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Title page - - - - - - - - - 1
Proposal outline - - - - - - - - 2
Background of study - - - - - - - 3
Statement of problem - - - - - - - 5
Aim and Objectives of study - - - - - - 5
Location of study area - - - - - - - 5
Literature review - - - - - - - - 7
Materials and method - - - - - - - 10
Data requirement - - - - - - - 10
Software requirement - - - - - - - 10
Methodology - - - - - - - - 10
Expected research outcome - - - - - - 11
References - - - - - - - - - 12

Background of Study

Lithofacies characterization is believed to be a very effective tool to systematically

evaluate the wellbore since it has been recognized that excellent
porosity/permeability relationship can be obtained once the conventional core and
log data are grouped according to their rock types (Guo et al, 2005). Lithofacies
interpretation forms the primary tool for identifying the depositional conditions
under which the Niger Delta sediments were deposited and preserved (Oyanyan et
al., 2012). A lot of information about the sediments and sedimentary processes is
contained in well logs. Sediments in different paleoenvironments display
characteristic log motifs. As a result, borehole logs are widely used to interpret
sedimentary facies (Weber, 1971). Borehole logs provide essential information and
interpretation of the subsurface geology of areas penetrated by boreholes. It provides
information on lithology, stratigraphy, structures, reservoir quality, temperature, etc.
These information are useful in both regional and local studies of sedimentary
basins. Information about the sediments and sedimentary processes from the above
logs may not be sufficient alone, due to some lithologies having similar natural
radioactivity and electrical properties. Information from cores is therefore often an
essential component of any lithologic analysis. Cores are the only sample that
displays in-situ formation characteristics (Momta and Odigi, 2015), hence, there are
valuable analytical tools for lithology prediction, identification of various
depositional elements and environments, characterization of reservoirs, facies

analysis and paleontologic studies. From the combined core description and wireline
log data, it is commonly possible to generate a series of (wireline) log facies. Such
log facies may be used to describe the lithofacies and depositional environments in
uncored, but logged wells. Core and wireline logs are combined for both depositional
environment interpretations.

The environments of deposition of sedimentary rocks play significant roles in the

identification, location and exploitation of resources contained in the rock. The
environment of deposition of sediment is the sum of the physical, chemical and
biological condition under which it was deposited. These conditions are recorded in
the form of sedimentary facies, which is a mass of sedimentary rock that can be
defined and distinguished from others by observed rock properties such as lithology,
texture, sedimentary structures, geometry, fossils and paleocurrent pattern displayed
in sequence on core samples and some in wireline logs. From observed succession
of these rock properties in sandstone, a judgment can be made of the transporting
medium, the condition of flow at the time of deposition, the nature of the
depositional site and then qualitatively predict the quality of the reservoir sand body.
According to Tyler et al. (1991), average recovery efficiency of oil could be tied
closely to depositional environments and recovery mechanism.

The Niger Delta basin has spectacularly maintained a thick sedimentary apron and
salient petroleum geological features favorable for petroleum accumulation from the
onshore through the continental shelf and to the deep-water terrains. The onshore
and continental shelf Niger Delta are being explored for more than half a century
now. However, exploration activities are gradually being shifted to the deep offshore
to unveil its hydrocarbon potential. The deep sea channel sands are the main
exploration target in this section of the Niger Delta (Whiteman, 1982). Hence,

studies on lithofacies and depositional environment is a necessary requirement in
order to accurately identify potential reservoir prospects in the offshore Niger Delta

Statement of Problem

The huge cost associated with exploitation of oil and gas resources has made it
imperative that every aspect of the reservoir be thoroughly understood prior to
production. Also, borehole placement and perforation intervals are to a great extent
dependent on porosity and permeability distribution, which is controlled by facies
and the environment of deposition. Hence, understanding the facies distribution and
environment of deposition of sand bodies in the Niger Delta will gravely reduce risk
and uncertainty associated with well development and production.

Aim and Objectives of Study

The aim of this research is to determine the lithofacies distribution and environment
of deposition in X-Field, Niger Delta using cores and wireline logs. This will be
achieved via the following objectives;

i. Identification of lithological, textural and structural characteristics of sand

bodies in the cored intervals.
ii. Correlation of sand bodies using wireline log pattern.
iii. Study and established a relationship among lithofacies.
iv. Establish probable environments of deposition.
v. Identify and interpret depositional characteristics of non-cored interval
using wireline log shape.

