Change Log

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Author : Florent BREHERET

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Third party softwares:

Selenium - Software Freedom Conservancy

Chrome driver - New BSD License

Opera driver - Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license

PhantomJs web stack - BSD license

v2.0.9.0 (2016/03/02)
* Updated examples
* Updated Firefox driver to version 2.52.0
* Updated IE driver to version 2.52.1
* Changed KO to NOK in the message for the Verify object
* Added the ExecuteAsyncScript method on WebDriver, WebElement and WebElements
* Added an option on a TableElement to use some javascript to parse a cell
* Fixed the timeout on driver.Get
* Fixed Ctrl/Alt key code in the Action class
* Fixed timeout for the connection to the server #75
* Fixed the SetHttpProxy and SetSSLProxy not handling double #74
* Fixed Dictionary method of Selenium.Application returns a List #76

v2.0.8.0 (2016/02/08)
* Updated examples
* Updated Firefox driver to version 2.51.1
* Updated IE driver to version 2.51.0
* Updated Chrome driver to version 2.21
* Updated PhantomJS driver to version 2.1.1
* Added the Equals method to the Window and Element objects
* Fixed SetLocation not accurate enough (#65)

v2.0.7.0 (2016/01/06)
* Updated examples
* Updated IE driver to version
* Updated Edge driver to version 10.0.10240
* Updated Firefox and Chrome default preferences
* Added the default page load strategy and alert behaviour
* Added LocationInView, IsPresent, Value, ScrollIntoView and WaitRemoval to
the WebElement object.
* Added WaitForFile to the Waiter object
* Added the ability to send customized requests (driver.Send)
* Added some IE tweaks for the installer
* Renamed SetAuthenticationCredentials by SetCredentials
* Fixed the escape key not working (Issue #43)
* Fixed the screenshot failing in some cases

v2.0.6.0 (2015/10/31)
* Updated Chrome driver to version 2.20
* Updated IE driver to version 2.48
* Updated Firefox driver to version 2.48
* Updated Firefox default preferences
* Added Microsoft Edge Driver
* Added usage example for AutoIt
* Added remote usage examples with BrowserStack and SauceLab cloud services
* Added support of credentials in URI for cloud usage
* Added support for an "All users" installation
* Added the logging of an exception in Windows events
* Refactored the capabilities and timeouts
* Improved error handling and the launching of servers
* Implemented the screenshot native api on a web element
* Fixed screenshot failing in some cases
* Fixed access denied when launching the driver (#28)
* Fixed cammand line arguments failing with IEDriver
* Fixed DragAndDropByOffset method failing when one offset is zero (#27)
* Fixed incorrect range returned by the Table object on a ListObject
* Fixed error while accessing cookies with chrome (#21)
* Fixed the exception not properly raised when an object is added as capability

v2.0.5.0 (2015/09/08)
* Updated Chrome driver to version 2.17
* Updated examples for Excel
* Added static access for By, Verify, Assert and Keys (.Net API only)
* Added the Sort and Distinct method on a List
* Added the debugAddress capability for Firefox
* Changed CookieByName by FindCookieByName and DeleteCookieNamed by
* Fixed Chrome crash on Windows 7 64bit
* Fixed Firefox session cleaning
* Fixed the Size and Point objects that were not accessible from VBScript
* Fixed AddExtension throwing base64 error with Chrome
* Fixed installation patch for Office 2003

v2.0.4.0 (2015/08/24)
* Fixed the process termination that was leaving Firefox opened
* Fixed the denied exception raised when the browser was launched
* Updated examples for Excel
* Removed the deprecated FindElementByClassName and FindElementsByClassName
* Removed the deprecated FindElementByCssSelector and FindElementsByCssSelector
* Removed the deprecated FindElementByTagName and FindElementsByTagName

