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Ether research

The four ethers (theosophical, anthroposophical and rosicrucian writings)

The seven states of matter in the physical world

Vitality globules, lifeforces and etheric atoms (theosophical writings)

Orgone energy discoveries of Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957)

Etheric weather discoveries of Trevor J. Constable

The Harmonizers of Slim Spurling (1938-2007)

The Ether Radiating Apparatuses of Oskar Korschelt (1853-1940)

The honeycombs of Viktor Grebennikov (1927-2001)

The quartz crystals of Marcel Vogel (1917-1991)

Thoughts about magnetism and orgone energy

Radiant energy discoveries of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)

Magnetic fields and energies (July 18, 2012)

Torsion fields (July 18, 2013)

Odylic flames, magnets and charges (July 29, 2013)

The first time I read about etheric forces was from theosophical book. According to Charles Leadbeater
(1900) there are great etheric currents constantly sweeping over the surface of the Earth from pole to pole,
and there are methods by which this force may be safely utilized, though unskillful attempts to control it
would be of great danger. Secondly, there is etheric pressure, somewhat corresponding to the atmospheric
pressure, and by isolating the ether from a given space, the tremendous force of etheric pressure can be
brought into play. Thirdly, there is vast store of potential energy, and by changing the condition of the matter
some of this may be liberated and utilized, somewhat as latent energy in form of heat may be liberated by a
change of a condition of visible matter. (1)

The four ethers

According to Annie Besant (1910) there are different densities of etheric matter that are different as solid and
liquid are different, and these yield what we call electricity, sound, light, and so on. The densest form of ether
motion gives the ordinary current electricity and in that same kind of ether are the vibrations of sound, which
set the air waves going (vibrations of air are secondary). Another density of ether gives the vibrations of light.
Then there are fast and short waves which give the finer forms of electricity. There are also subtler forms of
ether vibrations which are the medium for transmission of thoughts from brain to brain. (2, 3)

According to Pekka Ervast (1926) ether is invisible physical force. Firstly, there is chemical ether, which
creates energy from the food. This ether manifests in warmth and fire. Secondly, there is magnetic ether,
which is the creative force connected to sexual attraction. It is also connected to the production and the
movement of the body fluids. Thirdly, there is sense/light ether, which is connected to physical senses. This
ether flows in nerves and blood, and it is often called prana. And fourthly, there is the most evolved
memory/life ether, which is connected to memory and breathing. Ervast also points out that prana is
sometimes defined as the vital force of the Sun, which flows on all levels. (4, 5, 6)

To compare and expand, according to Rudolf Steiner and Guenther Wachsmuth (1932, as cited by Constable
1990) there are four ethers. The warmth ether manifests in heat, which can be regarded as the fourth state of
matter. It is expansive in action and tends to produce spherical forms. The light ether is perceived as the
normal light. It is expansive in action and tends to produce triangular forms. The chemical ether is active in
chemical processes of all kinds, and also transmits sound to human ear. It is centripetal in action and
interlocked with all the phenomena of cold and contraction. The tones vibrating everywhere in space are
produced by the forces of chemical ether. In the nature this ether tends to produce half moon forms. The life
ether is the most evolved of the four ethers. It is centripetal in action and tends to produce square shapes. (7)

According to Max Heindel (1909) there are also four ethers. Firstly, the chemical ether is both positive
(assimilation) and negative (excretion) in manifestation. Secondly, the life ether is the avenue for the forces
of propagation to operate. It has positive and negative poles. The positive forces work in the female during
gestation and the negative forces enable male to produce semen. Thirdly, the light ether is also polarized. The
forces which work along the positive pole circulate blood (or plant sap) and generate blood heat. The
negative forces operate through the senses, and deposit chlorophyll and colors. Fourthly, the reflecting ether
records the reflections of the memory of nature. This ether is also the medium for thought to make an
impression upon the brain. (24)

The seven states of matter in the physical world

Based on metaphysics and unconventional sources. (December 14, 2015)

7. Life ether - consciousness, mind energy and memory, the ultimate physical particles, tempic (time)
potential, gravitational potential, scalar potentials

6. Light ether - Tesla waves, longitudinal electric waves, magneto-dielectric waves, faster than light
vibrations, tachyons, orgone pulsations, qi energies, torsion fields