Location of Study Area

The proposed study area, X-Field, is located in the shallow offshore region of the
Niger Delta sedimentary Basin, Nigeria. The Niger Delta oil province is bounded
geographically by latitudes 50000 N and 80000 N and longitudes 40000 E and
60000 E.

Proposed study area

Figure 1.1: A map showing the location of the proposed study area in the shallow offshore Niger
Delta region (Modified-after Corredor et al., 2005)

Literature Review

Various tools and methods have been used in the reconstruction of depositional
environments by various authors over the years. Some of the most recent are
presented below;

Oyanyan et al., (2012) studied the depositional environments of sam-bis oil Field
reservoir sands, Niger Delta, Nigeria using cores and wireline log shapes. Their
methods identified seven depositional environments of various sand units in the
Field. These include distributary channels, mouth bar, point bar, tidal channel, tidal
flat, middle shoreface and lower shoreface environments. These identified
environments of deposition formed very good reservoirs with few exceptions.

Omoboriowo et al., (2012) studied the depositional environment and petrophysical

characteristics of LEPA reservoir, Amma Field, eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria, using
cores and wireline logs data. The lithofacies identified were grouped into facies
association comprising tidal channels, Upper shoreface, and Lower shoreface. A
mixture of marine reworked sands and subordinate fluvial sands, marked by erosion
base characterises the tidal channel. The Upper shoreface facies consist of coarsening
upward sequence, sandstone succession of fine to very fine sand facies associations.
In summary, their research revealed that the environment of deposition of LEPA
reservoir sands lies within the marginal marine environments.

Ushie and Harry, (2014) conducted a study on the petrophysical evaluation and
depositional environment of Harrison 1 well in central Niger Delta, using core data
and wireline logs. The depositional model generated from their research comprises a

prograding shoreface deposit which passes upward into stacks of channel deposits
characterised by features typical of estuarine setting.

Durogbitan (2016) analyzed the depositional environments and facies of the middle
Miocene (Agbada Formation), northwestern Niger Delta, based on cores, well log
data, and ichonological data. Based on this methods, six main wireline log facies
associations were recognized using gamma ray log motifs calibrated with core. The
interpreted depositional facies model suggests an extensive development of marine
dominated slope channel fill and shoreface deposits in the northwestern part of the
delta. This suggests that the coastal barrier complex contains a large amount of sand
that was originally deposited in river mouth bars, but was laterally removed by
longshore current and re-deposited on the shoreline margin and basin ward through
developed of canyons on the slope which serves as feeders and conducts for slope
and basin fans. Also, sedimentological analyses indicates that the depositional
environments range from inner shelf to offshore.

Momta and Essien, (2016) conducted a study on facies description and

sedimentology of FABI Field, coastal swamp depo-belt, Niger Delta, Nigeria, using
wireline logs and core data. Five wells were correlated to establish the lateral
continuity of the H7000 sand across the field, and using gamma ray log to corroborate
the gross depositional environments of the cored interval. The sand unit of the cored
interval displayed a funnel shape log trend occurring in two prograding
parasequences. Five facies types identified based on sedimentary structures,
lithology, and paleontologic content include; cross-bedded sandstone, bioturbated
cross-bedded sandstone, bioturbated interbedded sandstone and mudstone,
bioturbated heterolithic sandstone/siltstone, and silty mudstone facies. Four

environments inferred based on facies description include; tidal channel, upper
shoreface, lower shoreface, and proximal shelf mudstone.

Momta and Odigi (2016) reconstructed the depositional setting of Tortonian

sediments in the Yowi Field, shallow offshore Niger Delta, using wireline logs. The
essence of the study was to determine the gross depositional environments of selected
sand-bodies. Eleven relatively thick sandstones reservoirs penetrated by five
representative wells occurred within the paralic Agbada sequence in the field. Seven
log facies associations deduced from log trends revealed three major environments
resulting from fluvial, marine and marginal marine processes. The presence of
glauconite in all the wells in the field from about 1800ft down hole within the Agbada
Formation shows that the environments were influenced by marine processes than
continental. A predominantly marine, deltaic sequence strongly influenced by clastic
output from the delta was inferred for the Yowi Field.

Adiela and Ofuyah (2017) carried out paleoenviromental studies of aka wells,
Offshore Niger Delta, using wireline logs (GR and resistivity), 3D seismic and
biostratigraphy data. Their results indicate that the stratigraphic development in the
Aka Field, took place in delta plain to pro-delta environments within non-marine to
middle neritic paleo-water depths.

