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the redpill top 200 book recomendations post and comments

no more mr. nice guy

how to win firend and influence people
book of pook
rational male

charisma myth
starting strength by mark riptow
power of now eckhart tolle
millionaire fast lane mj marco
the 7 habits of highly successful people by stephen covey

way of superior man david deida

art of seduction
48 laws of power
mastery robert gree

machievelly the prince

manipulated man sther
sperms wars
my secret garden
self reliance
Warren Farrell's "The Myth of Male Power
Meditations by Marcus
the way of men by jack
what everybody is saying
hardcore zen by brad warner
the tao of pooh by benjamin hoff
richest man in babylon
What Men Still Don't Know About Women, Relationships, and Love by Dr. Herb Goldberg


Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

robert greene

the art of war

influence the psychology of persuasion
becoming a supple leopard
"The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them"?
"How to be an Alpha Male" By John Alexander
Sex God Method
Beside those:

Nietzsche, Therefore spoke zarathustra / Gtzendmmerung (doesn't loose to much in

the translation)

Goethe (preferably in german): Faust I; basicly everything is readable, but that

one's my favorite.

if you want to learn german, other books that are way better in german: Pretty much
anything from Gottfried Lessing, all the stuff from Nietzsche, Grimms Mrchen.

Candide by voltaire.

animal farm / 1984 by Orwell.

Brave new world by Huxley.

Read 1-2 of Shakespears plays. don't rely on summeries / interpretations, it ain't

that hard.

A guide on how to cook won't hurt you.

additionally to english you should learn at least one foreign language.

Experience might make you king, but when used with knowledge the world is yours

Anabolics - William Llewellyn

Flexible Dieting - Lyle McDonald - Martin Berkhan

The Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham

"dominating women" or "taos of badass
" The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles" by
Steven Pressfield
when i say no i feel guilty

Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

( )
Sociologie du dragueur by French writer Alain Soral (never translated into
English, unfortunately).
The Art of Love by Ovid ( http://www.sacred- )
Pimp : the story of my life by Iceberg Slim

Pick Up Artistry

Book of Pook by Pook

Bang: The Pickup Bible by Roosh

The Best of Roosh Volume I By Roosh

Day Bang: How to pick up girls during the day By Roosh

The Gentlemen's Guide to picking up women by Ian Ironwood

The Ironwood Collection of Alpha moves by Ian Ironwood

Pickup lines don't work by Vince Valentino

The Natural by Richard Ruina

Self Help and Married Advice

Married Men's Sex Life Primer 2011 (MMSL) by Athol Kay

Managed Attraction Plan (MAP) by Athol Kay

How to answer do these pants make my ass look fat? By Athol Kay

No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover

The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida

The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene

The 48 Laws of power by Robert Greene

The Enlightened Sex Manual by David Deida

The Sex God Method by Daniel Rose

Mens Rights/Trouble with boys

The End of Men by Hanna Rosin

The Manipulated Man by Eshter Vilar

Enjoy the Decline by Arron Clarey

The Flipside of Feminism by Suzanne Venker

The Manosphere: A new hope for Masculinity by Ian Ironwood

Men on Strike by Helen Smith

The War Against Boys by Christina Summers

The War on Men by Suzanne Venker

The way of men by Jack Donovan

Women First, men last by Steven Adams

Why boys fail by Richard Whitmore

Finally: The Rational Male is in a category by itself- the intellectual tour-de-

force of the entire manosphere and TRP theory.

And for the Babes:

Fascinating Womanhood

The Surrendered Wife

"Mindset" by Carol Dweck.
American Psycho
High Heels and Dirty Deals by Bret Tate
Sperm Wars by Robin Baker
The System by Doc Love.
Bachelor Pad Economics ~ Aaron Clarey

The Way of Men ~ Jack Donovan

FTW Self Defense ~ C. R. Jahn

The Charisma Myth ~ Olivia Fox Cabane

Being the Strong Man a Woman Wants ~ Elliot Katz

The Happiness Hypothesis ~ Jonathan Haidt

Testosterone IO ~ Cristopher Walker

Well Fed ~ Melissa Joulwan

Sex God Method ~ Daniel Rose

slight positive thinking by robert anthony

the slight edge jeff olson
the game neil
band roosh v
i hope it's sunny out
rich dad poor dad.
The 33 Strategies of War' by Robert Greene

documentary century of the self

law of success by napoleon hill

The Polygamous Sex by Esther Vilar.
Sex at Dawn - Christopher Ryan

Iron John, A Book About Men

The Way Of The Superior Man

Inner game:

Sacred hoops - Phil Jackson

The power of now - Eckhart Tolle

Red Pill

The Way of men - Jack Donovan


Guns germs and steel - name escapes me

A short history of nearly every thing - Bill Bryson

Coherence - Alan Watkins
Men on Strike by Helen Smith
4 hour work week - Timothy Ferris
"When I say no, I feel Guilty by Manuel J. Smith"

Way of the Superior Man

No More Mr Nice Guy
5 Elements of Effective Thinking

Hagakure: Book of the Samuai

The Self-Made Billionaire Effect: How Extreme Producers Create Massive Value
(December 2014) By John Sviokla and Mitch Cohen

Getting to Yes With Yourself: (and Other Worthy Opponents) (January 2015)
The Way Of The Superior Man (PDF Available Online)

Great book into masculinity, never pedestalling the pussy and defining your own
mission in life, 2nd half trails off but 1st half is God tier

Pook And The Mill (PDF Available Online)

Life changing book with many insights into feminism, our nature and masculinity,
1st half is a bit slow, but it sure as fuck picks up

The Manipulated Man (PDF Available Online)

EVERY man needs to read this book, 69 pages of based wisdom

The Alchemist (PDF Available Online)

Great story and good motivational content, in its own way it teaches men never to
put pussy over their mission

27 rules of Pimp Game (PDF Available Online)

Very short book, but spits some harsh truths

48 Laws Of Power (Available Online)

Good info to know even if you dont want to use it to not have it used against you

No More Mr Nice Guy (PDF Available Online)

Attitude is crucial in this world, dont let others run you over

Art Of Learning

Discusses how learning is done and how to get the most out of it

Wisdom Of Psychopaths

More in depth into what I spoke of in my dark triad video

The Kybalion (PDF Available Online)

