Kasus Starbuck Coffee

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Starbucks Coffee
Beginning with 9 Seattle stores in 1987, Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz has exported
the company's chic cafes throughout the world. Service is anything but fast, and the price of a
cup of coffee could make the Dunkin' Donuts crowd faint, but each week millions of people
in cities from Atlanta to Tokyo hit Starbucks to sip cappuccinos and double lattes.
Starbucks has pursued rapid expansion both at home and abroad. Today, Starbucks boasts
more than 4,600 outlets around the world, and Schultz has no plans to slow the growth.
Starbucks has proven so popular in Japan, where sales per store are twice as high as in the
United States, that the company recently opened its 300th store, with plans to add nearly 200
more over the next three years. The company moved into China in 1999 and now has 35
stores, mainly in Beijing and Shanghai. A joint venture with Germany's largest department
store company, KarstadtQuelle, is helping Starbucks push into Germany. The company's
current six shops in Switzerland, as well as plans to open a store in Vienna in late 2001, are
part of a long-term plan to open at least 650 outlets in continental Europe by the end of 2003.
And in Canada, Starbucks has partnered with Interaction Restaurants, which hopes to be
running 50 to 70 Starbucks in Quebec within five years. Starbucks' strategies have long been
criticized as risky, but there's no arguing with success. Many analysts think the company has
the flexibility and management strength to continue to grow and prosper.
Many of Starbucks' managers have years of experience from such companies as Burger King,
Taco Bell, Wendy's, and Blockbuster. Schultz believes a top executive should "hire people
smarter than you are and get out of their way." Equally crucial to Starbucks' success are the
"baristas" who prepare coffee drinks. Starbucks recruits its workers from colleges and
community groups and gives them 24 hours' training in coffeemaking and lore-a key to
creating the company's hip image and quality service. When customers go to Starbucks, they
are buying not just a great cup of coffee, but an experience. In a new store in Beijing, for
instance, customers line up daily to have a barista dispense jolts of java from a "Mercury
machine" strapped to his back. Starbucks also emphasizes listening to customers and giving
them what they want. One reason the company agreed to a deal allowing Interaction to run
storefront outlets in Quebec was to ensure that Starbucks adapts to local market needs,
particularly in Montreal, which already has a strong coffee culture and vibrant local
A computer network links the expanding above, you Starbucks empire, and Schultz hired a
top information-technology specialist from McDonald's to design a point-of-sale system to
enable managers to track sales. Every night, computers from stores around the world send
information to headquarters in Seattle so that executives can spot buying trends. Starbucks'
same-store sales in mid-2001were already the lowest since 1998, and the declining economy
following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks hurt sales even more. However, this does
not worry Schultz and other top managers. To them, meeting such challenges is just part of
the job.

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