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Animal Behaviour 77 (2009) 275288

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Freedom from hunger and preventing obesity: the animal welfare

implications of reducing food quantity or quality
Richard B. DEath a, *, Bert J. Tolkamp b, Ilias Kyriazakis c,1, Alistair B. Lawrence a
Animal Behaviour and Welfare Department, Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh
Animal Nutrition and Health Department, Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh
Veterinary Faculty, University of Thessaly

a r t i c l e i n f o
In animals, including humans, free access to high-quality (generally energy-dense) food can result in
Article history: obesity, leading to physiological and health problems. Consequently, various captive animals, including
Received 11 June 2007 laboratory and companion animals and certain farm animals, are often kept on a restricted diet.
Initial acceptance 1 September 2008 Quantitative restriction of food is associated with signs of hunger such as increases in feeding motivation,
Final acceptance 20 October 2008 activity and redirected oral behaviours which may develop into stereotypies. An alternative approach to
Published online 12 December 2008 energy intake restriction is to provide more food, but of a reduced quality. Such alternative diets are
MS. number: RV-74 usually high in bre and have lower energy density. The benets of these alternative diets for animals are
controversial: some authors argue that they result in more normal feeding behaviour, promote satiety
Keywords: and so improve animal welfare; others argue that metabolic hunger remains no matter how the
restriction of energy intake and weight gain is achieved. We discuss the different arguments behind this
controversy, focusing on two well-researched cases of food-restricted farmed livestock: pregnant sows
feeding behaviour
hunger and broiler breeders. Disagreement between experts results from differences in assumptions about what
nutrition determines and controls feeding behaviour and food intake, from the methodology of assessing animal
obesity hunger and from the weighting placed on naturalness of behaviour as a determinant of welfare.
pig Problems with commonly used behavioural and physiological measures of hunger are discussed. Future
qualitative food restriction research into animal feeding preferences, in particular the relative weight placed on food quantity and
stereotypy quality, would be valuable, alongside more fundamental research into the changes in feeding physiology
associated with alternative diets.
2008 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Humans and animals exposed to a wide variety of freely avail- tumours and increased mortality (Katanbaf et al. 1989; Hocking
able high-quality foods typically consume excess energy which is et al. 1996; Fan et al. 2003; Hawn 2005; German 2006). Overweight
deposited as lipid, resulting in their being described as overweight animals may also suffer from thermal discomfort (Savory et al.
or obese (West & York 1998; Lieberman 2006). Food quality 1993b; Kubkova et al. 2001).
generally refers to energy density of the food, but in this paper we For various captive animals, access to food is restricted to
include other quality aspects, especially the inclusion of appetite ensure their body weights are conducive to good health and
suppressants in broiler diets, under this term. Excessive energy reproductive efciency and to avoid obesity. Typically this is
deposition is an actual or potential problem in captive animals achieved by restricting the quantity of food provided (quantita-
including companion animals (Bufngton 1994; Hawn 2005; tive restriction), but this can result in hunger, evidenced by
German 2006), zoo animals (Schwitzer & Kaumanns 2001), labo- increased motivation for food and increased activity, in particular
ratory animals (Home Ofce 1989, 2003) and certain farm animals foraging behaviour (Epling & Pierce 1988; Lawrence et al. 1993;
(Higgins & Anderson 1983; Meunier-Salaun et al. 2001; Mench Vitousek et al. 2004). Once food is consumed, foraging activity is
2002). It can result in health problems such as diabetes mellitus, redirected towards nonfood substrates and may become stereo-
cardiorespiratory disease including heart failure, urinary disorders, typic in nature (Rushen 1985; Lawrence & Terlouw 1993; Savory
reproductive disorders such as multiple ovulation in broiler & Maros 1993). Because of these signs of hunger, quantitative
breeders (Hocking et al. 1987), locomotory problems (lameness), restriction in captive animals has attracted the interest of animal
welfare pressure groups (CIWF versus Defra 2003, case no. CO/
1779/2003, Queens Bench Division), advisory bodies such as the
* Correspondence: R. B. DEath, SAC, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JG, U.K.
E-mail address: (R.B. DEath).
Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC 1998, recommendation 64)
I. Kyriazakis is at the Veterinary Faculty, University of Thessaly, 43100 Karditsa, and legislators (EC Council 2001; Home Ofce 2003; U.K.
Greece. Parliament 2006).

0003-3472/$38.00 2008 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
276 R.B. DEath et al. / Animal Behaviour 77 (2009) 275288

In response to this concern over the apparent negative animal where appropriate, suggest avenues for further research. We
welfare consequences of quantitative food restriction (namely conclude by summarizing what we believe to be the principal
hunger), dietary manipulation has been proposed as an alternative reasons for the controversy and discussing the wider implications
(reviewed in Meunier-Salaun et al. 2001; Mench 2002; Hocking of the review. We believe that our conclusions are of interest to
2004; Ru & Bao 2004). Where food is reduced in quality, but offered pure and applied animal behaviour scientists and also to scientists
ad libitum, this is termed qualitative restriction (e.g. Sandilands from other elds of inquiry interested in the question of how we
et al. 2006). Such diets are an effective means of food restriction assess hunger and its wider effects.
because ad libitum-fed animals consume less energy from low-
quality foods (Brouns et al. 1995; Savory et al. 1996; West & York DEFINING HUNGER
1998; Whittemore et al. 2002; Tolkamp et al. 2005; Johnston et al.
2006). Diets where food quality is reduced, but still offered in Hunger (or its converse, satiety) is usually not well dened in the
a controlled quantity less than the animals desired ad libitum literature (Day et al. 1997). In this paper we dene hunger as
intake, are called rationed alternative diets (e.g. Zuidhof et al. a negative subjective state experienced by an animal that is
1995; Danielsen & Vestergaard 2001; de Jong et al. 2005). Here, we chronically undernourished. Some caveats and justications for this
refer to these two situations (qualitative restriction and rationed denition are as follows. (1) We emphasize the longer term because
alternative diets) as alternative diets. Such alternative diets chronic restriction has a much greater inuence on feeding moti-
usually involve using foods of lowered quality through the addition vation than acute food deprivation does (Savory et al. 1993b; Fer-
of feedstuffs containing bulky ingredients or dietary bre such as guson & Paule 1995, 1997; Bokkers et al. 2004). For example, broiler
sugar beet pulp (Whittaker et al. 2000; Danielsen & Vestergaard breeders fed to around 30% of ad libitum were over three times as
2001), wheat bran and cobs (Robert et al. 1997) or oat hulls (San- food motivated in an operant task as birds fed ad libitum and then
dilands et al. 2005), although nonbrous nutrients known to fasted for 72 h (Savory et al. 1993b). This denition also avoids
suppress appetite have also been used in poultry (phenylpropa- confusion with terms related to short-term appetite regulation.
nolamine, Oyawoye & Krueger 1990; monensin sodium, Savory Animals eat until they are satiated (meal ending) and satiety
et al. 1996; calcium proprionate, Savory & Lariviere 2000), some- declines until hunger results in the next meal (meal initiation, e.g.
times in combination with bre (Sandilands et al. 2005, 2006). de Graaf et al. 2004). (2) Animal subjective states are (for us)
The question of whether alternative diets reduce hunger and so a critical component of animal welfare (Dawkins 1990; Duncan
enhance animal welfare in comparison to quantitative restriction is 1993; Fraser & Duncan 1998), at least as important as naturalness of
controversial, and the reasons behind this controversy are the behaviour and functional/health considerations (reviewed in Fraser
subject of the present review. There has been some discussion of et al. 1997). Although animal subjective states cannot be directly
this question in relation to companion animals (Butterwick & observed, the choice of indirect indicators of hunger should ideally
Hawthorne 1998; Umeda et al. 2006), but most research involves be assessed by considering their likely relationship with the ani-
two situations in farmed livestock: broiler breeders (the parent mals subjective perception of hunger. (3) The reference to under-
stock of meat chickens, Gallus gallus domesticus) which are severely nourishment is somewhat general, side-stepping the issue of which
restricted during rearing (2550% of ad libitum intake, Savory et al. specic nutrients might be in short supply (e.g. Kyriazakis 1994). In
1993b; Renema et al. 2007) and nonlactating (dry) sows, Sus scrofa, sows and broiler breeders, diets are mainly designed to restrict
which are restricted during pregnancy (5060% of ad libitum energy intake, so this will be our focus too. The concept of under-
intake, Lawrence et al. 1988). These two situations are the focus of nourishment implies that the animals intake is falling short of its
this review. Some authors have concluded that welfare of these desired intake. We discuss different theories as to what determines
species is improved by alternative diets because foraging behaviour an animals desired intake target or goal in a later section.
is more normal and characteristics of the food enhance satiety
(Zuidhof et al. 1995; Robert et al. 1997; Zonderland et al. 2004). This HOW TO MEASURE HUNGER
view is reected in policy: in the EU, there has been a requirement
that sows receive a sufcient quantity of bulky or high-bre food as The question of how to measure animal welfare in general has
well as high-energy food since 2001 (EC Council 2001), and this is been debated and reviewed elsewhere (e.g. Broom & Johnson 1993;
implemented in the member states through legislation (e.g. Neth- Mason & Mendl 1993; Dantzer 2002; Paul et al. 2005; Botreau et al.
erlands, De Leeuw 2004) or codes of practice (e.g. U.K., Defra 2003). 2007), and these discussions are relevant to the assessment of
Other researchers have discussed the conicting evidence and hunger. For example, Mason & Mendl (1993) described how welfare
interpretations of the welfare benets of alternative diets (Day et al. measures are typically validated in two ways: (1) by measuring
1996; Meunier-Salaun et al. 2001; Mench 2002; Hocking et al. responses to a situation or stimulus that is thought by the experi-
2004; Ru & Bao 2004; de Jong et al. 2005), while a third group have menter to be aversive (e.g. unavoidable electric shocks, isolation
argued that there is no evidence of any welfare benets. Their from a social group), and (2) by analogy with the responses of
position is that the hunger indicators of total oral behaviours and humans who report negative emotional states. The rst of these is
activity remain similar between quantitative restriction and alter- often applied to hunger measures, where different levels of quan-
native diets, and that if nutrient requirements and energy needs titative restriction are used (rst column in Tables 1 and 2). The
remain unsatised metabolic hunger will occur (Lawrence et al. second of these is also relevant, with some researchers making
1989; Owen 1992; Savory et al. 1996; Dailey & McGlone 1997; reference to the human literature in support of their chosen
Savory & Lariviere 2000; McGlone & Fullwood 2001). measures (e.g. De Leeuw 2004). In the literature on feeding systems
In this review, we examine in detail the reasons underlying the for sows and broiler breeders, scientists have made use of indica-
controversy over alternative diets. We begin by dening hunger tors used more generally in animal welfare assessment (e.g.
and discuss some general issues concerning its measurement. We hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis measures, stereotypy,
then highlight the need to compare treatment groups with similar measure of motivation such as operant conditioning) as well as
growth or body weight change when comparing quantitative measures that are more specically related to feeding (e.g. ratio of
restriction with alternative diets. We then review the diverse glucose to nonesteried fatty acids (NEFA), insulin levels, feeding
indicators used to measure hunger, including behavioural obser- rate, compensatory feeding; Tables 1 and 2).
vations, behavioural tests and physiological indicators. In each case To validate indicators of hunger, it is common rst to test the
we assess the value and problems with the indicators used and, indicator using various degrees of quantitative restriction (rst
R.B. DEath et al. / Animal Behaviour 77 (2009) 275288 277