5. Magnetic ether - Hertzian waves, transverse electromagnetic waves, photons

4. Fire ether (plasma state) - heat transfer and electric currents

3. Air (gas state) - sound waves

2. Water (liquid state) ~ water waves

1. Earth (solid state) ~ kinetic energy

Vitality globules, lifeforces and etheric atoms

Fig. 1. Lifeforce & vitality

According to Leadbeater (1927) the Sun sends out several of forms of etheric energy, for example serpent
fire, lifeforce and vitality. The lifeforce seems to be capable of occupying several different kinds of etheric
form and most commonly it adopts an octahedron, made of four atoms arranged in a square, and one central
atom constantly vibrating up and down. Sometimes it uses exceedingly active little molecule consisting of
three atoms. The vitality globule consists of seven atoms, arranged like the atoms in lifeforce, except in a
form of hexagon instead of a square. In all of these forms the central atom is in rapid vibration at right angles
to disc plane of other atoms, springing up from it to a height greater than the diameter of the disc, and then
sinking below the disc to an equal distance, repeating this motion several times in a second. (8)

Fig. 2. Feminine etheric atom

The term "atom" used here refers to etheric atoms. There are two kinds of etheric atoms, positive (masculine)
and negative (feminine). In the positive atom the lifeforce flows (counterclockwise) from the fourth
dimension to the physical world and in the negative atom the lifeforce flows (clockwise) from the physical
world to the fourth dimension. The force flows in from the wider end, causing a heart like shape. It spirals
within and around this atom in closed loops. The atom is spinning upon its own axis and it has a regular
pulsation, a contraction and expansion, like the pulsation of the heart. (9)

The Sun radiates vitality to all levels. The vital force enters some of the physical atoms, immensely increases
their activity and makes them animated and glowing. When vitality wells up within atom, it endows it with an
additional life, and gives it a power of attraction so that it immediately draws around it six other atoms which
it arranges in a hexagonal form. These globules are conspicuous above all others which may be seen floating
in the atmosphere, on account of their brilliance and extreme activity. While the force that vivifies these
globules is quite different from light, it nevertheless seems to depend upon light for its power of
manifestation. In brilliant sunshine this vitality is constantly welling up afresh, and the globules are generated
with great rapidity and in incredible numbers, but in cloudy weather there is great diminution in the number
of globules formed, and during the night, the operation is entirely suspended. (8)
Orgone energy discoveries of Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957)

The orgone energy is pulsating life energy and fundamental creative force in nature. It charges and radiates
from all living and non-living substances. Different materials attract and absorb or reflect orgone energy. It is
strongly attracted to living things, to water, and to itself. The orgone energy penetrates matter with various
speeds. It is related to magnetism and electrostatic charges. (10)

Wilhelm Reich discovered orgone energy through bion (pulsating microscopic vesicles) experiments. One
bion preparation made from pulverized beach sand heated to incandescence and immersed into a sterile
nutrient broth, yielded powerful radiant energy phenomena. Lab workers developed eye and skin
inflammation, when they observed the preparation for too long or too close. The energy conveyed magnetic
field to nearby iron instruments, and electrostatic charge to nearby insulators. Reich noted that metals
attracted this energy and quickly reflected it to both directions. Organic materials attracted, absorbed and held
on this energy. (10)

From these observations, Reich (1940) developed a way to concentrate orgone energy. He constructed small
boxes with alternating layers of organic and metallic materials, with the innermost layer being metal. Reich
called his device the orgone energy accumulator. (11)

Good organic materials for orgone accumulators are wool, beeswax, fiberglass and acrylic plastic. Good
metals are iron and steel sheets, steel wool and tinplate. Accumulators used on living systems, copper and
aluminum should be avoided as they yield toxic effects. The accumulation becomes more powerful as more
layers are added, although after three (organic+metal) ply's the strength grows only a little: A three ply
accumulator has about 70 % of the strength of a ten ply accumulator. (10)

Orgone accumulators have many interesting effects. On sunnuy clear days an accumulator develops a slightly
higher temperature to its inside than either its surroundings or a control enclosure. An electroscope kept
inside an orgone accumulator will dissipate its charge more slowly, and sometimes it spontaneously charges
up. An accumulator tends to attract slightly higher humidity into itself. In rainy weather all of the above
effects disappear. Geiger Muller tube placed inside a strong accumulator for several weeks or months goes
dead for a period, and later charges up to very high ionization levels. (10) This vacuum tube ionization effect
might be part of the secret behind Reich's orgone motor.

