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Grade Level: 9th grade (initially written for intensive math)

Content Standard (list the standard and its description): MAFS.912.A-SSE.1.1: Interpret expressions
that represent a quantity in terms of its context.

Objective (this connects directly to your content standard which is your curriculum): The students
will be able to write algebraic expressions from word problems and create word problems to
match given expressions.

Text (link to text for the lesson): http://www.math-

Introduction: List-Group-Label For this activity students are first given a subject, to then create a
list of words off of. Students then take those words, put them into groups, and identify what their
different groups are. Applying this strategy to my lesson, I would give my students the topic,
Mathematical Operations and have them create a list of words they think represent the different
mathematical operations. Once students have their list, I would them have them group their list of
words based off the which operation they belong to. This is great for the students so that they are
able to take a word problem and interpret it to proper mathematical notation.

Text Level (indicates the grade level of the text): 9.0

Lesson Time Estimation:
In pink highlight where you address reading
In yellow highlight where you address writing
In light blue highlight where you address listening
In light green highlight where you address speaking
Lesson Activities (outlined in the boxes below):
Before Link to the strategy used, Explanation of use in lesson:
reading not to a list of strategies:
strategy Before assigning the students to work on the
name: /professional- worksheet, I will read the word problems out loud
development/strategy- to the students first. While I read out loud,
Reading Aloud guides/teacher-read-aloud- students will silently listen so they can familiarize
that-30799.html themselves with any unknown words.

During Link to the strategy used, Explanation of use in lesson:

reading not to a list of strategies:
strategy When students go to complete the worksheet, and
name: read the problems on their own, they will use the
eachers/blog-posts/genia- CUBES strategy while reading; they will circle
CUBES connell/2017/cubes-strategy- important numbers, underline the question to be
to-tackle-tough-word- answered, box key words, evaluate and eliminate
problems-/ unnecessary information, and then
solve and check your work.

After reading Link to the strategy used, Explanation of use in lesson:

strategy not to a list of strategies:
http://www.readingrockets.or After students have completed the worksheet,
Exit Slip g/strategies/exit_slips they will now come up with their own word
problem to match a written expression. They will
write their word problem down on a separate
sheet of paper and turn it in while leaving the
classroom. Students will get their word problem
back the next day, and will share it out loud to the
class. (To make it fun and interesting, have the
class vote on a class favorite! Offer the students
prizes/awards to encourage creativity and
excitement in the lesson.)

What level of rigor is your lesson at according to Webbs Depth of Knowledge chart?

Level 4.

Explain, using information from your lesson, how your lesson met the Webbs Depth of
Knowledge level you identified your lesson as?

The information from my lesson met the Webbs Depth of Knowledge of level 4 because the word
problems make students have to think a little, before they quickly compute the answer; it requires
more than just one step thinking. Students must first think about how they are going to approach the
word problem. Then, if students are correctly following CUBES, they have to remember the five steps
of CUBES to go through will reading. The student still has to then think about how to translate the
word problem into a mathematically expression, and solve it.

How will you evaluate if students are learning while your lesson is being implemented and
afterward so you can make changes as needed to ensure learning (list at least one)?

While the students are working on the worksheet, I will continuously walk around the classroom to
observe student work, to look out for any misunderstandings or misconceptions in their work. If any of
these misconceptions, misunderstandings, or any other error occur, I will probe the student with
questions in hopes of them finding their error on their own first, having them understand the question
and answer. To evaluate student learning after the lesson, I will review their exit slips to see if they
could accurately match the expression to a word problem of their own.

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