Table 1
Comparisons of broiler breeder behaviour and physiology in different feeding situations

Measurement Quantitative restriction on Alternative diets (high bre) compared Alternative diets (nonbre appetite
high-quality food, compared to to quantitative restriction suppressants) compared to quantitative
greater amounts of high-quality restriction*
food (up to ad libitum)
Behaviour observed
Meal patterns Loss of control over initiation and Improved, more normal pattern over 24 h25. Improved, more normal pattern over
termination of meals, food provided More able to choose when to initiate and 24 h25y. More able to choose when to
at certain times and quickly runs terminate meals initiate and terminate meals10y
Time spent eating Much shorter9,17,21,24 Longer, more normal3,19,25,26z Longer, more normal18,19y
General activity Higher2,712,14x,16,17,21,22,25 Similarly high10,11**,19,20,25,26z, lower on Similarly high19,20, some
one diet3 reduction18,25
Total foraging-related oral behaviour Higher2,8,10,17,21, same at 6 and 12 Same18 Higher18/lower19
weeks, higher at 18 weeks7
Nonfeeding oral activities (redirected pecking Higher610,12,16,17,22,25 Same26z, lower on some diets3,10, lower25, Lower25/almost absent18,19
and stereotypy; excludes aggression) almost absent19
Drinker use (includes observed Higher4,6,7,8,9,21,22,25, lower12 Same10, same during rearing, reduced Drinking increased, water wasted by
pecking at drinkers, observed during laying26z, reduced, more normal5 pecking at drinker reduced18
drinking and measured water use)
Aggressive behaviour Higher15 d d
Comfort behaviour (preening etc.) Same16, lower2,17 Higher5

Behavioural test
Rate of eating Increased24 Lower19 Lower18,19
Compensatory feeding Increased2
Operant responding (soon after meal) Higher20yy,24 Lower20yy Lower20yy
Operant responding (several hours later) Higher1zz,20yy,24 As high20yy As high20yy
Tonic immobility Lower7xx,8,23, same9
Open eld activity Higher2

Plasma corticosterone Same9,23, higher below Higher for some feeds (sugar beet pulp), Same18,19***,25
a threshold2,7,12 (50% of ad libitum lower for others (oat hulls)25,
weight), higher6,8,25 Same3,5,19***
Heterophil:lymphocyte ratio Same9,13,22,25, higher6,14,23, higher Reduced at 12 weeks but not at 20 or 50 Same18,19,25
below a threshold7 (50% of ad weeks26z, reduced for 10 or 20% bre
libitum weight), higher at 6 weeks, diets10, same5,11**,19, higher for one
lower at 24 weeks8 feed3,25
Creatine kinase Reduced6, reduced7 (at 12 and 18
weeks), reduced (at 6, 12 and 18
weeks)8, reduced at 60 weeks9
Other plasma enzymes (aspartate Same7, some differences8
transaminase, lactate dehydrogenase,
alkaline phosphatase)
Basophils Same25, lower7,8,23, higher6,13,14 Same11**,19,25, higher for oat hulls and Same19
Other white blood cells (monocytes, Same25, monocytes higher, Same11**,12,19,25 Same19,25
eosinophils) eosinophils lower8
Antibody response to challenge (e.g. Same79 Same5,11**
phytohaemagglutinin, sheep red blood
cells7, various poultry viruses19)
Feed passage time and water content of Diet including sugar beet pulp: more
different gut regions water in the jejunum/duodenum10,11**
Glucose/NEFA ratio Higher2 Higher3