Accumulator amplifies the energy conditions of the local environment. Orgone energy is sensitive to
electromagnetic excitation, and it is irritated to over-excited, unhealthy state by radioactive materials, x-ray
generators, radars, microwave ovens, cellular towers, broadcast towers, cathode ray tubes (old TVs),
fluorescent lamps and high voltage power lines. Reich called this phenomenon the oranur effect. The over-
excited state can persist after the devices are removed. When the irritation is prolonged the orgone energy
becomes stagnant and lifeless, deadly orgone energy (dor). The air charged with dor is stuffy and it is hard to
get a good breath out of it. (10)

Normally orgone energy is in sparkling and pulsing condition. On fair weather breathing is easy and most
people feel exceptionally alive and relaxed. On sunny clear days the orgone charge at the Earth's surface is
strong, and on rainy weather the orgone charge is weak at the surface, but strong at the atmosphere. Orgone
charge tends to be stronger at higher altitudes than at lower altitudes, and also stronger at lower latitudes than
higher latitudes. (10)

Etheric weather discoveries of Trevor J. Constable

The Earth is a living organism, and like all living things it breathes. The major etheric force involved in the
breathing processes is the chemical ether. The planet Earth exhales the chemical ether into the atmosphere at
sunrise, and inhales it into the mantle at sunset. "The moisture-producing, fluid-influencing chemical ether is
responsible for such seemingly disparate phenomena as morning and evening fogs and mist, fluctuations in
soil humidity, barometric pressure changes, increases and diminutions of potential gradient, and the rising
and falling of plant sap." (7)

Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) discovered the chemical ether as a physical force in 1939-1940, and called it
orgone energy. He empirically found out many properties of orgone energy; the blue color, affinity to the fluid
state of matter and the ability to produce thermic, barometric, electrostatic and biological effects. In his
discovery of the atmospheric orgone energy, Reich also determined the presence of its basic west to east
movement. (7)

The chemical ether flows from low potential to high potential - to the opposite direction than conventional
energy potentials. The main etheric flows in the temperate zones run from west to east, and in the equator, the
main flow is from east to west. There are large differences in temperate zone etheric densities and response
times compared to (faster) equator. The west to east flow of ether in the northern hemisphere is strongest at
full moon, and weakest at new moon. There is also south to north terrestrial flow of ether in the northern
hemisphere spring and summer, and in the winter this flow reverses. The west to east flow and the south to
north flow are separate functions of the ether, but to some degree they mutually influence each other. (12)

Fig. 3. Etheric weather engineering device

Geometric forms and structures have a long history of involvement with etheric force. Pyramids and cones
focus etheric force in a coherent beam from the cone apex. When rotation is added, the devices become more
effective as vortical movement is generated in the ether. Additionally when the devices are mounted on a
moving vessel, their action is greatly enhanced. In the picture is Mark 5 Spider: The rotating cones induce
vortical movement into the ether, which increase the local etheric potential and attract atmospheric moisture,
and eventually produce rain. (12)

Etheric potential and barometric pressure have an inverse relationship. As etheric potential and humidity
rises, barometric pressure goes down, clouds are formed and eventually it rains. When the etheric potential
becomes sufficient, it discharges via lightning. High etheric potentials are antagonists to high electric
potentials. Very high etheric potential (for example in tropical cyclones and in tornadoes) flows towards high
electric potential sources such as high voltage transformers and breaks them with great force. (12, 13)

There are two kids of etheric vortices: implosive and explosive. Conventional technology depends upon
explosive forces, which are hot, dry, and destructive. Implosive forces, on the other hand, are cooling,
contractive, and constructive to life. Their activity is harmoniously ordered and based on the golden section
ratios, which manifest in all life. (12)

The Harmonizers of Slim Spurling (1938-2007)