Very short book, but it discusses the nature of the universe which is always
applicable to day to day living

Art Of War (PDF Available Online)

Know thyself and know they enemy and you have nothing to fear

Also Full Facts of Cold Reading and Definitive Body Language Book
Thinking Strategically by Avinash K. Dixit and Barry J. Nalebuff
The Craft of Power
"The Dictators Handbook."
10x rule
Machiavelli's 'The Prince'.
Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed The Art of War.
Grant Takes Command and Grant Moves South, The Book of Five Rings,
A, Self Made Man
Hagakure- Way of the Samurai, Book of Five Rings, Letters from a Stoic, 48 Laws
all sheakespeare
enchiridion of epictetus by arrian
mode one
The Mindful Attraction Plan
enchiridion of epictetus by arrian
Antifragile by N.Taleb

The Red Queen by Matt Ridley

The Moral Animal by Robert Wright
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

rich dad poor dad

models by mark

"Upfront and straight forward" - Alan Roger Curie

"Theory of everything" - Tai Lopez

"Hardcore History" - Dan Carlin

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Why Cant I Use a Smiley Face?

Patrice and Dante

I Know You Are Lying by Mark McClish

what everybody is saying

Why Men Are the Way They Are\\


The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.

Invisible Presence

The Good Psychopath's Guide to Success by Andy McNab and Kevin Dutton

"The book of Zed"

Amusing Ourselves To Death by Neil Postman

4 Arguments For The Elimination of Television

Married Man Sex Life Primer

Sixteen Commandments of Poon

The War Against Boys[9]

Geraldo Cocksman's MAN'S GUIDE TO MODERN WOMEN: including his famous catchphrases:

Simon R. Green and his Books about the Nightside.

"Women should be obscene and not heard." Groucho Marx

"Women's intuition is the result of millions of years of not thinking." Rupert


"Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another." HL Mencken

"I've had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me and the second one
didn't." Patrick Murray

"The appropriate age for marriage is around eighteen for girls and thirty-seven for
men." Aristotle

"Love in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Lord Chesterfield, Letters (1748)

First Meetings in Ender's Universe

Xenocide (1991)

Malcolm X


ian ironwood

Black Op and Psy-Op Tactics for Getting Women

female infidelity

Apocalypse Now

american spartan

Liar's Poker by Michael Lewis

The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida

. What I Learned Losing A Million Dollars by Jim Paul and Brendan Moynihan

The Wisdom of Psychopaths by Kevin Dutton

"A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle.

power of now

Shut Up, Stop Whining, and Get a Life: A Kick-Butt Approach to a Better Life

"A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole"

Good Calories, Bad Calories

Wisdom of psycopaths

herman hesse (author)

Julien Smith

the sun also rises by Hemingway

Destroy the Opposition by Jamie Lewis

Cat's Cradle and Slaughterhouse Five kurt vonnegut

A Confederacy of Dunces

1984, Lord of the Flies, V for Vendetta, Animal Farm, The Time Machine, Farenheit
451, The Giver, The Hunger Games(the books are actually better than the films, they
portray katniss as more of a pawn rather than a queen), Clockwork Orange, and Brave
New World

Enjoy the Decline by AaronClarey


Fight club

Fight club
48 laws of power
American Psycho
Millionaire Fastlane
How to win friends and influence people
The problems with political authority (Michael Heumer is a genius)
4 hour workweek

Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

The brothers Karamazov
The fountainhead
Guns, germs, and steel
The baroque trilogy
the manipulated man

The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins For the New Intellectual by Ayn Rand

The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. teaches you about life more

'Death on the Installment Plan'

Blink - Gladwell | Getting to Yes - Fisher/Ury | Citizenship Papers - Berry

In Stahlgewittern, Ernst Jnger

New Testament

Sun and Steel, Yukio Mishima

"The Consequences of Ideas" by R.C. Sproul

"Convict Conditioning"

wheat belly

good calories, bad calories

from good to great

how to dominate women by gary brodsky

gone girl

10x rule


kevin dutton

The Good Psychopath's Guide to Success, Andy McNab and Kevin Dutton

speak from the heart be yourself and get results steve adubato

pimp iceberg slim

Womens Infidelity: Living In Limbo Explains:

Womens Infidelity II: Breaking Out of Limbo Explains:


Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein.

'I am Charlotte Simmons' by Tom Wolfe

sex god method

dropped from posts 100-200 everything else was just jibberish.3/19/2015

i didn't took the time to ommit some of them, at least i omited some, as i went
that i knew were on the list but beyond that i didn't really care. nor to discount
negative votes, nor to do anything, although if i could name five of the top
books /r/theredpill has a hard on for are

rational male
no more mr. nice guy
book of pook.
manipulated man esther vilar.

that is just from the top of my head.

/r/seduction top books

all 250 top post book recommendations from posts and also comment recomendations
from those posts.

No more mr nice guy--robert glover

the game-neal strauss
fight club, paul palahniuk

mark manson
think and grow rich
Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne Dyer
Pulling your own Strings by Wayne dyer
The Elite Way: Tariq Nasheed
The Book of Pook.
Way of the Superior Man.
bang and day bang rosh
girls chase by chase
mode one
juggler method
mystery method
double your dating david d.

day bang, models, book of pook all you need jugler method if you suck at convos.
DYD,mode one, models for me

The art of approaching

How to become an alpha male,
Magic bullets,
rsd blueprint
The Venusian Arts Handbook

promotion: josh sway the art of sway a handbook on approaching women:

stop reading do what works for you, don't over read books, get out there.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem and check out Mark Mansons Blog.

how to win friends and influence people.

definitive book of body language
sacred path of the warrior
what every body is saying john navarro
Influence by Robert Cialdini
'Daring Greatly' by Brene Brown
Unleashing the Phoenix - Bishop
The tao te ching - lao tsu (stephen mitchell translation)
"As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen
The Dating Dictionary, aka the System, by Doc love

avove the game free ebook by touftouf

books on seduction

The Book of Pook[2]

Models - Mark Manson

The Art of Seduction - Robert Greene[3]

Double Your Dating - David DeAngelo

The Game - Neil Strauss

Magic Bullets - Nick Savoy

related literature

How to Win Friends and Influence People[4]