Text and references in bold indicate where treatment groups being compared showed similar body weight changes. Sources: (1) Bokkers et al. (2004); (2) de Jong et al. (2003);
(3) de Jong et al. (2005); (4) Hocking (1993); (5) Hocking (2006); (6) Hocking et al. (1993); (7) Hocking et al. (1996); (8) Hocking et al. (2001); (9) Hocking et al. (2002); (10)
Hocking et al. (2004); (11) Jones et al. (2004); (12) Kubkova et al. (2001); (13) Maxwell et al. (1990); (14) Maxwell et al. (1992); (15) Mench (1988); (16) Merlet et al. (2005); (17)
Puteram et al. (2006); (18) Sandilands et al. (2005); (19) Sandilands et al. (2006); (20) Savory & Lariviere (2000); (21) Savory & Maros (1993); (22) Savory et al. (1992); (23)
Savory et al. (1993a); (24) Savory et al. (1993b); (25) Savory et al. (1996); (26) Zuidhof et al. (1995).
* Sandilands et al. (2005) and one of the treatments in Sandilands et al. (2006) involved a diet combining high-bre and appetite suppressant ingredients. These ndings are
reported under the nonbre appetite suppressants column. Results relating to other nutritional manipulations (e.g. low-protein diets in Sandilands et al. 2006) have been left out.
The effect on meal patterns, rate of eating and time spent eating depends on the diets offered. When alternative diets are offered ad libitum (qualitative restriction), the
chickens control the meal pattern. When modied quantitative restriction is used, eating rate is slower and eating time longer, but meal patterns are controlled to a greater
extent by the time of food delivery. There is a continuum between these depending on the quality and quantity of diet offered.
In Zuidhof et al. (1995), all birds were quantitatively restricted to achieve the desired growth curve, with 15% or 30% oat hulls added, so changes are generally less marked
than in other studies with more generous quantities of bre.
The relationship between feeding level and sitting was curvilinear in Maxwell et al. (1992). Sitting peaked at 70% of ad libitum. As restriction became more severe from 70
to 25% of ad libitum, sitting was reduced. However, it also declined from 70 to 90 and 100% of ad libitum perhaps because these animals were standing to try to lose heat.
** Unusually, high-bre diets in Jones et al. (2004) contained considerably more fat than conventional diets to equalize metabolizable energy (ME) per kg between different
diets. Equal weights of conventional and high-bre diets were then fed.
Savory & Lariviere (2000) found signicant effects of diet type (including quantitative and qualitative restriction) on operant responding for food, but when body weight
was tted as a covariate there were no differences, suggesting that for birds of similar weight the type of diet did not affect feeding motivation.
Bokkers et al. (2004) used broilers rather than broiler breeders, but they were fed at similar levels of restriction to broiler breeders.
Hocking et al. (1996) used time to rst head movement rather than time to stand following tonic immobility, arguing that the latter could be confounded by agility
differences between light and heavy birds.
*** In Sandilands et al. (2006), plasma corticosterone was higher in one treatment where growth was most severely depressed, but there was no difference between birds fed
quantitative and qualitative restriction diets that led to similar growth.
278 R.B. DEath et al. / Animal Behaviour 77 (2009) 275288

Table 2
Comparisons of dry sow behaviour and physiology in different feeding situations

Measurement Quantitative restriction on high-quality Alternative diets (high-bre) compared to quantitative restriction
food, compared to greater amounts of
high-quality food (up to ad libitum)
Behaviour observed
Meal patterns Loss of control over initiation and Normal. Animal chooses when to initiate and terminate
termination of meals, food provided bouts of eating (meals)6*
at certain times and quickly runs out28,4
Rate of eating Increased28 Normal/slower3,5,2022,24,27*
Time spent eating Much shorter3,28 Normal/longer3,4,6,8,13,17,19,20,2224,26,30,31*
General activity Higher1,2y,3,9,28 Higher13/Same as17,23,25,26,30/lower than quantitative
restriction3,6,11,12,2022,24,25,31,32, lower late in the day10
Total foraging-related oral behaviour Higher3,9 Same as20,30,31/lower than quantitative restriction6,11
Nonfeeding oral activities (redirected Higher1,2y,3,9,28 Remain similar12,13,26z,30/lower level 3,6,8,11,17,2022,25,26z,29,31,32
foraging and stereotypy; excludes aggression)
Drinker use Higher28 Same20,26,30, lower6,22,25,31
Aggressive behaviour Higher31, lower8 (fewer skin lesions)17

Behavioural test
Operant responding (soon after meal) Higher1416,26 Higher16x, same21, lower26
Operant responding (several hours later) Higher14,15 Same16,21,26

Cortisol Higher peak following meal, baseline similar27,
no difference 5 h postfeeding13
Glucagon Same premeal22
Insulin Postfeeding peak lower7,10,22,27 and delayed10,22, same
premeal7,10,22, more stable over time10
Glucose Postfeeding peak lower7,10,22,27 and delayed10,22, same
premeal7,10,22, more stable over time11
Acetate Higher premeal, remaining higher and more constant postmeal7
Nonesteried (free) fatty acids Same27, same premeal22
Volatile fatty acids Higher19
Cholesterol Lower19
Heart rate Lower baseline26 Lower rise in response to food arriving26
Gastrointestinal transit time Lower19
Water content of faeces Higher19
Neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio, mitogen-induced Same18
lymphocyte proliferation, natural killer cell
toxicity, neutrophil chemotaxis

Text and references in bold indicate where treatment groups being compared showed similar body weight changes. Sources: (1) Appleby & Lawrence (1987); (2) Bergeron &
Gonyou (1997); (3) Bergeron et al. (2000); (4) Brouns & Edwards (1994); (5) Brouns et al. (1992); (6) Brouns et al. (1994a); (7) Brouns et al. (1994b); (8) Danielsen & Vestergaard
(2001); (9) De Leeuw & Ekkel (2004); (10) De Leeuw et al. (2004); (11) De Leeuw et al. (2005b); (12) Fraser (1975); (13) Holt et al. (2006); (14) Lawrence & Illius (1989); (15)
Lawrence et al. (1988); (16) Lawrence et al. (1989); (17) Martin & Edwards (1994); (18) McGlone & Fullwood (2001); (19) Mroz et al. (1986); (20) Ramonet et al. (1999); (21)
Ramonet et al. (2000a); (22) Ramonet et al. (2000b); (23) Ramonet et al. (2000c); (24) Rijnen et al. (2003); (25) Robert et al. (1993); (26) Robert et al. (1997); (27) Rushen et al.
(1999); (28) Terlouw et al. (1991); (29) van der Peet-Schwering et al. (2003b); (30) Whittaker et al. (1998); (31) Whittaker et al. (1999); (32) Zonderland et al. (2004).
* The effect on meal patterns, rate of eating and time spent eating depends on the diets offered. When alternative diets are offered ad libitum (qualitative restriction), the
sows control the meal pattern. When modied quantitative restriction is used, eating rate is slower and eating time longer, but meal patterns are controlled to a greater extent
by the time of food delivery. There is a continuum between these depending on the quality and quantity of diet offered.
Bergeron & Gonyou (1997) does not strictly t into any of the columns here. They provided sows with more energy through an energy-dense food (rather than greater
quantities of their usual diet) and found reduced activity and stereotypy in comparison to a conventional (quantitative restriction) diet.
In Robert et al. (1997), one of the high-bre treatments reduced postmeal stereotypy relative to quantitative restriction, the other only tended to.
In Lawrence et al. (1989), the quantitative restriction groups had nished their feed at the time of the rst operant test, but animals on qualitative restriction had not. This is
likely to account for their higher operant responding for food rewards.

column in Tables 1 and 2), and then to apply this measure to instead concluded that the lack of a 24 h prole makes it difcult to
compare alternative diets with quantitative restriction. Sometimes compare quantitative restriction with alternative diets, presumably
both approaches are combined into one experiment (e.g. Lawrence because the higher postmeal glucose peak seen under quantitative
et al. 1989; Savory et al. 1996; Bergeron et al. 2000; Savory & Lar- restriction may have affected the result (Tables 1 and 2). These two
iviere 2000). On the face of it, this seems sensible, but can be studies illustrate the difculty with such measures, and in general
problematic in practice. For example, to assess various measures of illustrate the difculty in validating measures with differing levels
hunger, de Jong et al. (2003) fed broiler breeders at various degrees of quantitative restriction and applying them to the quantitative
of quantitative food restriction. Indicators that varied linearly with restriction versus alternative diets comparison.
the level of restriction were identied as indicators of hunger. For Another issue with such studies is that peripheral indicators
example, with increasing quantitative restriction, plasma levels of that vary with the level of restriction may just measure the state of
an energy substrate, NEFA, decreased, presumably reecting nutrition, which may not necessarily correspond to the animals
reduced adiposity, while glucose levels remained the same, leading negative emotional state (see below). Alternatively, it has been
to an increased glucose/NEFA ratio. In a later study comparing three argued that indicators that only begin to change after some
alternative diets with quantitative restriction in growing broiler threshold level of restriction is reached may be more likely to
breeders, glucose/NEFA sampled at the same time of day in each indicate hunger (Hocking et al. 1996).
treatment was lower under quantitative restriction (de Jong et al. A further difculty relates to how different measures should be
2005), seeming to suggest that these birds experienced less hunger integrated. It is very common in animal welfare studies to use
than those on the alternative diets. However, de Jong et al. (2005) a range of measures and interpret them together (e.g. using
R.B. DEath et al. / Animal Behaviour 77 (2009) 275288 279

