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1. SUMMARY ......................................................................................... 3
2. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 4
3. ASSIGNMENT .................................................................................... 5
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 5
4. MODEL............................................................................................... 6
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 6
PLATE ............................................................................................................ 6
Deflection.................................................................................................. 7
Stress........................................................................................................ 7
Maximum Plate dimensions......................................................................... 7
Distance Between Profiles........................................................................... 8
PROFILE ......................................................................................................... 9
Required inertia ......................................................................................... 9
Profiles.................................................................................................... 10
Wall ........................................................................................................ 10
Neutral axis wall + profile......................................................................... 10
Total Inertia ............................................................................................ 11
Stress...................................................................................................... 11
BUCKLING ..................................................................................................... 12
WELDING ...................................................................................................... 13
FRAME ......................................................................................................... 14
Required Moments ................................................................................... 14
Actual moments of frame ......................................................................... 14
BASE ........................................................................................................... 15
Flat base ................................................................................................. 15
Skid Base ................................................................................................ 15
TOTAL TANK .................................................................................................. 15
Area........................................................................................................ 15
Weight .................................................................................................... 16
Total Inertia: ........................................................................................... 16
Lifting Lugs.............................................................................................. 16
Computer program................................................................................... 18
5. ANALYSE ......................................................................................... 19
U PROFILES ................................................................................................... 19
TOTAL INERTIA............................................................................................... 20
Plate Stress ............................................................................................. 21
MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN PROFILES .............................................................. 22
SEISMIC ANALYSE............................................................................................ 23
6. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................ 24
7. RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................... 25
8. APPENDICES ................................................................................... 27

CLASSICAL PLATE EQUATION .............................................................................. 28

Flowchart main program........................................................................... 33
Flowchart function solution ....................................................................... 36 2. Introduction
9. APPENDIX PROFILES ...................................................................... 38
H PROFILES ................................................................................................... 38
I PROFILES .................................................................................................... 38
L PROFILES ................................................................................................... 38
BEND U PROFILES ........................................................................................... 40

1. Summary
4. Model
3. Assignment
The walls of the transformer tank are made of steel with thickness between 6 and
The assignment coexists of a formulation of alternative strength and stiffness cal- 12 mm. The tank has to be designed to withstand full vacuum pressure. This vac-
culations on the tank wall of a transformer. With these calculations an optimalisa- uum is applied before filling the transformer with oil. The wall of the tank can be
tion has to be made of the type and the number of reinforcements used on the stiffened with reinforcements to reduce the displacement and the stresses in the
wall of the tank. Pauwels has several programs and documents about the calcula- plate.
tions, but in practice the tanks are too heavy in comparison with competitors. The reinforcements are steel H,I L,U profiles
A next point of consideration is standardisation of the design. Each transformer and welded to the tank wall according to fig-
will be designed according the desires and demands of the customers. At this ure xx
moment there are too many variables in design, which means that the variation in Another critical load is lifting the transformer
the design is great. filled with the oil and the core. For the design
At this moment there are horizontal, vertical and a combination of horizontal and of the transformer tank the worst case sce-
vertical reinforcements used nario has to be chosen. The restraints for
Is it possible to reduce a certain number of variables in design, e.g. the same de- the design are the maximum displacement
sign for the lifting lugs for all transformers. and stress in the tanks walls.
The desires and demands of customers are changing to the direction of vertical
reinforcements instead of horizontal because of reduction of corrosion on the out- The assembled transformer tank is too com-
side wall. plex for simple calculations for an optimalisa-
tion of the weight, therefore the tank is mod-
elled as four walls with reinforcements and a
The question is if and how the weight of a transformer tank can be reduced. Figure 1 respectively U, L, H and
bottom plate, each wall is considered sepa-
Reduction of lead time for design I
Kill combination hv The wall is split into sections where every section represents a reinforcement and
Optimalisation 2 steel plates on both sides of the profile. The dimensions of these plates are half
of the distance between the profiles and the height of the tank. These sections are
After an analyse of the tank, the calculations of the tank are too complex to make checked for inertia and stress, the plates are checked for displacement and stress
a simple and reliable model of it. The effects of the four walls on each other and and finally the combination of the walls are checked for welding in the corners and
the effects of the reinforcements connected to the bottom and top makes all mod- buckling of the profiles.
els, also based on elasticity theory, only an approach of reality. When an optimali-
sation of the type and the number of reinforcements has to be made, the calcula- The model of the transformer tank is split in
tions have to be simple for checking all possibilities. Thats why there will be made six sections where the different aspects of
a model of the walls separately with beam and plate theories. that part will be highlighted in order of:
The output of these calculations will be a very good input for optimalisation with Plate

Plate Figure 2 Clamped plate with uni-

form load
The part of the wall between two vertical reinforcements can be considered as a
Finite Element Method (FEM) in a Finite El ement
separate clamped plate on all the four sides with a uniform load p = 0,1 N/mm2.
Programme. Only with FEM a reliable presentation of reality can be given and the
The displacement of the profiles is considered zero for the calculations of the
effects of all the corners, wall and reinforcements on each other.
stress and the displacement of the wall. A tank with zero reinforcements on a wall
will also be calculated like a plate.

Deflection 0.036 p * ( DBP) 4

f = * ; f = f defl * DBPlim
The deflection f of a clamped plate can be estimated with as dimensionless steel DBP 2 E * Tw3
1+ ( )
factor. The calculated displacement has to be smaller than the deflection factor Hw
times the smallest length of the plate. In this case it will be the distance between 1
the profiles (DBP). The Distance Between Profiles will be discussed in the next DBPlim 2 4
1+ ( )
paragraphs. f defl * DBPlim * E * Tw3
DBPdefl =
p * ( DBP) 4 0.036
f = * ; =
p 0.036

E * Tw3 DBP 2

1+ ( )
0.36 p * ( DBP) 2
f max = defl max * DBP = * 2
DBP 2 Tw
1+ ( )
The stress of a clamped plate can be estimated with as dimensionless steel 1+ ( )
factor. The calculated stress has to be smaller than the maximum allowable stress max * Tw2 Hw
DBPstress = *
max of the plate, given by the yield stress and the safety factor (SF). p 0.36
p * ( DBP) 2 0.36
=* ; =
Tw2 DBP 2 If one of the values of DBPdefl or DBPstress is smaller than the value of DBPlim, the
1+ ( ) maximum distance between profiles is limited by the deflection or stress. In this
cased the value of DBPlim is equal to the smallest value of these two.
max = ; SF 1 DBPdefl < DBPlim DBPlim = DBPdefl
DBPstress < DBPlim DBPlim = DBPstress