v2.0.3.0 (2015/08/19)
* Updated IE driver to version 2.47
* Updated Firefox driver to version 2.47.1
* Added new formats (gif, bmp, jpeg) to save an Image object
* Added the SetAuthenticationCredentials to handle alerts prompting for
* Added the SetBinary option to the WebDriver class
* Added the ExecuteScipt and WaitForScript method to the WebElement
* Renamed FindElementByClassName and FindElementsByClassName to FindElementByClass
and FindElementsByClass
* Renamed FindElementByCssSelector and FindElementsByCssSelector to
FindElementByCss and FindElementsByCss
* Renamed FindElementByTagName and FindElementsByTagName to FindElementByTag and
* Fixed objects destruction and driver cleanup on exit
* Fixed AddExtension failing with some Firefox extensions

v2.0.2.0 (2015/07/20)
* Updated the setup to install without privileges
* Removed all the RC commands (deprecated and no longer maintained)
* Removed the Safari driver as this browser is no longer maintained on Windows
* Added interoperability with Excel to read/write data (DataTable object and
ToExcel methods)
* Added some registry tweaks in the setup for IE compatibility (Optional)
* Added the touch screen commands
* Added the Opera driver (version 0.2.0)
* Updated Firefox driver to version 2.46
* Updated IEDriverServer to version 2.46
* Updated Chrome driver to version 2.16
* Aligned the API with the W3C specifications
* Refactored all the verify and error messages
* Defined a unique temporary folder for each driver (%TEMP%\Selenium)
* Improved the cleaning process and launching time for Firefox
* Refactore the PDF class to remove external dependencies.
* Fixed the interrupt mechanism triggered by the Escape key

v1.0.23.0 (2014/11/20)
* Updated Chrome driver to 2.12
* Added the multi-line input for the console runner
* Added the switchToParentFrame command
* [Issue117] Fixed the Assert/Verify commands having an array as input
* [Issue118] Skips the installation of the IDE if Firefox is missing

v1.0.22.0 (2014/10/27)
* Updated IEDriverServer to version 2.44.0
* Updated Selenium libraries to version 2.44.0
* Updated PhantomJS to version 1.9.8

v1.0.21.1 (2014/10/14)
* Updated Selenium IDE to 2.8.0
* Updated Chrome driver to 2.11
* Added the option "raise" on "open" and "get" to skip the exception in case of
* Added the keys option on the click command of a web element
* Fixed the exception for "for each" used on methods returning an array of strings
* Fixed the open and get command to allow a "javascript:..." url
* Fixed the failing calls after a second start on a single instance
* Fixed PhantomJs driver failing on start command

v1.0.20.0 (2014/09/18)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.43.1
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.43.0
* Updated PhantomJs to 1.9.7
* Added the option "raise" on FindElement to skip the exception and to return
* Added "Run VBS" on the context menu of the folder
* Added the switch to a frame by WebElement switchToFrame(WebElement)
* Added arguments and proxy suport for PhantomJS
* Fixed switchToFrame and switchToWindow when called an index (issue 92)

v1.0.19.0 (2014/05/05)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.41.0
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.41.0
* Updated Chrome driver to 2.10
* Added an enhanced console script runner (vbsc.exe) to replace wscript.exe
* Added WaitFor method (waits for a provided procedure to to return true)
* Added WaitForSelection, WaitForEnabled and WaitForDisplayed methods
* Added WaitNotElement and WaitTitleMatches methods
* Added waitForScriptCondition, waitForScriptObject and waitForScriptSuccees
* Standardized the error message for missing elements between browsers.
* Fixed the missing sub-dictionaries that were not returned by executeScript
* The child console is now hidden by default

v1.0.18.0 (2014/02/25)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.40.0
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.40.0
* Updated Chrome driver to 2.9
* Updated SeleniumIDE to v2.5.0
* Updated PhantomJS to v1.9.7.0
* Added image compare
* Added import of performance data
* Added table and list web scraping
* Added SetClipboard and GetClipboard method
* Added Safari webdriver
* Added the use of the previous session for Excel
* Added an option to hide the window console when a driver is launched
* Added automatic profile creation for Firefox if it doesn't exist
* Fixed some marshaling on arguments
* Fixed unhandled types returned by executeScript