What Every Body is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed-reading People - Joe

The Art of War - Sun Tzu

The Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu

The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida

The Book of Five Rings - Miyamoto Musashi

Influence: Science and Practice - Robert Cialdini[5]

Influence - text only[6]

The Red Queen - Matt Ridley

Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand

The Definitive Book of Body Language[7]

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway


The 21 Convention[8]

Simple Pickup[9]

Tokyo Pickup[10]



RSD Free Tour on Youtube (channel)[12]

James Marshall: The 3 Pillars of Seductive Success (video) [13]

David Deangelo's Man Transformation with David Wygant (video) [14]

Sasha Daygame (channel)[15]

paid DVDs / eBooks

RSD The Blueprint Decoded[16]

Conquer Your Campus[17]

how to talk to anyone leil londes

mystery method and the pick up artist,
love systems routine manual

Mystery Method by Mystery ... of course, the classic

Think and Grow Rich by Nepolean Hill ... another classic about general positive
Under Cover Sex Symbols by Leil Lownders ... somewhat obvious material but it's
good stuff for beginners
The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene ... ideas derived from Sun Tzu but still
pretty good read

"Art of the Approach" and "The A Game" Logan Edwards

Mehow's Get The Girl, and 10 Second Sexual Attraction.

The Mystery Method, as well as Venusian Arts -Revelations

The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
Vin DiCarlo's The Attraction Code

Why Women Have Sex by David Buss. Actually, anything by David Buss.

the power of now
rsd bluprint
the natural richard la ruina
Introducing NLP

"Love Yourself (Like Your Life Depends On It)" and "Live Your Truth", both by Kamal

Starting Strength.

Impro: Improvisation and the Theater by Johnstone.

Awaken the Giant Within, Tony Robbins

A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle

My Secret Garden, Nancy Friday

Red Queen, Matt Ridley

Mating Mind, Geoffrey Miller

Sex at Dawn, Christopher Ryan

Blink by Gladwell
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway,
propos sur le bonheur by Alain
How the mind works by Steven pinker

The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living

His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler

mode one

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

power of habit.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
Narcissus and Goldmund
how to succed with women by tucker max

Book Name Author Name Type

A New Earth Eckhart Tolle
Art of Seduction Robert Greene
Awaken the Giant Within Tony Robbins
Dao De Jing Moss Roberts
How to Make Girls Chase Chase Amante
How to Succeed with Women Ron Louis
How to Win Friends and Influence People Dale Carnegie
Impro: Improvisation and the Theater Keith Johnstone
Influence Robert Cialdini
Live Your Truth Kamal Ravikant
Love Yourself (Like Your Life Depends on It) Kamal Ravikant
Mating Mind Geoffrey Miller
Models Mark Manson
My Secret Garden Nancy Friday
Mystery Method Neil Strauss
No More Mr Nice Guy Robert A Glover
Red Queen Matt Ridley
Sex at Dawn Christopher Ryan
Starting Strength Mark Rippetoe Fitness
The Compound Effect Darren Hardy
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment Eckhart Tolle
The Sun Also Rises Ernest Hemingway
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Milan Kundera
The Way of he Superior Man David Deida
The Way of the Superior Man David Deida
What Every Body is Saying Joe Navarro
The Game Neil Strauss
Blink Malcolm Gladwell
Influence Rober Cialdini
Introducing NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming Joseph O'Connor
Mode One Alan Roger Currie
Narcissus and Goldmund Herman Hesse
The System - Doc Love Tom Hodges
The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living Dalai Lama Spiritual
Double Your Dating David DeAngelo
How The Mind Works Steven Pinker
48 Laws of Power Robert Greene
The Power of Habit Charles Duhigg
Dimensions of Body Language

five hundred books massage etc.

"On Becoming A Person" by Carl Rogers

The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The 4-Hour Body by Timothy Ferris

law of success 1925 edition by Napoleon Hill

Manhood: An Action Plan For Changing Men's Lives by Steve Biddulph

Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

The Art of War - Sun Tzu

The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus
The Wealthy Barber Returns - David Chilton

Theodore Roosevelt's biography

The Outsiders
Ender's Game
Confessions of a Master Jewel Thief
The unbearable lightness of being - Milan Kundera
Demon Haunted World - Carl Sagan

The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins

Your Brain at Work - David Rock
Eat, Move, Sleep - Tom Rath
Steve Jobs - Walter Isaacson
The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand.
Mastery by Robert Greene
great gatsby
Aldous Huxley - "Brave New World"
Mary Holmes - "Gender and Everyday Life"
The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm

Taoist Secrets of Love

The Way of Zen

Set your voice free

Moonwalking with Einstein
Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

zen and motocycle maintanace.

I Hope it's Sunny Out - A Guide to Meeting Women in the Day Time [

The Sperm Wars

Sleight of Mouth by Cialdini

Minimal Game by Aaron Sleazy

mystery method + 4 elements of game by rob judge
"The Charisma Myth" by Olivia Fox Cabane
Intimate Connections david d burns
Wygant's Self Love

"The Six Pillars of Self Esteem"

Intimate Connections "Feeling good" david burns
body language allan pease

Most of these you can find on thepiratebay / etc, but I own a hard copy of all of
these except for The Mystery Method, which I read probably 5 times before I found
Magic Bullets (actually don't own that either, just the pdf). I'll add to this list
if I think of more.

Must Reads:

Magic Bullets - Savoy[2] ==>> [Torrent][3] it's expensive!

This book is so excellent. It's like a PUA encyclopedia. It walks you through
the process, and cites every major text along the way.. none of this "my way works
best" crap, but not afraid to make judgments either. For pickup books that employ
some form of the M3 Model (however loosely.. which I think means: everyone except
Ross Jeffries), this is the authoritative text. If you have an approach that is
proven, important, and credible, then it is probably cited in this book.

