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Bond Implementation Commission

The bond commission is an advisory board to City Council on the bond projects, budgets, timeframes and more, which will continue throughout
the entire bond process. There were 28 appointments made from City Council and the Mayor, each having four appointments, 13 ex officios
from the City boards and commissions, and one ex officio from the Catawba County Chamber of Commerce, for a total of 42 members.

Business Development Committee

The Business Development Committee serves in an advisory role to Hickory City Council. The purpose is to support economic development in
the City of Hickory for increased employment by identifying and assessing ideas and applying local economic development resources to
determine the level of success of the project/proposal. Projects that receive a favorable recommendation will be forwarded to Hickory City
Council for consideration and action. The committee meets on Wednesdays, once each month at 11:30AM. (See Event Calendar for Schedule)

Citizen's Advisory Committee

Citizen participation and continuing citizen involvement in the Community Development Block Grant Program is not only required but is a vital
and instrumental process in the success of this program. The program provides citizens with an opportunity to participate in an advisory role in
planning, implementing and assessing the Block Grant Program. The committee consists of seven members and meets on the first Thursday of
the month at 12:00 noon. Term is three years.

Community Appearance Commission

The purpose of this board is to promote implementation of programs of general community beautification and to coordinate activities of
individuals, agencies and organizations whose plans, activities and programs affect the appearance of the city. The Commission is composed of
10 members - one from each ward, three at-large, and one member of the Hickory Regional Planning Commission. Terms are three years. The
board meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. at City Hall.

Community Relations Council

The City of Hickory Community Relations Council was established in 1963. The mission of the CRC is to promote positive relationships within our
community through dialogue, education, programs and resources. For more information call Staff Liaison Hickory Police Captain Thurman
Whishant @ 828-261-2600

Hickory International Council

The Hickory International Council was established by the Hickory Mayor and City Council to serve as a forum for the international community in
Hickory and to advise the City Council regarding ways to improve Hickory as an international city that welcomes and values international
visitors, residents and businesses.

Hickory Regional Planning Commission

The Planning Board recommends to the City Council amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, Thoroughfare Plan, rezoning
requests and related matters. This commission may also conduct studies, prepare plans and advise council on matters affecting the sound and
orderly development of the Hickory Regional Planning Area. This Board also serves as the Board of Adjustment and hears and rules upon
requests for minor variances from the Zoning Ordinance usually in the form of appeals of the Zoning Administrator's decision. The Board is
composed of 12 members who serve three-year terms. One member is appointed from each City ward, two members reside in Catawba County
within the Planning Area but outside the limits of Hickory, Longview or Brookford, one is a resident of Burke County within the Planning Area,
one is a resident of Caldwell County, and one resident from each Longview and Brookford. The Board meets on the fourth Wednesday of every
month at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

Historic Preservation Commission

The purpose of the Historic Preservation Commission is to safeguard the heritage of the City by preserving properties, which embody important
elements of its cultural, social, economic, political, or architectural history. The Commission reviews applications for Certificates of
Appropriateness when modifications are proposed for a property in a historic district. In addition, they identify individual landmarks of historic
significance recommending their designation as Historic Properties to the City Council. Meetings are on the fourth Tuesday of each month at
5:30 p.m. at City Hall. The term is three years.

Library Advisory Board

This ten-member board acts in an advisory capacity for Patrick Beaver and Ridgeview Libraries. The term of office is three years and the board
meets on the second Thursday in January, April, July and October at Patrick Beaver Memorial Library.

Parks and Recreation Commission

The Commission advises the Hickory Parks Recreation Department in the operation of recreational facilities and activities for all age groups and
strives to enhance the quality of life at a cost that is the most economical for the city of Hickory. The commission provides input on a wide
range of community recreational needs including programming, facilities, and maintenance. The 12-member commission meets on the second
Tuesday of each month at 11:30 a.m. for lunch at various City Parks and Recreation Centers.

Public Art Commission

The Public Art Commission was appointed by the Hickory City Council to provide a forum for integrating public art into the public space, to help
create a visual sense of the community, and to provide leadership in implementing a public art program for Hickory. The Public Art Commission
is composed of nine members - one from each ward, three at large members, and one Youth Council member. The terms are for three years.
The Commission meets the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Planning and Development Conference Room at City Hall.

Recycling Advisory Board

This is an advisory board to the Solid Waste Manager which recommends waste reduction and recycling goals and objectives to the City Council
to enable the city to meet the solid waste management goals set by the State and to encourage citizens to participate fully in the programs
designed to achieve these goals. Membership consists of at least one member appointed from each of the six wards and 4 members appointed
at large who reside and/or regularly do business in the City. The board meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Public
Works and Utilities Complex located at 1441 9th Avenue NE. For more information contact staff liaison Andrew Ballentine, Solid Waste
Manager by email at or by phone at 828-323-7439.

University City Commission

The purpose of this board is to deepen and broaden the relationship between Lenoir-Rhyne University, the City of Hickory, and their students
and residents.

Youth Council
A vibrant group of young people who serve as an advisory council to the Hickory City Council. These high school students also participate in
community service projects and hold events that build leadership skills for themselves and their peers.

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