Fig. 4. Environmental harmonizer

Experiments with caduceus coils led Spurling in 1991 to discover the healing effects of specific length copper
rings. When a copper ring is resonant with harmonic frequencies of light, it creates a tensor field inside the
ring, which emits bluish white light. The ring also creates a coherent energy beam at a right angles to the
tensor plane. Additionally when the copper ring is twisted left handed helix (counterclockwise), the ring has
positive effects on both sides. The harmonizer in the picture consists three of these rings intersecting at 120
degrees, consequently creating a toroidal field. When certain sound frequencies are applied, this field
expands. The coil in the center directs the flow of energy and induces rotation to the spherical toroid. The
beads amplify the effect like spherical capacitors. (14)

Spurling's harmonizers are capable of reducing air pollution and clear air at least ten miles radius, especially
when resonant frequencies of the water molecules in a cloud are played to the harmonizer. The rings alone
have positive effect on biological systems and water, and they can reduce storms and lightning. It appears that
Spurling's rings function in resonance with standing gravitational wave of the universe. (14)

The Ether Radiating Apparatuses of Oskar Korschelt (1853-1940)

In April 1890 Korschelt constructed healing ray device from a special kind of pipe. He believed that the Sun
emits small ether particles and by appropriate antennas it should be possible to use these particles for healing
purposes. (15)

His first device was comprised of two circular copper plates (13 cm in diameter) with regular grid of square
holes (10 mm in diameter). The copper plates were positioned inside cylindrical wooden ring (12 cm in
length) to the opposite ends. The wooden ring was positioned in a tin can, which was open on the one end
and soldered to a truncated cone followed by 1.5 meters long tube. The copper plate on the tin cans back end
was connected through the lid to positive terminal of the battery and the copper plate on the beaming end was
connected to negative terminal. The copper plate connected to the positive plate was moveable inside the
wooden cylinder. (15)

Fig. 5. Etheric healing ray apparatus

Korschelt discovered that the effects were considerably reinforced when both of the copper plates were
connected to battery terminals. If only one copper plate was connected, the effect was sensed only weakly.
The treatments lasted from few minutes up to 30 minutes. The distance of the plates was adjusted to less than
6 cm for non sensitive people. Calm persons felt better with longer distances. There was an individually
harmonious distance for each person. The ether radiation influenced not only people; after 15 minutes it
fulfilled the entire room. (15)

The power supply played a role on the effects, although the apparatus worked also without electricity, albeit
not so strongly. The ether radiation worked harmoniously with coal, silver and gold electrodes, but rejected
current out of dynamo. If the current was lead trough glass of fresh water, the results improved. Suitable
metals for the apparatus proved to be gold, silver, copper, nickel, iron, zinc, tin, and its alloys. Lead was
recognized as unsuitable. The radiation was influenced by the weather; only in the fair weather success were
obtained. (15)

Fig. 6. Ether ray disc

The ray apparatus described above was large and impractical in the handling. Consequently Korschelt
developed a smaller ray disc (German patent 69340, July 14, 1891). The ray disc was handy, but not
particularly strong. It was a wooden disc with a hole in its centre. On both sides spirals of copper chain were
fastened, on the front clockwise spiral facing the Sun and on the back counterclockwise spiral facing the
patient. The clockwise spiral collects the ether particles and the counterclockwise spiral radiates them like a
beam. The spirals were connected to each other through the hole. To increase the power of the device, a
heavy gauge antenna wire was lengthened by twisting two copper wires helically (like caduceus), separating
and cutting every fourth twist, shaping them like rings and soldering them together like a chain. (15, 16)

The effects from these ray apparatus were perceived by healthy people as cold and others as warmth, some
sweat a lot, although the body temperature remains normal. As a rule, the effects were calming. The heart
activity becomes stronger and slower. The sleep becomes deeper and therefore less sleep is required. The
memory becomes better. The apparatuses were especially suitable for healing stomach problems, nerve
diseases, insomnia and pains. (15)

The honeycombs of Viktor Grebennikov (1927-2001)

Fig. 7. Honeycomb pain reliever

The Agroecology Museum near Novosibirsk displays an always active honeycomb pain reliever. It is a chair
with overhead cap that has few dry honeycombs in it. Anyone who sits in the chair will after a few minutes
almost certainly feel something, and those with a headache will get relief for the pain at least for a few hours.
The honeycomb pain relievers, discovered by Grebennikov, are successfully used in many parts of the Russia.