behaviour to assist interpretation of physiology, Broom & Johnson predict the amount of energy sows will obtain through fermenta-
1993; Mason & Mendl 1993). However, research into effects of food tion (Ramonet et al. 1999; Rijnen et al. 2001; De Leeuw et al. 2005a;
restriction often gives rise to different measures pointing to Jrgensen et al. 2007) or the extent to which bre will reduce the
different conclusions. For example, de Jong et al. (2005) found that absorption of other nutrients (Howarth et al. 2001) or, nally,
alternative diets (when compared to quantitative restriction) led to because comparisons were made on a live weight basis. Although
reduced object pecking, more feeding and more sitting, suggesting the best basis for designing isoenergetic diets is in terms of net
reduced hunger. However, the glucose/NEFA ratio was higher energy (Blaxter 1989), the studies reviewed here have all designed
(as already discussed), and the stress indicator heterophil/ diets to be isoenergetic in terms of metabolizable energy. Better
lymphocyte (H/L) ratio was also higher. The authors explained the prediction of energy values should increase the accuracy of calcu-
H/L ratio nding in terms of increased stress and prolonged hunger lating isoenergetic diets in the future. An additional problem is that
resulting from delayed satiety, because birds took much longer to changes in live weight may be inuenced by effects of diet quantity
nish their food. In the light of these seemingly contradictory and quality on gut ll (Day et al. 1996) and on gut wall proliferation
results, they concluded overall that a low density diet might have and this frequently makes it difcult to judge whether like is
a small positive effect on broiler breeder welfare (de Jong et al. compared with like. A comparison of empty body weight might be
2005, page 202). more appropriate, correcting (at least) for differences in the weight
In conclusion, the numerous physiological and behavioural of gut contents, but this has never been reported in the studies
correlates of food restriction are not all necessarily measures of an reviewed. A large number of other sow studies do not even report
animals negative subjective state resulting from hunger. There are the effect of diets on weight change or backfat (Table 3).
particular difculties in extrapolating from quantitative restriction In studies of poultry, in particular where different diets are
to alternative diets. In general, there is a need for measures that are offered ad libitum, growth rates and weights at the measuring
specically designed to measure negative subjective states associ- point(s) can also be very different between treatment groups
ated with hunger. (Savory et al. 1996; Savory & Lariviere 2000). One option for dealing
with this is to adjust for weight in statistical analyses by tting it as
a covariate (Savory & Lariviere 2000). This is sensible, although it
does make the assumption that perceived hunger is linearly asso-
ciated with weight, which may not be valid (Hocking et al. 1996).
Studies of differing levels of quantitative restriction result in
For the purposes of this review, we give greater weight to studies
differences in energy intake and live weight change, and it seems
where animal weights are similar across treatments (text in bold in
reasonable to assume that this will result in differences in the
Tables 1 and 2; rst rows of Table 3), allowing fair comparisons to
animals perception of hunger/satiety. Experiments on alternative
be made of hunger measures at a given level of restriction. Other
diets typically involve comparison of one or more diets with
studies may also be discussed to illustrate certain measures. With
a control group fed a conventional quantitative restriction diet.
this caveat, we can now proceed to a consideration of different
Where similar changes in empty body weight or live weight and
measures of hunger.
other indicators of energy reserves, such as backfat thickness in
sows, occur across treatment groups, fair comparisons of hunger
measures can be made to determine whether alternative diets can BEHAVIOURAL OBSERVATIONS AS INDICATORS OF HUNGER
reduce hunger (Table 3). Unfortunately, several studies of sows
using alternative diets designed to be isoenergetic with the quan- Changes in observed behaviour in response to quantitative
titative restriction control ended up with treatment sows of restriction and alternative diets (reviewed in Lawrence et al. 1993;
different weight (Table 3), either heavier than controls (e.g. Meunier-Salaun et al. 2001; Mench 2002; Hocking 2004; Ru & Bao
Ramonet et al. 1999, 2000c), or lighter and with less backfat (Matte 2004) are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 for broiler breeders and
et al. 1994; van der Peet-Schwering et al. 2003a; Holt et al. 2006). sows, respectively, and discussed below. Following the design of
This may be because in previous studies it has been difcult to many studies in this area, the rst column of each table describes

Table 3
Comparing like with like? Different alternative diets and their effect on growth

Growth Ad libitum or rationed Broiler breeders Sows

Same Qualitative restriction (ad libitum) 18,19
Rationed alternative diet (basal plus) 3,5,26
Rationed alternative diet (isoenergetic) 11 11,17*

Different Qualitative restriction (ad libitum)

Rationed alternative diet (basal plus) 18,19
Rationed alternative diet (isoenergetic) 10 8,13,20,22,25y,26y,27y,29z

Different, but analysis includes weight as a covariate Qualitative restriction (ad libitum) 20,25
Rationed alternative diet (basal plus)
Rationed alternative diet (isoenergetic) 23

No information Qualitative restriction (ad libitum) 4,32

Rationed alternative diet (basal plus) 12,16
Rationed alternative diet (isoenergetic) 3,5,6,7,10,21,24x,30,31

Where alternative diets were rationed, this was done in one of two ways: basal plus means that all treatments were fed the same basic ration, but that additional ingredients
were added to this basal diet. Isoenergetic means that the total diet fed had the same calculated metabolizable energy (ME). Numbers for broiler breeders and sows refer to
references listed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
* Martin & Edwards (1994): differences in live weight gain between feeding treatments were not statistically signicant.
These three papers refer to the same core experiment, and Matte et al. (1994) reports treatment differences in growth between these sows.
van der Peet-Schwering et al. (2003b) gives no information about growth rate of sows on the different feeding treatments, but a companion paper, van der Peet-Schwering
et al. (2003a), does.
Rijnen et al. (2003) gives no information about growth rate of sows on the different feeding treatments, and neither does a companion paper, Rijnen et al. (2001), although
the companion paper states that energy obtained from nonstarch polysaccharides was greater than predicted, implying that there may have been differences.
280 R.B. DEath et al. / Animal Behaviour 77 (2009) 275288