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - Robert Cialdini[4]

I got this book because it is #1 on this list[5] . Turns out, it is the modern
version of Dale Carnegie's How To Win Friends and Influence People (see review
below).. only this time, it's by someone who knows a thing or two about applied
psychology (which either didn't exist back then, or was too under-developed to
matter). This guy freaking went undercover as a used car salesman, working with
fundraisers, etc. Interestingly enough, I bought this book in the same order as The
Game, and in chapter 1 Strauss mentions reading Cialdini's book to prepare for a
trip to Belgrade with Mystery, which was his formal introduction into the PUA

The Art of Seduction - Robert Greene[6]

I'm not done with this one yet, but I will say this: if you have a conscience,
don't read this. It really is a fascinating study of seduction, but it does focus
on seduction as a tool to victimize people.. That said, unlike your typical pick-up
type book which does not bother to categorize gamers' personality types, this book
categorizes different "types" of seducers. This is extremely helpful because you
can figure out what type of seducer fits you best, and what things you need to
focus on to improve your game.

How to Win Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie[7]

This book has sold over 15 million copies. It was originally written in 1937,
but has been revised once or twice since it became the best selling self-help type
book of all time, which it probably still is. He walks you through the basic
principles of how to motivate people.. what works, what doesn't.. etc. Fun, easy,
captivating read. It looks thick, but I think I unintentionally read it cover to
cover in one sitting the first time I read it in college.. so it's a quick read.

Should reads:

The Game - Neil Strauss[8]

I think this is one of the best selling pick-up type books. I liked reading it,
but it was less of a tutorial book and more of an autobiography.. it does get the
job done though. It also is a very entertaining read, and if you doubt that PUA
stuff actually works, this will prove to you otherwise because Strauss was a very
timid and ugly mofo, but he fucked Jenna Jameson.

The Mystery Method : How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed - Mystery, Chris Odom,
Neil Strauss[9]

This introduced me into the world of PUA my senior year of college when I
inadvertently stumbled upon a torrent of it (I was probably looking for something
to jerk off to. How poetic). I downloaded it just to skim through it skeptically,
but this book eventually introduced me to a whole new world. This is an excellent
staple / beginner's text, even though I now recommend Magic Bullets because it is
so much more objective and inclusive of alternate styles and approaches along the

How to Get the Women You Desire into Bed - Ross Jeffries[10]

Not done with this yet, but Ross Jeffries is a freak (not meant to be insulting
to him). I have no doubt that his methods are effective, but they are very
different. And he really seems a bit evil, as opposed to merely mischievous like
most other PUAs are. I haven't decided how incompatible, if not just different, his
methods are with the Mystery / Strauss crowd.. but then again, I have never field
tested any of his methods myself.

Truth in Comedy: The Manual of Improvisation - Charna Halpern, Del Close, Kim

A close friend of mine who studied improv in New York lent me this, and I
forgot about it until recently -- but it is a very short but brilliant book about
comedy. I'm listening now to David DeAngelo's Cock Comedy series, and I realized
that almost everything he's saying is straight out of this little text. It's not
really something essential for pick-up, which is why I wouldn't put it in Must
Reads, but it is excellent nonetheless.

Meh, they're alright:

The Pickup Artist: The New and Improved Art of Seduction - Mystery, Neil

You can definitely get some good stuff out of this book, but the whole thing
comes across as an excuse for Mystery to brag about how awesome he is. He seriously
spends an entire chapter (maybe more) telling a story about him bragging to other
PUAs. He does deserve it though, the man is the single most influential PUA ever,
if not the most successful in the field.

Rules of the Game - Neil Strauss[13]

This is one of those books that you read once a day for 30 days, and write down
statements of intent right in the book like "it is my goal to lose my virginity
before my next birthday in 3 months." Probably good for beginners, but I skimmed
through this after having been gaming in the field for several months.

Haven't read yet:

What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed-Reading People - Joe
Navarro, Marvin Karlins[14]
This looks really good.

NLP: The New Technology of Achievement - NLP Comprehensive[15]

Easy Mind-Reading Tricks - Robert Mandelberg, Ferruccio Sardella[16]

Palm Reading for Beginners: Find Your Future in the Palm of Your Hand (For
Beginners (Llewellyn's)) - Richard Webster[17]

There are also some good videos out there (links are to torrents. these are all
several hundred $$):

Excellent Videos

The Annihilation Method - Neil Strauss[18]

I met a guy who said he was looking around his apartment for things to sell so
he could afford the $375 this costs. apparently he didn't think to check
thepiratebay ;)

Mystery and Style[19]

The videos of Mystery in here are just excellent. It's very interesting to see
Mystery actually interacting with other people (not in a set), since he is the god
of pick-up.

Alliances & Coalitions by Edward Levin

rules of the game

A Thousand Tiny Failure

the Book of Pook and Models (Mark Manson). Mainly, though, my social skills have
improved massively in the last four weeks as a result of reading about body
language. I've read The Power of Eye Contact, What Every Body Is Saying, Allan &
Barbara Pease's book (forget the name) and I'm currently reading How to Talk to
Anyone - all of these are fantastic.

Fundamentals Book List:

No More Mr. Nice Guy For the stereotypical Nice Guy.

How to Talk to Anyone and/or How to Win Friends and Influence People
Fundamentals in communication with people.
The Game A look into the underground world of pickup artist that is both a
motivator and a cautionary tale for those who are looking to become successful with
The Definitive Book of Body Language and/or Superdate Body language.
Make Her Chase You The fundamentals in all things pursuing women and being

Advanced Book List:

The Power of Now Discover your inner being. Become enlightened about who you
really are at the core level.
Magic Bullets A very in depth look at seduction.
Blueprint Decoded DVDs on inner game, social dynamics, human behavior, and
how to become the most attractive person on a core level at your very being.
The Red Queen The Red Queen theory on evolution.
Why Men Dont Have a Clue and Women Always Want More Shoes Understanding the
other gender.
The Way of the Superior Man Become a real man.

Physical Health:

Stronglifts 55 (free)
Muscle Chow
Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder

All other social improvement and seduction books. Not required reading, but if you
want some additional material, here are some suggestions.

The Art of Seduction A look at famous seducers and seductresses in history.

Different types of seducers and how to be one.
Improv Wisdom: Dont Prepare, Just Show Up Live life by the principles of
She Comes First Pleasuring a woman.
The Improv Handbook: Ultimate Guide to Improvising in Comedy, Theatre, and
Beyond Learn improv comedy.
Double Your Dating Seduction book on being cocky and funny.
The New Sensual Massage Learn how to give an amazing massage.
Dating For Nice Guys Blog about safe vs. unsafe guys and how to be more
50 Shades of Grey Fiction, romance novel. Very erotic. Essentially porn for
women. Interesting to read, seeing what turns women on.
Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking Doesnt really have anything to
do with meeting women. Its written more for hackers and IT personnel, but Id be
lying if I said it wasnt helpful.