In the old days headaches and concussion symptoms were treated with an ordinary flour sieve that was held
above the head of the patient. The device works better when it is aligned towards the Sun (north at midnight).

Both of the pain relievers work due to the cavity structural effect. Korschelt's ether apparatuses also work on
the same effect, and additionally they work on orgone energy. It seems that the cavity structural effect is
different phenomena than orgone energy, although there is some form of relationship between these two. At
least the shape of the cavity and cavity structures direct orgone energy.

The quartz crystals of Marcel Vogel (1917-1991)

Fig. 8. Vogel cut healing crystal

A natural quartz crystal has the capacity for information storage, amplification, and transfer, but it is unable to
cohere that energy. When the crystal is cut in the dipyramidal shape indentified as Vogel-cut, it is tuned to be
a coherent information transfer device. The geometry of such crystal creates a coherent field of energy that
can act as a carrier wave of information. The crystal is able to transmit energy in a form that has discreet
biological effects, which are most likely resonant effects. The intelligence matrix of quartz crystals can be
interacted and enlivened with mind energy and pulsed breath. (18, 19)

When Vogel was growing liquid crystals in IBM laboratory, he witnessed and photographed the precipitation
of light into crystal. Just before the crystal melt transcended into the liquid crystal state, a flash of blue light
took place. This flash contained information in a geometric form, which was the source of the
crystallographic form from which the crystal developed. (19) This phenomena may indicate that the crystal
growth is influenced by magnetic ether. Other known sources of blue flashes include excited air molecules;
when electrons in air molecules move back to lower energy levels photons of blue light are emitted.

When the relationship between water and quartz crystals was researched, it was found out that by circulating
water around Vogel crystals many structural changes occur in the water. The water could be programmed
with specific information depending upon the nature of the information programmed into the crystal. For
example the crystal can be programmed with the intent of unconditional love. Although there is measurable
magnetic field present, it is only an effect of something more fundamental in nature than electromagnetic
fields. However, the fields present in both the crystal and liquid when charged can be cleared by a bulk
demagnetizer. (19)

Fig. 9. Pyrex glass coil

In most cases it was found that water generated a weak magnetic field and on one occasion a different effect
was noted. Normally the effects were attained by circulating water through a Pyrex glass tube coiled seven
clockwise turns around charged Vogel-cut crystal. By reversing the position of the crystal so that the more
acute tip (which emits the coherent field) was pointed upwards, a powerful energy was released that flung
Vogel, who was standing three feet away, to the wall and afterwards burned his eyes. (19)

There is still another example of the crystals capability to release energy. Vogel created a circuit with one of
his crystals as a power source. He put the crystal in the middle of the hexagonal wooden box and made a
copper coil and then a silver-tin coil wrapped 250 times. He also had a nickel coil on the outside. Primary and
secondary wires came out to a voltmeter. Then he breathed in and pulsed the breath, and out came the voltage
from the crystal up to 75 VDC. With light bulb in the place of the voltmeter, Vogel was able to illuminate the
bulb. (19)

Thoughts about magnetism and orgone energy

There is only a little information how magnetism and orgone energy are related. One source suggests that
orgone energy acts on the same plane as magnetism but in the opposite direction, and perpendicularly to the
electric field. (20) According to another source, orgone energy moves in the direction of a magnetic field, and
at right angles to an electrical field. (21)

In current hypothesis, the magnetic field is created by vortical motion of ether. Like electricity, magnetism
has finer forms. The finer forms of magnetism produce the well known biological effects of the magnetic
poles. The geomagnetic North is "cooling" (centripetal quality) and the geomagnetic South is "warming"
(centrifugal quality). Therefore, it is suggested that orgone energy tend to flow towards the geomagnetic
North. (September 7, 2010)

Update (October 12, 2010) According to Kanjski & Zujic (2008) any stable magnet has its own orgone field,
in which orgone energy flows along the magnetic lines towards the geomagnetic North. Orgone energy has
also the tendency to move in a spiral fashion towards the right like a snail shell (Fibonacci spiral), from a
lower energy level to a higher energy level. (22)

