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Lesson Plan

Grade: 10th
Level of English: Intermediate
No. of classes/week: 3
Lesson: What do people do for a living?
Type of lesson: mixed, focus on writing descriptive paragraphs
Objectives: By the end of the lesson the students will have:
learnt and practised about describing people
practised the adjective in different interactive and written activities
been able to integrate the adjective in meaningful descriptive contexts
Skills: speaking, writing
Methods and procedures: conversation, group work
Materials: worksheets


Warm-up activity
Time: 5 minutes
Interaction: teacher the class
Aims: to organize the class
to check and correct the students homework

Activity 1: Lead-in
Time: 10 minutes
Interaction: T-Ss, pair work
Aim: to activate adjectives related to personality description.
I initiate a discussion about the way we describe people and I ask my students to have in
mind the following:
How do we describe people? Begin with the physical attributes:
Color of the eyes, hair and skin
The shape of the eyes, nose and eyebrows
Height and weight
I ask them to be as specific as possible. So, rather than just saying that she has blonde hair
and white skin, think what shade of blonde hair does she have? Light blonde? Ash blonde?
What shade of skin does she have? Lightly tanned? Freckled? Etc.
Next I ask them to think of the vocabulary they know and want to use and then look them up
in a dictionary and see if there are any new words or alternative words they can use.
How would you describe the following? Give three alternative words for the following:
1. Weight___________________________
2. Height____________________________
3. Looks__________________________
4. Eye color______________________
5. Nose___________________________
Then consider the persons personality and character. Are they happy? Lucky? Angry? Rude?
Etc. Are they funny? Morose? Boring? (Look up all the words you do not know)
I may give them a list of adjectives related to physical and personality description.

Activity 2 : Practice
Aim: - to practice describing people
Interaction: pair work, conversation, role play
Time: 10 minutes
Procedure: I give them the following instructions:
1. You are on the phone to a friend and talking about Angelina Jolie, an American
actress. Your friend is not too sure who she is, and so you are trying to describe her to
them. Use your imagination or your own opinion as to their personality and character.
Write a short conversation between you, including at least three sentences describing
Angelina Jolie and practice talking on the phone with your partner.

A __________________________________________________________________
B __________________________________________________________________
A __________________________________________________________________
B __________________________________________________________________
A __________________________________________________________________
2. Now write a role-play describing Johnny Depp with your desk-mate.

A __________________________________________________________________
B __________________________________________________________________
A __________________________________________________________________
B __________________________________________________________________
A __________________________________________________________________
B __________________________________________________________________

Activity 3: What do people do for a living?

Aim: - to get the students interact and work in groups efficiently
- To get them practice descriptive adjectives related to jobs and people descriptions
Interaction: group work
Time: 15 minutes
I put the students into groups of four.

I make one copy of the jobs worksheet and cut up one set of picture cards for each

I tell the class, they are going to write words that describe and characterize people in
certain jobs.

I run through an example with the class.

Example: Lawyer

Neat, well-dressed, hard-working, intelligent, 40 to 50 years old, etc.

First, I give out a jobs worksheet to each group and ask them to describe the sort of person
who does each of the jobs. Each team should brainstorm and choose one student to do the
When each group has finished, I give them a cut up set of picture cards and tell them that
each person does one of the jobs on their worksheet.

Each group should look at their descriptions and pictures and assess which description should
go with which picture and why? The students may consider the appearance and overall
impressions they get from the pictures to help them make their decisions.
Once everyone has finished, the students can compare their answers.
Finally, I go through the correct answers with the class.

Correct answers Pictures

Computer Programmer Tour Guide Pharmacist

Student Teacher Shop Assistant

Manager Designer Photographer

Policeman Doctor Chef

Activity 4: Home assignment
Aim: to reinforce the knowledge
Interaction: teacher students
Time: 5 minutes
I ask the students to choose a job from those listed above and make a
description of the right man/woman for it.
Jobs Worksheet

Manager Chef Teacher

Photographer Pharmacist Student

Policeman Computer Programmer Designer

Shop Assistant Tour Guide Doctor

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