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Students! Neighbors! Crown Castle NG West LLC is planning to put up mini cell towers-~antenna called DAS-on light poles in Santa Cruz near UCSC soon. Crown will lease the antenna to Verizon Wireless thereafter. The locations seem to target middle school and college areas. Is the goal to get young people addicted to high speed streaming? Some site areas have “good” cell coverage as it is. How to stop the spread of mini cell towers, with the controversy over the safety? The City has no jurisdiction to stop this; Where is the potential for democracy? WE must take control! For corporations, money talks. We can tank profits temporarily by giving bad press and by serially changing cell carriers whenever they make a terrible decision like this. TO DO: Take a photo Follow @CorpSanity Share a photo of this flyer, post #Verizonstepdown of this flyer and share,with a note to “Share” oycott Grizon DAS Antenfita Mini CA’ Towers) ond@tility Poles

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