how behaviour changes as quantitative restriction becomes more some (Kiley-Worthington 1989; FAWC 1998: Freedom to express
severe, while the second (and in Table 1, third) column compares normal behaviour), but not by others (e.g. Dawkins 1990; Broom &
behaviour of animals fed alternative diets to those under quanti- Johnson 1993; Duncan 1993).
tative restriction. Loss of control is often seen as a key determinant of stress and
Typically under quantitative restriction, animals show signs of poor welfare. For example, rats, Rattus norvegicus, that were able to
arousal and anticipation in advance of food delivery, and then eat predict and learn to use a lever to prevent or switch off mild electric
their food rapidly. After feeding, various redirected oral behaviours shocks showed considerably less stress (as indicated by the level of
occur which are thought to reect a continuing unsatised feeding gastric ulceration) than control animals receiving the same stimuli
motivation (Rushen 1984; Appleby & Lawrence 1987; Terlouw et al. but lacking control (Weiss 1972; Jensen & Toates 1997). It could be
1991; Savory et al. 1992). Broiler breeders spot peck at the empty argued that loss of control over the feeding schedule may have
feeder and drinker and at other objects such as oor, litter, walls similar negative consequences.
and cage bars, while sows sham-chew and nose, root or chew at the Under quantitative restriction, once food has run out, foraging
trough, oor, chains and other xtures in the pen. If straw (or other behaviour can be redirected towards other substrates and can
edible substrates) are available, sows will direct oral behaviours become stereotypic (references in Tables 1 and 2), while with
towards these and eat them. The drinker is another target of alternative diets, foraging behaviour is more often directed towards
redirected oral behaviour, and both overdrinking and water spillage food. Many argue that stereotypic behaviour is a sign of reduced
have been reported in sows and broilers. The various forms of welfare, as it develops under suboptimal environmental conditions
redirected oral behaviours described can become stereotypic in (Dantzer 1986; Mason & Latham 2004) and often appears to reect
nature (unvarying and highly repetitive, Savory et al. 1992; Mason & frustrated motivation (Mason et al. 2007). The heightened feeding
Latham 2004). Levels of stereotypy generally increase with motivation implicit in food restriction has been identied as
increasing quantitative food restriction (Savory et al. 1996; Brouns a central factor in development of postfeeding oral stereotypies
et al. 1994a; Bergeron et al. 2000). Rushen (1984) suggested that (Dantzer 1986; Appleby & Lawrence 1987; Lawrence & Terlouw
postfeeding stereotypies in the sow, including drinking, could be 1993; Mason & Latham 2004). The reduction in redirected oral
analogous to the adjunctive behaviours (e.g. polydipsia) observed behaviours with alternative diets has thus been interpreted by
between xed interval food rewards (Falk 1977). some as a sign of improved welfare (e.g. Bergeron et al. 2000;
Increased activity and foraging in response to food restriction Danielsen & Vestergaard 2001; Zonderland et al. 2004; Sandilands
have been reported in a range of species including humans (Keys et al. 2005). On the other hand, others (Savory et al. 1996; Dailey &
et al. 1950; discussed in Garner 1997; Vitousek et al. 2004), labo- McGlone 1997; Savory & Lariviere 2000) noted that the total level of
ratory rodents (Dewasmes et al. 1989; Koubi et al. 1991; Hebebrand foraging-related oral behaviours is often similar under quantitative
et al. 2003), laboratory primates (Weed et al. 1997) and various wild restriction and alternative diets (Tables 1 and 2). They suggested
animals (Epling & Pierce 1988) and probably reect an adaptive that such oral behaviours are substitutable in terms of causation
food-seeking response to food restriction. Correspondingly, levels and consequences and are thus functionally equivalent outlets for
of other nonforaging-related behaviours such as preening in broiler unsatised feeding motivation (Savory & Maros 1993; Dailey &
breeders were reduced under quantitative restriction. Wild animals McGlone 1997; McGlone & Fullwood 2001). Consequently, they
often reduce the performance of maintenance behaviours, play and argued, when comparing quantitative restriction with alternative
afliative behaviour when food is scarce (Loy 1970), presumably to diets that lead to similar weight gain, the occurrence of greater
conserve energy or because there is reduced time for these as redirected (and perhaps stereotypic) oral behaviours should not be
foraging behaviour (food searching) predominates. Typically, taken as a sign of poorer welfare if the duration of all oral behav-
quantitative restriction results in an increase in behaviours relating iours combined remains the same overall. In a similar vein, the
to foraging and in overall activity (indicated by reduced resting, reduction of stereotypies with alternative diets could simply result
Savory & Lariviere 2000; Hocking 2004). from the greater time taken for eating and foraging behaviours,
In contrast to behaviour during quantitative restriction, with rather than a proportional decrease in the level of stereotypy
alternative diets animals eat more slowly, thus spending longer (Meunier-Salaun et al. 2001; although some studies do show
eating. When food is ad libitum (qualitative restriction) the animal proportional decreases, e.g. Bergeron et al. 2000). Lastly, stereo-
shows a normal self-scheduled pattern of meals and intermeal typic behaviour may aid coping in quantitatively restricted broiler
intervals (Zorrilla et al. 2005). With a few reported exceptions, breeders since it can have dearousing consequences for those
alternative diets result in a reduction in nonfood-directed oral performing it (Kostal et al. 1992; Savory et al. 1992, 1993a; Mason &
activities including stereotypic behaviour and excessive drinker Latham 2004). The reduction in stereotypic oral behaviour with
use, although time spent on total oral-related behaviours may be alternative diets is thus not universally interpreted as a sign of
the same (see below). reduced hunger.
In summary, with a few exceptions, the behavioural effects of
the different feeding treatments discussed are largely agreed upon General Activity
by different researchers. There is little debate about whether
quantitative restriction results in hunger. We now consider the A similar line of argument has been used in support of general
different interpretations of the behavioural differences observed activity as a key measure of hunger. In two experiments (Savory
when alternative diets are compared to quantitative restriction. et al.1996; Savory & Lariviere 2000), broiler breeders were reared on
a range of feeding treatments differing in quality and quantity,
Normal versus Abnormal Behaviour leading to a wide range of growth curves. In a comparison of
treatments, inactivity (sitting) was positively correlated with overall
Alternative diets result in feeding and foraging behaviour that weight gain, regardless of how weight restriction was achieved.
appears normal in a number of ways. The self-scheduling of meals Based on this nding, it was concluded that quantitative and qual-
under qualitative restriction, and the fact that meals end while food itative restriction did not differ in their consequences for hunger.
is still available, could be argued (Meunier-Salaun et al. 2001) to Reduced activity as a positive welfare indicator should of course not
suggest an improvement in welfare because of the greater oppor- be taken too far: inactivity in overweight birds fed ad libitum may be
tunities to express normal feeding behaviour. Naturalness of because they are lame or are trying to avoid generating heat by
behaviour is considered an important determinant of welfare by locomotion (Savory & Maros 1993; Nielsen et al. 2003).
R.B. DEath et al. / Animal Behaviour 77 (2009) 275288 281