Maximum Plate dimensions Distance Between Profiles

The maximum values of the plate dimensions are limited by the maximum allow- When the maximum Distance Between Profiles (DBPmax) is fixed, according to the
able stress. The dimensions are also limited by the maximum deflection, but in or- previous paragraph, the real DBP can be calculated. This DBP depends of the
der to get an starting value of these dimensions an iterative process starts with number of reinforcements and the width of the profile.
the maximum stress. Afterwards these values have to be checked for the maxi-
0.36 p * ( DBP) 2 The distance between profiles is calculated for three different scenarios, namely:
max = * 1. There is only one reinforcement on the tank wall
DBP 2 Tw2
1+ ( ) Lw W p
Hw DBP :=
max *1 + ( ) 2. The position of the profiles are not fixed and the remaining length is equally
Hw divided by the number of plates (equal to number of reinforcements +1)
mum displacement. DBP = Tw * ; DBP << H w Re inf
p * 0.36
Lw W p
T max DBP := 1
DBPlim w * (# Re inf + 1)
0 .6 p
3. The distance from one or both sides of the corner to the first reinforcement
The Distance Between Profiles is considered to be much smaller than the Height of
is fixed (e.g. placing of lifting lugs) in Corner Distance Left (CDL).
the Tank (min. 1500 mm), which means that in this case becomes 0,36. Re inf
The value for the limit Distance Between Profiles (DBPlim) has to be checked again Lw W p CDL CDR
for restraints in the displacement or the stress, with the new value for DBP. DBP := 1

(# Re inf 1)
For a plate with the width of DBPlim and the height of the tank wall Hw the deflec- CDL = DBPlim
tion and stress are calculated with the following formulas: CDR = DBPlim 2 * CoG
The displacement of CoG is assumed to the right. If CDR is smaller then 30 The uniform load (N/m) of the simple beam is translated into the vacuum load
* wall thickness, e.g. a big displacement CoG, then the CDR is set to 30* (N/mm2) times the DBP. This Ireq is the minimum value the combination of the wall
Wall thickness. This statement eliminates the stiffening of virtual and nega- and the profile has to satisfy.
tive length of the tank wall. CDR < 30 * Tw CDR = 30 * Tw

If the calculated DBP is bigger then DBPlim then the solution for DBP and the pro-
file is rejected because of restraints in stress or deflection in the Profiles
plate: DBP DBPlim The inertia of the I and U profiles to the axis parallel to the length of the wall (Ix) can be
calculated as:
For scenario1 and 2 the remaining length of the tank wall, excluding the width of W p * H 3p
I profiles: I xp :=
the profile, is equally divided over the number of plates. 12
For scenario 3 however is chosen for a different approach. In order to be able to Bend U profiles:
calculate on the position of the reinforcements for placing the lifting lugs, one of W p * T p3 Tp * (H p Tp )3
the reinforcements has to have a rigid position to calculate on the positions of the I xp := + 2*( )
12 12
others. Tp H p Tp 2
For an optimal solution, the position of the fist reinforcement is set to the maxi- + (W p * T p ) * (( H p ) y p ) + 2 * (( H p T p ) * T p * ( y p (
mum value of DBP. 2 2

Profile The inertia of the H- and equal L-profiles are given by the manufacturer in nu-
meric format.
When the Distance Between Profiles is fixed for one specific profile the required
properties of that profile has to be checked. The only remaining variable for the Wall
DBP is the width of the profile. The computer program has a loop (See Appendix
Flowcharts) for the width in order to calculate the DBP and further calculations of The wall behind and beside the reinforce-
the profile. ment also prohibits the reinforcement
The dimensions of the profile will be determined by on one hand the required iner- bending. That is why the inertia of that
tia of the section profile and on two sides a plate and on the other hand the part of the wall should be included. It is
maximum allowable stresses in the profile. The next sub paragraphs discuss the assumed that at both sides of the rein-
used formulas and assumptions for required inertia and stress in order to get the forcement the affective prohibiting the
optimum dimensions of the profiles. bending of the reinforcement by the wall
will last for the half of the DBP. The Inertia
Required inertia of the this part of the wall is calculated as
a simple plate and the length of the plate
The reinforcements are welded on both long sides on the tank wall, on the top to
is considered as the width of the rein-
the frame and to the bottom plate with a certain construction. The reinforcements
forcement and on both sides taken the half
are modelled as a simple beam, on side rigid and the other side is free to move in
of DBP into account.
longitudinal direction.
The deflection of a simple beam
with uniform load is ( DBP + W p ) * Tw3
Iw =
= (Mechanics of Materials; Gere and Timoshenko)
384 EI
Neutral axis wall + profile
Since the maximum deflection is known, namely the maximum deflection factor
times the length of the reinforcement, the required inertia can be calculated to The Neutral axis of the combination of the wall and of the welded profile on the
make sure that the deflection is below the limits. T
A p * (Y p + Tw ) + Aw * w
5 p * DBP * H p
wall can be calculated by: Y p + w := 2
I req := * A p + Aw
384 defl max * H p * E

Total Inertia several loops for the optimalisation of the weight can be found in Appendix Flow-
The total inertia of the welded profile and the section of the wall, together can be charts
calculated as a superposition of all the calculated moments and their contribution
of moving their neutral axes to the neutral axes of the whole combination: The wall thickness, number, type and dimensions of the profile and the distance
T between the profiles are calculated and fixed. The next step is making calculations
Itot := I p + Iw + Ap *(Yp +Tw Yp+w)2 + Aw *(Yp+w w )2 for the assembly of the different tank walls with their profiles. The assembly has
to be checked for buckling and also the corner welding between the different
walls. Also the frame and the base plate have to be designed after the walls and
The inertia of the section of one profile and the two plates on both side with
profiles are determined.
length DBP/2 has to be bigger than the required inertia for an allowable solution.
5 p * ( DBP + W p ) * H p

I req := Buckling
384 defl max * H p * E Buckling in the vertical reinforcements, besides bending, will occur when vacuum
is applied to the tank. The calculation of the buckling is difficult, because:
I tot I req The Buckling force acts not centric in the reinforcement axes.
A free buckling length will not exist.
For the calculation of the stress in the reinforcement the reinforcement is still With a simplified method it is possible to calculate the buckling stress. This
modelled as a simple beam, but the beam is clamped at both sides. The stress is method is based on the following assumptions:
calculated with the following formula: The pressure works vertically in the center of the profiles
M The profiles will carry all the pressure on the tank cover. Each profile car-
max = max ries a fraction of that load according to the ratio Ap /Atotal. So it is possible
that the profiles of the short walls carry another fraction of the load than
The maximum moment will occur at both ends of the beam. The maximum mo- Re inf Long Re inf Short
ment has the following value: the profiles of the long wall. Atotal = 2 * A p + 2* A p
H 1 1
( w) Since the profiles are fixed to the tank wall, tensional or lateral buckling
q* Hw p * DBP * H w H w
M max = * 2 = *( ) can be neglected. The profile can only bend or buckle in a direction per-
2 2 2 4
pendicular to the tank wall.
p * DBP * H w2
max = The free buckling length is 0.75*Hw.
8* Sp Buckling will not occur in plates of the walls.
I xp
Sp = With these assumptions the following formulas are valid (TOP 1.130.05). First of
max( y z ; H p y z )
all the aspect ratio is calculated. This aspect ratio is used in the calculation of
the buckling factor , which is used in the calculation of the buckling stress.
The uniform load q (N/m) of the simple beam is translated into the vacuum load p
(N/mm2) times the DBP. The formula for the stress is rewritten to find the minimal
Lk * H p A p * lim
required moment of resistance. The required moment of resistance is found when = *
the maximum allowable stress in the profile occurs. E*I p
p * ( DBP ) * H w2 1
S req := =
8 * max
0.5 + 0.532 2 + (0.5 + 0.532 2 ) 2 0.377 * 2
The moment of resistance of one profile has to be at the least the value of Sreq to
ensure the stress in the reinforcement is lower than the maximum allowable
p * Acov er
stress. buckling =
S p S req * Atotal
The buckling is most critical during the vacuum test. So the maximum bending
In the two previous paragraphs the calculations for the plates, DBP and the pro-
stress in the profile must be increased with the buckling stress to prevent buck-
files are discussed. These elements are dependent of the number of reinforce-
ments, the wall thickness, the width of the profile. The actual order of calculations
described above differs with the computer program. A detailed impression of the
p + buckling max Frame
p * DBP * H w2
p = The main load on the frame occurs when the cover is removed from the frame. At
8* S p
the time the active part is still in the tank and the oil is nearly up to the frame.
The cover will not support that oil load anymore and the frame has to support that
Welding load. This situation is the worst case loading of the frame. Thereby it is assumed
The corner welding between the tank walls is constructed like figure??. The that the cover supports the vacuum loading and the internal pressures during
strength of this welding should be checked to be sure that the welding is able process.
withstand the vacuum load. The long wall extends beyond the welding between
the inside long side and outside short sidewall. The dimension of this extension The following assumptions is made:
has no significant impact on the strength of the welding. Therefore this extension Lw
is not included in the calculation method. The maximum allowable deflection of the frame, all , is: . Otherwise lo-
calized buckling will occur.

