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K5 Science Endorsement GPS Lesson Plan

Title Investigative Report: Physical and Chemical Changes

Teacher(s) Lauren Ross
School Frey Elementary School
Grade Level 5 Concept(s) Targeted Physical and Chemical
Performance Expectation

Investigate physical and chemical changes.

Identify changes in matter as either physical or chemical in nature and provided
evidence to support claim.

Science & Engineering Disciplinary Core Ideas (Content) Crosscutting Concept


Planning and carrying out PS1: Matter and Its Interactions Patterns
investigations PS1.A: Structure and Energy and
Analyzing and Properties of Matter Matter
interpreting data PS1.B: Chemical Reactions
Engaging in arguments
from data

Georgia Performance Standards

S5P1. Obtain, evaluate, and, communicate information to explain the differences between
a physical change & a chemical change.

a. Plan & carry out investigations by manipulating, separating, & mixing dry & liquid materials
& communicate collected data to demonstrate examples of physical change.

c. Plan & carry out an investigation to determine if a chemical change occurred based on
observable evidence. (color, gas, temperature change, odor, new substance produced).

Safety Considerations
o Students will be manipulating different types of matter to create physical and
chemical changes.
o Its important to have plenty of space and safety goggles when necessary.
o Its also important that students follow direction for each investigation.
The Learning Plan:

ENGAGE Students will become CSI Agents (Change Scene Investigations). They will
be sworn in and told they must go through training before theyll be sent out to test
their knowledge and skills in the field.
o The teacher will present the idea that things keep changing all around us, and
its our job, as CSI agents, to figure out whats going on.
o Its the job of CSI agents to analyze information and decide what type of
change is occurring.
EXPLORE The teacher will present a case to the students. They will look through the
evidence together and begin thinking about how to explain what happened.
EXPLAIN The students will go through the CSI Agent Training Institute to learn how
to identify a change in matter and classify it accurately. During their training in the
institute, students will use their Physical and Chemical Change Handbook and hands
on investigations to learn the ins and outs of physical and chemical changes.
o Hands-On Investigations:
Physical Change
Tearing/folding paper
Melting an ice cube
Lumps of clay (physical change of the shape of the clay.)
Graham crackers (crumble)
Balloon (pop)
Sugar/salt and water
Chemical Change
Baking soda and vinegar in baggie
Burning paper (teacher ONLY)
Milk and Red Bull
Yeast and hydrogen peroxide
Steel wool and vinegar
o The students will work in teams to perform five investigations. They will post
their CER verbally on Seesaw.
o For their graduation test, the students will work in groups to unlock a
Breakout EDU kit by completing multiple investigations.
o The students will take a pre/post true/false assessment classifying changes in
EXTEND Pancake party
o The students will have a pancake party to celebrate their graduation from the
CSI Agent Training Program.
o The Pancake Party will be filled with physical and chemical changes, which the
students will identify.
Lesson Opening/ Hook/ Initial
Work Session: Closing: Resources:
Logistics/Materials: Focus:
Lesson 1 Learning Style: Engage: Welcome to CSI Explore: Phenomena Evaluate: Mission
Whole Group SW become CSI Agents TW present a case to the SW record their report Impossible
Individual (Change Scene students. (explanation) about what Music
Investigations). SW will look through the happened during the case https://www.yo
They will be sworn in and evidence together and file experiment in their
Materials: ch?v=XAYhNHh
told they must go through decide what happened. agent notebook.
Case Study PPT xN0A
training before theyll be let SW perform the experiment SW share their reports.
Agent notebooks (from
out to test their knowledge to get a hands-on
Dollar Tree)
and skills in the field. understanding of changes in
Denture cleaner tablets
TW present the idea that our world.
Water things keep changing all Poppers experiment:
Film canisters around us, and its time to SW put denture
Safety goggles figure out whats going on. cleaner and water
TW imply that we need CSI into a flip canister and
Other Considerations: Agents to analyze close the lid on tight
Make sure students are information and decide In their agent notebook, SW
wearing their safety what type of change is record the evidence they
goggles during the occurring. discovered from the case file
poppers experiment Have Mission Impossible experiment
Its fun to surprise the Music playing in the They will then make a claim
students (they dont background. as to what happened.
know the top is going to
pop off). EVALUATE:
If possible, perform this TW observe students as they
experiment outside. work.
Lesson 2 Learning Style: ENGAGE: CSI Agent Handbook EXPLAIN: Agent Training - EVALUATE:
Whole Group TW introduce the CSI Physical Changes Formative Assessment Flilpgrid:
Small Groups Agent Handbook to SW record vocabulary In their training groups, SW https://info.flipgrid.
students. definitions in their record a 1 min video com/
Materials: SW read the welcome handbook. explaining how to spot a
letter. SW record notes on physical physical change in the field.
CSI Agent Handbook
SW take pretest to be changes from PPT in their Post video to Seesaw or
"placed in training handbook. Flipgrid
Agent Training PPT groups." Hands-On Investigations: Technology Integration
Paper o Rip/crumple paper
Clay o Mold clay
Crackers/cookies o Crumble cracker/cookie
Salt o Salt mixed with water
Water in cup (Keep it out for a week
iPads and observed it each day)