I have since moved on from books on seduction/social/self improvement and am now

just reading awesome books to enhance my worldliness and knowledge about a wide
variety of subjects. Just being a smarter person and having great knowledge will
indirectly help you in social situations. If you love reading and learning new
things, these are my suggestions. Ill continuously update this as I read more.

Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies If youre anything like
me, youd be interested in this kind of stuff. Great read though and makes for some
fascinating conversation topics.
Atlas Shrugged Fiction. The famous book by Ayn Rand, which is a statement on
her philosophy of Objectivism. Agree or disagree with the philosophy, the
industrial men in this book are strong male characters that know how to handle
The Making of the Atomic Bomb Quite possibly one of the best books Ive ever
read. From the very beginning of the discovery of the nucleus through the end of
the war. A tale of science, espionage, and politics all come together in the
astounding story of the atomic bomb.
Impact Equation A phenomenal book on marketing, extending your reach,
articulation, and echo. Its already helping me with my business.
The One Minute Manager Good introductory book on management. Really brief,
but it has solid advice on dealing with employees and remembering that they are
human beings.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Real excellent management book that takes you
through a realistic, but fictional situation about a dysfunctional executive team
and what a CEO needs to do to get everyone working together.
The Personal MBA An excellent and thorough overview of everything you need to
know to run a business. If you are considering getting an MBA because you want to
learn business, read this book first. You might reconsider spending $150,000 for a
degree that you can teach yourself.
Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Emotional Intelligence is a huge indicator for
those who are successful in life. Be smarter with your emotions and the emotions of
others and it will make you a more likable, trustworthy, and intelligent
Surely Youre Joking Mr. Feynman A must read for Forever Alones. It follows
the adventures of renowned theoretical physicist Richard Feynman and his life
experiences that relate so well to brilliant, but socially awkward individuals.
The Art of Strategy This is one of those books that really change your
perspective of the world. You learn to see things differently. Game theory. Not
seduction, but actual game theory. Everything in life can be broken down into some
type of game. How do you play? This book opens you up to strategies and how to win
them all.
Bargaining for Advantage Learn how to improve your bargaining and negotiating
skills. This is great for all areas and interactions in life that involve some sort
of exchange of value.
Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RGR Nabisco Absolutely amazing book about
what happened to RGR Nabisco during the 6-week long takeover by leveraged buyout.
If youre looking for a tough, hard-hitting Wall Street story with lessons in
negotiations, business, ethics, and all around great drama, this book is for you.
Accounting Made Simple Everyone should have some knowledge of the
fundamentals of accounting principles. This is a very concise book, in under a 100
pages, you get a quick understanding of the major parts of accounting.
Killer Angels A pulitzer price winning historical novel about the Battle of
Gettysburg. Incredibly gripping book.
Unbroken Amazing story about perseverance and survival in WWII. Will make you
a better person.
Predictable Revenue A solid book about building a sales team to take your
business to the next level.
Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking Quick read
about generating word of mouth marketing with a few good clever ideas.
Destiny of the Republic An incredibly eye-opening book about the
assassination of President James Garfield in 1881. You learn quite a bit about this
unknown president and his insane assassin. Oh, did I mention that Alexander Graham
Bell tried to invent a device to save the President and that the Presidents
doctors were arguably the ones that killed him? Worth the read!
Slaughterhouse Five This is a classic piece of literature. Its a novel and
it follows the story of Billy Pilgrim who was taken by aliens and is now able to
time travel to any point in his life. Sounds weird, but read the reviews. Its a
quick read, but after finishing the book, it really puts life into perspective.
Thinking, Fast and Slow A book that challenges your understanding of how
humans make rational decisions. The way our brains are wired, we are more prone to
make absurd judgments than you might think. Great book.
The Devil in the White City - A book that takes you on an epic adventure back
to 1893 at the Chicago Worlds Fair. All the while tracking the mystery and
notorious serial killer H. H Holmes. A dramatic true story.
The World Without Us A book that describes what happens to the earth if
humans suddenly disappeared.
A Short History of Nearly Everything This book, as the title suggests, is a
short history of nearly everything. From how the earth and cosmos formed, to
evolution, the human body, the cell, and everything in between. Moreover, it
details how these scientific discoveries took place and the curious characters
behind them.
The Path Between the Seas: Creation of the Panama Canal The amazing story of
the construction of the Panama Canal and all of the heroes, villains, and
everything in between.
The Nordstrom Way for Customer Service Excellence A detailed account of
Nordstroms customer service philosophy and how their customer service is superior
to all others in the retail industry.

Noah St. John's The Secret Code of Success

The $1 Million Reason To Change Your Mind

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman
The Double Helix
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
On The Campaign trail '72
Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
The Gateless Gate (A collection of Zen Koans).

"The Great Conversation,

How to be a 3% Man by Corey Wayne

The Manual by W. Anton

David DeAngelo's "Cocky Comedy"

The Comedy Bible

Comedy writing secrets

mastering hidden self serge king

The 48 Laws of Power

The Art of Public Speaking

How to Win Friends and Influence People


emotional intelligence
into the wild

'Lob des Sexismus' by Ludovico Santano

robert greene
breene brown

"The Charisma Myth" by Olivia Fox Cabane

Attract Women: The Anti Pick Up Line

"Quiet: The power of Introverts in a world that can't stop talking" by Susan Cain.

the power of introverts

Get Laid or Die Trying by RSD Jeffy

art of seduction
art of war szun trus

how to dominate women by Gary Brodsky

Gorgias - Plato

The Prince - Nicolo Machiavelli

think and grow rich


zan perrion albaster girl

The Fountainhead.

introducing NLP

"I'm OK, She's Ok"

"Men are from Mars"
"The Red Queen"
"The Power of Now"
The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova
The Autobiography of Benveuto Cellini