Required Moments
oil * H w2
I req = 2.602 *10 4 * * L2w * ( L2w + 4 * Lw *W w 4 *W w2 )
E * all

S req = 8.334 *10 2 * * ( L2w L w *W w W w2 )
Checking the corner welding between the tank walls, it is assumed that the weld- lim
ing strength is equal to the strength of the welded material. To avoid stress con-
centrations and ensure the quality of the welding, it is necessary to keep the dif-
ference 2 mm or less between the plate thickness of the long wall and of the short Actual moments of frame
wall small.
Under loading the frame will undergo a deflection along the y axes (see figure??)
With these assumptions the stress components, tensile and shear stress, in the The actual moments are the following:
welding can be calculated. In these calculations the Ratio Rw is used. Combining Plaatje plus tekst over om d
the shear and the tensile stress will result in the actual stress in the welding

Tws 3
CS + C 3L *(
Rw =
Tws 3
CS + C L *( )
tw = * (0.25 * C l arg e * Rw + 0.625 * T small * C 2 l arg e 0.125 * Tsmall * Rw
C l arg e * T 2 small
= * (0.625 * T 2 small 0.125 * R w
C small * T T fr *W fr3 T fr *W fr23
I= S=

Tsmall T 12 6
welding = 0.125 * ( tw + w ) 2 * + 1.125 * ( tw w ) 2 * small lim
Tsmall + 1 Tsmall + 1

Ltot := Lw + 2 * Tw short
Wtot := Ww + 2 * Tw long
Base Re inf Re inf
Atot := ( Ltot * Wtot ) ( Lw * Ww ) + 2 * ( A p short ) + 2 * ( A p long )
Two types of bases exist; flat base and skid base. The first is just a thick plate, 1 1

while the last one is a thinner plate, but profiles are welded under plate to ensure
the strength and the stiffness.
The total weight of the transformer tank is calculated in three subparts:
Flat base
The base has to withstand the most severe loading condition of the following oc- 1. Wall and Reinforcements
Re inf_ long
The lifting of the fully assembled transformer. The base has to withstand
Ww+ r _ Long = steel * ( Lw + 2 * Tw _ short ) * H w + 1 1000
* W p _ long

the weight of the active part. The weight of the oil is neglected, because it Hw Re inf_ short

has a very small contribution to the pressure. Ww+ r _ short = steel * (Ww + 2 * Tw _ long ) * H w +

* W p _ short
w * (2 * c + b) * (4 * a *W w + 2 * bl * c + bl 2 )

p lifting = c With Wp is the weight of the profile per millimeter (kg/m)

W w4 L w
The vacuum loading. The loading will be not the pressure of 100% vacuum, 2. Bottom plate
because the pressure of the active part will diminish the pressure of the Wbottom = steel * ( Lw + 2 * Tw _ short ) * (Ww + 2 * Tw _ long ) * Tbottom
vacuum loading. The actual loading will be p = pvacuum plifting
3. Frame
The worst case loading will be used in calculating the base thickness. It is as- W frame = steel * T frame * (( Lw + 2 * Tw _ short + 2 * T frame ) *
sumed that the stress will be the constraint. The formula for calculating the stress (Ww + 2 * Tw _ long + 2 * T frame ) ( Lw * Ww ))
in a plate (used in the calculating of the walls) is rewritten to find the minimum
required base thickness. Total Weight:

0.36 p * ( DBP ) 2 Wtot = 2 * Ww+ r _ long + 2 * Ww+ r _ short + Wbottom + W frame

Tw = *
1+ (
) max
Hw Total Inertia:
The Inertia of the total tank inclusive the reinforcements can be calculated as the
inertia of the tank walls on the x-x and y-y axis plus the inertia of all the rein-
Skid Base forcements and their areas translated to the x-x or y-y axis.
W * L3tot Ww * L3w Re inf Re inf

The standard rule for the baseplate of a skidbase is: max(Tshort , Tlong ) + 2 I xx := ( tot ) + 2 * ( I p _ long + A p _ short * y 2 ) + 2 * ( I p _ short + A p _ short * y 2 )
12 12 1 1

Ltot * Wtot3 Lw * Ww3 Re inf Re inf

I yy := ( ) + 2 * ( I p _ long + A p _ short * x 2 ) + 2 * ( I p _ short + A p _ short * x 2 )
Total Tank 12 12 1 1