Onayemi and Oladele (2017) reconstructed the subsurface depositional history of

onshore Niger Delta Basin, using seismic and wireline logs. Their study concluded
that the Onshore Niger Delta is characterized by a typical prograding delta
architecture with a shallowing-up pattern in which a series of strata consistently
showed evidence of the younger beds being deposited in shallower water than the

older beds they overlay. The younger beds tend to be of finer sediments (of delta
slope region) than the older beds (of river mouth bars).

Materials and Method

Data requirement

The data requirement includes;

1. A suite of well logs comprising of Gamma Ray, Resistivity, Neutron and

Density logs for at least five (5) wells.
2. Log headers and deviation logs for the wells drilled into X Field.
3. Well location map (Base map) for the study area.
4. Core photographs and descriptions obtained from at least one Well in X-Field.
5. Cored interval depths and core gamma

Software requirements

The following software are required for a successful research;

1. Schlumberger Techlog, version-2015

2. A mobile computer workstation
3. Data analysis and graphing software (Microsoft excel, version-2016)


The workflow that will be used to analyze the data are enumerated as follows;

1. Detailed literature review of related works.

2. Loading the core photographs and well logs into Schlumberger Techlog.

3. Data conditioning and despiking of well logs.
4. Identification of sedimentological attributes (lithological, textural and
structural characteristics) of sand bodies in the cored intervals.
5. Grouping of sedimentological attributes into facies.
6. Core/log calibration will then be carried out by using core information to
characterized the well logs.
7. Correlation of identified facies across the field using well log shapes
8. Facies associations and buildup of depositional models.

Expected Research Outcomes

The following outcomes are to be expected upon completion of the research;

1. The lateral continuity of lithofacies will be established across the field.

2. The environment of deposition for the sand bodies will be properly
3. The sedimentary process and controls on the sand bodies deposition will be
accurately predicted.
4. Lateral shifts in depositional environments over time can be easily


Adiela U.P., and Ofuyah W.N. (2017). Paleoenviromental studies of Aka Wells,
Niger Delta, Nigeria. IJSIT, 6(2): 147-158.

Corredor, F., Shaw, J.H., and Bilotti, F. (2005). Structural styles in the deep-water
fold and thrust belts of the Niger Delta. AAPG Bulletin, 89: 753 - 780.
Durogbitan A.A. (2016). A Re-evaluation of the Depositional Environments and
Sedimentary Facies of Middle Miocene Paralic Deposits (Agbada Formation),
Ewan and Oloye Fields, Northwestern Niger Delta. J. Marine Sci. Res. Dev.,
6(3): 1-23.
Guo, G., Diaz, M.A., Paz, F., Smalley, J. and Waninger, E.A (2005), Rock typing as
an effective tool for permeability and water saturation modelling, Proceedings
of SPE Annual Technical Conference, Texas, U.S.A, October 9-12.1-15.
Momta P.S., and Odigi, M.I. (2015). Geobody architecture and petroleum potential
of the Yowi field, Offshore Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria. American Journal of
Geosciences; DOI: 10.3844.
Momta, P.S., and Essien, N.U. (2016). Facies description and sedimentology of
FABI Field, coastal swamp depobelt, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Jour. of Geo., Env.
and Earth Sci. Intl., 6(3): 1-22.
Momta, P.S., and Odigi, M.I. (2016). Reconstruction of the depositional setting of
Tortonian sediments in the Yowi Field, shallow Offshore Niger Delta, using
wireline logs. American Journal of Geosciences, 6(1): 24.35.
Omoboriowo, A.O., Chiadikobi, K.C., and Chiaghanam, O.I. (2012). Depositional
Environment and Petrophysical Characteristics of LEPA Reservoir, Amma
Field, Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria. Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. Technol., 10(2): 38-
Onayemi, J., and Oladele, S. (2017). Reconstruction of the Subsurface Depositional
History of Onshore Niger Delta Basin. Search and Discovery Article #30497.
Oyanyan, R.O., Soronnadi-Ononiwu, C.G. and Omoboriowo, A.O. (2012).
Depositional environments of Sam-Bis oil field reservoir sands, Niger Delta,
Nigeria, Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 3(3):1624-1638.
Tyler, N., and Finley, R.J. (1991). SEPM concepts in sedimentology and
paeleontology, 3, 3.
Ushie, F.A., and Harry, T.A. (2014). The petrophysical evaluation and depositional
environment of Harrison 1 Well using core data and wireline logs. Journal of
Environment and Earth Science, 4(9): 125-133.

Whiteman, A. (1982). Nigeria: Its petroleum geology resources and potential, Vol.1.
London: Grantman and Trontman. P.394.


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