderate benefits. Studies as well as post- osteoarthritis (0.70), IBS (0.66), migraine (0.81), meno
marketing data65,124,126 indicate that there are few seri pause (0.73), depression (0.73) and neurotic disorders
ous adverse effects or drug interactions, but substantial (0.74)140,141. The reduction of HRQOL in fibromyalgia
adverse effects lead to discontinuation of treatment or approaches what is seen in blindness or low vision (0.69)
failure to achieve optimaldoses. and renal failure (0.65)141. The experience of illness in
Other drug categories that could be used in fibro fibromyalgia seems to be comparably worse than most
myalgia include cannabinoids, dopaminergic agents, other disorders.
naltrexone, tranquilizers and 5hydroxytryptamine3 The HRQOL burden of fibromyalgia can also be
receptor antagonists. As herbal cannabinoid use is considered from a population viewpoint. This has been
controversial, the pharmaceutical preparation nabilone measured using HRQOL instruments that are normal
might have some effect on pain and improved sleep130,131. ized to the population, particularly the Short Form36
The dopaminergic agent pramipexole was associated Health Survey (SF36). The SF36 scores the HRQOL of
with improvement in pain in a small study, but its use the population mean as 50, with increments of 10 corres
was tempered by gastrointestinal adverse effects132. ponding to a standard deviation from the population
Memantine has shown efficacy for pain relief with a mean. As shown in TABLE4, SF36 scores for the physical
number needed to treat of approximately six patients74. component in patients with fibromyalgia range between
In a single small study, the opioid antagonist naltrexone 1.5 and 2 standard deviations below the population


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mean (the bottom 510%), whereas scores for the mental Outlook
component are generally one standard deviation lower There is still much that is unknown and contested in
(the bottom 33%). Those who experience fibromyalgia fibromyalgia. To some of the authors of this Primer,
report feeling considerably worse than a large majority fibromyalgia represents a disease or a discrete dysfunc
of the general population. tion of human physiological processes. This perspective
For patients with fibromyalgia, the experience of is based on the interpretation of a wide array of physio
low levels of HRQOL is stable over time. Although logical differences between individuals withfibro
both pharmacological and non-pharmacological myalgia symptoms and healthy people. To others,
treatments have been shown to lead to modest ben fibromyalgia is simply a name given to the end of the
efits inHRQOL65,114,117, prospective population stud spectrum of frequently occurring and broadly defined
ies show that HRQOL levels are generally stable and symptoms. This spectrum (called polysymptomatic dis
far below population norms in fibromyalgia regardless tress by some and fibromyalgia symptoms by others) can
of therapy 142,143. However, this stability is somewhat be clearly demonstrated in epidemiological studies29,152
artificial. Symptom fluctuation is part of the expected and ranges from a minor to a major medical problem.
course of fibromyalgia. Meaningful improvements in The scientific search for answers to what fibromyalgia
symptoms, typically defined as 2530% improve is will hopefully provide greater insights into deeper
ment in symptom measurements (such as the Visual issues of what it means to be human. To fully understand
Analogue Scale for pain or the Fibromyalgia Impact fibromyalgia will require an understanding of the seem
Questionnaire)144 have been shown to occur in 25% of ingly dualistic biology that creates sensation and aware
people with fibromyalgia. Conversely, symptom severity ness, how our bodies, individual life events, personal
worsened in 36% of individuals with fibromyalgia in the history and memories and society shape our sensory
same prospective study 142. Fibromyalgia seems to have experiences, and the potential and limitations of human
little effect on overall mortality, except for increases in agency to change how our bodies feel. Despite its clinical
accidental deaths and suicide compared with the gen severity and obvious impact on the lives of the afflicted,
eral population. The standardized mortality OR com it remains possible that fibromyalgia is the result of the
pared with the US general population was increased for essential, unknown principles that govern consciousness
suicide(OR:3.31;95%CI:2.155.11) and for accidental and interoception rather than being caused by a particular
deaths (OR: 1.45; 95% CI: 1.022.06)145,146. The low level physiological dysfunction or a discrete medicaldisease91.
of HRQOL associated with fibromyalgia has an impor Clear answers to the question of the nature of fibro
tant impact on health care use and disablement. Direct myalgia will require scientific strategies that consider
and indirect health care costs of patients with fibromyal the wide range of factors that potentially predispose
gia are higher than those of matched peers and similar to individuals to develop fibromyalgia and perpetuate the
what is seen in other chronic diseases146150. Furthermore, symptoms. One such strategy that addresses complex
the rates of work disablement and receipt of disability and polygenic psychological syndromes is the Research
pensions are high in fibromyalgia149151, even when Domain Criteria (RDoC) project at the US National
compared with other chronic pain disorders13. Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)153. This ambitious
Although the aforementioned HRQOL estimates project aims to create a framework for incorporating
describe fibromyalgia severity, they cannot be consid genetics, neuroscience and behavioural science find
ered immutable. Recently, it has been demonstrated that ings into the research classification of mental disorders.