v1.0.17.0 (2013/12/28)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.39.0
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.39.0
* Updated Chrome driver to 2.8
* Added image compare
* Added GetScreenShot in Utils

v1.0.16.0 (2013/11/04)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.37.0
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.37.0
* Fixed setPreference for chrome
* FindElementsBy now returns a WebElementCollection
* Fixed executeScript falling with WebElements collections
* Added sendKeysNat to Send keystrokes to the active window
* Added toClipboard to Send text to the clipboard
* Removed native methods (Will be included in a side library in a future release)
* Some code refactoring for interoperability

v1.0.15.0 (2013/10/18)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.36.0
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.36.0
* Updated Chrome driver to 2.4
* Updated PhantomJs to 1.9.2
* Updated selenium IDE to 2.4.0
* Added native methods to control a window, the mouse and the keyboard
* Issue 28 : CaptureEntirePageScreenshot is not working
* Issue 31 : executeScript can now take and return WebElements
* Refactored the action class

v1.0.14.0 (2013/08/07)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.34.0
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.34.0
* Updated Chrome driver to 2.2
* Updated PhantomJs to 1.9.1
* Added SeleniumIDE to the package
* Fixed screen capture for remote driver
* Rebuild of templates and examples
* Fixed regression on the exe.config file
* Fixed time-out message on wait commands
* Fixed AsSelect property

v1.0.13.3 (2013/05/23)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.33.0
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.33.0
* Fixed temporary file cleaning
* Set templates and examples to trusted locations
* Code re-factoring

v1.0.12.0 (2013/05/04)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.32.1
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.32.3
* Updated Chrome driver to 0.8
* Updated PhantomJs to 1.9
* Fixed setProxy method

v1.0.11.1 (2013/03/06)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.31.2

v1.0.11.0 (2013/03/05)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.31.1
* Updated PhantomJS to 1.8.2
* Fixed path installation for Office 2010

v1.0.10.0 (2013/02/19)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.30.1
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.30.0
* Added methods switchToAlert, switchToFrame, switchToWindow
* Added actions chained methods
* Extended the cancellation when the ESC key is pressed

v1.0.9.0 (2013/02/04)
* Added the PhantomJS headless web driver
* Updated Chrome Driver to version 26.0.1383
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.29.1
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.29.0
* Added setProxy, setProfile and setCapability methodes
* Added selenium 2 methodes
* Fixed Firefox Addon installation
* Added Selenium 2 formatting
* Refactored the PDF creation class

v1.0.8.0 (2013/01/06)
* Fixed version issue (old workbooks weren't using the new driver version)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.28.0
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.28.0

v1.0.7.0 (2012/12/10)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.27.1
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.27.0

v1.0.6.3 (2012/10/22)
* fixed Issue 11: VBA runs successfully only once in FireFox 16.0.1
* fixed Excel crashes on unhandle exception
* refactored windowMaximize method
* refactored chooseOkOnNextConfirmation method
* refactored chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation method

v1.0.6.2 (2012/10/20)
* updated chrome driver to version 23.0.1240
* added setTimeout command
* fixed Excel crashes
* added temporary file cleaning

v1.0.6.1 (2012/08/26)
* updated IEDriverServer.exe to
* added setPreference command for firefox
* added PdfFile object and methods to create Pdf files
* Fixed error on escape key press

v1.0.6.0 (2012/07/24)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.25.1
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.25.2
* Updated Chrome Driver to 22.0.1203.b
* Improved methods invocation
* Fixed silent unhandled errors
* Fixed formatter parsing with double quotes and numbers
* Added FindElementBy methods and WebElement object
* Added methods to create a PDF document and insert captures
* Added regular expressions methods
* Added documentation for original methods

v1.0.5.3 (2012/06/11)
* Updated Selenium libraries to 2.23.0
* Updated IEDriverServer to 2.23.0
* Updated Chrome Driver to 20.0.1133.0

v1.0.5.2 (2012/05/22)
* Added uninstall at installation
* Added some tests at installation
* Added menus in excel/word templates
* Fixed Equals test with null objects
* Fixed installation compatibility with OS x64 and Office x64

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