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Paraiso, help me make a stand.

Paraiso, take me by the hand

Paraiso, make the world understand
That if i could see a single bird, what a joy.
This tired and hungry land could expect
Some truth and hope and respect
From the rest of the world.

Mimi and the Balloons

Once upon a time in the garden of Paterno, there lived a kin of bugs. The garden housed
the crawly bugs whose creepy prowls we sometimes hear at night the Arachnids, myriapods,
woodlouse, you name it.
The bugs had a long-held tradition which highlights the brilliance of their ancestry through
a great acrobatic balloon competition. Yes, an acrobatic balloon contest. In this contest, the
different families of bugs will show their assorted routines making use of balloons and crafting
sorts of beautiful patterns in the air.
In the murky border of the garden resided a minute family of bugs which cant fly the
ants. Never did these ants have participated in the annual competition. They were so afraid of
competing against the flying Insectas and the vibrant butterflies which were the favorites to win
the contest. They cant fly and were so light that they never ever bothered to take part. But Mimi,
the youngest of the ants was determined to join the contest.
Papa, do you have balloons? Mimi asked her father.
We dont have any, my darling but we can borrow one from the Insectas, Mang Jose
replied. What would you do with it? he asked over.
Papa, lets join the contest? I waited many days for it, Mimi asserted vigorously. Papa,
when I was five days old, you promised me that we will participate in the contest once I become
16 days old. Tadddaaahhhh, I am already 16, you know.
Mimis father trembled. He doesnt know what to say. It is a cultural virtue of the ants to
treasure word of honor.
Jose, you promised Mimi. You have to stick to your promise, Mimis grandmother
Marielle stressed.
Okay, okay. Dennis, Jessa, Hyacinth, Angela, Joshua, proceed to the Diorama for the
practice. Prepare the balloon. Hoop hoop! Mang Jose commanded the other troop of ants.
Merry, Crissa, Farina, Jason and Charles, make available the emergency kit. We have to be
safe, while on practice, he remarked.
Grandmother Marielle took control. Ester, Amy, Rejane, Maricon, plan for the best show
ever. Mimi, lets go.
Supervised by Mang Jose and Mimis grandmother Marielle, the ants trained hard in the
garden. It was quite impressive to see all of them helping each other to be perfectly organized
and prepared. The ants led by Mimi were so happy, especially in performing their risky routine.
The day finally arrived. It was time for the contest. Bangggg!!! The competition began. The
different insects took their turns, performing beautiful maneuvers with the balloons. As always,
the entrance of flying Insectas and the vibrant butterflies were applauded. They were the crowds
favorite as they could grab the balloon strings and fly off in all directions, creating all sorts of
patterns in the air. They left everyone amazed with their twists and turns.
And then, came the ants with Mimi. The spectators never expected that they would do
anything special. But, for the first time, the ants shared just one balloon, and one by one they
climbed up the balloon string. When all the string was covered, the last ant Mimi - climbed over
her teammates to reach the balloon.
This strange spectacle attracted everyone's curiosity, and they were just about to witness
the most important moment: Mimi opened her jaws as wide as she could... and then she crack
the balloon with all her might!
Pack, pacckk, packkk!!! Paaaaaaccccccckkkk!! Ganern!
The result was tremendous! The balloon began blowing out its air. Pssshhhhhhh!!! It flew
madly about, here and there, doing a thousand pirouettes, while the perfectly synchronized ants
led by Mimi, made all kinds of beautiful shapes out of the string. The originality and teamwork of
the ants performance was so impressive that the crowd didn't even have to vote for there to be a
winner. Yes, the ants led by Mimi were declared champion.
Ladies and gentlemen, just like the group of ants led by Mimi, JRMSU can achieve goals
and objectives if the administration, students, staff and employees will join hands, walk as one
and work as one in nurturing the culture of quality and excellence towards upgrading institutional
quality and productivity and for lifting academic integrity in envisioning a competitive state

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