After the wall thickness, the type, number and dimensions of the profile are fixed,
the walls are checked on corner welding and the profiles on buckling and also the The values for the total Inertia on both
bottom plate and frame are designed some general calculations can be done for axes can be used for the Seismic
the total transformer tank. In this paragraph discusses calculations on the area, analyse of the tank.
total weight of the tank, total inertia and the position of the Lifting Lugs.
Lifting Lugs
Area The Lifting Lugs are placed preferably
The length and width of the wall is equal to the inner dimensions times the wall on the vertical reinforcements to avoid
thickness on both sides. The Area in x-y projection is equal to the area of the tank shear stresses in the tank wall. This
inclusive the area of all the reinforcements on the walls. means that the positions of reinforce-
ments are determined by the required
position of the lifting lugs for the lifting of the transformer.
5. Computer program
From the left side of the tank, the first profile will be placed on the maximum al- With the sizes of the input files, given during the research, theoretically
lowable distance (DBPlim) from the corner. The profiles between the first and the 4
last one will be placed on the following positions (from the left side of the tank) H Profile 7 336
x 1 x 1
U Profile 300 14400
Position _ x = CDL + DBP + W p I Profile 16 768
1 1
L Profile 42 2016
Position _ Re inf = CLR
x {1, Re inf 1}
The last reinforcement will be placed on a rigid position (CDR), which is deter-
mined by DBPlim-2*CoG. During the building of the program it occured several times that the internal mem-
For the lifting two different lifting Slings are used, namely 4,1 and 4,7 m. Those ory of Turbo pascal was not large enough to run the program in the correct way.
Slings may not have an angle bigger than 600 with each other. If the distance be- This problem was caused by the large number of solutions created. To solve this
tween de first and the last reinforcement is bigger than the length of the sling, the problem the number of memorized solutions had to be diminished. This is done in
lifting lugs are both moved one reinforcement to the next one in the direction of several ways troughout the whole program:
the tank inside During the combination of the different solutions for the short and the long
wall, for the long wall only the best combination with a solution for a
If 2 * CoG > DBP then the program will place the last reinforcement outside the short wall is memorized, because it is assumed that the less weight solu-
dimensions of the tank. In that case the position of the Lifting Lugs have to be tion will be chosen.
calculated by hand. For each side of the tank the program will run twice. During the first run
the progam memorizes of every combination of wallthickness, profiletype
and number reinforcements only the solution which has the less weight.
After the first run a choice is made for the type of profile. The second time
the program runs only for the selected profieltype, but instead of only one
memorized solution of every combination of wallthickness, profile type, and
number reinforcements the first ten solutions according to the weight are
memorized. So the first time the scope is wide, but there is not much
depth in the solutions. While the second time the scope is small, but the
depth of the solutions is larger.
Beyond a length of 5000 mm the minimum wallthickness is 8 mm. This re-
duces also the number of solutions.
The allowable wallthickness of the short wall is the wallthickness of the
long wall +/- 2 mm.

6. Analyse of the profile (so increasing the height) the inertia per kilogram profile is
This chapter discusses the results of the assumptions and implementation of the
model in the computer program. What the optimal solution will depend on the required Inertia and stress of the
profile for the sizes of the tank. But a conclusion can be made that if in the opti-
U Profiles Height
mal solutions a profile exist with a wall thickness (8,10,12) and the ratio of
When the inertia and the stress of the profiles are the bottleneck for an allowable Width
solution, the necessary increase of the inertia goes hand in hand with an increase the profile is below 0,80 then a profile has to be added to the input file U Beam
of the total weight. with the same width, thickness 6 mm and an increase of the height. In this case
Because the U profiles are popular and have very good properties for stiffen the an optimum value for the weight can be found.
tank wall and the U profiles can be bend in any size, an analyze is made of the re- In general can be said that the minimum increase of weight for the three vari-
lationship between the inertia and the weight of a profile. ables, width, height and thickness, an increase to the next step of a possible di-
mension, is the best for the width, then for the height and as last for the thickness
For a set of profiles with the same width (325 mm) the inertia of the profile is di- of the profile.
vided by the weight of the profile for different sizes of the height and the thick-
To be able to make a good and fare comparison between the different sizes the Total Inertia
inertia is divided by the weight, so the graphic represents the inertia per kilogram The total inertia of profile and the section of the wall together, explained in the
profile. previous chapter, can be calculated as:
Itot := I p + Iw + Ap *(Yp +Tw Yp+w)2 + Aw *(Yp+w w )2
Ratio Inertia / weight 2
The next column chart shows the contribution of each value of the elements of the
formula mentioned above for the total inertia. For a good comparison between the
profiles is the inertia of the elements divided by the weight of the profile
Inertia / kg

Inertia / kg per element

Accumulation of Inertia / kg


Trans Area Profile
400000 Inertia Profile
32 1 6
32 14 x8

32 x1 x6
32 15 x8

32 x1 x6
32 16 x8

32 x1 x6
32 18 x8
32 40 0
32 15 2

32 50 0
32 16 2

32 60 0
32 18 2

18 10

Trans Area Wall

5x 0x

1 1
5x x1

1 1
5x x1

1 1
5x x1

5x 40

5 0
5x 50

5 0
5x 60

5 0
5x 80
5x 0x

5x 0x

5x 0x

5x 0x
32 14

Inertia Wall


U profile
U Profile L Profile H Profile I Profile
The graphic shows that for a profile with the same width (325 mm) and height
(140 mm) but different thickness (6..12 mm ), the ratio is decreasing.
This means that the inertia of the profiles is less increasing in comparison with the The inertia of the wall is neglect able in comparison with the other elements. The
increase in weight. inertia by the translation of the area of the wall to the neutral axis conversely is
The next step in the height (150 mm) has a higher ratio than his predecessor for rather a big element. Only for the I profile the inertia by the translation is small
the same wall thickness (6..12 mm). This means that by increasing the ratio because of the small dimensions of the width of the profile,
Globally can be said that the inertia per kilogram is reduced with a factor 2/3 for eFunda
Displacement Pauwels
respectively H, U, L, I profile.
Stress eFunda

The H profile has the best total inertia per kilogram weight in comparison with the Pauwels

other profiles. The choice witch profile to use for stiffen the wall depends on the 0.04

sizes of the wall and the required inertia and stress of the profile. The H profile is
the most economic per kilogram although for small tanks it is possible that I some 0.6
profiles gives enough strength and stiffness. The best solution for the example 0.03
dimensions above is with U Profiles. It means that the H profiles have the largest 0.5

Dimensionless Steelfactor
inertia per kilogram, it can also mean that there are too strong and too heavy for

Dimensionless Steelfactor

the optimal solution. 0.4

The recommendation is given to add more H profiles to the input files of the pro-
gramme in order to go to the optimum solution for the weight. This recommenda- 0.015
tion is valid until the inertia and the stress of the profile are no longer the bottle- 0.01
neck for an allowable solution. 0.1

Plate Stress







1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4
After a research for the stresses and displacements in a steel plate, on the inter- Ratio Height/DBP Ratio Height/DBP

net (eFunda) and in the Pauwels documentation two the same formulas are found.
The only difference is the constant dimensionless steel factor ( and ), which the
stresses and displacements are multiplied.
p * ( DBP) 4 p * ( DBP) 2 Maximum Distance Between Profiles
f = * ; =* If the distance between the profiles is considered as a clamped plate, the maxi-
E * Tw3 Tw2
mum dimension of this plate is limited by the deflection and the stress.
The displacement and stress is plotted in the graphics below, the only difference is
T max
the constant dimensionless steel factor. The displacement shows a little difference Since DBPlim w * and max and p are known values, the DBP only depends
between the two, the stress however shows a big difference and more than 50 %. 0 .6 p
The values used with eFunda are discreet and determined by a least Square on the wall thickness and therefore: DBPlim 80 * Tw
Method (Appendix xx
For the maximal displacement also a same calculation can be made
DBPlim 2 4
1+ ( )
f defl * DBPlim * E * Tw3 Hw
DBPdefl = *
p 0.036

