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Air Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into atmosphere

Air Pollution is one of the prevailing environmental issues in our country

The main reason for air pollution is because of particulates mixing with the atmosphere

Air pollution increases mortality rate, cardiovascular and lung diseases and cancer


Air pollution is the introduction of harmful particulates / molecules that affect the atmosphere.
Air pollution has the power to:

damage the ecosystem badly

increase the death rate to a considerable amount

ruin the health of people; seriously affect the central nervous system

reduce crop yields in the areas that are affected

The impacts are many more; it is high time we think about the control measures. The important
and common measure taken is to start using pollution control device in industry and
transportation. As a part of the ecosystem, it is our sole duty to create awareness about the
control measures to ignorant; to avoid air pollution.


When the air gets contaminated with particulates and biological molecules, it is called air
pollution. Air pollution can affect human lives and the whole ecosystem badly. Strictly speaking,
we ourselves could be a reason for air pollution. The major types of pollution are:



Anything that causes air pollution is called an air pollutant. Pollutants can be exhaust fumes, dust
storms, soot, industrial smokes, and chemicals from new materials and so on. Chemicals that are
pollutants include Carbon monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Sulfur Oxides (Sox) and so on.

The risk factors that follow air pollution are innumerable. Children are greatly affected due to air
pollution. Air pollution can easily induce asthma, respiratory problems, cardiovascular problems,
coughing, wheezing and many other problems. The death rates because of air pollution are
increasing tremendously. Irrigation and wildlife are also affected due to air pollution. It is high
time we think about the control measures for air pollution. We need to think about alternatives
for the pollutants and efforts to reduce should also be implemented. Control devices for
transportation and industries should be strictly used. Realizing reducing air pollution as an
individual effort rather than a community effort would be a good start for the control of air

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