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Dear Magistrate,

As magistrates levy sanctions on domestic violence cases, overwhelming research, reports and best
practices dictate that anger management programs are not an appropriate sanction for domestic
violence offenders.

The United State Justice Department finds that:

Those who completed anger management programs recidivated at higher rates than those who completed
batterer . . . programs, even though those referred to batterer . . . programs had significantly more criminal
history, including more past order violations, more long-standing substance abuse histories, and less
education than those referred to anger management programs. 1

There is a national trend to cease using anger management programs in response to domestic
violence. Molly Butler Bailey writes in the Maine Bar Association Journal:

The Federal Office of Violence Against Women now prohibits any of the grant money given to the states to
be used to fund anger management programs for domestic violence offenders. The federal prohibition
shows the growing consensuses that anger management programs are inappropriate for domestic violence

And most recently, in the training manual Community Corrections Response to Domestic
Violence: Guidelines for Practice we learn that:

Anger management programs inappropriately suggest to the offender that anger is the cause of the violence
when, in reality, domestic violence is a much more complex issue and deliberate choice. If offenders are
referred to anger management programs, victims may mistakenly assume offenders are receiving the help
they need to stop their abusiveness, and the victim may discontinue their safety precautions. This, in turn,
may actually increase their risk. 3

What do anger management practitioners say? President of the American Association for Anger
Management Programs, Carlos Todd states:

Anger management is not appropriate for those who are charged with or have a history of domestic

As courts respond to domestic violence cases, if the offense does not merit a more serious penalty, an
order to the VCS Domestic Violence Program for Men is a viable option.

It is our pleasure meet or talk, at your convenience, to further discuss how best we can be of service
to you. Contact numbers below. Thank you.

1 "Practical
Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research: For Law Enforcement, Prosecutors and Judges". Office of Justice, United States
Department of Justice. 11/11/09 <

2 Butler
Bailey, Molly. "Improving the sentencing of domestic violence offenders in Maine: A proposal to prohibit anger management therapy".
Maine Bar Journal Summer 2006:

3 American Probation and Parole Association; the National Center of State Courts, The New York Coalition Against Domestic Violence and
Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Community Corrections Response to Domestic Violence: Guidelines for Practice Community
Justice & Safety for All. May 2009. Print.

4 Todd, Carlos. Anger Management: Not Appropriate for Those Charged with Domestic Violence. August 2007. Online. 11/11/2009.

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