With DBPlim=80*Tw and DBPlim<<Hw
0,005 * 80 * Tw * E * Tw3 1 + (max 0.1) 4
DBPdefl = *

p 0.036
1 + (max 0.1) 4
DBPdefl = 840000 * Tw4 *
DBPdefl 70 * Tw

This means that the maximum distance between the profiles is limited by the de-
flection of the plate. The note has to be made that these are the limitations of the 7. Conclusions
model, the plate considered as clamped and a deflection factor of 0,5%.
With a Final Element Analyses has the real deflections to be checked but only the L> 2500 eruit
DBPlim 2
1+ ( )
constant values of shall be modified to adjust to the real situation.
Tw DBPmax

Seismic Analyse
In some projects there has a seismic analyse to be made. Therefore the total iner-
tia of the tank on xx and yy axes has to be calculated. Also the Area of the tank is
necessary to calculate on the stresses during an earthquake. In those reports are
the reinforcements neglected, which means that only the area and inertia of the
tank is calculated.
Depend on the number of reinforcements on the walls, the area including rein-
forcements can be 2-3 times larger, the inertia with reinforcements can a factor 10
or more be larger than without.
For the calculation of the natural frequency of the total tank, the following formula
is used and means that, with a bigger Inertia, the frequency will be higher than
the case calculated without reinforcements.
1 8EIg
f =
2 L3WT
In practice the frequency of tanks are bigger than the required 30 Hz for the as-
sumption the tank is rigid. With the calculation of the reinforcements, the natural
frequency will exceed the required frequency.
Because of the area is bigger, also the stresses will be lower than calculated with-
out the reinforcements.
Recommendations Efunda
Polytechnisch Zakboekje, PBNA, ISBN
For the design of a special tank or the design of a new feature the usage of Mech of mat
a Final Element Programme will be advised to look in detail at the effects
on the whole tank.
Adding more H profiles
U profiles higher
Prog in visual link met solidworks

8. Appendices
Classical Plate Equation

The small transverse (out-of-plane) displacement w of a thin plate is governed by the

Classical Plate Equation,

where p is the distributed load (force per unit area) acting in the same direction as z
(and w), and D is the bending/flexual rigidity of the plate defined as follows,

in which E is the Young's modulus, is the Poisson's ratio of the plate material, and t
is the thickness of the plate.

Furthermore, the differential operator is called the Laplacian differential operator


If the bending rigidity D is constant throughout the plate, the plate equation can be
simplified to,

where is called the bihamonic differential operator.

This small deflection theory assumes that w is small in comparison to the thickness
of the plate t, and the strains and the midplane slopes are much smaller than 1.

A plate is called thin when its thickness t is at least one order of magnitude smaller
than the span or diameter of the plate.
Origin of the Plate Equation
The plate is assumed to be constructed by isotropic material and subjected to trans-
The classical plate equation arises from a combination of four distinct subsets of plate verse loading. Also, the Cartesian coordinate system is used.
theory: the kinematic, constitutive, force resultant, and equilibrium equations.
We'll demonstrate this hierarchy by working backwards. We first combine the 3 equi-
The outcome of each of these segments is summarized here: librium equations to eliminate Qxz and Qyz,


Next, replace the moment resultants with its definition in terms of the direct stress,

where w0 is the displacement of the middle plane in z direction.

Note that uniform thickness is assumed.
Use the constitutive relation to eliminate stress in favor of the strain,


and then use kinematics to replace strain in favor of the normal displacement w0,


The equation of equilibrium can then be expressed in terms of the normal displace-
ment w0

To relate the plate's out-of-plane displacement w0 to its pressure loading pz, we com-
bine the results of the four plate subcategories in this order:

Plate which yields

Kinematics -> Constitutive -> Resultants -> Equilibrium =

Note that homogeneous material across the plate (x and y directions) is assumed.

As a final step, assuming homogeneous material along the thickness of the plate, the
bending stiffness of the plate can be written as

where values of c1 are listed in the following table.

Max(Lx/Ly, Ly/Lx) 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

We then arrive at the Classical Plate equation, c1 0.0138 0.0188 0.0226 0.0251 0.0267 0.0277 0.0284

The formula is valid for most commonly used metal materials that have
Poission's ratios around 0.3. In fact, the Poisson's ratio has a very limited
effect on the displacement and the above calculation normally gives a very
good approximation for most practical cases. The coefficient c1 is calculated
or a slimmer form by the polynomial least-square curve-fitting.


where w0 is replaced by w and pz replaced by p to be consistent with the notations in

most published literatures.

where values of c2 are listed in the following table.

Max(Lx/Ly, Ly/Lx) 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

c2 0.3078 0.3834 0.4356 0.4680 0.4872 0.4974 0.5000

The formula is valid for most commonly used metal materials that have
Poission's ratios around 0.3. The coefficient c2 is calculated by the
polynomial least-square curve-fitting.
Flowchart main program


Assign side

Assign wall thickness

Calculate if zero reinforcements on a wall is possible

Next Wall thick-

Calculate maximum DBP and cornerdistance left and right

Assign profile type

Read and memorizes data of one profile type

Assign number of reinforcements

Next profile

Find a solution

Number reinforcements
First Sorting

Maximum number
of reinforcements

Yes Calculate inertia and area of

Last profile
Flowchart function solution

Yes No

wall thickness Initialize

Yes No
Read profile size data
Sorting the found solutions
Next profile size

Calculate Distance between profiles

Second run of
program for
given side

(DBP>30*Wall Thickness)
and (DBP<DBPlimit)
No Yes
Last side No
Calculate required inertia profile

No Yes

Matching long and short wall solutions


Calculate frame dimensions No
Calculate required moment of resistance

Calculate total tank weight

Locate lifting lugs on right reinforce- Sprofile>Srequired

Calculate deflection of wall 9. Appendix Profiles
H Profiles
Moment of
fwall<flimit Width (mm) Area (mm^2) Weight (kg/m) y (mm^3) Ix (mm^4) Resistance Dimensions(mm)
100 2190 17.2 50 3830000 76600 100x100x6x8
150 4014 31.5 75 16400000 218667 150x150x7x10
Yes 200 6353 49.9 100 47200000 472000 200x200x8x12
250 9218 72.4 125 108000000 864000 250x250x9x14
Calculate stress in wall 300 11980 94 150 204000000 1360000 300x300x10x15
350 17390 137 175 403000000 2302857 350x350x12x19
400 21870 172 200 666000000 3330000 400x400x13x21

I Profiles
wall<limit Moment of
Width (mm) Area (mm^2) Weight (kg/m) y (mm^3) Ix (mm^4) Resistance Dimensions(mm)
10 900 7.065 45 607500 13500 90x10
Yes No 20 2400 18.84 60 2880000 48000 120x20
24 2880 22.608 60 3456000 57600 120x24
Calculate Weight wall
30 3600 28.26 60 4320000 72000 120x30
20 2800 21.98 70 4573333 65333 140x20
24 3360 26.376 70 5488000 78400 140x24
Memorizes solution 30 4200 32.97 70 6860000 98000 140x30
20 3200 25.12 80 6826666 85333 160x20
24 3840 30.144 80 8192000 102400 160x24
30 4800 37.68 80 10240000 128000 160x30
Last available 20 3600 28.26 90 9720000 108000 180x20
profile size 24 4320 33.912 90 11664000 129600 180x24
30 5400 42.39 90 14580000 162000 180x30
20 4000 31.4 100 13333333 133333 200x20
24 4800 37.68 100 16000000 160000 200x24
Yes No
30 6000 47.1 100 20000000 200000 200x30