There is some information about the finer forms of magnetism, namely individual magnetism. According to
Leadbeater (1909, 1913) prana which courses along the nerves is quite separate and distinct from what is
called individual magnetism or nerve-fluid, which is generated within the body. The individual vital fluid
keeps the etheric matter circulating along the nerves or more accurately, along a coating of ether which
surrounds each nerve. This individual magnetism may be employed for mesmerizing or healing others and
also for magnetization of objects. Any object, which has been in contact with an individual, will absorb that
individual's magnetism. (3)

The individual magnetism seems to be related to the magnetic ether and orgone energy. Therefore it is
suggested that orgone energy contains some kind of memory. Further, orgone attraction/reflection and
memory characteristics of any given material may be related to specific spectrum of orgone pulsations.
(September 7, 2010)

Update (December 15, 2011) New studies revealed some etheric knowledge. According to Barret (1996)
professor John R. R. Searl's electric generator "must set up an ether flow or flux along the lines of the electric
field as is conventionally represented. The direction of ether flow is, however, in at the positive and out at the
negative. This is deduced from the Schappeller theory." (25)

Fig. 10. Electric field and toroidal ether flow around capacitor.

Radiant energy discoveries of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)

In 1889 Tesla observed by a change a radiant effect associated with high voltage discharges. By
experimenting he discovered that the radiant effect could not be shielded. When he searched the literature he
found out two observations associated with similar spark discharges: Joseph Henry (1842) observed
magnetization effect through natural barriers, and Elihu Thomson (1872) observed spark color change from
blue to white and distant charging phenomena. Through visionary experiments Tesla discovered several
conditions to produce this effect. The radiant effect manifested only at the very instant of switch closure and
it was related to the impulse time. Unidirectional impulses were essential. The effect was strengthened by
placing a capacitor between the disrupter and the dynamo. The capacitor also protected the dynamo windings.
The effect could be intensified by raising the voltage and the pulse rate, and shortening the actual time of
switch closure. (23)

Fig. 11. Tesla's conical coil in 1895

Tesla discovered that the radiant energy has a spectrum of light-like energies, where the impulse duration
defined the effect of each narrow spectrum. Trains of impulses each exceeding duration of 100 microseconds
produced painful radiant shocks and mechanical vibration and movement of objects. These effects
disappeared when impulses of 100 microseconds or less were produced. With impulses of 1 microsecond
duration, strong physiological heat was sensed. Shorter impulse duration brought spontaneous illuminations
capable of filling rooms and globe lamps with white light. These short impulses (about 0.1 microseconds)
produced also room penetrating cool breezes, with accompanying uplift in mood and awareness. (23)

The radiant field is composed of longitudinal waves, which are like soundwaves of electrified air. It resembles
an electrostatic or dielectric field, were current and magnetic field are negligible. The radiant (ether) particles
are much smaller than electrons and neutral in charge. They are nearly massless and move with superluminal
velocity. The radiant energy behaves similarly to an incompressible gas under pressure. It flows along the
conductor surfaces and leaves wires and other circuit components perpendicular to the flow of current. (23)

Tesla saw that electrical current was really a complex combination of aether and electrons that can be
separated from each other. Gaseous etheric energy can be fractionated away from the flow of electrons in a
circuit designed to produce short duration, unidirectional impulses. The radiant event produces a voltage that
can be thousands of times greater than the initial spark discharge voltage. It also generates build up of
electrical charges on metal surfaces. The radiant effects are accumulative and they grow stronger in time
because there are no reversals in the source discharges. The radiant effect is the foundation of Tesla's claim
that his magnifying transmitter was capable of producing more energy out than he was putting in. Today, this
concept is referred as free energy. (23)

Magnetic fields and energies

The coil winding direction may have an effect in the finer ethers. From previous studies, it is suggested that
right-handed coil may be a better collector and left-handed coil may be a better emitter of life-enhancing
etheric information (See Spurling and Korschelt). Here are the helices and their magnetic poles when electric
current is passed through.

Fig. 12. The helices and their magnetic poles.

According to Howard Johnson [1970] (2006) the magnetic fields are more complex than usually thought. The
usual way of making the magnetic field lines visible with iron fillings do not show the fields as they are; they
only show what little pieces of iron do in magnetic fields. The below picture, based on Hall effect gaussmeter
readings, shows the direction of the lines of force, which are tracks of a particles. Since there are two lines of
force, there must be two different particles. In a permanent magnet, there are two vortices present at each
pole. There is an element both the "north" (ccw) and the "south" (cw) in each pole. The north element has
proven to be the stronger vortex with higher gauss ratings. The factor that distinguishes the north pole from
the south pole is that the north pole is the one with the weakest south vortex. (26)

Fig. 13. The double vortex with the spins alongside.

