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Non-Communicable Disease Calculator

Indicators Values Risk prediction summary WPR B People without DM WPR B People with DM
Gender m Male

Age 70 Interview Needed (70's and

With DM y
Diabetic Err:514 Err:514
Smoker y YES
Systolic Blood Pressure 170 HYPERTENSION
Refer to Physician Immediately

Smoking Cessation
All smokers should be strongly encouraged to quit smoking by a health professional and supported in their efforts to
do so.
Nicotine replacement therapy and/or nortripyline or amfebutamone [bupropion] should be offered to motivated
smokers who fail to quit with counselling
6 Feet 72 inches 182.88 cm
0 Inches 0 cm 182.88 Total cm

Height Weight BMI Interpretation

182.88 55 16.44 Moderate Thinness

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