Output L Profiles
Moment of
Width (mm) Area (mm^2) Weight (kg/m) y (mm^3) Ix (mm^4) Resistance Dimensions(mm)
75 1010 7.94 54 524000 9686 75x75x7
75 1150 9.03 54 589000 10968 75x75x8
75 1410 11.1 53 714000 13497 75x75x10
75 1670 13.1 52 824000 15816 75x75x12
80 1230 9.66 57 723000 12596 80x80x8
80 1510 11.9 57 875000 15459 80x80x10
80 1790 14.1 56 1020000 18247 80x80x12
80 2060 16.1 55 1150000 20833 80x80x14
90 1550 12.2 65 1160000 17957 90x90x9
90 1870 14.7 64 1380000 21630 90x90x11
90 2180 17.1 64 1580000 24688 90x90x13
90 2640 20.7 62 1860000 30048 90x90x16

100 1920 15.1 72 1770000 24652 100x100x10

100 2270 17.8 71 2070000 29155 100x100x12 Bend U Profiles
100 2620 20.6 70 2350000 33476 100x100x14 Moment of
100 3620 28.4 68 3110000 45735 100x100x20 Width (mm) Area (mm^2) Weight (kg/m) y (mm^3) Ix (mm^4) Resistance Dimensions(mm)
110 2120 16.6 79 2390000 30139 110x110x10 175 2178 17.1 51 3089415 19430 175x100x6
110 2510 19.7 79 2800000 35669 110x110x12 175 2872 22.55 50 4041217 25416 175x100x8
110 2900 22.8 78 3190000 40950 110x110x14 175 3550 27.87 49 4914465 30908 175x100x10
120 2540 19.9 86 3410000 39468 120x120x11 200 2328 18.27 54 3074135 19334 200x100x6
120 2970 23.3 86 3940000 46028 120x120x13 200 3072 24.12 53 4038963 25402 200x100x8
120 3390 26.6 85 4460000 52532 120x120x15 200 3800 29.83 52 4907070 30862 200x100x10
120 4420 34.7 83 5620000 67711 120x120x20 200 2568 20.16 60 5420467 34091 200x120x6
130 3000 23.6 94 4720000 50427 130x130x12 200 3392 26.63 58 7187405 45203 200x120x8
130 3470 27.2 93 5400000 58190 130x130x14 200 4200 32.97 58 8814684 55438 200x120x10
130 3930 30.9 92 6050000 65761 130x130x16 200 2808 22.04 65 8640600 54343 200x140x6
140 3500 27.5 101 6380000 63294 140x140x13 200 3712 29.14 63 11528212 72504 200x140x8
140 4000 31.4 100 7230000 72300 140x140x15 200 4600 36.11 62 14228693 89488 200x140x10
140 4500 35.3 99 8050000 81149 140x140x17 225 2718 21.34 63 5437658 34199 225x120x6
150 4030 31.6 108 8450000 78313 150x150x14 225 3592 28.2 62 7205499 45317 225x120x8
150 4570 35.9 107 9490000 88609 150x150x16 225 4450 34.93 61 8830888 55540 225x120x10
150 5100 40.1 106 10500000 98684 150x150x18 225 2958 23.22 69 8727009 54886 225x140x6
160 4610 36.2 115 11000000 95569 160x160x15 225 3912 30.71 67 11638406 73197 225x140x8
160 5180 40.7 114 12300000 107612 160x160x17 225 4850 38.07 66 14357484 90298 225x140x10
160 5750 45.1 114 13500000 118943 160x160x19 225 3078 24.16 71 10744494 67575 225x150x6
180 5540 43.5 130 16800000 129430 180x180x16 225 4072 31.97 69 14364073 90339 225x150x8
180 6190 48.6 129 18700000 144961 180x180x18 225 5050 39.64 68 17764759 111727 225x150x10
180 6840 53.7 128 20400000 159126 180x180x20 250 2868 22.51 66 5429909 34150 250x120x6
200 6180 48.5 145 23400000 161602 200x200x16 250 3792 29.77 64 7190577 45223 250x120x8
200 6910 54.3 144 26000000 180556 200x200x18 250 4700 36.9 64 8806936 55389 250x120x10
200 7640 59.9 143 28500000 199022 200x200x20 250 3108 24.4 72 8768197 55145 250x140x6
250 4112 32.28 70 11687891 73508 250x140x8
250 5100 40.04 69 14411336 90636 250x140x10
250 3228 25.34 75 10824406 68077 250x150x6
250 4272 33.54 73 14465342 90976 250x150x8
250 5300 41.61 72 17882255 112466 250x150x10
250 3348 26.28 77 13155242 82736 250x160x6
250 4432 34.79 76 17618147 110805 250x160x8
250 5500 43.18 75 21828168 137283 250x160x10
275 3018 23.69 68 5404225 33988 275x120x6
275 3992 31.34 67 7152059 44981 275x120x8
275 4950 38.86 66 8754472 55059 275x120x10
275 3258 25.58 75 8775275 55190 275x140x6
275 4312 33.85 73 11691761 73532 275x140x8
275 5350 42 73 14409109 90622 275x140x10
275 3378 26.52 78 10859936 68301 275x150x6
275 4472 35.11 76 14506937 91238 275x150x8
275 5550 43.57 75 17925968 112741 275x150x10
275 3498 27.46 81 13228669 83198 275x160x6
275 4632 36.36 79 17710457 111385 275x160x8
275 5750 45.14 78 21934259 137950 275x160x10
275 3738 29.34 86 18867782 118664 275x180x6
275 4952 38.87 84 25350487 159435 275x180x8 375 3858 30.29 85 8601869 54099 375x140x6
275 6150 48.28 83 31511939 198186 275x180x10 375 5112 40.13 83 11439601 71946 375x140x8
300 3168 24.87 71 5365689 33746 300x120x6 375 6350 49.85 82 14073859 88514 375x140x10