The lines of force going in the same direction repel and therefore as the lines leave the poles, they repel each
other. And also, there is a fine line between the vortices in the center of the magnet with no lines of force.
Another interesting thing is that vortex spins in opposite corners attract each other and can form continuous
spins from corner to corner. Below is a computer picture which recorded the discovery of the double vortex at
each pole. Different arrangements of magnets can be used to manipulate the form of the double vortex. (26)
Fig. 14. The discovery of the double vortex.

According to Edward Leedskalnin (1945) "The real magnet is the substance that is circulating in the metal.
Each particle in the substance is an individual magnet by itself, and both North and South Pole individual
magnets. They are so small that they can pass through everything. In fact they can pass through metal easier
than through air. They are in constant motion, they are running one kind of magnets against the other kind,
and if guided in the right channels they possess perpetual power. The North and South Pole magnets they are
cosmic force, they hold together this earth and everything on it." (27)

"The earth itself is a great big magnet. In general these North and South Pole individual magnets are
circulating in the same way as in the permanent magnet metal. The North Pole individual magnets are coming
out the earth's South Pole and are running around in the earth's North Pole and back to its own pole, and
South Pole individual magnets are coming out of the earth's North Pole and are running around, and in earth
South Pole and back to its own end... Both kinds of magnets are running, one kind of magnets against the
other kind, and are running in the same right-hand screw fashion." (27)

Leedskalnin's description of the two-way right-handed helical flow is quite similar to Pier Luigi Ighina's
Solar-Terrestrial Rhythm. This cosmic event signal is a stationary type of phenomenon of rotating particles
that come from the Sun and other stars. The signal start from the sky in a clockwise motion and it is a column
of light-like particles that travels side by side with light (EM energy). This signal is the power supply of the
planet and it charges everything on earth, and returns to its source in a reflected state generating the opposite
phenomenon of discharge. When the direct solar energy converges with its reflection from the earth, they
produce a pulsating magnetic wave or a natural rhythm that enhances everything existing on earth. (28)
Fig. 15. Solar-Terrestrial Rhythm.

Torsion fields

According to many Russian scientists, torsion is the same as subtle energy (life force, chi). According to
astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev, torsion is created by a change in entropy (the randomness or a disorder of the
system). For example a growing plant puts order or information into the system, and local entropy decreases.
The growing process is associated with decreasing entropy and it generates left handed torsion to its
surroundings. That is because according to Kozyrev, the total entropy of the universe is conserved; a decrease
in local entropy must increase entropy in somewhere else. (32)

All rotating objects generate torsion. A spinning mass produces torsion waves that extend along the axis of
rotation to both directions. An object that rotates clockwise (as observed from the top) generates right handed
torsion above the object and left handed torsion below the object. Since every elementary particle with a mass
has a spin, each one generates its own natural torsion field. Moreover, according to Gennady Shipov (1993)
changing the spin of the particle creates torsion waves. For example, when an electron changes its velocity
and thus produces an electromagnetic wave, there is also a change in spin. Therefore all electromagnetic
waves are accompanied with torsion waves. (32)

The following chart is based on Kozyrev's discoveries, Claude Swanson's presentations (2008, 2009, 2013)
and Karl Von Reichenbach's (1850) researches.

(Updated July 2, 2016)

Left handed torsion Right handed torsion

Generated by a process that puts

Generated by a process in which information is leaving the
information in to the system (locally
system (locally increasing entropy)
decreasing entropy)
Generated by a growing plant, freezing
Generated by a dying plant, melting ice, chemical reactions,
water, cooling object, compressing spring,
dissolution (solid to liquid), evaporation
streching rubber band

Emits time (flows forwards in time) Absorbs time (flows backwards in time)

Attracts massenergy (dark matter) Repels massenergy (dark energy)

Magnetic south pole, source of left handed

Magnetic north pole, source of right handed torsion

Emits reddish life force (positive od) Emits bluish life force (negative od)

Right-handed torsion can be shielded by right handed

Left-handed torsion can be shielded by left
molecules such as sugar (absorb), and also by polyethylene
handed molecules such as turpentine
film and aluminium (reflect)

According to Anatoly Akimov (1995, as cited by Swanson 2008)

"I) Unlike electromagnetism, in torsion fields energy of the same polarity is attracted to itself and opposite
polarities are repelled.

