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C PROGRAMMING MOCK TEST Copyright tutorials

This sect ion present s you various set of Mock Test s relat ed t o C Pro gramming Framewo rk. You
can download t hese sample mock t est s at your local machine and solve offline at your convenience.
Every mock t est is supplied wit h a mock t est key t o let you verify t he final score and grade yourself.


Q 1 - What actually get pass when yo u pass an array as a functio n argument?

A - First value of element s in array

B - Base address of t he array

C - All value of element in array

D - Address of t he last element of array

Q 2 - In the given belo w co de, the functio n fo pen()uses "r" to o pen the file
so urce.txt in binary mo de fo r which purpo se?


int main ()
FILE *fp;

fp = fopen("source.txt", "r");
return 0;

A - For reading

B - For reading and writ ing

Q 3 - In DOS, ho w many bytes exist fo r near, far and huge po inters?

A - Near: 2, far: 4, huge: 7

B - near: 4, far: 2, huge: 8

C - near: 2, far: 4, huge: 4

D - near: 4, far: 0, huge: 0

Q 4 - fgets() functio n is safer than gets() because in fgets() functio n yo u can
specify the size o f the buffer into which the supplied string will be sto red.

A - True

D - False

Q 5 - Which scanf() statement will yo u use to scan a flo at value (a) and do uble
value (b)?

Float a;

Double b;

Q 6 - Cho o se the co rrect statement that is a co mbinatio n o f these two


Statement 1: char *p;

Statement 2: p = (char*) malloc(100);

A - char p = *malloc(100);

B - char *p = (char*)malloc(100);

C - char *p = (char) malloc(100);

D - None of t he above

Q 7 - Which o f the fo llo wing header file can be used to define the NULL macro ?

A - st dio.h, locale.h, st ddef.h, st dlib.h, st ring.h,

B - st ddef.h, locale.h, mat h.h, st dlib.h, st ring.h,

C - t ime.h, wchar.h, mat h.h, locale.h,

D - mat h.h

Q 8 - In the given belo w co de, the P2 is

Typedef int *ptr;

ptr p1, p2;

A - Int eger

B - Int eger point er

C - Bot h, Int eger & Int eger point er

D - None of above
Q 9 - In the fo llo wing co de, what is 'P'?

Typedef char *charp;

const charp P;

A - P is a const ant

B - P is a charact er t ype

C - P is a point er

D - None of t he above

Q 10 - What is x in the fo llo wing pro gram?


int main ()
typedef char (*(*arrfptr[3])())[10];
arrfptr x
return 0;

A - x is a charact er point er

B - x is an array of point er

C - x is an array of t hree funct ion point ers

D - Wrong declarat ion

Q 11 - What will be the resultant o f the given belo w pro gram?


Void fun(char *msg, ...);

int main ()
fun("IndiaMAX", 1, 4, 7, 11, 0);
return 0;
void fun(char *msg, ...)
va_list ptr;{
int num;
va_start(ptr, msg);
num = va_arg(ptr, int);
num = va_arg(ptr, int);
printf("%d", num);

A - IndiaMAX 1, 7, 11, 0

B - IndiaMAX 1, 7

C - Only 4

D - 1, 7, 11, 0
Q 12 - T he co rrect o rder o f evaluatio n fo r the expressio n z = x + y * z / 4 % 2 1

A - */% =+-

B- /*% - +=

C- - +=*% /

D- */ % +- =

Q 13 - In C, what is the co rrect hierarchy o f arithmetic o peratio ns?

A - */ + -

B - * +- /

C - / *+ -

D- +- / *

Q 14 - T o print a do uble value which fo rmat specifier can be used?

A - %L

B - %lf

C - %Lf

D - None of t he above

Q 15 - Which files will get clo sed thro ugh the fclo se() in the fo llo wing pro gram?


int main ()
FILE *fs, *ft, *fp;

fp = fopen("ABC", "r");
fs = fopen("ACD", "r");
ft = fopen("ADF", "r");
fclose(fp, fs, ft);
return 0;

D - Ret urn error

Q 16 - Which o f the fo llo wing statement sho ws the co rrect implementatio n o f

nested co nditio nal o peratio n by finding greatest number o ut o f three numbers?

