How To Do A Handstand PDF

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Recommended Routine The routine provided is simply a recommendation, Experiment and customise to find the right amount of volume, intensity and frequency for you to make optimal progress. See the following page for guidance on implementing alongside your current strength training program. oT A). General Warm up 4-2 Minutes Jump rope, arm swings, band exercises AZ. My Wrist Routine 10r + 10s per position Mobilising exercises and active stretches for wrists. AD. Emmet Louis's Shoulder Mobility Routine 10r + 10s per position Mobilising exercises and active siretches for shoulders. Ses: 1 PEST As Needed = 4). Freestanding Handstand Attempts 5 Minutes Considered and focused attempts at the handstand Set: 1 PEST As Needed |. Handstand Progression Sr /10r + 10s / 20-60s Choose a progression that allows quality holds. &. Shoulder Extension 20-30s To balance and mobilise the shoulders. SES: +3 REST 60s P!. Bodyline Drill 20-60s improve awareness of bodyline and core strength Se: 1-3 REST 60s ao €). My Wrist Routine 10r + 10s per position Mobilising exercises and active stretches for wrists. Se: 1 PEST 60s ). Emmet Louis's Shoulder Mobility Routine 10r + 10s per position Mobilising exercises and active siretches for shoulders. Ses: 1-3 REST 60s © VitalityAndAgilityTV @TheBodyweightWarrior © VitalityAndAgilty HANDSTAND Una Applying The Routine Perform this routine in addition to your normal training. It can be performed in full or as a deload routine by removing the " SIRENGI ” section. Frequency, volume and intensity needs to be adjusted to individual recovery ability. | do suggest performing the full routine 3-5 times a week and simply performing a deload routine or having a complete rest day on the remaining days. Deload Routine: ay + Cay Low Frequency Example MONDAY | THESDAY | WEDNESDAY) THURSDAY | FRIDAY | SATURDAY | SUNDAY Full Deload Full Deload Full Rest Rest Recommended Example MONDAY | THESDAY \ WEDNESDAY) THURSDAY | FRIDAY | SATURDAY | SUNDAY Full Full Deload Full Full Deload Rest High Frequency Example MONDAY | THESDAY | WEDNESDAY) THURSDAY | FRIDAY | SATURDAY | SUNDAY Full Full Deload Full Full Full Deload Emmet Louis's Shoulder Mobility Implementation Emmet recommends performing his full shoulder mobility routine 3 times a week. | would stil recommend having one round of the routine kept in every session for the warm up section. The full routine ,3-4 sets, would then only have fo be performed on 3 individual days during the week. © VitalityAndAgilityTV @TheBodyweightWarrior — &_VitalityAndAgility ede Choose a progression that allows you to perform a set between the rep ranges provided. Just remember to focus on quality not intensity. The hardest progression is not the best progression. My Wrist Routine Al). First Knuckle Push Ups 10r + 10s AZ. \Nrist Push Ups 40r + 10s AB. Wrist Rocks 10r + 10s Al. \Nrist Flexor Stretch 10r + 10s 15. Twisted Wrist Flexor Stretch 10r + 10s AUG. Wrist Extensor Stretch 1Or + 10s SHS: +3 “REST As Needed Handstand Progressions |. Frog Stand 20-60s 2. Elevated Pike Stand 20-60s / 10r + 10s 3. Wall Plank 20-60s / Sr 4, Handstand Kick Ups 10-20 attempts (per set) 5. Wall Assisted Handstand 20-60s 6. Wall Assisted Handstand Leg Flutters 20-60s Shoulder Extension /. Reverse Table Top Plank 20-30s 2. Reverse Support Plank 20-30s 3. L-Sit Progression 20-30s Bodyline /. Front Support Plank 20-60s 2. Reverse Support Plank 20-60s 3. Side Plank 20-60s 4, Hollow Body 20-60s 5, Arch Body 20-60s © VitalityAndAgilityTV @TheBodyweightWarrior & VitalityAndAgility ede Choose a progression that allows you to perform a set between the rep ranges provided. Just remember to focus on quality not intensity. The hardest progression is not the best progression. Emmet Louis's Shoulder Mobility Routine (Adapted) AJ. Rear Delt Pull Apart 10r AZ. Pec Stretch With Fascial Dimension 10r+ 10s AB. Trap-3 Raise 10r Al. Hanging Side Pull Lat Stretch 10r + 10s 15. Cuban Rotations 10r AG. Butchers Block 10r + 10s SHS 13 REST As Needed Full credit to Emmet Louis for this routine. | highly recommend that you read the blog post for full information on the exercises, form cues and extras not mentioned here: © VitalityAndAgilityTV @TheBodyweightWarrior — &_VitalityAndAgility

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