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The novel Pride and Prejudice is based primarily within a fixed social structure which
exhibits clear messages on class and gender expectations.

Gender and class expectations in the Regency and Victorian periods were based around a fixed
social structure. This is the world depicted within Jane Austens novel Pride and Prejudice,
written in 1813. Gender expectations controlled and restricted the lives of the people abiding by
them, most notably the women of the Regency period, who lived in the shadow of men and were
disempowered. Men were expected to be financially viable through means of their occupation or
through inherited family wealth. The fixed social structure that Austen portrays has a limited
social mobility, with the upper classes and aristocracy extremely reluctant in allowing the middle
classes to marry into their families hence dispersing their wealth. A distinctive hierarchal system
existed, with notable distinctions between the classes, and each class governed by a separate set
of values and expectations that were strictly adhered to. The middling and upper classes were
controlled by the expectations placed upon mannerisms, social communication, conduct and
courtship, represented truthfully and intelligently by Austen as her life was also governed by
these expectations. Austens focus on this fixed social structure aids the reader in understanding
the messages being presented on class and gender expectations and their effect on limiting and
restricting the actions of the people who existed during the time.

Austen focuses on a highly selective world in all of her writing, as it was a world easily
accessible to her. Austens father, Revered George Austen made his wealth through working
with the church whilst Austens mother came from a more exalted background. Austens family
existed as part of the landed gentry, and she writes about this world in all of her novels,
creating characters that live similar lives to her. The characters in Pride and Prejudice exist in a
fixed social structure, and their actions are controlled by the expectations of gender and of the
landed gentry and aristocracy, their class expectations. Increasing your social status was
increasingly difficult as it altered the social structure and natural order. The class and gender
expectations dominate the lives of Austens primary characters, unmistakably during our
introduction to Darcy who appears proud and aloof, a distinctive mannerism of superior
individuals. Darcy refuses to dance with any of the ladies at the ball, commenting on the fact that
Bingleys partner, Jane, is the only handsome woman in the room and that the others are only
just tolerable. Mary Bennet states that pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to
what we would have others think of us, and a young Lucas replies that, If I was as rich as Mr.
Darcy I should not care how proud I was. Although his pride seems ill mannered, his
acquaintances can clearly recognize that his pride is justified by his wealth and social status and
agree that anybody in his position would show the same signs of pride and self-importance.
Darcys pride and self-importance is later explained to Elizabeth. He clarifies that he was born
into and grew up solely in privilege, my father. almost taught me to be selfish and
overbearing, to care for none beyond my own family circle, to think meanly of all the rest of the
world to think meanly of their sense and worth compared to my own. Contrasting Mr.
Collins, whose self importance and pride has no justification, Darcys mannerisms reflect the
world that he was brought up in, and he knows no other way of behaving around those that have
such low sense and worth compared to his own.

Pride and Prejudice depicts the typical value of Regency marriages to be financial security, with
true love acting as an additional benefit. Charlotte Lucas, upon accepting the marriage proposal
refused by Elizabeth, explains, I am no romantic you know. I never was. I ask only a
comfortable home; and considering Mr. Collins character, connections, and situation in life, I
am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair, as most people can boast on
entering the marriage state. This dictates that a young woman offered marriage by a wealthy
man with connections should leap at the prospect, rather than refuse in order to marry for love.
Whilst Charlotte Lucas marries for convenience, Elizabeth is adamant on marrying for love, and
rejects the idea of marriage as a convenience.

The characters within the fixed social structure that Austen depicts are bound as much by the
expectations of their class, as of their gender. Darcy, a member of the landed gentry must be able
to garner respect from his inferiors, such as the Bennet family, whilst Elizabeth, a member of a
lower class must pay appropriate respect to her superiors, which she somewhat refuses to do.
Elizabeths opinionated attitude never ceases to show, and she is not afraid to confront people
wealthier than herself. Close to the conclusion of dining with Lady Catherine deBourgh,
Elizabeth strongly asserts her opinion to the aristocratic character. Elizabeth observes that Lady
Catherine is quite astonished and supposes that she is the first who has dared to trifle with so
much impertinence.

Pride and Prejudice is based solely within a fixed social structure that affects both Austen and
her characters. The Regency Period was a time for limited social mobility, where the upper
classes showed reluctance in dispersing their wealth among those who were not born into
privilege. Austens own experiences of family interference and class discrimination are reflected
in Elizabeth and Darcys relationship through the use of the meddling, aristocratic Lady
Catherine. The characters exist under a distinctive hierarchal class system and are governed by a
set of values and expectation that are placed upon conduct and mannerisms, challenged by
Elizabeth and by Austen. Austen writes Pride and Prejudice with and awareness of the social
issues that affect her society. Her commentary on the fixed social structure provides a solution
for the social problems of the time; that even the restrictions and distinctions of class can be
negotiated when one rejects false first impressions.

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