The Sun Also Rises

Intimate History of Humanity, An
herman hesse

'How to be a 3% man' by Corey Wayne

60 years of challenge
The peaceful warrior from dan millman

conquer your campus

Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz

Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment

AFC Adam's Principles of Attraction

Magic Bullets

Art of Seduction

Mystery Method

The Game

My Secret Garden

Sperm Wars

Married Man Sex Life Primer

60 Years Challenge

The Game, Neil Strauss

Magic Bullets
The Rules of the Game, Neil Strauss
Double Your Dating, David DeAngelo
Juggler Method, Wayne Elise
The Art of Seduction
Swinggcat's Audio Series
Fifty Shades of Grey, E.L. James
Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson (because it's AWESOME and it has a lot to do with
How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie
A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle
Unlimited Power, Tony Robbins
Mastering Your Hidden Self
Real Social Dynamics: The Blueprint Decoded, Owen Cook
Psycho-Cybernetics, Maxwell Maltz
The 48 Laws of Power, Tony Robbins
The Way of the Superior Man, David Deida
Amy Cuddy - Body Language and Power Poses
The Definitive Book of Body Language
Frogs Into Princes, Joh Grinder and Richard Bandler
Introducing NLP
Dog Training, Lew Burke
NLP: The New Technology of Achievement
David Shades Sex Manual, David Shade
Self-Working Card Magic, Karl Fulves
How to Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms, David Shade
My Secret Garden, Nancy Friday

The Tao Of Sexual Dating For Men

DiCarlo Escalation Ladder, 60 Years Of Challenge
Braddock's guide to Texting
jtao of the badass

The Power to Change.. Les Brown

Nice Guys And Players: Becoming the Man Women Want

Sexual Chemistry: Nice Guys And Players Level II
Mind Power by John Kehoe

zan perrion

same here i didn't really care about the fucking omition, after i made it but fuck
it. there are also some videos/seminar/podcast links. some other compiled
compilation of seduction books. i had to stop becuase there was a point when
weverything was just so fucking predictable and monotonous. feel free to disagree
with me and make your own list.but this is what i came up with.

from /r/redpillbooks

i also compiled this other thing

1.Dominate: Conquer your fears. Become the man you want to be. by David De Las
Morenas 2.The Alpha Playboy: Every Man's Guide To Kicking Ass In The Game Of Life
by Christian McQueen 3.The Key Logger: A Forbidden Glimpse into the True Nature of
redpill books

rational male--rollo tomassi

the book of pook-pook
no more mr. nice guy-- robert glover
48 laws of power--
the game-neal starus
Walden: (Or Life in the Woods)
Sex God Method - 2nd Edition
The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness (Penguin Psychology)
Is There Anything Good About Men?: How Cultures Flourish by Exploiting Men
ralph waldo emerson: self reliance
sex and culture by J.D. Unwin
Lady Chatterley's Lover D.H. Lawrence
the book of the bonecrker
be relentless David X
Practical Female Psychology : for the Practical Man
the unbearable lightness of being Milan Kundera
The Road Less Traveled, Timeless Edition: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional
Values and Spiritual Growth
The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them
The Portable Machiavelli
Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream
- and Why It Matters-helen smith
art of seduction-robert greene
The Gnoll Credo
way of the superior man= david deida
charles bukowski women
sun tzu the art of war
richest man in babylon
the way of men by jack donovan
the count of monte cristo alexandre duman
The Sovereign Individual: How to Survive and Thrive During the Collapse of the
Welfare State
How to win friends and influence people carnagie.
starship troopers by robert heinlein
the moon is harsh mistress
Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! (Adventures of a Curious Character)
what everybody is saying joe navarro
meditations marcus aurelious
atlas shrugged ayn rand
Fascinate: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation
The Will to Power and thus spoke zarathustra by friedrich nietzsche
the prince
models by mark
might is right
gay science by friedrich nietzsche
Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
strength traineing anatomy frederich delaiver
The Greyskull LP: Second Edition
"The Wisdom of Life" or "Counsels and Maxims." Arthur Schopenhauer
The Call of the Wild
six pillars of self esteem
f**k it

=eliot hulse bullshiter

man's search for meaning viktor frankl
east of eden steinbeck
sex 3.0
Mastery - Robert Greene
The manipulated man - Esther Vilar
The Fountainhead ayn rand
mystery method
the selfish gene richard dawkins
travis mcgee john d mcdonald
the antichrist by fredrich nietsxhe
theycidides history of the peloponnesian war
The Manosphere: A New Hope For Masculinity by Ian Ironwood
The Moral Animal: Why We Are, the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary
In Defense of Women
The Manosphere: A New Hope For Masculinity by Ian Ironwood

Matt Ridley, The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature

Midas Jones, The Modern Prince: Better Living Through Machiavellianism

Oliver Burkeman, The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive

A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The Married Man Sex Life Primer 2011
robert greene
text appeal
jed mckenna enlightment trilogy
licious annaeus seneca
steppenwolf herman hesse
The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms
The Decline of the West aswald spengler
beyond good and evil friedrich neitzsche
Breaking Hearts: The Two Sides of Unrequited Love (Emotions and Social Behavior
50 Philosophy of Science Ideas - by Gareth Southwell
An Anatomy of Addiction: Sigmund Freud, William Halsted, and the Miracle Drug
Cocaine - by Howard Markel
animal farm
mastery robert greene
outwitting the deil
33 strategies of war
the alchemis
the wealth of nations
the world as will and representation VOL1 and vol2
zen in the art of archery
How to Win Every Argument: The Use and Abuse of Logic by Madsen Pirie
The Invisible Presence

The 4 Agreements

The Power of Now

You are Not Your Brain

The Manipulated Man

The Road Less Traveled

Demian by Herman Hesse
How to get Rich by Felix Dennis
millionaire fastlane
The Millionaire Mind
The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric - Sister Miriam

As A Man Thinketh - James Allen

Let's Abolish Government - Lysander Spooner

The Law - Frederic Bastiat

Economic Sophisms - Frederic Bastiat

Our Enemy, The State - Albert Jay Nock

The Rise and Fall of Society - Frank Chodorov

Income Tax: Root of All Evil - Frank Chodorov

The Laws of Success - Napoleon Hill

How To Sell your Way Through Life - Napoleon Hill

War Is A Racket - Smedley Butler

War is the Health of the State - Randolph Bourne

None Dare Call It Conspiracy - Gary Allen

Organized Crime: The Unvarnished Truth About Government - Thomas J. DiLorenzo

Fifty Shades of Grey, E.L. James - Provides some great perspective on female
attraction and female writing as a style and how they humanize ( alter) male
characters to give them an excuse for their dark triad behavior.

