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Centre for Professional Development and Lifelong Learning

Written Assignment


Assignment: Assignment 1 - Portfolio

Title: Application of Genetics

Programme: BEng (Hons) Mechatronics Level 1

Module: Communication Skills (COMS 1010)

Group: Batch B Saturday

Names: POORUN Rishikesh 1011608

PIRTHEE Medha 1016737

RAMGOOLAM Luxchman 1011462

Date Submitted:
Written Assignment Application of Genetics


BRAINSTORMING ............................................................................................................................................. 3

NOTE TAKING ................................................................................................................................................... 5

ORGANISATION OF IDEA .................................................................................................................................. 6

APPLICATION OF GENETICS.............................................................................................................................. 7

APPENDIX ......................................................................................................................................................... 9

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Written Assignment Application of Genetics


- Genetics are codes written in the very basic unit of life, cells, consists information about the being
- Extraction of genes and modification of these codes lead to new solution, but have draw backs
- New field of science, in the past unknowingly people practiced genetics with plants
- Today genetic modification helps us for a better living
- Large investments are required for experimentation
- Requires new technologies, due microscopic size of DNA

- Each individual has his genes codes

- Misuse of manipulation can have negative effect on the next generations
- Improving quality of farming, food and processing
- Replacing raw elements in food processing
- Artificially developed organs for transplant, surgery, tissues repairs and treatments
- Research on genetics, improve efficiency of treatments
- Development with favored characteristics
- Trees and plants to adapt certain climates, absorbs more carbon dioxide

- Genetic modification can lead to a disturbance in food chain

- Naturally genes can be affected under certain conditions
- Diseases can be prevented and controlled
- Selective breeding

DNA: deoxyribo nucleic acid molecule present in the nucleus of cells that contains genetic information
Gene: short length of DNA having specific sequence of nucleotides (DNA is made up of nucleotides)
gene: genetic information

Natural selection: theory of evolution put forward by Charles Darwin.

- Members of a species vary slightly from each other, for e.g. in color, immunity, size.
- Those better adapted survive and offspring inherit favorable variation; they live longer and pass
variations to next generation.

Mutation: spontaneous change in a gene or chromosome due to

- Harmful ionizing radiation from X-Rays
- Radioactive compounds, ultra violet radiation from sun
- Mutagens (chemicals bringing about mutations)

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Written Assignment Application of Genetics

Genetic Engineering:
1. Manufacturing of insulin, chymosin
2. Genetically modified crops
3. Treatment of genetic diseases

Human genetic engineering (HGE): used in very small scale:

Positive HGE: enhancement
Negative HGE: treatment of diseases

Cloning: creating the duplicate of animals or human by using DNA

1st clone: Dolly the sheep in 1997
Human cloning is not done as it is illegal rejected by people, religious groups
Transplantation of organs created by means of cloning of cells, with higher chances

Genetic finger printing: used to identify culprits.

Basis uses the method of separation of DNA fragments

In farming, animals are injected with growth hormones risks associated with this practice: diseases such
as madcow disease

- Prenatal testing: any genetic disease of deformation can be verified before birth.
- Church, feminist, psychologists are against prenatal testing.
- Church: a baby is not a breeding creature- accept the uniqueness of the child
- Feminist: the woman goes through a kind of quality control- degradation of the status of woman
- Psychologist: survey has proved that the woman is subject to a lot of pressure/ anxiety before and after
testing- this has an adverse effect on the development of the fetus.
- Providing opportunities to infertile couple: making it possible for the couple to have a baby showing
their own genetic make-up

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Written Assignment Application of Genetics


Direct quote:

Genetic Engineering (GE) is used to take genes and segments of DNA from one species, e.g. fish, and put
them into another species, e.g. tomato

Dr. Ricarda Steinbrecher, Synthesis/Regeneration: A Magazine of Green Social Thought, Vol.18 (Winter
1999) pp.10


The enzyme chymosin is naturally secreted by the gastric glands in the stomach lining. It coagulates the
protein, casein, in milk as the first step in its digestion. Commercially, the enzyme is used in the
manufacture in the manufacture of hard cheese. It precipitates the milk casein, forming a solid product
that is processed to make the cheese.

D.G. Mackean, GCSE Biology, 3rd edition, John Murray (Publishers) Ltd, 2002. Pp214.


Human genetic engineering is the alteration of an individuals genotype. It holds the promise of curing
genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis, cancer among many others. This is known as the negative genetic
engineering. The idea of enhancement, for example, increasing immunity, strength, lung capacity, is
known as positive genetic engineering. Two methods of genetic engineering are somatic and germline
methods. Somatic is the adding of genes to cells. It in non inheritable. Germline method is whereby genes
are changed in eggs, sperm or very early embyos. This method is controversial as it is inheritable. Any
alteration made will be permanent in the individuals genes and hence his future generation will inherit
the change.

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Written Assignment Application of Genetics



- Introducing the term genetics and functioning briefly.

- How gene modification improved quality of life.

Body development

- Theory of evolution and heredity.

- Reasons of these experiments or selective breeding.
- Actual field of development of genetics applications.
- Medical application and food processing.
- Human implementation in genetics engineering, consequences.
- Social impact of cloning.
- Forensic approach of genetics.


- Possible consequence of genetics application in human being.

