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Sparta stories

Dear my friend welcome to the aparta stories and lets begin the story

There are a city name maynam and the king of the city is Seth and the king saw a beautiful girl name
Kirsten and the king said hi beautiful and Kirsten said hi and they start to be friends until they married
and they have a little baby name Emmanuel and the king say behold my new baby and the people say all
hale Emmanuel and the people in maynam shock because the volcano had been blow and the people of
maynam see the dark night and the king said close the gates all people evacuate and soldiers protect the
castle and the baby start to cry and the dark knight where strong and there master name ozzin he was
so power full and he brake down the gates and no soldier left the king cry and ozzin killed the king and
the queen and the maynam had been fallen and the dark knight rase there flag in the city of maynam
and they change the city name manka and there where stranger visited the manka and they see a hole
and they see the baby and they name the baby darkyfire and the strangers both him in the city of kinas
kinas is the smallest village and and many gold and the baby grown old 10years old and darky found a
girl name rose and they are so best friend but darky have fall in love whith rose but rose did not know
that darky have fall in love and rose and darky travel in a hannam castle and the dark knight was there
and they broke the city of hannam and darky saw his two eyes that rose died and he cry and shawt and
he get a sword and he killed 1 dark knight and another he miss and there where old man see darky and
old man run to save darky and the old man is the master of the sword and the old man save darky an d
he broth to his home and darky open his eyes and he go out side and see the old man and he ask in the
old man

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