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C H A P T E R 1 4

S U B M I T T E D B Y:

July Ignao
Fercy Mae Bernardino
Alissa Higom
S U B M I T T E D T O:

Mr. Sam Espino


Different Dimensions of Audio Information and Media

Music is everywhere. Wherever one goes, he or she definitely gets his or her
dose of music of whatever form. Nowadays, the music industry has expanded
and explored different new genres and technologies, because this resource is
something that people never get tired.

This chapter will not just discuss music; but something of like, which is
apparently as bigger idea, where music belong to audio files.

Just like the previously discussed kinds of information, text and visual,
audio information is equally important because of the amount of knowledge it can
provide. However, it differs totally because of its very nature, which is not
common in the first two kinds of information mentioned.


Audible information can be heard anywhere even without the help of any
medium. A person speaking is heard by people around him, and that can already
be an example of audio information.

Historically, the radio is the first and the original broadcasting medium.
Records say that it was developed between 1904 and 1922.

Modern Devices
Nowadays, people have multiple choices as to what kind of medium is
used in order to get audio messages, may it be informative, persuasive, or
Another modern means of listening to audio files is the podcast. It is a form
of Internet audio broadcasting.

Audio Media
In using or sending audio files, there are different formats available that
cater to what is needed. According to PC Encyclopedia, this may be; (1) tape
cassettes; (2) digital CDs; (3) computer files including audio (in any digital
Tape Cassette
- the tape or compact cassette that became known decades ago is an
audio medium in a plastic case that contains a 3.81 mm magnetic tape that is
placed in two reels.

Digital Compact Disc

- also known as a CD, the compact disc is a plastic optical disc with a
metalized surface. In the context of audio media, it is used to store digital audio

Hearing vs. Listening
Paying attention to a very long and extensive lesson discussed by the teacher
can make students tired of listening. As a result, they lose their focus and they
are not able to pay attention.

The dictionary defines the word hearing in a very technical manner,
Merriam-Webster defines it as the process, function, or power of perceiving
sound; specifically: the special sense by which noises and tones are received as
stimuli. Meaning, it is acknowledged as a part of the human sense, where
audible information are received.

According to, listening is the ability to accurately
receive and interpret messages in the communication process. This skill is often
encouraged especially in improving ones communication skill because
understanding and comprehension are always observed.

1. Stop talking
2. Prepare yourself to listen
3. Put the speaker at ease
4. Remove Distractions
5. Empathize
6. Be patient
7. Avoid personal prejudice
8. Listen to the tone
9. Listen for ideas not just words
10. Wait and watch for nonverbal communication

Hearing vs. Listening

Clearly,hearing is different from listening because of the level of stimulus
involved. Hearing, in its most literal sense, is just acknowledging the sound
waves that reach the ear. On the other hand, listening requires comprehension in
order to generate reaction and feedback.

Selection Criteria
Audio information offers a lot of information of different kinds. Historically, the
radio, being the pioneer of all broadcast media, was used for various purposes,
hence, exploring multiple possibilities using only one medium.

As time passed by, information has become complex, likewise, more audio
media were invented.

Audio files vary in so many divisions music, podcasts, information,
entertainment. However, this discussion will focus on audio files that are relevant
in acquiring essential and relevant information. In order to do this, the criteria
used in chapter 12 (text information) will be used, but will be put on a different
angle, in the context audios.


In terms of criteria, audio files do not differ much from text files, since aside from
the media used, contents are the foci.

Design Principle and Elements
Presentation serve as avenues for a presenter to fully minimize the use of
information in imparting knowledge to his or her audience. While these are highly
inclined to visuals, they can be improved by putting audios to enhance their


Unlike the previous kind of information discussed, audio information does
not have an extensive scope in terms of principles and elements.

Audio information are generally labeled, but can be identified by the following:

Audio Clips. An audio clip is a category of a bigger idea, which is media clip.

Record. It is an audio file that is stored on tape or on a click so that it can be

heard and listened to later.

Earcon. Short sounds phrases that are used to mainly in computers to support
computer commands like starting up, shutting down, opening windows, etc.

Principles are limited in the context of audio files, but there are some important
reminders to remembered that can definitely help enhance presentations. These
are the followings:


1. Use the highest quality audio possible.

2. The audio must complement, not compete, with the information on the
With these in mind, the use of audio clips in enhancing presentation can be
helpful and beneficials because it adds other learning perspectives which are not
provided by other kinds of information.

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