How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie - Totally essential for
any man.

The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle - An icebreaker on removing your ego and living
in the present.

A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle - Tolle's follow-up to the previous novel.

The Way of the Superior Man, David Deida - Slightly preachy but contains some
good ways of thinking of oneself as the fantasy man and not the provider husband to
a woman.

Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill - A study in some of the greatest men in the
past 2 centuries and how their drive towards some personal goal led them to
"riches" whatever that may be.
Tao Te Ching, Lao Tsu - The ramblings of an old man after having lived a
lifetime as the master of archives for the Chinese emperor. Sometimes
incomprehensible and other times full of wisdom.

The Birth of the West, Paul Collins - A study of history in the 10th Century
and the birthing of the concept of 'Europe.' Provides some unique excerpts about
how women and men got along in that time - especially with how accessible it was.
Far more focused on the political, but interesting as hell if you like medieval
Life, Letters, and Epicurean Philosophy of Ninon de L'Enclos by Ninon de Lenclos
Games People Play by Eric Berne - Transactional analysis in human interaction.
start with why?
Blood Meridian by cormac McCarthy

Book of lies by aleister crowley

Cosmic trigger series by Robert anton Wilson (the first one was a little boring to
me but provided good context for the later ones)

Beelzebubs tales to his grandson by gurdjieff

Apophenion by Peter J Carroll

Crazy shit, one and all. My favorite novel is slaughterhouse five by Kurt vonnegut,
but just because it's pretty.

Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominiguez and Vicki Robin - great book on
exactly what we give up to earn money and why we should not waste it. You don't
have to follow the investment advice.

Cashing in on the American Dream: How to Retire at 35 by Paul Terhorst - an

older classic about getting out of the rat race.

Early Retirement Extreme: A philosophical and practical guide to financial

independence by Jacob Lund Fisker - very analytical book on exactly how to become
independently wealthy as soon as possible. He also has a blog.
The Art of Money Getting by PT Barnum
he Darkness that Comes Before (The Prince of Nothing)
"Jesus' Son" by Denis Johnson
Demian by Herman Hesse
burmese days geroge orwell

The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
The Theory of Poker by David Sklansky
Any poker book by Ed Miller
How to Cheat at Everything by Simon Lovell (some of the advice is outdated, but
the principles are sound. Learning how cons work goes a long way in avoiding being
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
On the Road by Jack Kerouac
Loving What Is by Byron Katie
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
tao te ching
sperm wars
A Life at Work: The Joy of Discovering What You Were Born to Do

mating mind
the evolution of human sexuality
Influence: the Psychology of Persuasion
Roy U. Schenk and John Everingham - Breaking the Shackles
7 habits of highly effective people robert covey
charisma myth
What Men Still Don't Know About Women, Relationships, and Love by Dr. Herb Goldberg
think and grow rich
Kybalion by Hermes Trismegestus
Roy U. Schenk and John Everingham - Breaking the Shackles

Pick Up Artistry

Bang: The Pickup Bible by Roosh

The Best of Roosh Volume I By Roosh

Day Bang: How to pick up girls during the day By Roosh

The Gentlemen's Guide to picking up women by Ian Ironwood

The Ironwood Collection of Alpha moves by Ian Ironwood

Pickup lines don't work by Vince Valentino

The Natural by Richard Ruina

Self Help and Married Advice

Married Men's Sex Life Primer 2011 (MMSL) by Athol Kay

Managed Attraction Plan (MAP) by Athol Kay

How to answer do these pants make my ass look fat? By Athol Kay

No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover

Book of Pook

The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida

The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene

The 48 rules of power by Robert Greene

The Enlightened Sex Manual by David Deida

The Sex God Method

Get Inside Her: Dirty Secrets to Seduction From a Wing-Girl

The Attraction Handbook for Men: Harnessing the power of sex

How to Get your Wife in the Mood

How to be a Good Boyfriend

The Nice Guys Guide To Girls

The Key Logger

Mens Rights/Trouble with boys

The End of Men by Hanna Rosin

The Manipulated Man by Eshter Vilar

Enjoy the Decline by Arron Clarey

The Flipside of Feminism by Suzanne Venker

The Manosphere: A new hope for Masculinity by Ian Ironwood

Men on Strike by Helen Smith

The War Against Boys by Christina Summers

The War on Men by Suzanne Venker

The way of men by Jack Donovan

Women First, men last: Feminisms War against Men by Steven Adams

Save the Males

Why boys fail by Richard Whitmore


The Rational Male

david shade

mode one
21 irrefutable laws of leadership by John C Maxwell.