What is the Goal of Feeding Behaviour? Whittaker et al. 1998, 1999; Meunier-Salaun et al. 2001; De Leeuw
et al. 2004; de Jong et al. 2005) and, depending on the bre source,
The assumption made by Savory et al. (1996) and Savory & lead to a decrease (Johansen et al. 1996) or an increase (Roberfroid
Lariviere (2000), that the level of chronic hunger is directly related 1993) in gastric emptying times. In sows, certain brous ingredi-
to growth rate, implies that if an animals growth is depressed ents can be fermented in the hindgut (De Leeuw et al. 2005a)
from some xed target (by any means) then chronic hunger will releasing volatile fatty acids (Mroz et al. 1986) that may promote
result. A widely held position in livestock science is that an animal satiety (Rerat 1996; Whittaker et al. 1998; De Leeuw et al. 2004,
of a given size and developmental stage has a relatively xed 2005a). Alternative diets may result in more gradual energy release
target for growth or maintenance (often assumed to be a geneti- postmeal resulting in more uniform levels of metabolic substrates
cally determined maximum performance), which could be char- (e.g. glucose, acetate) and hormones (e.g. insulin) in blood plasma
acterized as maximization of energy intake subject to constraints (Brouns et al. 1994b; Rushen et al. 1999; De Leeuw et al. 2004,
(Owen 1992; Kyriazakis 1994; Day et al. 1996, 1997; Weston 1996; 2005b). Campeld & Smith (2003) argued that meal initiation may
Emmans 1997). In this view, qualitative restriction prevents result from a drop in plasma glucose, supporting the idea that
animals from achieving their desired target, in most cases because uniform levels may promote satiety. These authors and others
of a constraint on food processing by the gastrointestinal tract, for (Howarth et al. 2001; Levitsky 2005; Rolls et al. 2005a) appear to be
example because of the greater volume or slower digestion of assuming that the animal integrates many different signals that
such diets (Day et al. 1996; Emmans 1997; Tsaras et al. 1998; determine how severe the experience of hunger is. In this view,
Whittemore et al. 2002). These animals are sometimes said to be energy consumed and stored in the body is important, but is only
experiencing metabolic hunger (Day et al. 1996; Savory et al. one component of these signals.
1996). Similar concerns have been expressed about high-yielding These many different signals views, as well as the optimiza-
dairy cows fed exclusively on grass and other forages (Webster tion idea above, would also support the prospect that changing
1995, 2005). from quantitative restriction to alternative diets could improve
An alternative view of what determines food intake is that, animal welfare by reducing hunger. For example, discussing this
instead of xed targets, animals have more exible goals for food evidence along with the behavioural effects of qualitative restric-
intake and growth, depending on a balance of benets and costs tion (reduced stereotypy and activity) led Zonderland et al. (2004,
(reviewed in Illius et al. 2002). In this view, the balance of benets page 19) to conclude that for sows This all indicates that.a diet
and costs might vary with the available food quality, resulting in the containing a high amount of sugar beet pulp can improve satiety.
animal modifying its goal when alternative diets are provided. The physiological literature also provides some support for the idea
Food is benecial, providing energy and other nutrients essential that many signals are involved in the control of food intake
for maintenance, growth and reproduction, but also carries (reviewed in Blundell 1991; Stanley et al. 2005; Strader & Woods
extrinsic and intrinsic costs. Extrinsic costs include exposure to 2005; Wynne et al. 2005 for mammals; Savory 1999; Boswell 2005
predation and other environmental costs during foraging, and the for birds). However, the way in which all of these signals interact
opportunity cost of spending time foraging which could be usefully and are weighted, resulting in sensations of hunger, feeding
spent on other activities (these were present in the wild ancestors motivation and resulting behaviour, remains unclear. In some
of captive animals, so may inuence evolved behavioural mecha- sections of this literature, there is a strong emphasis on the primacy
nisms). Intrinsic costs include (1) the cost of tissue damage from of physiological mechanisms to restore energy balance in the
oxidative metabolism resulting in reduced life span (Tolkamp & longer term, in particular, mechanisms to restore body weight
Ketelaars 1992), (2) exposure to toxins and parasitic organisms following deprivation (Schwartz et al. 2000; Wynne et al. 2005),
(Hutchings et al. 2000, 2003) and (3) increased dental wear while others allow for the possibility that there is no set point of
resulting in reduced foraging life span (Owen-Smith 1994). In weight that is tightly regulated; instead, weight can depend on
support of this view are various observations that do not seem a number of other factors including food quality (Mela & Rogers
compatible with the idea of xed constraints, for example the 1998; Howarth et al. 2001; Levitsky 2005; Rolls et al. 2005a;
capacity of animals to increase intake of the same food when Tolkamp et al. 2007).
energy demands are high (e.g. during lactation or cold weather, In summary, there is broad agreement between studies about
Ketelaars & Tolkamp 1992, 1996; Illius et al. 2002). Indeed, the size behavioural changes seen when food quantity is restricted, and on
or function of some part of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. stomach the changes in behaviour when qualitative restriction is used
size) might appear to be a constraint in an individual animal under instead. These behavioural changes are interpreted by some
certain conditions, but in most cases this is not an absolute authors as signs of improved animal welfare, but others dispute this
constraint and could change under natural selection if this interpretation. These disputes appear to arise from different
increased Darwinian tness (Barboza & Hume 2006). The conse- implicit assumptions about (1) denitions of welfare (e.g. the
quences of this view for animal welfare would be that hunger is importance of normal versus abnormal behaviour), (2) the inter-
only relative to the specic/current nutritional environment, as pretation of welfare measures, and (3) what determines an animals
long as available food qualities are within the normal range for the food intake goal, as well as some issues concerning study design
species. Since animals are able to optimize intake on any food which may be overlooked.
quality, hunger only occurs when animals cannot choose their own
level of intake, when food is not freely available, as under quanti- BEHAVIOURAL TESTS OF FEEDING MOTIVATION
tative restriction (Lawrence et al. 2004). TO MEASURE HUNGER
With one exception (Lawrence et al. 2004) the optimization
approach has not been discussed in relation to the controversy Tests of feeding motivation are a valuable tool in the assessment
surrounding alternative diets. However, a number of authors who of hunger (Day et al. 1997), because, more than any other measure,
have argued for animal welfare benets of alternative diets appear we expect feeding motivation to reect directly the animals own
to question the maximization of energy intake subject to subjective state of hunger (Dawkins 1990). Feeding motivation has
constraints position outlined above, discussing other factors which been measured using (1) feeding rate when a limited amount of
they believe to inuence hunger or satiety (reviewed in Howarth food or feeding time is offered, (2) compensatory feeding, where
et al. 2001). For example, alternative diets may increase the ll of the ad libitum intake over a number of days is measured following
the gastrointestinal tract (Robert et al. 1993; Day et al. 1996; a period of restriction, and (3) operant conditioning procedures,
282 R.B. DEath et al. / Animal Behaviour 77 (2009) 275288

where extra food can be obtained by pecking a key or pressing Operant Responding for Food
a panel or lever. All of these measures increase as the amount of
food available is reduced (quantitative restriction, rst column in Operant conditioning for a food reward is an effective way of
Tables 1 and 2), but as with other measures, the picture becomes measuring feeding motivation, since the ratio of cost (e.g. lever
more complex when one compares quantitative restriction with pressing) to reward (food) can be altered by the experimenter. The
alternative diets. With two exceptions (Sandilands et al. 2005, method has been validated for quantitative restriction: increasing
2006), these tests have not been applied where animals on restriction results in increasing feeding motivation (rst column in
different diets had similar growth rates, which makes drawing Tables 1 and 2). However, when comparing quantitative restriction
conclusions for our purposes difcult (Tables 13). to alternative feeding systems, because animals are accustomed to
different foods, it is not obvious which food they should be offered
Feeding Rate during the test. This is also a problem for the tests of feeding rate
and compensatory feeding already discussed.
Feeding rate usually increases with increasing food deprivation. When the usual (treatment) food is provided as a reward
Feeding rate and time spent eating have a number of difculties as (Robert et al. 1997; Savory & Lariviere 2000), the animal receives its
measures of hunger where food quality varies, because feeding rate familiar food, but it is then difcult to decide what constitutes
usually declines when lower quality food is offered (Zuidhof et al. equivalent responding when comparing treatments. Offering an
1995; Ramonet et al. 1999, 2000c). In addition, alternative feeds equivalent weight of food (Robert et al. 1997) to each treatment
based on bulky ingredients may lead to consumption of water within means that different levels of energy are obtained per lever press.
a feeding event (Kyriazakis et al. 1994) leading to a reduction in the This is a problem, because more energy-dense foods (and greater
feeding rate. Learning may also be a factor; animals fed a restricted energy intakes) are more attractive: rats will perform an operant
quantity of food are used to eating quickly, both because high-quality task at higher ratios for the same weight of a higher quality (more
food is eaten more quickly than low-quality food (Johnson & Collier energy-dense) food (Johnson & Collier 1987). In another study,
1987) and because food-restricted animals may experience intense instead of equal weight of reward food, a standard time of access
food competition (Nielsen 1999). As a result of these factors animals (e.g. 3 s, Savory & Lariviere 2000) was offered. Because of the issue
may be more likely to speed up feeding rate in a test. Also, because of different feeding rates discussed above, this may be a worse
animals on quantitative restriction often nish their daily ration in solution, since animals used to qualitative restriction may eat less of
a shorter space of time than animals on qualitative restriction, they their lower quality food reward during each 3 s reward.
may eat more because, depending on when testing takes place, it is When all treatments are tested with the same food (Lawrence
generally longer since they last fed. To compare animals on alterna- et al. 1989; Ramonet et al. 2000a), it is possible to compare directly
tive diets raises the question of how long they should be deprived of the number of rewards obtained across treatments. However, the
food before testing. There is overall a risk that treatment comparisons reward food is often of high quality. For animals fed on alternative
become arbitrary as a result of decisions made to overcome these diets, the food reward represents a greater contrast with their usual
difculties (Sandilands et al. 2005). food than for animals on quantitative restriction. This contrast may
result in a greater feeding motivation, and thus greater responding
Compensatory Feeding Tests in these animals (Ramonet et al. 2000a; Savory & Lariviere 2000).
These differences in reward type can explain the ndings of
Where previously restricted animals are allowed ad libitum different studies using sows. Where the treatment (usual) food was
access to food, their total intake during this compensatory feeding used as a reward, sows fed on alternative diets and offered the same
period can be used as a measure of the hunger that has resulted food in an operant regime showed less responding than conven-
from the restriction period. Since a period of restriction will result tionally restricted sows (Robert et al. 1997) even though they were
in smaller, lighter animals, there needs to be some adjustment of gaining less weight on this diet (Matte et al. 1994). This result could
expected intake accounting for body weight. This then raises the mean that alternative diets reduce hunger and feeding motivation,
problem of what is the correct scaling method to use for this or, alternatively, that the lower energy available in 10 g of the
adjustment. For example, de Jong et al. (2003) used metabolic size alternative diet made it less attractive and less motivating in the
(body weight3/4). However, when we analysed their data on ad test. In studies where a standard diet was used as a reward, no
libitum-fed growing birds, we found that food intake per unit of differences in operant responding were found between sows fed on
metabolic size decreased as birds grew, from 0.5 to around 0.4 g/ alternative diets and quantitative restriction (body weight changes
body weight3/4, suggesting that a xed scaling method is not not reported, Lawrence et al. 1989; Ramonet et al. 2000a). This
appropriate, which makes a fair comparison difcult. could mean that these sows were equally hungry, but, alternatively,
There are additional difculties when considering alternative sows on the alternative diets might have been less hungry, but
diets. In particular, the question of which food to offer during worked harder in response to the greater contrast in perceived food
testing is problematic. Animals fed a qualitative restriction diet are quality (Ramonet et al. 2000a).
already at ad libitum intake on this food, so by denition would not Operant tests are often repeated at different times of day, and
increase their intake if tested with the same food. Thus this tech- these results can be revealing, when comparing how treatments
nique reveals the discrepancy between rationed and ad libitum differ (Day et al. 1996; Robert et al. 1997; Savory & Lariviere 2000).
intakes, and implicitly assumes that ad libitum-fed animals are not This approach is not affected by the problems over the nature of the
hungry. As discussed above, a number of researchers would dispute reward discussed above, because no direct quantitative comparison
the idea that ad libitum feeding on poor-quality food does not result is made between treatments. Typically with alternative diets,
in hunger (e.g. Owen 1992). To compare compensatory intake in operant responding for food after a meal is low (Robert et al. 1997),
units of energy (de Jong et al. 2005) is not a solution since ad and stays low for longer (Day et al. 1996) before beginning to rise
libitum energy intake differs with food quality (Savory et al. 1996; and is high again before the next meal. In contrast, under quanti-
Whittemore et al. 2002; Tolkamp et al. 2005; Johnston et al. 2006). tative restriction, operant responding for food is similarly high at
Using a uniform food during compensatory feeding tests would different tested time points (Lawrence et al. 1988; Ramonet et al.
also be problematic because of the scaling issue discussed above 2000a). For example, Savory & Lariviere (2000) fed broiler breeders
and also because animals will have adapted to a particular food at 0900 hours and tested operant responding for food at 1000, 1300
type (Nielsen 2004). This is discussed further below. and 1600 hours. Qualitative restriction treatments had lower
R.B. DEath et al. / Animal Behaviour 77 (2009) 275288 283