fibromyalgia symptoms exist on a continuum of levels of Future research might adopt similar methodology to
somatic and psychological symptom burden in popula better define the complex and interactional physiology
tions29. Moderate amounts of somatic and psychological of fibromyalgia. Such an approach would also enable
symptom burden that fall below what is calculated for exploration of concepts that do not fit gracefully into
fibromyalgia occur in a sizable proportion of people29,152. the current pathophysiological hypotheses for fibro
Furthermore, it has been shown that fibromyalgia symp myalgia, such as dysfunction of the stress response
toms wax and wane considerably in diagnosed individuals system, circadian rhythm abnormalities, endocrine or
over time, enough that 44% of patients with fibromyalgia paracrine phenomena, inflammation and the effects of
did not fulfil the severity criteria of fibromyalgia at some environmental modulators (such as smoking, diet, physi
point during prospective observations142. Such observa cal activity and adiposity). These research efforts could
tions support a view of fibromyalgia as the severe tail-end also be applied across the full spectrum of somatic and
of a spectrum of symptoms that everyone experiences in psychological symptom burden and in the setting of
ever-shifting amounts, emphasizing the arbitrariness of other concomitant illnesses and diseases. When applied
selecting a cut-off point for fibromyalgia95,153. These new to patients, this approach has the potential to address
ideas are already influencing the academic discussion of concerns about the arbitrariness of the fibromyalgia
fibromyalgia. Ultimately, the level of symptom severity diagnosis. Symptomatic patients could be identified
that is considered to be fibromyalgia is governed by con in a matrix that incorporates all relevant data, without
sensus and is susceptible to redefinition based on shifting requiring the need for a particular diagnostic label, and
ideas in academic medicine. Thus, the decline in HRQOL treatment could by tailored accordingly. If successful, this
that fibromyalgia represents today might change over approach could bring an end to the fibromyalgia wars by
time, with potential ramifications on diagnosis, health providing unbiased insight into the biological nature of
care use, social benefits andentitlements154. fibromyalgia. The meaning and importance of biological

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data in fibromyalgia will become clearer with time, but and a challenge for clinicians and researchers. Clinical
our understanding and management will be improved if trials of pharmaceutical agents frequently demonstrate
we follow the science rather than guess at the meaning the ability to induce minimally important clinical differ
of the science. ences in pain at 3months of use8,65,115,128, but drug treat
Until the answer to what fibromyalgia is avails itself, ments have not been shown to be particularly effective or
physicians will be pressed to provide guidance about what maintained for extended periods of time when studied in
it means to have fibromyalgia symptoms and what can be more general populations142. The development of treat
done to palliate them. It is essential to aid patients and ments that benefit patients over their lifetime remains a
society in understanding that, despite its ambiguity, the major challenge.
experience of fibromyalgia is common in both modern Physicians are continuing to innovate to respond to
and historic societies, is not caused by conscious choice these clinical challenges. New ways are being developed
or desire to deceive and is not a neurological destiny to keep patients engaged with non-pharmacological
that is outside a persons ability to influence. Underlying treatments. Mobile-based therapeutic approaches have
all consensus statements about treatment is the need for been recommended to improve access to evidence-
physicians to educate and orient patients about their based, continued and integrated care156,157. Preliminary
problem, strengthen self-efficacy and personal respon evidence of the effectiveness of Internet-based cognitive
sibility for their care and habits, and provide treatments behavioural therapies and virtual reality suggests that
to help patients manage both the daytoday variations of such approaches have promise158,159. Improving recogni
their symptoms and the chronic issues that have the least tion of specific risk factors that predispose to fibromyal
potential to causeharm. gia, as well as early clinical identification, might enable
Despite best intentions and the desire to advocate for behavioural andpharmacological intervention to reduce
their patients, it is imperative for physicians to under severity and chronicity of symptoms. A readily available,
stand the potential harms and benefits of a fibromyalgia reliable and cost-effective biomarker or clinical tool for
diagnosis and the role of the physician in diagnosing use in making diagnoses and in measuring symptom
more people with fibromyalgia155. The objectives of severity could have enormous clinical use. However, all
health economics are to limit overdiagnosis and mis efforts to objectively quantify subjective symptoms have
diagnosis, educate the health care community to curtail fallen short to date. In the absence of such a test, the strat
excessive investigations and medicalization of patients egy of subgrouping patients on clinical characteristics and
and to carefully contribute to the evidence-based evalu directing treatments accordingly seems reasonable. The
ation of the concept of disability owing to fibromyalgia development of tests and clinical tools to better predict
in the developedworld. an individuals treatment response and drug tolerability
Current studies demonstrate the difficulties of long- is an active area of pharmacological research.