300 4192 32.91 69 7096757 44633 300x120x8 375 7572 59.44 82 16510431 103838 375x140x12
300 5200 40.82 69 8681885 54602 300x120x10 375 3978 31.23 88 10730364 67486 375x150x6
300 3408 26.75 78 8756580 55072 300x140x6 375 5272 41.39 87 14310318 90001 375x150x8
300 4512 35.42 76 11661309 73341 300x140x8 375 6550 51.42 86 17654956 111036 375x150x10
300 5600 43.96 75 14364869 90344 300x140x10 375 7812 61.32 85 20769770 130626 375x150x12
300 3528 27.69 81 10861305 68309 300x150x6 375 4098 32.17 92 13168833 82822 375x160x6
300 4672 36.68 79 14502756 91211 300x150x8 375 5432 42.64 90 17604781 110721 375x160x8
300 5800 45.53 78 17913282 112661 300x150x10 375 6750 52.99 89 21771991 136929 375x160x10
300 3648 28.64 84 13258222 83384 300x160x6 375 8052 63.21 89 25675544 161480 375x160x12
300 4832 37.93 82 17743686 111594 300x160x8 375 4338 34.05 99 19039613 119745 375x180x6
300 6000 47.1 81 21967188 138157 300x160x10 375 5752 45.15 97 25553275 160711 375x180x8
325 3318 26.05 73 5318031 33446 325x120x6 375 7150 56.13 96 31727032 199539 375x180x10
325 4392 34.48 72 7029644 44211 325x120x8 375 8532 66.98 95 37564793 236254 375x180x12
325 5450 42.78 71 8595274 54058 325x120x10 375 4578 35.94 105 26334413 165623 375x200x6
325 6492 50.96 70 10020506 63021 325x120x12 375 6072 47.67 103 35450936 222959 375x200x8
325 3558 27.93 80 8718422 54832 325x140x6 375 7550 59.27 102 44151220 277678 375x200x10
325 4712 36.99 79 11605060 72987 325x140x8 375 9012 70.74 101 52437530 329792 375x200x12
325 5850 45.92 78 14289207 89868 325x140x10 400 4008 31.46 87 8530034 53647 400x140x6
325 6972 54.73 77 16776105 105509 325x140x12 400 5312 41.7 85 11339193 71315 400x140x8
325 3678 28.87 84 10836350 68152 325x150x6 400 6600 51.81 84 13945028 87704 400x140x10
325 4872 38.25 82 14463431 90964 325x150x8 400 7872 61.8 84 16353582 102852 400x140x12
325 6050 47.49 81 17857465 112310 325x150x10 400 4128 32.4 90 10657738 67029 400x150x6
325 7212 56.61 81 21023363 132221 325x150x12 400 5472 42.96 89 14207864 89357 400x150x8
325 3798 29.81 87 13253409 83354 325x160x6 400 6800 53.38 88 17522321 110202 400x150x10
325 5032 39.5 85 17730780 111513 325x160x8 400 8112 63.68 88 20606871 129602 400x150x12
325 6250 49.06 84 21943163 138006 325x160x10 400 4248 33.35 94 13099548 82386 400x160x6
325 7452 58.5 84 25895030 162860 325x160x12 400 5632 44.21 93 17505878 110099 400x160x8
325 4038 31.7 93 19041837 119759 325x180x6 400 7000 54.95 92 21642517 136115 400x160x10
325 5352 42.01 91 25570913 160822 325x180x8 400 8352 65.56 91 25514835 160469 400x160x12
325 6650 52.2 90 31767340 199792 325x180x10 400 4488 35.23 101 18992670 119449 400x180x6
325 7932 62.27 89 37634391 236692 325x180x12 400 5952 46.72 100 25482828 160268 400x180x8
350 3708 29.11 82 8665619 54500 350x140x6 400 7400 58.09 99 31630667 198933 400x180x10
350 4912 38.56 81 11529500 72512 350x140x8 400 8832 69.33 98 37440408 235472 400x180x12
350 6100 47.89 80 14190157 89245 350x140x10 400 4728 37.11 108 26335975 165633 400x200x6
350 7272 57.09 80 16653112 104735 350x140x12 400 6272 49.24 106 35444829 222921 400x200x8
350 3828 30.05 86 10791132 67868 350x150x6 400 7800 61.23 105 44133245 277565 400x200x10
350 5072 39.82 85 14397164 90547 350x150x8 400 9312 73.1 104 52403804 329580 400x200x12
350 6300 49.46 84 17768722 111752 350x150x10 400 5028 39.47 116 37729314 237289 400x225x6
350 7512 58.97 83 20911016 131514 350x150x12 400 6672 52.38 113 50929723 320309 400x225x8
350 3948 30.99 90 13221663 83154 350x160x6 400 8300 65.16 112 63605278 400029 400x225x10
350 5232 41.07 88 17681836 111205 350x160x8 400 9912 77.81 111 75755801 476447 400x225x12
350 6500 51.03 87 21874803 137576 350x160x10 400 5328 41.82 122 51773178 325614 400x250x6
350 7752 60.85 86 25805346 162296 350x160x12 400 7072 55.52 120 70045389 440532 400x250x8
350 4188 32.88 96 19058273 119862 350x180x6 400 8800 69.08 118 87681730 551452 400x250x10
350 5552 43.58 94 25585729 160915 350x180x8 400 10512 82.52 117 104678451 658348 400x250x12
350 6900 54.17 93 31776463 199850 350x180x10 425 4278 33.58 92 10576155 66516 425x150x6
350 8232 64.62 92 37634067 236690 350x180x12 425 5672 44.53 91 14093702 88639 425x150x8