Outliers by Malcom Gladwell

'Storm of Steel' by Ernest Junger

48 Laws of Power, The - Robert Greene, Feb, 2000.epub

Art of Seduction, The - Robert Greene, Aug, 2005.epub
Art of War, The - Sun Tzu, Dec, 2014.epub
Book of Pook - Pook, Jan, 101.epub
Dating For Dummies - Joy Browne, Jan, 2011.epub
Double Your Dating Second Edition - David DeAngelo, Jan, 101.epub
Game, The - Neil Strauss, Sep, 2011.epub
Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms - David Shade, Jan, 101.epub
How to Dominate Women - Gary Brodsky, Jan, 2010.epub
How to Have Multiple Orgasms - Janalee Beck, Mar, 2009.epub
How to Make Anyone Fall in Love With You - Leil Lowndes, Sep, 1997.epub
How to Talk to Anyone_ 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships - Leil
Lowndes, Oct, 2003.epub
How To Win Friends And Influence People - Carnegie, Dale, Sep, 2010.epub
Influence_ The Psychology of Persuasion - Robert B. Cialdini, Jan, 1984.epub
Machiavellian's Guide to Charm, The - Nick Casanova, Feb, 2008.epub
MagicBullets Cleaned - PeterPan, Oct, 2017.epub
Manipulated Man, The - Esther Villar, Aug, 2008.epub
Models_ A Comprehensive Guide to Attracting Women - Mark Manson, Jul, 2011.epub
Mystery Method v2, The - ythEngel, Jan, 101.epub
Natural Game - Unknown, Dec, 2007.epub
No More Mr Nice Guy - Robert A. Glover, Jan, 2003.epub
Penis of Steel -, Jan, 101.epub
Ph. D of Persuasion - Joseph R. Plazo, Jan, 101.epub
Power vs. Force - David R. Hawkins M. D. Ph.d., Feb, 2013.epub
Rational Male, The - Rollo Tomassi, Oct, 2013.epub
Red Pill Sidebar, The - TheRedPill, Jan, 101.epub
Science of Influence_ How to Get Anyone to Say Yes in 8 Minutes or Less!, The -
Kevin Hogan, Oct, 2010.epub
Secrets of Female Sexuality_ Be the Masterful Lover Women Crave, The - David
Shade, Sep, 2010.epub
Secrets of Seduction - Ron Louis & David Copeland, Jan, 101.epub
Secrets of Speed Seduction, Home Study Course Book and Workbook_ - Jim Esparza,
Jan, 101.epub
Seduction Method, The - Unknown, Jan, 101.epub
Seduction Science Volume I - III - Derek Vitalio, Jan, 101.epub
Sex for Dummies - Ruth K. Westheimer, Dec, 2000.epub
Sex God Method - 2nd Edition - Daniel Rose, Jan, 101.epub
Sex-Ploytation - Matthew Fitzgerald, Jun, 1999.epub
Sperm Wars - Robin Baker, Jan, 2006.epub
StyleLife Challenge, The - Unknown, Jan, 101.epub
Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu, Aug, 2006.epub
The 4-Hour Workweek - Timothy Ferris, Feb, 2010.epub
Three Irrefutable Secrets of Attraction, The - Tyler Tray, Jan, 101.epub
Three Keys To Seducing Any Woman - Mike Pilinski, Jan, 101.epub
Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery - John Price, Jan, 101.epub
Ultimate Guide to Penis Enlargement Techniques - Administrator, Jan, 101.epub
Ultimate Texting Guide for Men 2nd Edition, The - Tyler Tray, Sep, 2013.epub
Way of the Superior Man_ A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of
Women, Work, and Sexual Desire, The - David Deida, Feb, 2004.epub
What Every BODY Is Saying - Joe Navarro;Marvin Karlins, Aug, 2012.epub
Your Essential Guide to Kissing Tips and Techniqes - Unknown, Mar, 2006.epub


ISBN: 006124189X Title: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Collins

Business Essentials)
ISBN: 0140280197 Title: The 48 Laws of Power
ISBN: 1439181780 Title: The Secret: The Power
ISBN: 0966398130 Title: Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get
ISBN: 1573244988 Title: Introducing NLP: Psychological Skills for Understanding
and Influencing People
ISBN: 1591842808 Title: Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to
Take Action
ISBN: 0007263589 Title: Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape
Our Decisions
ISBN: 0385512058 Title: Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One
Relationship at a Time
ISBN: 0061438294 Title: What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to
Speed-Reading People
ISBN: 0449911489 Title: Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive
ISBN: 0671724002 Title: The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking
ISBN: 0553804723 Title: The Definitive Book of Body Language
ISBN: 0974320625 Title: Emotional Intelligence 2.0
ISBN: 0670024961 Title: Mastery

ISBN: 1400049660 Title: Get Out of Your Own Way: The 5 Keys to Surpassing
Everyone's Expectations
ISBN: 0062116924 Title: Search Inside Yourself: Google's Guide to Enhancing
ISBN: 0142000280 Title: Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free
ISBN: 1878424319 Title: The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal
ISBN: 0385528752 Title: Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard
ISBN: 1400069289 Title: The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and
ISBN: 1583334386 Title: The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It
ISBN: 1400067820 Title: Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder (Incerto)
ISBN: 0979777747 Title: Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving
ISBN: 0312430000 Title: The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right
ISBN: 1594488843 Title: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
ISBN: 1577314808 Title: The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
ISBN: 1250032105 Title: This Is How: Surviving What You Think You Can't
ISBN: 0374533555 Title: Thinking, Fast and Slow
ISBN: 0312275676 Title: Intuition: Knowing Beyond Logic
ISBN: 0805078533 Title: On Intelligence
ISBN: 0671700758 Title: Psycho-Cybernetics
ISBN: 1592406599 Title: You Are Not So Smart


ISBN: 0679723005 Title: The Book

ISBN: 1570629404 Title: Become What You Are
ISBN: 1401307787 Title: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life
ISBN: 055325748X Title: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance


ISBN: 0393033686 Title: Lend Me Your Ears Great Speeches in History

ISBN: 0140047484 Title: Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for None and All
ISBN: 087975558X Title: Beyond Good and Evil (Great Books in Philosophy)
ISBN: 0394604865 Title: Ulysses
ISBN: 067122879X Title: Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder
ISBN: 0691014647 Title: Walden
ISBN: 1403774641 Title: Art of War
ISBN: 048629823X Title: Meditations

Pimp - The Story of My Life by Iceberg Slim

Shogun by James Clavelle
Nature, Man and Woman by Alan Wilson Watts
Fingers Pointing Towards the Moon by Wei Wu Wei
The Disowned Self by Nathaniel Brandon
The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma by Bodhidharma, Red Pine (Translator)
How Life Imitates Chess by Gary Kasparov
Conan the Defender by Robert Jordan

possibiity of sex by alan roger currie.

The Key Logger: A Forbidden Glimpse into the True Nature of Women
The Perfect Kill: 21 Laws for Assassins
The One Thing by Gary Keller
the flow by dan bacon
double your dating
"Confessions of a Sociopath" by M.E. Thomas
Enchiridion of Epictetus by arrian
Bachelor Pad Economics: The Financial Advice Bible for Men

this one was easier to navigate, is just a list of books. and just roll with it. so
i took the liberty to write also from comment recomendations and all of that. so
yeah that is what is up.

there is also
this website which focuses on reviewing pua/dating material from books, to dvd
series to sex demos and all of that. pick your poison!

this was completed on my free time. and it was completed on 3/19/2015. no more no
there were also some torrent compilations. some were ify but to my knowledge there
were only three of those as far as i know so its all good.

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