Check Not Over 80%. Would Require Additional Memory

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AS/400 System Functions (Daily checking)

WRKSYSSTS - Work with System Status

(Wait at least 5 mins before using any of the values,
Pressing the refresh key, PF5)

a. % CPU used.
b. % System ASP used, system pool size.
Check not over 80%. Would require additional memory.
c. Observe page faulting -Fault rate non-DB machine Pool
The rate, page faults per second, of non-database page faults against pages other
than those designated as database pages. A page fault is a program notification that
occurs when a page that is marked as not in main storage is referred to by an active
d. Active to Wait. (F11). The rate, transitions per minute, of transitions of jobs
from an active condition to a waiting condition.
(Adjust MAX Active so that 10% of Active->Wait is Wait->Ineligible)

DSPMSG MSGQ(*SYSOPR) - Messages from the system operator message queue.

Check the "Messages needing a reply"

WRKACTJOB - Work with Active Jobs

(To check the jobs using the largest amount of CPU, press the F16" key,
while the cursor is over the CPU heading).
(All jobs on the AS/400 run in memory. To determine which
pools your jobs are running in use WRKACTJOB)
(Press "F11", Elapsed data, to display the pool number)

WRKUSRJOB - Work with User Jobs

(Ability to check what user jobs are running and, as shown above, to send messages
to all interactive users "F10=Send message to all")

WRKDSKSTS - Work with Disk Status

Check the estimated percentage of time the disk unit is being used during
the elapsed time. This estimate is based on the number of I/O requests, the amount
of data transferred, and the performance characteristics of the type of disk unit.

WRKJOBSCDE - Work with Job Schedule Entries

Check the last submission date and time.

WRKSBS - Which subsystems are active.

(What types of jobs in each subsystem and how many. Press "F11",
to display the number of jobs in each subsystem.)
Note: DSPSYSVAL QCTLSBSD - QCTL (Controlling subsystem)

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