II) Since torsion fields are generated by classical spin, when a torsion field interacts with an object only its
spin state will change.

III) Torsion travels through most physical media without loss.

IV) The group velocity of torsion waves is reportedly more than a billion times greater than the speed of

V) Since all known substances are made of physical particles which have spin, therefore all substances have
patterns of spins, whether regular or random. The pattern is often connected to the chemical and physical
activity of the substance. This pattern can be altered by a torsion field.

VI) Torsion fields are endowed with memory. An object with a torsion field causes a polarization of the
vacuum energy surrounding it. The spin can persist in an object for a time from seconds to months depending
on whether the spin is stored in the electrons or the nucleus. Spin can even persist in space for a time after the
initial object is removed." (32)

Odylic flames, magnets and charges

(Edited December 14, 2015)

According to Reichenbach's (1850) research on magnets, the north pole (the north pointing end of a compass)
emits bluish northward flame and the south pole emits reddish southward flame (34). This is consistent with
torsion theory, from which can be concluded that earth's geomagnetic south pole attracts reddish life force
and geomagnetic north pole attracts bluish life force.

Reichenbach (1850, 310) mentions that the odylic flames on the north pole are longer and duller when
towards the east, and thicker and brighter when towards the west. When the south pole points to the east, the
flames are shorter and brighter, and when towards the west, they are longer and duller. The lengthening effect
is connected with an attraction and the shortening effect with a repulsion of the flames. (34)

This is supported by Reich (1954) and Constable (1990); The earth's temperate zones have basic west to east
bluish orgone energy flow (12, 33). When the north pole of the magnet points to the east, the orgone energy at
the magnetic poles flows to the same direction as earth's orgone flow, and the flames lengthen. Further, it is
suggested that along with the repulsion of the odylic flames, a subtle energy collisions and reactions take
place and that could be the reason of the shortening and the brightening of the flame. According to Viktor
Schauberger (1932) it was proven through Compton effect that that laws of everyday physics and especially
the laws of collision are also applicable to the micro-world (35).

In relation to electric charge, according to Reichenbach (1850, 185), positively charged bodies emit cold
odyle and negatively charged bodies emit warm odyle (due to electrostatic induction).

Researches for contemplation

According to Shinichi Seike holes in p-type semiconductors have negative energy state and interestingly, with
a coil of p-type semiconductor one can absorb gravitational strain energy that is distributed around the earth
as negative energy (36).

Fig. 16. Biefeld-Brown effect (1923)

In the Biefeld-Brown effect with high potentials, there is a net force in the negative-positive direction i.e. the
negative electrode appears to chase the positive electrode and it appears to be more attracted to the positive
electrode than vice versa (37).


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2. Leadbeater, Charles W. & Besant, Annie. 1951 (3rd edition). Occult chemistry. Retrieved August 29, 2010

3. Constable, Trevor J. 1990. Etheric Rain Engineering. Retrieved August 27, 2010 from

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5. Sauer, Holger. 2004. "Orgone Pioneer Oskar Korschelt". Retrieved August 31, 2010 from

6. Zock, Albert. Sun-Ether Disc. Retrieved August 31, 2010 from

7. Keelynet. 2001. The Natural Phenomena of AntiGravitation and Invisibility in Insects due to the
Grebennikov Cavity Structure Effect (CSE). Retrieved September 2, 2010 from

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16. Rho Sigma 1996. Ether-Technology: A Rational Approach to Gravity Control. United States of America:
Adventures Unlimited Press.

Research topics
Electric innovations
Permanent magnet motors
Cavity structural effect
Ether research

What's new
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Odylic flames, magnets and charges

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Magnetic fields and energies

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Heart monopole (October 12, 2011)

Artificial honeycomb (July 13, 2011)

Hyperbolic disc (February 3, 2011)

Structural analysis (December 13, 2010)

These webpages! (September 30, 2010)

2010-2016 Ville Piippola

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