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Conflict Scenes(Intrigue, Duel, Skirmish, Mass Combat) Types of Actions

Phase 1: Assess the scene. Attack

Assessment Check Attack actions are actions that a character can use to inflict
Intrigue: TN 1 Sentiment Check harm on another character. An Attack action always specifies at
Duel: TN 1 Meditation Check least one target, who suffers the listed effects if the character
Skirmish: TN 1 Tactics Check succeeds at performing the action.
Mass Battle: TN 1 Command Check
Discern Motivation(Fire) Scheme
Perceive Scenery(Water) Scheme actions allow a character to attempt to influence
Find Defenses(Earth) targets with whom they can communicate, manipulating them,
Determine Demeanor(Air) wearing them down, or bringing them around to a different
Sense Disturbances(Void) point of view.
Determine Initiative
Prepared=Focus+Assessment bonus Movement
Unprepared=Vigilance+Assessment bonus Movement actions are actions that allow a character to
Phase 2: Take Turns. reposition them-self in their environment.
Begin turn.
Set Stance Support
Air Stance: A precise, graceful stance, an Air stance is Support actions build up the characters position or help others,
ideal for striking at the oppositions weak points to protecting them or helping them to set up for their own action.
create vulnerabilities.
Earth Stance: A rooted, firm stance, a Earth stance Other actions may be available in specific situations, such as
means that the character is enduring anything that skirmish combat which allows Assist, Challenge, and Charge
comes their way, waiting for the perfect moment to actions.
Fire Stance: An aggressive stance, a Fire stance
indicates that the character is abandoning caution to
make an all-out effort.
Water Stance: A flexible, shifting stance, a Water stance
lets a character react to opposition and preempt it with
sudden force.
Void Stance: A stance without form, a Void stance
indicates that the character is looking inward for
answers rather than outward.
Perform action
Attack, Scheme, Movement, Support
Declare action
Make check
Resolve Effects
End Action
Phase 3: Resolution
If the objective is resolved then the conflict is over, if
not return to Phase 2.

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