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Aden Rogers

Child Report


This is a report on the development and activity of Jaeda in Preschool so far. Jaeda is
independent, but will always interact with peers, and is very much engaged during lab. Jaeda
specifically loves to explore the more tactile activities, and is not afraid of getting messy. She
also loves the dramatic play area, where she usually starts her day and expands that play
throughout the classroom. This report will explain the progress and abilities in language and
social/emotional development.
At the start of the semester, Jaeda would spend most of the day playing by herself
rather than engaging in cooperative play with her peers. Her original goals were to work on
color recognition and interaction with peers. We have observed growth in both of these areas!
On the 26th of June, Jaeda asked said to one of her peers, Can I have a turn with the mirror?
Can we share? Jaeda was also observed identifying the colors red and blue correctly on this
day. On the 7th of July Jaeda shared a desire with her teacher to go and engage in pretend play
with two other children on the playground, she went over to them and asked if she could play.
We are still working on both of these goals in lab.
Although Jaeda is still independent, we have observed much growth in the
social/emotional domain in regard to interacting with her peers. She has recently been showing
a desire to engage in more cooperative play with others, and will initiate this play with peers
throughout the day. On the 7th of July she initiated play with her peers during outside play, as
they worked in the mud kitchen. She has also been observed initiating turn taking of popular
items in the lab with her peers, without prompting. On the 26 th of June Jaeda engaged in
cooperative play with peers as they pretended to wash babies while they played house. On the
14th of June she was engaged with peers and teachers as they all would say/do funny things and
laugh with each other.
At the beginning of the semester we thought Jaeda was one of the quieter children,
because she would often be playing independently. Now she is seen communicating more often
and with more peers and teachers. Jaeda is always happy coming into lab, and will be the first
to tell us if we are doing something silly. On the 7th of July she came into lab and said It is hot
out there! Later that day she observed a teacher playing in the sensory table with dinosaurs
and water wheels and laughed and said, What are you doing over there? She then joined the
teacher in playing and was very animated with the dinosaurs. Jaeda also loves to read books
with teachers, and we have observed that she shows great empathy to whatever is happening
within the story. She is very animated and engaged in everything she chooses to take part in.
These observations show that from the beginning of the semester to now, we have seen
growth in many of the developmental domains. With an emphasis on social/emotional and
language skills, as well as cognitive growth to do with her color recognition goal. Jaeda remains
one of the more Independent and easy-going children in the lab, but is also beginning to initiate
more play with peers and become more social.
If we were to continue working with Jaeda on her development, I would suggest
continuing with her goal of color recognition, but I think she is excelling with her
social/emotional goals. At home, I would suggest giving Jaeda even more opportunities to
interact with colors she is struggling to recognize.

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