feeding motivation in the 1000 hour test than the later tests, while 2004) and chemoreceptors in the intestine that respond to the
the quantitative restriction treatments had similar motivation in all presence of nutrients (e.g. cholecystokinin; ghrelin, glucagon-like
tests. This is usually interpreted as indicating that alternative diets peptide 1, Powley & Phillips 2004; Strader & Woods 2005). Many of
result in satiety for at least part of the day (Robert et al. 1997; Savory these signals are integrated in the brainstem in the nucleus tractus
& Lariviere 2000), although others have interpreted this result solaris (Schwartz et al. 2000). In birds and mammals, nervous and
more in terms of a constraint, where for example gut distension endocrine signals are sent from energy stores in the liver (Friedman
inhibits further feeding, despite a continuing demand for energy et al. 2005) and adipose tissue (e.g. leptin, insulin, de Graaf et al. 2004)
(metabolic hunger, Day et al. 1996). Once again, the different to the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus which controls energy
theories as to what determines an animals food intake goal can balance (e.g. neuropeptide Y, agouti-related protein, Boswell 2005).
result in differing interpretations of the same data. Some attempts have been made to link these physiological processes
to the self-reported subjective perception of hunger, palatability or
CHOICE TESTS TO COMPARE FEEDING SYSTEMS satiety in humans (Howarth et al. 2001; Yeomans et al. 2004; Fin-
layson et al. 2007), but the picture remains complex. The main dif-
Animals are expected to prefer situations that they perceive as culty is that it is largely unclear how all the different processes are
enhancing their welfare (Hughes & Black 1973; Dawkins 1976, weighted and integrated, and, most importantly for our purposes
1990; Kirkden & Pajor 2006). When animals are offered a choice here, how they relate to an animals subjective experience of hunger.
between different foods ad libitum, they usually prefer high-quality Some aspects of feeding physiology have been used in broiler
(energy-dense) food (Mela & Rogers 1998; Guillemet et al. 2007), breeders and sows on different feeding treatments, either to
although not exclusively (Keunen et al. 2002). However, in measure hunger or to understand better the physiological
a comparison of quantitative restriction and alternative diets, the processes underlying behavioural changes (Tables 1 and 2). These
different foods are not available ad libitum which raises the ques- include measures of energy substrates such as glucose and NEFA,
tion of whether animals still prefer a high-quality reward when and the hormones that regulate them, such as insulin and glucagon.
there is very much less of it. Taylor (1977) trained mildly food- These measures typically undergo changes over the day in
deprived (8090% of ad libitum weight) rats to run for either four relation to meal patterns, making point sampling (de Jong et al.
low-quality pellets (1.0 kcal/g, equivalent to 4.2 kJ/g) or one high- 2003, 2005) difcult to interpret, particularly when comparing
quality one (4.0 kcal/g, equivalent to 16.7 kJ/g). After 12 days of ve quantitative restriction with alternative diets which often result in
daily trials, the contingencies were swapped. Rats shifted from one different meal durations and patterns (Rushen et al. 1999). The
high-quality pellet to four low-quality ones ran more quickly, while dynamic processes of energy balance also create difculties of
those shifted from four low-quality pellets to one high-quality interpretation. Energy substrates may be in the blood because of
pellet slowed down. This contrast effect suggests that the four low- absorption during a meal, or indicate the presence of, or utilization
quality pellets were perceived as more attractive. This experiment of, body energy stores. For example, plasma NEFA is higher in
was not ideal, since it was not performed under a closed economy animals with high lipid reserves (Chen et al. 2006) but also rises
(additional food was available outside the apparatus) and no direct during fasting (Van der Wal et al. 1999; Toscano et al. 2007).
choice was offered. Comparing the feeding choices of animals Because of the link with adiposity, de Jong et al. (2003) considered
between large quantities of low-quality food and smaller quantities a high glucose/NEFA ratio as a possible measure of hunger in broiler
of high-quality food in a closed economy could give valuable insight breeders. The difculties with this measure have already been
into the relative value that animals place on food quality and discussed in an earlier section.
quantity. To the best of our knowledge, this seemingly simple
experiment has not been tried before in any species, and would be Stress Physiology
relevant to the questions posed in this paper. This idea could be
developed by manipulating different nutritional components and Measures of stress physiology such as glucocorticoids (e.g.
offering choices between meals or feeding systems. In this way, the cortisol and corticosterone; CORT) and other measures of HPA
relative importance of energy and other nutrients, gut ll, feeding functioning are widely used as a measure of animal welfare
time, etc. to the animal could be assessed. (reviewed in Mormede et al. 2007). Their popularity stems from
Another similar approach might be to train animals to associate their generality, being released in response to a range of aversive,
a particular location with the experience of a particular feeding unpleasant situations, especially in the light of ndings showing
system. When an animal was returned to this location, measures of that the psychological component of the stressor is the main
frustration or aversion (such as the motivation to leave, or to move determinant of the magnitude of response (Mason et al. 1968;
to a location associated with a different feeding system) could be Mason 1971; Weiss 1971; Veissier & Boissy 2007).
used as an integrated measure of their overall welfare experience There are a number of problems with the use of CORT as
of that system. a measure of hunger.
(1) CORT rises in response to pleasurable or exciting stimuli,
PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASURES OF HUNGER reecting emotional arousal (Mason & Mendl 1993), so a higher
cortisol peak just before feeding in quantitatively restricted sows
Feeding Physiology than in sows on alternative diets may reect increased excitement
in anticipation of the small high-quality daily meal (Ramonet et al.
The physiological and neural control of feeding is a subject of 2000b). A similar observation can be made concerning heart rate
extensive research, particularly in mammals (Blundell 1991; Saper rises in these situations (Robert et al. 1997).
et al. 2002; Stanley et al. 2005; Strader & Woods 2005; Wynne et al. (2) CORT is not usually a good measure of a chronic stress (such
2005) but also in birds (Savory 1999; Boswell 2005). There are as that which might result from chronic food restriction), since the
a growing number of hormones, metabolites and neuropeptides HPA axis adapts and CORT levels tend to return to baseline. Chal-
known to be involved in the control of feeding. Central control lenging the HPA axis to reveal changes in responsiveness are often
involves an interaction between regions within the hypothalamus used (e.g. corticotropin-releasing hormone, CRH, challenge, Jarvis
and brainstem and reward centres (Stanley et al. 2005; Strader & et al. 2006) to overcome this problem. A challenge test using adre-
Woods 2005; Wynne et al. 2005). In mammals there are mechano- nocorticotropic hormone (Spoolder et al. 1996) showed no differ-
receptors in the stomach responsive to volumetric cues (de Graaf et al. ences in cortisol response of sows on different feeding treatments.
284 R.B. DEath et al. / Animal Behaviour 77 (2009) 275288