Other Considerations:
Some students may need
notes filled in for them
Mix ability levels in
training groups to
generate better
Lesson 3 Learning Style: ENGAGE: EXPLAIN: Agent Training - EVALUATE: Training Video -
Whole Group SW watch a training video Chemical Changes Formative Assessment https://www.youtu
Small Groups to get them ready for SW record notes on In their Training Groups, SW
chemical changes. chemical changes from PPT record a 1 min video pir0ej_SE
Materials: in their agent handbook. explaining how to spot a
CSI Agent Handbook Hands-On Investigations: chemical change in the field.
o Lighting a candle (gas Post video to Seesaw or
produced) Flipgrid
o Baking soda and vinegar in Technology Integration
Ziplock bag
zip lock bag (feel
Baking soda
temperature change)
Vinegar o Steel wool in vinegar
Container for vinegar (Keep it out for a week
Steel wool and observed it each day)
Vinegar in cup
Safety goggles

Other Considerations:
Some students may need
notes filled in for them
Make sure students are
wearing safety goggles
during hands-on
Lesson 4 Learning Style: ENGAGE: EXTEND: Agent Training - Field EVALUATE: Training Video -
Small group SW watch another Simulations TW debrief the simulations https://www.flocab
training video. SW review physical and to make sure all students
As they watch the video, chemical changes understand which category ical-chemical-
Materials: changes/video/
SW record all physical and SW analyze 5 field each simulation fell into.
chemical changes they simulations (experiments) SW discuss what they
Crayons Spy Music (play in
hear/see. 1. Write on paper with observed, their claims and
Red bull background during
SW share with their crayon (physical) reasoning
Milk simulations):
training group. 2. Mix red bull and milk SW be congratulated on
Sugar (chemical) https://www.youtu
passing week one of FCI
Water 3. Mix sugar and water
Balloon (physical) Bp0VvuUhQ
Push pin 4. Pop a balloon with a push ELA Integration
Hydrogen peroxide pin (physical) ELAGSE5W2: Write
Yeast 5. Mix hydrogen peroxide informative/explanatory texts to
iPads and yeast (chemical) examine a topic and convey
Safety goggles Formative Assessment ideas and information clearly
Post reports to Seesaw Now that students have a
Other Considerations: 1. Record the simulation firm understanding of
This takes a lot of set up! (Evidence) chemical and physical
Make sure each group 2. State whether it is a changes, they will be
has all the materials physical or chemical required to write up a
required. change (Claim) report for headquarters.
3. Explain how they know
All materials must be In their report, the students
labeled according to the (Reasoning)
must explain how to spot a
PPT. Technology Integration
physical and chemical
Students must wear the change in the real world.
safety goggles at all They must also include a
times. detailed description of a
If iPads arent available, physical and chemical
students can record change they studied during
claims and reasoning in their time at the CSI agent
their agent notebooks. training program and what
they learned from each
SW be graded not only on
the content of their report,
but also on their
organization as stated in the
ELA standards.
Lesson 5 Learning Style: ENGAGE: Evaluate: Breakout EDU EVALUATE:
Small group SW watch a video to SW work in teams to Summative Assessment
introduce the Breakout complete the clues in order To end, SW take the same
Materials: EDU lesson for the day to unlock their boxes assessment they took at the
(created by teacher). 1. Melting Ice beginning of the unit to see
Breakout EDU kits
SW be told that this is 2. Sorting changes how their understanding of
Safety goggles
their final test before they 3. Inflating a balloon physical and chemical
Ice cube
can graduate from the CSI 4. Drawing a diagram changes improved.
Balloon Agent Training Institute. 5. Separating a mixture
Water bottles 6. Designing an
Baking soda experiment
Vinegar Inside, SW discover that
Paper they will be having a
Denture cleaner pancake party to celebrate
Water their graduation from the
Film canisters CSI Agent Training Institute.
Index cards
Iron filings mixed with

Other Considerations:
Make sure you know
how to get into each
Print out lock recording
sheets beforehand
(found on Breakout
EDUs website.)
Its nice to have other
materials that the
students will not need to
use during this activity up
front. This will cause
them to have to think
more about the materials
they actually need.
Safety goggles should be
worn at all times.
Lesson 6 Learning Style: ENGAGE: EXTEND: EVALUATE:
Whole group SW review all that they have SW watch as the teacher ELA Integration:
learned during this unit. makes pancake batter. SW ELAGSE5RL1: Quote accurately
Materials: TW tell students that today discuss what kind of change from a text when explaining
they will celebrate becoming is happening and give their what the text says explicitly and
Pancake batter and
full-fledged CSI agents, and reasoning. when drawing inferences from
because they are now true SW pour the batter onto the the text.
agents, they must constantly skillet and watch as the
be on the lookout for liquid turns into a fluffy TW read the text Pancakes!
Forks and knives pancake. SW discuss what Pancakes! aloud.
changes in the world around
Griddle kind of change is happening During the reading, SW
themstarting with the
Pancakes! Pancakes! by Pancake Party! and give their reasoning. signal when they recognize a
Eric Carle SW talk about how to physical or chemical change
iPads perform physical changes on and have them justify why
the pancakes (biting, using either text evidence or
Other Considerations: cutting, melting butter). inferences based on the text
If possible, have parent Once they finish their and their knowledge of
volunteers come in to pancakes, SW make a chemical and physical
help. Flipgrid video sharing one changes.
Its fun to add toppings physical and one chemical
to the pancakes! change they observed
during the Pancake Party.
Technology Integration

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