A - max = a>b ? a>c?a:c:b>c?b:c

B - a=b ? c=30;

C - a>b : c=30 : c=40;

D - ret urn (a>b)?(a:b) ?a:c:b

Q 17 - Cho o se the co rrect o rder fro m given belo w o ptio ns fo r the calling functio n
o f the co de a = f1(23, 14) * f2(12/4) + f3(); ?

A - f1, f2, f3

B - f3, f2, f1

C - f2, f1, f3

D - Order may vary from one compiler t o anot her

Q 18 - What will be the o utput o f the fo llo wing pro gram?


int main()
const int i = 0;

printf("%d\n", i++);
return 0;

A - 100

B - Infinit y


D - Ret urn error

Q 19 - An o peratio n with o nly o ne o perand is called unary o peratio n.

A - Yes

B - An operat ion wit h t wo operand is called unary operat ion

C - An operat ion wit h unlimit ed operand is called unary operat ion

D - None of t he above

Q 20 - Cho o se the co rrect o rder o f evaluatio n,

A - Relat ional Arit hmet ic Logical Assignment

B - Arit hmet ic Relat ional Logical Assignment

C - Logical Arit hmet ic Relat ional Assignment

D - Assignment Arit hmet ic Logical Relat ional

Q 21 - Which printf() statement will yo u use to print o ut a (flo at value)

and b (do uble value)?

Float a = 3.14;
Double b = 3.14;

Q 22 - T o print a flo at value which fo rmat specifier can be used?

A - %f

B - %lf

C - %Lf

D - None of t he above

Q 23 - Cho o se the co rrect unary o perato rs in C a) !, b) ~, c) ^&, d) ++

A - a, b, d

B - a, b, c

C - b, c, d

D - c, d, a

Q 24 - What will be the o utput o f the fo llo wing pro gram?


int main()
const int x = 5;

const int *ptrx;

ptrx = &x;
*ptrx = 10;
printf("%d\n", x);
return 0;

A - 10

B - 20


D - The program will ret urn error

Q 25 - What do the fo llo wing statement defines?

int *ptr[10];

A - pt r is a point er t o an array of 10 int eger point ers.

B - pt r is a array of 10 point ers t o int egers

C - pt r is a array of 10 int eger point ers

D - None of t he above
Q 26 - What is the ro le o f "r+" o n the file "NOT ES.T XT " in the given belo w co de?


int main ()
FILE *fp;

fp = fopen("NOTES.TXT", "r+");
return 0;

Q 27 - In the given belo w co de, what will be return by the functio n get ()?


int get();

int main()

const int x = get();

printf("%d", x);
return 0;
int get()
return 40;

A - 40

B - 20


D - Error

Q 28 - During prepro cessing, the co de #include<stdio .h> gets replaced by the

co ntents o f the file stdio .h.

A - Yes

B - During linking t he code #include<st dio.h> replaces by st dio.h

C - During execut ion t he code #include<st dio.h> replaces by st dio.h

D - During edit ing t he code #include<st dio.h> replaces by st dio.h

Q 29 - What value strcmp() functio n returns when two strings are the same?


B- 2


D - Error
Q 30 - What will be the o utput o f the given belo w pro gram in T urbo C


int fun(int **ptr);

int main()
int i = 10, j = 20;
const int *ptr = &i;

printf(" i = %5X", ptr);

printf(" ptr = %d", *ptr);
ptr = &j;
printf(" j = %5X", ptr);
printf(" ptr = %d", *ptr);
return 0;

A - i= FFE6 pt r=30 j=FFE4 pt r=36

B - i= FFE0 pt r=04 j=FFE1 pt r=30

C - i= FFE4 pt r=10 j=FFE2 pt r=20

D - None of t he above

Q 31 - What will be the o utput o f the given belo w co de?


int main()
const int *ptr = &i;

char str[] = "Welcome";

s = str;
printf("%c", *s++);
return 0;

A - Welcome

B- 0

C - Wel

D - Come

Q 32 - Which statement can print \n o n the screen?

D - print f('\n');

Q 33 - Acco rding to ANSI specificatio n, ho w to declare main () functio n with

co mmand-line arguments?

A - int main(int argc, char *argv[])

B - int char main(int argc, *argv)


int main()
Int char (*argv argc);

D - None of t he above

Q 34 - In the given belo w co de, what will be the value o f a variable x?


int main()
int y = 100;
const int x = y;

printf("%d\n", x);
return 0;

A - 100

B- 0

C - Print x

D - Ret urn Error

Q 35 - T he library functio n strrchr() finds the first o ccurrence o f a substring in

ano ther string.