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Written Assignment Application of Genetics


Genetics is the study of genes, heredity and variation in living organisms. This science has been
used since long ago, though mostly unknowingly, by farmers to improve plants and animals through
selective breeding. Nowadays due to extensive research carried out on genetics and modern technology,
the human being has managed to find several applications of genetics.

Genes are the building blocks of any living organism as they control each and every of its aspects
such as characteristics, physical shape and every reaction occurring inside the body of the organism. The
gene carries genetic information and is made up of a short length of deoxyribo nucleic acid (DNA). The
DNA in turn has a specific sequence of nucleotides which denotes the characteristic being represented by
the DNA molecule. These DNA are found on chromosomes found in the nucleus of living cells.

Natural selection is the theory of evolution put forward by Charles Darwin. The theory explains
that members of a species vary genetically slightly from each other, for example, in strength, size,
immunity, type of skin among many others. Those better adapted to the environmental conditions of their
habitat survive. Their offspring inherit the favorable variation, live longer and pass on these genes to the
next generations. From the idea of natural selection, selective breeding came to exist. This form of
application of genetics was started very long ago by farmers and breeders to produce better livestock or
crops which are more resistant to diseases or environmental conditions. Now, with the knowledge of
genetics, biologists are able to produce new varieties of plants and animals. In Mauritius, for example, the
Mauritius Sugar Industry Research Institute, MSIRI is constantly creating new variations of sugarcane
through cross breeding to produce high sugar content crops which are resistant to diseases, droughts,
cyclones and well adapted to the islands climate.

From genetics, a more complicated field of study has evolved into genetic engineering. Genetic
Engineering (GE) is used to take genes and segments of DNA from one species, e.g. fish, and put them into
another species, e.g. tomato - Dr. Ricarda Steinbrecher, Synthesis/Regeneration: A Magazine of Green
Social Thought, Vol.18 (Winter 1999) pp.10 -

Genetic engineering has been developed by scientist for several reasons. The most common uses
of genetic engineering are the production of insulin and chymosin1 and also, a few genetically modified
crops, such as maize and soya bean are being grown on a large scale in the USA. Previously commercial
insulin was obtained from animals such as pigs and beef. This insulin was not compatible to all diabetic
people as some had allergies to its constituents. Nowadays, genetically modified bacterium such as the
colon bacillus is used as a vector to produce human insulin for the treatment of diabetes. Chymosin is an
enzyme used in the manufacture of hard cheese. Earlier it was extracted from calves stomach and when
this supply became inadequate, other sources were found. Today, ninety per cent of hard cheese is made
using chymosin produced by genetically modified micro-organisms, principally yeast. This chymosin is
purer and more reliable than that from other sources.

1 Chymosin - It is an enzyme produced by the lining of stomach of organisms for the digestion of milk

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Written Assignment Application of Genetics

Genetic modification is also used in the treatment of some genetic diseases. One such disease is
the cystic fibrosis which is caused by the absence of one gene coding for a cell membrane protein, leading
to the production of thick, sticky mucus in the airways. This makes the patient very susceptible to lung
infections. One cure by genetic engineering is that the correct gene is incorporated into the lung epithelial
cells but is effective for only a short period and the treatment has to be repeated regularly.

Human genetic engineering is used on a very small scale as most of its forms are still theoretical.
This is because experiments conducted were not successful and there exist laws which prevent the testing
on human beings. Moreover, human genetic engineering is also controversial due to the fact that certain
methods such as the germline2 method are inheritable. That is, any modification done will have an impact
on the future generation of that individual. A small scale use of genetic engineering which is now being
used is to allow infertile women with genetic defects in their mitochondria are allowed to have children.
Scientists have also put forward the theory of two types of human genetic engineering. First is the
negative one whereby problems arising from genetic disorders are treated. Second is the positive genetic
engineering which is concerned mostly with enhancement that is, making people stronger, faster or
increasing the capacity of lungs.

Cloning is one of the recent applications of genetics. It is the taking of the DNA of a human or
animal and making an exact duplicate. This raises the possibility of eventually being able to clone domestic
animals with favorable characteristics and without the risk of losing some of the beneficial genes. The idea
of human cloning though has been massively rejected by the population, and religious organizations with
the claim that it is unethical and man should not play god.

Each and every individual has a unique set of genes. Therefore, this property makes DNA the most
reliable evidence in the world of crime. Blood clots, hair, skin, semen can be analysed in laboratories.
Using the method of genetic fingerprinting, all the components of the DNA can be separated and by
comparison, the individual is identified. Genetic fingerprinting is also used in paternity cases.

Genetics has brought a turning point in science from where several problems can be tackled. With
even more profound research done, this science will be able to be applied more broadly such as in the
treatment of diseases, food sector among many others.

Germline method: It is a method of genetic engineering whereby genes are changed in eggs, sperm, or very early embryos.

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Written Assignment Application of Genetics



- Genetic Engineering Advantages & Disadvantages

(, 9PM, 28/09/10)

- Human genetic engineering

(, 9PM, 28/09/10)

- Genetic Engineering Applications

(, 9PM, 28/09/10)

- Synthesis/Regeneration: A Magazine of Green Social Thought, Vol.18 (Winter 1999) pp.10.

- D.G. Mackean, GCSE Biology, 3rd edition, John Murray (Publishers) Ltd, 2002. pp214.

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