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General Guidelines for Preparing Assignment

Introduction: Post Graduate Diploma in Healthcare Quality Management (PGDHQM) is

application oriented full time dual mode PG Diploma Programme. The programme offers
different kind of learning experience to the students. It involves class room teaching, filed level
assignment and case study preparation, self-learning and sharing by students and development
of tools and techniques which will be employed while carrying out quality improvement
programmes in the hospitals. Considering the importance and practical relevance, the
assignment is provided with 70 percent of course weitage. Students are expected to give
significant amount of time and efforts to prepare the assignments so that the desired level of
learning outcome can be achieved. Further to support the students for doing assignment in the
hospitals while working, some guidelines have been provided. Hopefully these guidelines shall
promote self learning of students. It is expected that the students shall be following these
guidelines systematically to ensure quality of assignment work.

1. Read the instructions given in the beginning of the assignment carefully as soon as you
receive it. The nature and type/s of assignment varies from course to course.

2. Assignments are given significant weight age for each course assessment. Please note that
out of 100 percent of each paper, your assignment shall carry 70 percent and examination
shall be 30 percent. You shall be answering two or three assignments for each course for this
semester. As you aware the first semester consists of eight courses. Therefore, the number of
assignments for the each semester will be minimum of 16 to maximum of 24 assignments.
You shall be preparing assignments keeping in view of theoretical understanding into
practice at your work place. You need to submit the assignments as per deadline given under
each assignment in the moodle.

3. In case students wish to take feedback from the concern course teacher before final
submission, you may consult and correspond with teacher over your tiss mail id.

4. Please note that the Fully completed and Final Assignments must be submitted through
moodle and no final assignment is submitted over mail. No teacher shall accept final
assignment over the mail or evaluate such assignments. Please note that it is compulsory
and everybody shall follow strictly. Please do not claim that the assignment submitted over
mail as your final submission.

5. Please go through the assignment topics very carefully, you can discuss with your
collegaues or friends apart from your teacher, if necessary but all work should be your won.
Please do not take anybody help directly or indirectly to do your assignment. As you aware,
the primary purpose of all these efforts (what we are trying to do in the entire programme) is
to ensure your learning at first and promote transparency and openness.

6. You shall be studying the theoretical aspects of the topic and familiar with some knowledge
of the topic. At this stage you shall be taking the help of different literature, establish
discussion with your teacher and consulting with your senior or junior colleagues in the
hospitals to get good understanding on the topic and practical application and also how
best you can do it at your own organization and prepare assignment based on your
7. The assignments will be given in the form of Problems, case study, essays, case
development, Process mapping, etc. which is mostly aligned with practical situation.

8. Please note that all these topics are part of your weekly schedule of work. Please make sure
that you shall be doing one or two topics for each course in a week.

9. Please ensure that the Course titles, assignment topic(s), team members roll numbers (in
case of group assignment) are written in the first page.

10. Follow proper format for writing your assignment. In case you are typing your report, you
should give adequate margin (1.5 cm on all sides), Times new Roman of font size 12, with
1.5 space between lines in A4 size paper.

11. There is a provision to submit late assignments with the following conditions: Your marks
will be reduced significantly if you upload assignments after the due date (you may get the
details from the office how much marks will be reduced for late submission as well status for
non-submission). Please note that after cut-off date, the moodle will not accept your
assignments in such situation the programme manager may confirm a date for submission
and the mode of submission. Please note that late submission of assignment is very risky and
there is no benefit. You should go through the regular system to avoid all problems.

12. TISS has stringent rules on plagiarism. Strictly ensure that your assignment answered
genuinely without lifting from sources (books, journal articles, copying from your
colleagues). If you are quoting some authors or materials, please cite it in references.
Further copying from other sources is considered as cheating and it is eligible for necessary
action as per Institute academic rules.

13. Evaluators (course teachers) look for your clarity in the subject, your ability to apply theory
in practical environment, youre writing skills, analytical and creative skills from your

14. Ask the course teacher at any point in time and about anything regarding your assignment.
Do not hesitate to approach your course teacher.

15. Please feel free to contact the programme manager or the concerned faculty if you are
having any doubts regarding assignment.

Vital Component of Assignment: Assignments should be prepared practical approach. You should
ensure that the assignment is used for improving the hospitals or district or state level practices. It is
expected your assignment work should add greater value to your hospital and provide new learning
experience to you. Students who are not currently working in hospital can take the help of institute
for getting permission in terms of letters after identifying and providing contact details of the
hospital which you would like to work. Please keep in touch with institute regularly.

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