A - Yes

B - St rst r()

C - st rchr()

D - st rnset ()

Q 36 - If, the given belo w co de finds the length o f the string then what will be the


int xstrlen(char *s)

int length = 0;

{length++; s++;}
return (length);
int main()
char d[] = "IndiaMAX";
printf("Length = %d\n", xstrlen(d));
return 0;

A - Code ret urns error

B - Code ret urns t he lengt h 8

C - Code ret urns t he lengt h 6

D - Code ret urns t he lengt h 2

Q 37 - T he maximum co mbined length o f the co mmand-line arguments as well as

the spaces between adjacent arguments is a) 120 characters, b) 56 characters,
c) Vary fro m o ne OS to ano ther


B - a, b

C - a, b, c

D- c

Q 38 - Cho o se the functio n that is mo st appro priate fo r reading in a multi-wo rd


A - st rnset ()

B - scanf()

C - st rchr()

D - get s()

Q 39 - In the given belo w statement, what do es the arr indicate?

char *arr[30];

A - arr is a array of funct ion

B - arr is a array of 30 charact ers

C - arr is a point er t o an array

D - arr is a array of 30 charact er point ers

Q 40 - In the given belo w statement, what do es the pf indicate?

int (*pf)();

A - pf is a point er of a funct ion which ret urn int

B - pf is a point er

C - pf is a funct ion point er

D - None of t he above
Q 41 - extern int fun(); - T he declaratio n indicates the presence o f a glo bal
functio n defined o utside the current mo dule o r in ano ther file.

A - True

B - False

Q 42 - What is the o utput o f the fo llo wing pro gram?


main ()

int i, j;

for(i=5, j=1; i>j; i--, ++j)

A - 5 2, 4 2

B - Compile error

C - 42

D - 5 1, 4 2

Q 43 - What is the o utput o f the fo llo wing pro gram?


main ()

int a=1, b=2, *p=&a, *q=&b, *r=p;

p = q; q = r;

printf("%d %d %d %d\n",a,b,*p,*q);

A - 1 221

B- 21 21

C - 1 21 2

D - Compile error

Q 44 - What is the o utput o f the fo llo wing pro gram?


void g(void) {

main ()

void (*f)(void);

f = g;


A - Hello

B - Calling f(); is invalid it should be (*f)();

C - void (*f)(void) is invalid declarat ion.

D - Inst ead of f=g it should be f=&g.

Q 45 - What is the o utput o f the fo llo wing pro gram?


int f(int i) {

main ()



B- 5


D - Compilat ion error

Q 46 - What is the o utput o f the fo llo wing pro gram?


main ()

static int i = 1;

if(i--) {

printf("%d ",i);



B - 0 infinit e

C - Programs hangs wit h st ack overflow

D - Compile error

Q 47 - What is the o utput o f the fo llo wing pro gram?


main ()


A - Program compiles as print f is designed t o receive variable number of argument s.

B - Program fails compilat ion

C - print f is not a built in library funct ion

D - Semicolon need t o be removed while calling print f wit h no paramet ers.

Q 48 - Do es the fo llo wing pro gram co mpiles?

#include stdio.h

A - It fails as t here is no main() funct ion

B - It fails as header file is enclosed in double quot es

C - It compiles and execut es t o produce no displayable out put

D - It compiles.

Q 49 - What is the o utput o f the fo llo wing pro gram?


main ()

int *p = NULL;

#undef NULL

if(p==NULL) printf("NULL");

else printf("Nill");


B - Nill

C - Compile error

D - Runt ime error

Q 50 - What is the o utput o f the fo llo wing pro gram?



A - Print s dat e and t ime.

B - Print s dat e.

C - Compile error, says __DATE__ in undeclared.

D - Compile error: Need t o include st dio.h as __DATE__ in defined in it .


Questio n Number Answer Key

1 B

2 A

3 C

4 A

5 D

6 B

7 A

8 B

9 A

10 C

11 C

12 D

13 C

14 B

15 D

16 A
17 D

18 D

19 A

20 B

21 A

22 A

23 A

24 D

25 B

26 D

27 A

28 A

29 A

30 C

31 A

32 A

33 A

34 A

35 B

36 B

37 D

38 D

39 D

40 A

41 A

42 D

43 A

44 A

45 C

46 A

47 B

48 D

49 C

50 B

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