term fibromyalgia care. Positive outcomes obtained What the future has in store for fibromyalgia is uncer
during non-pharmacological treatment are often lost in tain. However, it is clear that many people will continue to
the first 12months following the end of the interven experience severe and clinically invisible pain and aver
tion119,121. Poor patient adherence and engagement with sive symptoms and that their plight cannot be ignored by
aftercare tasks in psychological treatments are problematic medicine, science or society.

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165. Haq,S.A. etal. Prevalence of rheumatic diseases study research combining national screening and writing and editing process but chose not to be credited with
andassociated outcomes in rural and urban clinical confirmation: the DEFI study (Determination authorship. This manuscript was supported (in part) by the
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people in Hong Kong. J.Musculoskelet. Pain 14, 216219 (1991). Health Carlos III (CP14/00087; ISCIII, Madrid,Spain).
311 (2006). 176. Branco,J.C. etal. Prevalence of fibromyalgia: asurvey
167. Ablin,J.N. etal. Prevalence of fibromyalgia in in five European countries. Semin. Arthritis Rheum. Author contributions
theIsraeli population: a population-based study 39, 448453 (2010). Introduction (W.H.); Epidemiology (W.H. and C.U.);
toestimate the prevalence of fibromyalgia in the 177. Andrianakos,A. etal. Prevalence of rheumatic Mechanisms/pathophysiology (J.A. and B.W.); Diagnosis,
Israeli population using the London Fibromyalgia diseases in Greece: a cross-sectional population screening and prevention (G.L. and W.H); Management
Epidemiology Study Screening Questionnaire basedepidemiological study. The ESORDIG study. (M.-A.F. and J.V.L.); Quality of life (B.W. and G.L); Outlook
(LFESSQ). Clin. Exp. Rheumatol. 30, 3943 (2012). J.Rheumatol. 30, 15891601 (2003). (allauthors); overview of Primer (W.H.).
168. Veerapen,K., Wigley,R.D. & Valkenburg,H. 178. Salaffi,F., De Angelis,R. & Grassi,W. Prevalence of
Musculoskeletal pain in Malaysia: a COPCORD survey. musculoskeletal conditions in an Italian population Competing interests
J.Rheumatol. 34, 207213 (2007). sample: results of a regional community-based study. B.W., J.V.L. and C.U. declare no competing interests. J.A. has
169. Farooqi,A. & Gibson,T. Prevalence of the major I. The MAPPING study. Clin. Exp. Rheumatol. 23, received research funding and participated in educational
rheumatic disorders in the adult population of north 819828 (2005). activity sponsored by Pfizer. M.-A.F. has received consulting
Pakistan. Br. J.Rheumatol. 37, 491495 (1998). 179. Mas,A.J., Carmona,L., Valverde,M. & Ribas,B. fees, speaking fees and/or honoraria from BioVale, Janssen,
170. Prateepavanich,P., Petcharapiruch,S. & Prevalence and impact of fibromyalgia on function Eli Lilly, Pfizer, Purdue and Valeant. W.H. received one
Leartsakulpanitch,J. PSY5 estimating the prevalence andquality of life in individuals from the general consulting fee from Daiichi Sankyo and honoraria for
of fibromyalgia and its impacts on health in Thais: population: results from a nationwide study educational lectures by Abbott, MSD, Sharp & Dohme and
acommunity-survey in Bangkok, Thailand. inSpain.Clin. Exp. Rheumatol. 26, 519526 Pfizer. G.L. has been involved in clinical trials for Pfizer
ValueHealth 15, A678 (2012). (2008). and EliLilly at Monash Health and received consulting and/
171. Turhanoglu,A.D. etal. The epidemiological aspects 180. Lindell,L., Bergman,S., Petersson,I.F., or speaking fees from Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Mundipharma,
offibromyalgia syndrome in adults living in Turkey: Jacobsson,L.T. & Herrstrm,P. Prevalence of Grnenthal, bioCSL and Pierre Fabre Medicament Australia.

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