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Lida Sorn Zaman University Transportation Engineering

1) Number of petroleum stations in Cambodia

There are 1,283 petroleum stations found in Cambodia and 241 found in Phnom Penh alone, Mr.
Pen Sam Ath, Director Department of legal affairs, audit and public relation quote by Cambodian
Express New yesterday. Among them there are some are illegally that so dangerous for fire. Mr.
Sam Ath said in Phnom Penh alone there are 91 petroleum station are built in the house and all
of these has to close under security and safety reason. (Sophirom, There are 1,283 Petroleum
Station Found in Cambodia, 2011)

2) Number of motorbike in Cambodia

Today in Cambodian there are 1.286.631 motorbike are registered officially, Mr. Preap Chan
Vibol, Director Department of Land Transportation, Ministry of Public Work and Transport told
Rasmei Kampuchea Daily. Among them, there are only 10 percent drivers get the driving
license, he said. In Phnom Penh alone, there are around 800.000 motorbikes are registered and
most of the driver are driving without license, Mr. Nhem Saran, the Director department of
Public Work of Phnom Penh Municipality told the paper. (Sophirom, Today Cambodia Has
Nearly 1.3 Millions Motorbike, 2010)

3) Number of vehicle in Cambodia

There are 1,761,415 vehicles are driving in Cambodia, most are motorbike, Rasmei Kampuchea
Daily report today. Among these vehicles the number of motorbike 1,465,821, the rest are car.
But this number are not including with the vehicles are registered by Ministry of national
defense, and ministry of interior. (Sophirom, Today Cambodia have 1,761,415 Vehicles are
Driving in Cambodia Road, 2011)
Lida Sorn Zaman University Transportation Engineering

4) Number of accident 2015 and 2014

According to Kampuchea Thmey Daily, throughout the country in 2015, there were 4595 cases
of road accident happened which killed 2265 (20 foreigners) and injured 7510, [seriously injured
4413] and 120 foreigners. Following the data above, it is assumed that there are 12 cases of road
accident happened daily in Cambodia which killed at least 6 and injured 20 people.

Comparing to the 2014 report, the number of road accident decreased but the number of
deaths increased. In 2014 throughout the country, there 4840 cases of road accident which killed
2148, 1805 male and seriously injured 4654, 3614 males, slightly injured 3403, 2391 male. 4426
people didnt wear helmet when the accident happened, 5056 motorbikes, 1797 cars, 687 trucks
and some other vehicles were damaged. Police said, the total number of vehicles damaged is
7575 decreased by 395. 4827 motorbikes decreased by 229. 1602 cars decreased by 195. 713
trucks increased by 26 and 433 other vehicles increased by 3. (Sophirom, primary road accident
report in Cambodia, 2265 died and 7510 injured, 2015)

5) Caused of accident

The accident caused by human factor 94 percent, vehicle factor 2 percent, road factor 1 percent
and other factors 3 percent. (Sophirom, primary road accident report in Cambodia, 2265 died and
7510 injured, 2015)
Lida Sorn Zaman University Transportation Engineering


Sophirom. (2010). Today Cambodia Has Nearly 1.3 Millions Motorbike. Phnom Penh: Sophirom.
Retrieved from
Sophirom. (2011). There are 1,283 Petroleum Station Found in Cambodia. Phnom Penh:
Sophirom. Retrieved from
Sophirom. (2011). Today Cambodia have 1,761,415 Vehicles are Driving in Cambodia Road.
Phnom Penh: Sophirom. Retrieved from
Sophirom. (2015). primary road accident report in Cambodia, 2265 died and 7510 injured.
Phnom Penh: Sophirom. Retrieved from

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