(3) CORT has various metabolic effects, all of which result in an of hunger. The metabolic function of CORT also makes stress-based
increase in or maintenance of glucose levels in the blood (Tempel & measures problematic for use as measures of hunger. There is
Leibowitz 1994). These include mobilization of amino acids from poorer agreement between different studies when physiological
muscle and lypolysis in adipose tissue, providing substrates for indicators of hunger are considered compared to behavioural
gluconeogenesis in the liver. CORT also interacts with brain indicators (Tables 1 and 2).
substrates important in the control of food intake. CORT in the
blood plasma shows a diurnal rhythm which is affected by meals WIDER IMPLICATIONS
(Mormede et al. 2007), reecting its metabolic role and making it
difcult to compare treatments with different meal patterns, such Many of the issues considered in this review are of more general
as quantitative restriction and alternative diets. In general, the interest to other elds of research. Researchers interested in obesity
important metabolic role of CORT makes it particularly difcult to in humans (and companion animals) pose similar questions to
interpret it as a welfare measure to determine levels of hunger in those addressed in this review. Can low-quality foods (typically
different feeding treatments. those containing low energy but high bre) increase satiety,
(4) In studies of broiler breeders, CORT declines with weight, in assisting the overall reduction in energy intake required for weight
ad libitum-fed as well as in quantitatively or qualitatively restricted loss? Or do low-quality foods leave a person full but unsatised
birds (Savory et al. 1996; de Jong et al. 2002; Sandilands et al. 2005). (metabolically hungry?) and likely to compensate by increasing
This confound has not been taken into account when interpreting intake of other foods? Similar to the debate over qualitative and
CORT differences observed at a given age between treatments that quantitative restriction in animals these questions are controversial
result in different body weights. in obesity research. Some authors believe that such high-bre or
In practice, CORT levels are higher in severely food-restricted low energy density diets can be effective in the long term (Duncan
broiler breeders than in more generously fed birds of the same age, et al. 1983; Poppitt & Prentice 1996; Doucet & Tremblay 1997;
but quantitative restriction and alternative diets show no differ- Howarth et al. 2001; Yao & Roberts 2001; Astrup et al. 2002; Lev-
ence (Table 1). We could nd no papers comparing CORT levels of itsky 2005; Rolls et al. 2005a, b), while others suggest that the
sows at different levels of quantitative restriction. CORT levels are benets are short-lived and that homeostatic mechanisms act to
similar in sows on quantitative restriction and alternative diets, but restore the level of energy intake (Roehrig 1991; Drewnowski et al.
have a higher peak postmeal in the former, suggesting a metabolic 2004; Stubbs & Whybrow 2004). The further research topics that
role for this hormone (Table 2). The lack of differences in CORT we propose would also be instructive to researchers interested in
between treatments combined with the difculties highlighted obesity. (1) How are different physiological satiety signals inte-
above mean that this measure is not a useful way of detecting grated and weighted leading to feeding decisions, and how do these
differences in hunger between feeding treatments. signals respond to manipulations of food quality? (2) What do
In poultry, measures or ratios of white blood cells are a common animals (or people) choose when asked to trade off food quality and
method of animal welfare assessment, in part because they are quantity in a long-term food preference study?
inuenced by, and thus an indicator of, chronically elevated corti- The question of what animals are trying to achieve when they
costerone (Maxwell 1993). In an important study to validate stress eat has been addressed in the behavioural ecology optimal
measures in poultry (Gross & Siegel 1983), plasma CORT levels were foraging literature (reviewed in Stephens & Krebs 1986; Bateson
highly variable in response to chronic social stress or chronic 2003). However, the issue of how animals make decisions about
addition of CORT to the feed. Blood heterophil levels rose and food quantity versus quality has not been directly addressed.
lymphocytes fell in a much more consistent way in response to Certain related questions about trade-offs have been considered,
these treatments, suggesting that the HLR was a useful integrating for example studying how animal choices change in response to
measure of stress. If correct, this means that HLR is less likely to depleting patches, or to increasing travel costs between food
suffer from one of the problems outlined for CORT: changes taking patches in terms of time and energetic costs (Kacelnik 1984; Todd &
place over the day, and in response to meals. However, the rationale Kacelnik 1993; Bautista et al. 2001). The extent to which animal
behind the use of HLR (i.e. its association with CORT and the HPA decision making in practice conforms to theoretical predictions
axis) means that, in principle, many of the other criticisms still based on maximizing energy intake rate has been a focus of interest
apply. It is then perhaps not surprising that, in practice, when HLR is (Tolkamp et al. 2002). For example, animals prefer immediate small
applied to the problem of hunger, the results are confusing: rewards to larger rewards that are delayed or unpredictable
different studies nd that HLR either rises, stays the same or falls in (Abeyesinghe et al. 2005; Kalenscher et al. 2006; van den Bos & de
response to different levels of quantitative restriction and when Ridder 2006; Shapiro et al. 2008), even when the latter choice
comparing these with alternative diets (Tables 1 and 2). A similar might result in more food and a greater rate of energy intake. It
confused picture emerges in both poultry and pigs when other would be interesting to investigate how animals respond to a large
immune markers have been used in comparisons of alternative meal that takes longer to consume and whether this is treated in
diets to quantitative restriction (Tables 1 and 2). the same way as a delay. The time taken to complete the meal is
A variety of enzymes associated with tissue damage during analogous to a delay, but, on the other hand, the food is available
various forms of stress (e.g. creatine kinase (CK; muscle), lactate immediately, rather than existing only as an uncertain (and inexact)
dehydrogenase (heart muscle), aspartate transaminase (liver), expectation. Impulsive choices for immediate reward may mean
alkaline phosphatase (turnover of bone tissue)) have been applied that animals would prefer small quantities of high-quality food in
to broiler breeders on different diets by Hocking and coworkers a choice test because they offer immediate gratication, even
(Table 1), although it is difcult to see why stress in these tissues though a larger quantity of lower quality food might be more
should be expected under food restriction. These markers are likely satiating over a longer period. On the other hand, the phenomenon
to have different meanings in this case. For example, raised CK was of contrafreeloading suggests that animals given free food will
found in transported broilers suffering from heat stress (Mitchell often also work for food in operant or naturalistic tasks, rather than
et al. 1992), but was reduced under quantitative restriction, prob- maximizing their rate of energy intake by consuming only the free
ably because CK increases with growth rate (Table 1). food (Osborne 1977; Forkman 1996; Inglis et al. 1997; Bean et al.
In summary, feeding physiology measures have generally been 1999; Lindqvist et al. 2006). It could be that animals are motivated
underused in this eld of research, although in general it is difcult to perform their natural foraging behaviour (behavioural satiety
to relate peripheral measures to the animals subjective experience Kacelnik 1987; Gardner & Gardner 1988; De Leeuw 2004)
R.B. DEath et al. / Animal Behaviour 77 (2009) 275288 285

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