425 7050 55.34 90 17375635 109280 425x150x10 475 7750 60.84 98 21149781 133016 475x160x10
425 8412 66.03 90 20427974 128476 425x150x12 475 9252 72.63 97 24912896 156683 475x160x12
425 4398 34.52 96 13017490 81870 425x160x6 475 6552 51.43 107 25111798 157934 475x180x8
425 5832 45.78 95 17390096 109371 425x160x8 475 8150 63.98 106 31145283 195880 475x180x10
425 7250 56.91 94 21492551 135172 425x160x10 475 9732 76.4 105 36837964 231683 475x180x12
425 8652 67.92 93 25330502 159310 425x160x12 475 6872 53.95 114 35167053 221174 475x200x8
425 4638 36.41 104 18922964 119011 425x180x6 475 8550 67.12 113 43757410 275201 475x200x10
425 6152 48.29 102 25381890 159633 425x180x8 475 10212 80.16 112 51922916 326556 475x200x12
425 7650 60.05 101 31496750 198091 425x180x10 475 7272 57.09 122 50919013 320242 475x225x8
425 9132 71.69 100 37272069 234413 425x180x12 475 9050 71.04 121 63556644 399723 475x225x10
425 4878 38.29 111 26301419 165416 425x200x6 475 10812 84.87 120 75655620 475816 475x225x12
425 6472 50.81 109 35389942 222576 425x200x8 475 7672 60.23 129 70509934 443454 475x250x8
425 8050 63.19 107 44054669 277070 425x200x10 475 9550 74.97 128 88224598 554866 475x250x10
425 9612 75.45 107 52298501 328918 425x200x12 475 11412 89.58 127 105278127 662120 475x250x12
425 5178 40.65 119 37779659 237605 425x225x6 500 6272 49.24 96 13708611 86217 500x150x8
425 6872 53.95 116 50988765 320681 425x225x8 500 7800 61.23 95 16885296 106196 500x150x10
425 8550 67.12 115 63667245 400419 425x225x10 500 9312 73.1 95 19835099 124748 500x150x12
425 10212 80.16 114 75815231 476820 425x225x12 500 6432 50.49 101 16977297 106774 500x160x8
425 5478 43 126 51963896 326813 425x250x6 500 8000 62.8 100 20964030 131848 500x160x10
425 7272 57.09 123 70294972 442102 425x250x8 500 9552 74.98 99 24687900 155268 500x160x12
425 9050 71.04 121 87981602 553338 425x250x10 500 6752 53 109 24951681 156927 500x180x8
425 10812 84.87 120 105020311 660498 425x250x12 500 8400 65.94 108 30938986 194583 500x180x10
450 4428 34.76 94 10487909 65961 450x150x6 500 10032 78.75 107 36585522 230095 500x180x12
450 5872 46.1 93 13970904 87866 450x150x8 500 7072 55.52 116 35012203 220200 500x200x8
450 7300 57.31 92 17218683 108292 450x150x10 500 8800 69.08 115 43555204 273929 500x200x10
450 8712 68.39 91 20237514 127279 450x150x12 500 10512 82.52 114 51672263 324979 500x200x12
450 4548 35.7 98 12925600 81292 450x160x6 500 7472 58.66 125 50809561 319554 500x225x8
450 6032 47.35 97 17261396 108561 450x160x8 500 9300 73.01 123 63408438 398791 500x225x10
450 7500 58.88 96 21327000 134131 450x160x10 500 11112 87.23 122 75465756 474622 500x225x12
450 8952 70.27 95 25128322 158038 450x160x12 500 7872 61.8 132 70501903 443403 500x250x8
450 4788 37.59 106 18834985 118458 450x180x6 500 9800 76.93 131 88201333 554719 500x250x10
450 6352 49.86 104 25256557 158845 450x180x8 500 11712 91.94 130 105234500 661845 500x250x12
450 7900 62.02 103 31332891 197060 450x180x10 525 6472 50.81 98 13572568 85361 525x150x8
450 9432 74.04 103 37068808 233135 450x180x12 525 8050 63.19 97 16713083 105113 525x150x10
450 5028 39.47 113 26237110 165012 450x200x6 525 9612 75.45 96 19628054 123446 525x150x12
450 6672 52.38 111 35294955 221978 450x200x8 525 6632 52.06 102 16826486 105826 525x160x8
450 8300 65.16 110 43926389 276264 450x200x10 525 8250 64.76 101 20772262 130642 525x160x10
450 9912 77.81 109 52134626 327887 450x200x12 525 9852 77.34 101 24456273 153811 525x160x12
450 5328 41.82 122 37781317 237616 450x225x6 525 6952 54.57 111 24779541 155845 525x180x8
450 7072 55.52 119 50981696 320636 450x225x8 525 8650 67.9 110 30718145 193194 525x180x10
450 8800 69.08 118 63646625 400289 450x225x10 525 10332 81.11 109 36316377 228402 525x180x12
450 10512 82.52 117 75776554 476577 450x225x12 525 7272 57.09 118 34835377 219088 525x200x8
450 5628 44.18 129 52081694 327554 450x250x6 525 9050 71.04 117 43325984 272488 525x200x10
450 7472 58.66 126 70445037 443046 450x250x8 525 10812 84.87 116 51390056 323204 525x200x12
450 9300 73.01 125 88156509 554438 450x250x10 525 7672 60.23 127 50660822 318618 525x225x8
450 11112 87.23 124 105212927 661709 450x250x12 525 9550 74.97 126 63211409 397552 525x225x10
475 6072 47.67 95 13841899 87055 475x150x8 525 11412 89.58 125 75218210 473065 525x225x12
475 7550 59.27 94 17054451 107260 475x150x10 525 8072 63.37 135 70431417 442960 525x250x8
475 9012 70.74 93 20038973 126030 475x150x12 525 10050 78.89 134 88099937 554082 525x250x10
475 6232 48.92 99 17122949 107690 475x160x8 525 12012 94.29 133 105097917 660986 525x250x12
550 6672 52.38 99 13434981 84496 550x150x8 600 12312 96.65 132 74217615 466772 600x225x12
550 8300 65.16 98 16539290 104020 550x150x10 600 8672 68.08 143 69928949 439800 600x250x8
550 9912 77.81 98 19419547 122134 550x150x12 600 10800 84.78 141 87432519 549884 600x250x10
550 6832 53.63 104 16672163 104855 550x160x8 600 12912 101.36 140 104257041 655698 600x250x12
550 8500 66.73 103 20576499 129411 550x160x10 600 9072 71.22 151 94243247 592719 600x275x8
550 10152 79.69 102 24220372 152328 550x160x12 600 11300 88.71 150 118075609 742606 600x275x10
550 7152 56.14 112 24598126 154704 550x180x8 600 13512 106.07 148 141087407 887333 600x275x12
550 8900 69.87 111 30486163 191735 550x180x10 600 9472 74.36 159 123310696 775531 600x300x8
550 10632 83.46 111 36034539 226630 550x180x12 600 11800 92.63 157 154751922 973272 600x300x10
550 7472 58.66 120 34640726 217864 550x200x8 600 14112 110.78 156 185222383 1164908 600x300x12
550 9300 73.01 119 43074934 270909 550x200x10
550 11112 87.23 118 51082449 321270 550x200x12
550 7872 61.8 130 50479136 317475 550x225x8
550 9800 76.93 128 62973523 396056 550x225x10
550 11712 91.94 127 74922494 471206 550x225x12
550 8272 64.94 138 70307458 442181 550x250x8
550 10300 80.86 136 87931739 553024 550x250x10
550 12312 96.65 135 104881973 659628 550x250x12
575 6872 53.95 101 13296814 83627 575x150x8
575 8550 67.12 100 16365083 102924 575x150x10
575 10212 80.16 99 19210923 120822 575x150x12
575 7032 55.2 105 16515655 103871 575x160x8
575 8750 68.69 104 20378366 128164 575x160x10
575 10452 82.05 104 23982084 150829 575x160x12
575 7352 57.71 114 24409697 153518 575x180x8
575 9150 71.83 113 30245841 190223 575x180x10
575 10932 85.82 112 35743303 224798 575x180x12
575 7672 60.23 122 34431727 216549 575x200x8
575 9550 74.97 121 42806390 269220 575x200x10
575 11412 89.58 120 50754579 319208 575x200x12
575 8072 63.37 132 50269892 316159 575x225x8
575 10050 78.89 130 62701542 394345 575x225x10
575 12012 94.29 130 74586677 469094 575x225x12
575 8472 66.51 140 70137749 441113 575x250x8
575 10550 82.82 139 87706472 551607 575x250x10
575 12612 99 138 104598335 657844 575x250x12
600 7072 55.52 102 13158828 82759 600x150x8
600 8800 69.08 101 16191383 101832 600x150x10
600 10512 82.52 100 19003237 119516 600x150x12
600 7232 56.77 107 16358034 102880 600x160x8
600 9000 70.65 106 20179167 126912 600x160x10
600 10752 84.4 105 23742923 149325 600x160x12
600 7552 59.28 116 24216121 152301 600x180x8
600 9400 73.79 115 29999484 188674 600x180x10
600 11232 88.17 114 35445375 222925 600x180x12
600 7872 61.8 124 34211298 215163 600x200x8
600 9800 76.93 123 42523983 267444 600x200x10
600 11712 91.94 122 50410748 317045 600x200x12
600 8272 64.94 134 50037680 314699 600x225x8
600 10300 80.86 133 62401217 392456 600x225x10

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